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I can see where they are going with the gearing for Alts. And it’s not bad.


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I think we can all agree that there is a still a bunch of stuff that still needs addressing with the 6.0 gearing system. So I won’t rehash all of that (unless someone wants to).


What I would like to say is with the new system being totally legacy based, it will allow you to collect and store just about everything you get. (There are also 7 tabs now and no mats to store).


So even if you get something not right for your class, you can keep it for an Alt (that’s assuming you have Alts or that they would use the items).


Believe it or not, this is probably the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had, does it still have problems? Yes, some pretty major ones!

But I can see the idea behind it and I think if they can refine the system, turn down the RNG, reduce the costs and get drops to work so you always get a better item (or one at least as good), plus add a mod vendor (that’s not RNG... honestly :rolleyes:), then the system might actually end up being better for Alts than what we’ve had in the past.


As an example. I took my Mara to 306 gear lvl on the PTS. I made sure to keep certain high enough pieces as I traded up. Then I took my naked sniper (plus her 252 weapons) and put her in all 302 standard Armor, I was then able to get her 300-302 weapons straight away instead of trying to gear grind it again for her.


I think the biggest draw back will be the time to get to 306 item rating on one character. The amount of fragments needed is a lot. Plus if you want to pull mods etc to swap, then it will be expensive credit wise.


Still, I have to give credit where credit due. The idea is good for Alts. I can see where they are coming from. They just need to listen to all the good feed back on the PTS and act on it and it will be good all around.


Here’s hoping they can pull this off.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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All gear being Legacy bound was never the issue. That was actually a very good idea when they introduced it awhile back, it's the overkill of the RNG. An RNG vendor? Who comes up with that crap? If they can continue to move forward and lessen the RNG a bit, or a lot compared to when they first opened up PTS a few weeks back, then maybe there won't be another mass exodus when Onslaught is released.
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"RNG is exciting" is just an excuse to continue to use gear as a substitute for content.

A valid excuse at that. MMOs are gear treadmills, so its what people sign up for when they choose to get into this genre.


I agree with the OP though. It will make alting much more efficient.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Agree with everything Trixxie said.


The new system is alt friendly but...mathematically there will be people who lose out on Tak's roll of the dice.


The obvious solution is to offer a Vendor who sells the precise item you want, albeit at a higher price. That is true RNG protection.


But Trixxie's broader point is correct -- this system is alt friendly -- though I'm going to hate switching gear around to alts just to upgrade.




P.S. Trixxie, just because I've lavished praise on your last two threads don't think I have nefarious, ulterior, untoward intentions. :rak_04:

Edited by Jdast
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Yes this 6.0 will be far better for players with many alts. Players who only have a single character? Not so sure about but really that's for those player to comment on and not me, as I have... well lots & lots of characters on all servers. In general this should be a lot better for gearing.


Yes I agree with you there are things for 6.0 that are not so good, but with 4 weeks still left to go on PTS some of them may turn out OK. Whatever the end result not everyone will be happy. Personally I am not happy with crafting, but 4 weeks to hopefully get it right or at least in a place its not totally off-putting. If it is well I guess I just won't craft, already not crafting level 70 items as it is now.


Very happy about the 7th tab for legacy bank plus the extra storage space just for craft mats.


Conquest.....? Well that's best left for another thread devoted to just conquests.


Over all though I think 6.0 is looking OK at least as far as I am concerned



So Trixxie, does this mean you are going to continue to sub? did you get your issue resolved? I may not agree with you on much, but its never good for the game to lose players,

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Believe it or not, this is probably the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had, does it still have problems? Yes, some pretty major ones!


... I think if they can refine the system,

turn down the RNG,

reduce the costs

get drops to work so you always get a better item (or one at least as good)

add a mod vendor (that’s not RNG... honestly :rolleyes:),


then the system might actually end up being better for Alts than what we’ve had in the past.


I think the biggest draw back will be the time to get to 306 item rating on one character. The amount of fragments needed is a lot. Plus if you want to pull mods etc to swap, then it will be expensive credit wise.


I agree that 3.0/4.0 direct sale gearing is the only way to go.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I really liked their original idea of "we're going to make legacy gear easier." It's a good plan that hardly anyone would have a problem with. I certainly don't.


Making every single new drop and piece of gear bound to legacy, however, has unintended consequences.


No more selling loot on the GTN. I've personally verified this on PTS, all the green/blue drops at 270+ are either something you keep, or vendor trash. No more selling on the GTN, and more importantly, no more BUYING on the GTN. That 2nd part is actually pretty important.


So now there is a reduction of available gear for sale.

Ooooh...I can make up for that with crafting...right?


You can craft and sell on the GTN, crafting could actually play a larger role now that green/blue/purple world drops at higher level are legacy bound.


Except (sorry, straying from the OP here) crafting is getting stupid expensive in 6.0.

40 purple mats for a single green 270 rated item? Not to mention the dramatic increase in "normal" mats going into the recipes.


I'm not saying I know what the ideal mix of legacy bound loot and BOE loot is....but 100% in either direction probably isn't it.

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Why can't they just make a loot/rng system like Grim Dawn or other arpg's? In one playthrough on easy you should get at least one legendary item. I've grinded 2 toons to 70 and a bunch to 25 and I get practically zero loot. LOL from 51-70 I did not have to visit a vendor once to clear my inventory. Something seriously wrong here.
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Yes it probably what got me most excited about it, I just hope they tone down the RNG on the vendor itself. As it is it doesn't seem to actually protect you, as well as toning down the prices on the set bonus vendor (3K is just too much).


LoL, I swear I nearly reached through my screen and punched that RNG vendor in the face tonight,


I’ve nearly a whole cargo tab full of resistive Armor, hilts, barrels and warding mods and defensive type enhancements that have all dropped from her while I was on my Sorc, Sage, Mara and DPS Merc.


I dont even play any tanks in this game, it’s not like I can store them for another Alt.


I also kept getting generators on my Merc when I was selecting off hand at the RNG vendor. I actually got 9 in a row :mad:

In the end I worked out the best way was to keep picking main hand and just ripping the internals out to put in my off hand.


I would say for every dps Armor, mod, enhancement I tried to get from the RNG vendor, I got 3x as many tanking type ones instead.


Which leads me to actual drops in Hammer Station. The last one I did on my lightning Sorc gave me ALL tank equipment. :(


I know this is the PTS and I’m glad we are catching it and Bioware seem to be listening because god help me, if it goes live like that, people are going to be pissed,


Still, I have worked out the economical and fastest way to gear up an Alt with the stats they need, assuming your main is 306 and Bioware fix the problem with the wrong RNG dropping for your spec.

I think I’m going to like gearing Alts for once as soon as they sort out the bugs and tone down the RNG.

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What I would like to say is with the new system being totally legacy based, it will allow you to collect and store just about everything you get. (There are also 7 tabs now and no mats to store).


This is very cool. My legacy storage is crammed with mats.

Edited by Ardrossan
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