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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!


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I'm a little torn about this. I understand that it is basically a class and that you are warned enough that this change is permanent.


However, because the story is the same and people have also rl lives (I hope at least someone knows what does it mean), I would see nothing wrong with changing AC, provided you cannot do it daily and it is costly.


There is also this thing, that when you choose your AC on lvl 10, you have ABSOLUTELY no idea how it will turn out, because most AC get their defining abilities between 25-35.


But I would wait how the legacy system turns out. Perhaps this option, along with some customizations will be there.


Agreed. I made it to about 29 and 30 on my agent and saw the shortcomings of having a sniper and wished I'd had an operative, instead. That was when this system of 'locking in' became suddenly very stifling. Now I'm stuck with a toon that I've put more time and effort into, and found I didn't much care for it and wish I could change to the other side. It was a waste of time and effort, which one can't foresee really unless they get their hands on the class in question and play around doing quests, and get a FEEL for what's working and what just...simply...is not. It's hard to see what fits together where and skill rotations, at level 10-ish. It wasn't very possible even just looking at the trees in the game, to get an idea how things are going to further along with the advanced class, without getting out into the field and trying it out, along with your companion, and seeing what the shortcomings are going to be. :)


I, for one, wouldn't mind if they gave us a way to change it, in game, because I just hate the feeling of having wasted time and effort into something that I was hoping to continue with, but finding that I'm not loving it all that much. Heck, y'all want real money, BW? I'd PAY for that at this point, too. I'd also -love- if there was a quest at 30 (or before or around the end of Act 1 class storyline) that let you change after you play with the advanced class a bit, and wouldn't even mind if it was a multi-part quest type thing to make it more of a deterrent to doing too often.


If all else fails, I'm really hoping that legacy thing will allow an advanced class respec, because - as it stands now - I'm looking at rolling another toon entirely just to replace what I've done thus far up to lvl 30, which is a bit of a pita. ^_^;

Edited by Anomini
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Don't read things thoroughly when they ask you and give you a cinematic making a BIG fuss about not being able to change the outcome? Then there is no sympathy for you.


That's your opinion. Luckily it's not one shared by the other half of people who want this or might potentially be in the same situation I am, after having really tried things out. That's what forums are for, to discuss it, certainly!


Starting out? I did see and read about things and I usually go for dps type characters, but for some people such as myself, the proof is in the pudding. And in this case, the pudding didn't hold up after actual play progressed, resetting skill trees happened twice, and time was involved. :)

Edited by Anomini
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I think you should be able to chance advanced classes, i mean u dont really know alot about the class u pick. take me for an example i rolled sniper and i started hating it at lvl 30 i would pay like 50k credits to respecc instead of rerolling and doing 30 levels all over..
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That's your opinion. Luckily it's not one shared by the other half of people who want this or might potentially be in the same situation I am, after having really tried things out. That's what forums are for, to discuss it, certainly!


Starting out? I did see and read about things and I usually go for dps type characters, but for some people such as myself, the proof is in the pudding. And in this case, the pudding didn't hold up after actual play progressed, resetting skill trees happened twice, and time was involved. :)


How do you play other games? Other game you don't get the feel of a class till level 20+. this is no different. You simply reroll.

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I mean... If you roll a Rogue in WoW you aren't suddenly complaining that you are not a Mage..[/Quote]


okay I hope you now realize how stupid what you is. Picking a class in World of Warcraft is completely different then picking a sub-class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. *Note* I said sub-class that's completely different then World of Warcraft classes. Rouges and Mages aren't off branches of a single class. Let me give you an example. In World of Warcraft you don't make a character then play him/her for roughly 3 hours then out of the blue you are forced to make a decision that will drastically change the way you play the next 40 levels let's say 30+ hours of gameplay. Then you realize once your coming closer to the end the role you chose really isn't getting any better.


Also two lines telling what the sub-class does, what armor and weapons they use, and a sneak peak at the talent trees is not enough information to make a decision of that level. Now since we are all paying $15 a month for this don't you think we should have the option in some form whether it be a one time choice that costs a lot of credits or a paid service like blizzard did with race changes? not like it'd be over powered and isn't the point of video games is to have fun?

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One word: READ.


before the game launched i spend hours reading up on the advanced classes and regular classes...quite frankly because i have very little going on.


but it wount take hours, spend 10 minutes, log off the game, go to this very site, and read up, look up a video on youtube. it was extremely clear that this choice was irreversible, you made your choice, and like every other human who ever made a choice it has a consequence (please tell me someone gets the reference).

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I think the problem boils down to:

Some people like to reroll a lot, or tend to regret which class they are. Some even want to keep their name. Now, they are now forced to play for roughly 4 houres, which is about 2.5 days for me, to choose again. That is quite frustrating.


Frankly, I decided to go Commando on my trooper since it looked like the best way to go in PvP. It took me roughly 20 minute to figure out Vanguard is better.


Same for my Jedi Knight. I went Sentinel, and figured out how I got nothing before 40ish. Great, now I need to reroll to be a Guardian.


At least give an option to change the advance class ONCE. It gets really tedious to do the same boring start area, with the same boring skills, for 4 houres. The quest are dull, the fighting is slow and I can't PvP before 10. Meh!

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i see alot of people saying "cant do this in wow" well guess what we aint in wow anymore now are we? switching from rogue to mage is alot different then changing your AC i mean rogue to mage is a total class change as in marauder to juggernaut is just the tree and abilities you can access and really u say we should just re roll if we dont like the choice sometimes it takes you awhile to truly decide if u like it or not and i tell you what i aint *********** making 2 chars of the the same class and lvling em both to lvl 30 or so to deiced
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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.


How did WoW do it better? Did WoW let you reroll from a rogue to a hunter? I'm sorry, maybe your confused... derp.

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TS, I suggest you keep playing the Operative, things will get better. Most people end up quitting their Snipers mid 20s - early 30s because of Kailyo. With the Operative, she is still perfectly viable, since you will have many CCs and can keep her healed.


But I agree, I think we should be able to switch our advanced class. I don't agree that it's like going from Rogue to Mage, it's more like Rogue Type A to Rogue Type B. Not a huge deal.

Edited by FearNight
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I'm honestly against changing your AC willy-nilly, for me there is no logic in it, honestly.


But I also understand someone's frustraton that they like the character story, but not the gameplay, and would like to switch and play the other AC. Not try, SWITCH.


One idea I had was tying the ability to respec (a limited times, probably only once) on a given character when that character reaches the end of Act 1.


Why Act 1?


1. By that time you probably get a vague idea at least, of the gameplay of your character


2. First time characters unlock the legacy then, and I think coniciding the two would be a good idea.


And basically that's it :).

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okay I hope you now realize how stupid what you is. Picking a class in World of Warcraft is completely different then picking a sub-class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. *Note* I said sub-class that's completely different then World of Warcraft classes. Rouges and Mages aren't off branches of a single class. Let me give you an example. In World of Warcraft you don't make a character then play him/her for roughly 3 hours then out of the blue you are forced to make a decision that will drastically change the way you play the next 40 levels let's say 30+ hours of gameplay. Then you realize once your coming closer to the end the role you chose really isn't getting any better.


Also two lines telling what the sub-class does, what armor and weapons they use, and a sneak peak at the talent trees is not enough information to make a decision of that level. Now since we are all paying $15 a month for this don't you think we should have the option in some form whether it be a one time choice that costs a lot of credits or a paid service like blizzard did with race changes? not like it'd be over powered and isn't the point of video games is to have fun?


There are a lot of games that have you start off as a base class for a few levels before deciding on your actual class. Dark Age of Camelot is one that quickly comes to mind.


I think you've been playing World of WarCraft too long and are simply used to it and unaware of other MMO styles. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't complain just because everything isn't exactly the same.


There is not a lot of investment in your character before you hit level 10, and you can easily get a new character up in half the time if you really wanted to do so.

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(sigh) i was reading thru comments...and i got to this one comment that someone said...That other lame game... did let u switch classes cuz Shadow-Priest and Holy Priest are two differeent classes...thats about when i just had enough....ZOMGG!!! i hope someone laid the smack down on hiM!...STTUUPPIIDD!!! LOL.....anyway Switching AC....dumb idea...live with your decision! this is Starwars...one can only hope this doesnt become Easy mode like that....other lame game!!! (that i played for 5 frickin years!!!) :D
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Permanent = Forever


If you cannot comprehend that I don't know how else to help. BioWare wants people's decisions to matter and one of those decisions is the direction of your class post level 10. If you don't like it - reroll.

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Ac is your class.

You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.

Deal with it.

Bioware told you 10 times over (I just put a char above ten yesterday) that AC is permanent and CAN'T BE CHANGED.

Roll a new char, it takes about 5 or 6 hours. Less if you skip the conversations you already know now.


Poor logic, and innacurate


There are only FOUR classes. Then there are 4 (yes 4 not 6) talent trees for the two sub-classes each major class gets. The last talent tree is the same for both advanced classes, its shared. For example, Jedi Guardian and Sent both have 'Focus' as the last tree.


The reason they call it an "Advanced" class is to differentiate it from an actual class. Otherwise you would pick it at character creation.


ALL Advanced classes of each major class all share one talent tree, the far right one. The far right talent tree is the same for Sorcerer/Assasin or Operative/Sniper, etc... So they arent different classes. They are advanced clases, or sub-classes if you will not classes unto themselves, as they share a talent tree with the other advanced class you didnt choose.


Even more, all advanced classes share ~6 abilities. Operative.Sniper, Assasin/Sorc, all of them have some of the same abilities. All the level 1-10 abilities. You keep those whichever way you spec. So to stating the OP wanting to go from sniper to op is like asking to go from mage to rogue is TOTAL rubbish. Totally innacurate and inccorect. MAge and rogue dont share a talent tree or an abilities. Ope and Sniper not only share a talent tree but also like 6 abilities and even the exact same storyline.


Another example, Operative and Sniper share the same stat (Cunning) a number of abilities and also a talent tree. Paladin and warrior share zero abilities and no talent tree. Therefore you cant go from Paladin to warrior, but you can go from arms warrior to Protection warrior in wow. Similarly, you should be able to go from sniper to operative.


Arguing otherwise it absurd. They have, and will lose subscriptions because of this. its absurd in any modern MMO. I asked cust supp and they told me to reroll. Are you ****** joking me? I spent 48hours total getting to a certain level. That would be 5 days of 8 hours a day playtime, and you tell me to reroll?!


Bioware/Ea are making some terrible choices in this game. This is just one example, there are many many more, are pretty critical. The more you play the more obvious it becomes too. Which is Sad, Ive had high hopes for this game for 3 years.


You dont need to be locked into one advanced class for your choices to matter. Thats asinine. The only reason they do this is one- they expect peope to swallow it, and two- it gets them more /played time, which boosts the metrics they use to gauge the games success and then to market it. Just look at their recent press release "over 6million hours played!!"


Ive already cancelled because of the hires texture issue and how thats been dealt with. Stuff like this is just making me feel more confidant in that decision.


Dont let me ruin it for you, but don tbe blind either. If you can love the game Im happy for you.

Edited by Redorbz
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Poor logic, and innacurate


There are only FOUR classes. Then there are 4 (yes 4 not 6) talent trees for the two sub-classes each major class gets. The last talent tree is the same for both advanced classes, its shared. For example, Jedi Guardian and Sent both have 'Focus' as the last tree.


The reason they call it an "Advanced" class is to differentiate it from an actual class. Otherwise you would pick it at character creation.


ALL Advanced classes of each major class all share one talent tree, the far right one. The far right talent tree is the same for Sorcerer/Assasin or Operative/Sniper, etc... So they arent different classes. They are advanced clases, or sub-classes if you will not classes unto themselves, as they share a talent tree with the other advanced class you didnt choose.


For example, Operative and Sniper share a number of abilities and also a talent tree. Paladin and warrior share zero abilities. Therefore you cant go from Paladin to warrior, but you can go from arms warrior to Protection warrior in wow. Similarly, you should be able to go from sniper to operative.


Arguing otherwise it absurd. They have, and will lose subscriptions because of this. its absurd. I asked cust supp and they told me to reroll. Are you ****** joking me? I spent 48hours total getting to a certain level. That would be 5 days of 8 hours a day playtime, and you tell me to reroll?!


Bioware/Ea are making some terrible choices in this game. This is just one example, there are many many more, are pretty critical. The more you play the more obvious it becomes too. Which is Sad, Ive had high hopes for this game for 3 years.


The shared talent trees are different between most ACs. As for everything else, many games have classes share abilities and even talents. DnD is one of those. Many classes there share gear, resources, abilities, skills. What is and isn't a class has no hard definition that applies to all games. Each game what is and isn't a class is defined by teh game and they are not always called classes.

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The shared talent trees are different between most ACs. As for everything else, many games have classes share abilities and even talents. DnD is one of those. Many classes there share gear, resources, abilities, skills. What is and isn't a class has no hard definition that applies to all games. Each game what is and isn't a class is defined by teh game and they are not always called classes.



Yes your right, it varies from game to game. No long term susccesful game bans respecing though, or changing your sub-class in some way.


DnD not only lets you respec, you can actually go from a mage to a rogue with a reincarnation which I believe is 995 turbine points.

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Ok so which modern MMO lets you change classes?


Your confused. You keep saying "classes" when , even in the game its called an "Advanced Class". An "advanced class" which , in fact, shares about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) and a talent tree with the other advanced class.


Stop calling it a class, if they had meant it to be a class they woulv'e labelled it as such. Dont go putting words in biowares mouth by trying to call an advanced class a class in its own right, its clearly not.

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The thing is, with as little time as it takes to get to level 10 lets say like the OP, I would just make another character and go from there. I have 7 on one server so far and have deleted others I did not care to play.


It's all about fun after all anyway!!

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Your confused. You keep saying "classes" when , even in the game its called an "Advanced Class". An "advanced class" which , in fact, shares about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) and a talent tree with the other advanced class.


Stop calling it a class, if they had meant it to be a class they woulv'e labelled it as such. Dont go putting words in biowares mouth by trying to call an advanced class a class in its own right, its clearly not.


+1 do not forget that the story line, gear, companions, ship, and class trainers overlap as well.


The advanced classes are far more similar to each other than they are apart. They are not unrelated classes in the same sense rogue to a mage would be. They are more akin to the rift soul system, an assassin and a bard are both subsets of the same overall class. A gunslinger and a scoundrel are as well, we just do not have the option to change between them as you would in the rift system.

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