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My experience playing marauder (up to level 34)


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Lol. You do not solo Heroic 4's on your Marauder using Vette, unless you are significantly higher level. I did great levelling my Marauder, died probably only two or three times the whole game, and even soloed a couple Heroic 2's. It is impossible to fight 3-4 elites on a Marauder with onlyVette. We do not have the cc, or damage reduction, to mitigate that much incoming damage. You might kill one, maybe even two, but then your cd's will come off, and you will die before you can kill the last.


Anyway, I think levelling we do fine. Yeah, we can't pull off what some classes can, but who cares. The game is still ezmode.


He probably means he jumps in kills 1, dies. Respawns, jumps in kills another, dies. Respawns then finishes off the rest.

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I must admit that lvling my marauder in the start was a bit of a drag compared to other classes. It felt like I needed something more (i was carnage from lvl 10-23). Now I am not saying in any way shape or form that you have to spec into annilhation but I found it to be infinitely better for PVE purposes. I use our healer comp and can take on multiple elites at once. Just make sure you use your cloak of pain while your charging in and you should be able to hold on long enough to get a mob down (more than likely the other strong/elite mobs will go after quinn but he can handle his own).


This class feel weak at the start but I can tell you for fact once you get further in the pay offs are outstanding. I just hit 40 not to long ago and I don't see how this class hasn't been nerfed yet. I feel like its unfair to other players in PVP and in PVE I have not had a scenario I felt I wasn't skilled/geared enough to do.


It gets better. It takes time. It pays off. If you think just because you can kill things easier at lvl 10 as a sorc or w/e you pick that its better than a marauder well... I feel bad for you because this class has soooo much more to offer then those lighting freaks.


If you pvp at all I got a couple tips:


Don't start with charge for most situations (sure you get some rage but if you get knocked back and your a low lvl you don't have force camo to close the gap).


If you play annhilation, ALWAYS have your bleeds ticking (I regen more health in 1v1 fights then most people dmg me for).


Don't jump into 3 people thinking you can take them all.


Use your defense CD's early and often.



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Can marauder work? Certainly. Is the mara performing at the same level as other classes? No, its just not.


I have ptech to 50, a sin in the 40s and various other characters in the 20, my mara is 30. Sorc, ptech, sin etc .. are all on similar levels of performance for level appropriate content and pvp.


My mara falls behind them all. Significantly.


Whether or not you can overcome the class's intrinsic difficulty by out leveling content, or choosing biochem, is irrelevant. Because the very fact that such difficulties exist is the heart of the issue.


There's no reason the mara should be this hard.


If I can overcome by gearing appropriate to my level, then it is not a performance issue...


Why exactly is that hard to understand...


FWIW My Dec Assassin is the Biochem. He makes reusables for himself, my mara picks up level appropriate med kits from corpses, which apparently, since there are a lot of people here whining, I should donate as I don't really use them.


I hear a lot of the same whining on the Assassin board, I have come to the realization that people should play a class to their style, not choose a class and assume since they cannot succeed there is a game issue behind it. Obviously Melee DPS is for everyone.

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If I can overcome by gearing appropriate to my level, then it is not a performance issue...


Why exactly is that hard to understand...


FWIW My Dec Assassin is the Biochem. He makes reusables for himself, my mara picks up level appropriate med kits from corpses, which apparently, since there are a lot of people here whining, I should donate as I don't really use them.


I hear a lot of the same whining on the Assassin board, I have come to the realization that people should play a class to their style, not choose a class and assume since they cannot succeed there is a game issue behind it. Obviously Melee DPS is for everyone.


Yep, its a failure to understand- that must it. And its not that I've leveled multiple characters, seen a pattern emerge from all those characters, then seen the marauder deviate from that standard of performance offered by other classes..


So I guess the better question is - why is THAT hard to understand for you?

Edited by Sowwy
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Yep, its a failure to understand- that must it. And its not that I've leveled multiple characters, seen a pattern emerge from all those characters, then seen the marauder deviate from that standard of performance offered by other classes..


So I guess the better question is - why is THAT hard to understand for you?


I have done Multiple Characters -- blah blah blah


My Merc is my main, my mara and Assassin are secondary, you are not original there.


Do I use the Mara like I use the Merc? No, same with the Assassin. They each have strengths and weaknesses, apparently your playstyle cannot grasp the Mara's strength.


Quest and loot drop gear pales in comparison to my modded shirt from the revanite quests, because I update my mods, and I update with only "Artifact" level parts. The Mara is dependent on gear...


Because you have a performance issue, does not mean the class does, I am not feeling your pain, in PVP or PVE, and I am apparently not alone...


There is an old saying, the similarity in all your failed relationships is you, this means one should not blame the exterior before examining the interior first, maybe Mara is not the class for you?

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I have done Multiple Characters -- blah blah blah


My Merc is my main, my mara and Assassin are secondary, you are not original there.


Do I use the Mara like I use the Merc? No, same with the Assassin. They each have strengths and weaknesses, apparently your playstyle cannot grasp the Mara's strength.


Quest and loot drop gear pales in comparison to my modded shirt from the revanite quests, because I update my mods, and I update with only "Artifact" level parts. The Mara is dependent on gear...


Because you have a performance issue, does not mean the class does, I am not feeling your pain, in PVP or PVE, and I am apparently not alone...


There is an old saying, the similarity in all your failed relationships is you, this means one should not blame the exterior before examining the interior first, maybe Mara is not the class for you?


This is the best you have for a position, L2P? That's pathetic. Stop using some underpowered class to bolster your own self-congratulatory BS. You're not fooling anyone with half a brain.


And this applies to anyone that agrees with you.

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This is the best you have for a position, L2P? That's pathetic. Stop using some underpowered class to bolster your own self-congratulatory BS. You're not fooling anyone with half a brain.


And this applies to anyone that agrees with you.


I am sorry is there some debate? You are failing, others are not, if at any point a L2P is the right call it is now...


If the class is underpowered how exactly am I doing well with it? How are others?


And no, I am not "fooling" anyone, There are plenty of good suggestions on this thread, not just mine, on how you can improve on your Mara experience. Of course you take the route of "Why are people giving suggestions, it is not me it is the class." Obviously, these people are not failing where you are, this leads one to the belief it is not the class, it is the player.


The only pathetic thing in this post is the whining about Mara, if you want an easy game play the classes you think are better, leave the Mara's to those who can hack it.


On a side note I have to say that the community is much more giving and patient than I am, I salute their efforts to help you. I on the other hand see it is a waste of time...


Next you will be on the Merc boards crying how TM has to get Nerfed or the IA's are over powered... how about lightning spam?


Good players see a challenge and overcome, bad players QQ the forum.

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So, I picked Marauder as my AC for the obvious reason like many others I guess, to have dual sabers.


I've leveled up till 34 before rerolling sorcerer, and I can tell the difference is just huge (I'm not gonna touch on pvp, just how it feels leveling up)



Since my experience is low-mid level, I'm just gonna compare how it felt as a marauder and sorcerer:


-starting out: basically we start out with a fairly crappy companion that doesn't complement at all our class, a glass-canon class doesn't need another glass canon as a companion, we needed a tank or a healer. Vette is a complete joke for a marauder.


Compare that to sorcerer: we get a tank, a really good one at that, and we do both dps and healing, you basically get a one army character that can control mobs, heal, and have a tank.


As a marauder all I had is dps and pray I could kill stuff fast enough not to die. With sorcerer I have complete control over the fights, because I have the tools to.



-mid level (level 24): so far I've been able to do amazing things with my sorcerer that I couldn't even imagine as a marauder, I've been able to solo most heroic 2 quests of my level, and 2-man heroic 4 quests no problem.


It's just to be expected when you have a very good cc, a tank that you can heal, while doing good dps, all I have to do is manage my force to use the most force efficient skills while healing the companion, it's really good.


As a marauder, I couldn't solo anything of my level that required more than 1 player, it's just not gonna happen when you have no tank, no heal and no cc whatsoever on your own compared to sorcerer.



So yeah that's it, I don't know how it is at high level, all I can say is, marauder is not a class that is self sufficient. Why? Because it's one of the few classes that can fulfill only one role, and it's not doing it better than the others at that while at the same time losing all the advantages the hybrid classes have. On top of that you don't get survivability nor control to make up for it.


I'm really puzzled by the class design of marauder tbh, I get it, it's a glass canon. But how is a low survivability melee class, with no cc, no stealth, no "sneaky" mechanics supposed to work exactly?


Alright that's it.


Marauders are extremely late bloomers, they don't really start to come into their own until about lvl 40.

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What is all this chatter about low level Marauders being weak?


Im nobody special, Im not some super-elite gamer who plays for money or some **** like that just a regular joe with avg skills.


I have a Marauder as my main on Frostclaw and I leveled 1-19 without hardly even using Vette who was always too busy off on Slicing missions. Only time she came out was on HC2+ type missions but only if we didnt find 4 people who wanted it any which we usually did due to busy server.

I completed Balmorra (Full), Nar Shaddaa (Class story only), Tatooine (Class Story only) & Im now on Alderaan about halfway through. Im still using Vette, Not Quinn.


I did it by myself without a leveling partner (coz they are still on Kellian Jarro) and I found no problems whatsoever with Survivability or DPS (Im Annihilation Spec).


Im currently Cybertech, but I only had Underworld Trading, Slicing & Scavenging upto lvl 30. So no crafted epics etc. I didnt do anything special like buy epics I just kept myself moderately geared aswell as keeping my Companion upto date.


I found I had more trouble with packs than Single elite mobs. I used Shii-cho form upto about lvl 20 for Beserk and would mash Viscious Slash in combination with Smash & Force Scream and Ravage to take down groups quickly. Ofc Cloak of Pain & Saberward on CD.


I dont think its broken, you need to be aware of exactly what abilities do what and how to string them together to be effective in combat--as people have already stated it could use some tweaks (more pvp orientated though) like a Push/Pull Ability, a Talent reconstruction too allow either a 2point % chance for immunity to knockback or a 3point % chance to reset Force Charge CD or a Player orientated CC etc.


You dont have to be talented to play a Marauder well at low levels, you just need to read and understand the instructions.


If you think they are hard now wait till you pass 30.

The Class Q on Alderaan is wicked hard without Quinn though I did do it with Vette by using the terrain & abilities to my advantage--like getting out of combat to recharge which doesnt reset the encounter for example--and CCing one of the Droids in wave 2.




While I think it could use a few tweaks Marauder isnt broken.

Learn to read the Abilities and think about how you want to use them. An example would be: If you have Saberward up - Dont use Cloak of Pain or Smash until Saberward has worn off.

Too many times i've seen Mara's pop SB & CoP before charging in and Smashing a Pack only to find that when SB has worn off they have no more abilities to reduce DMG or Stun/Interrupt and they die.

Or Packs of Weak enemies Force CHarge your main target, Switch to a 2nd Target and Force scream to knock him off his feet for a few seconds (he cant fight= 0dmg) then go back to burning your main target etc.


One thing I believe to be true--Playing a Marauder has made me a Better player. Wish I could have said the same thing about my Sorc.

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I don't get these whine threads. You are playing a game. If you're not having fun, change things up (reroll) or stop playing the game. It's not like a character in this game is actually a commitment (both the leveling and gearing up process are laughably short).


Personally I went from a 34 sorc to a 35 operative, then a 44 mara, then to a 34 assassin, back to my sorc (got him to 50) but got bored of the style pretty fast, now I'm back on my Mara having a blast. And whenever it stops being fun... I'll stop playing! What a strange concept, right?

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Mara has without a doubt made me a much, much stronger player. I'm a long time wow player, I healed and played ret on my pally and also played a ton on my DK. I was using 7-8 key-binds for 5 years in that game. Now playing Mara I'm at lvl 47 and using 18. It took me a while to get used to them but It is crazy fun knowing you have that much at your disposal. I also play on a pvp server and I love catching 2 people leveling together because I know I'm most likely going to work them over with Quinn out. If it's 1v1 it's not even close. It's wonderful to know you have that kind of potential. I don't care if it's an L2P problem, this class is awesome. I just feel bad for the people who gave up and didn't realize it's potential.
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OP lost all cred with me when they said Vette is useless, lol.


Currently lvl 17 on my Marauder and loving it. Keep Vette properly geared and get her a pair of decent blasters and she is amazing. She often wipes out most of the mobs before I can even turn around. Elites go down in a hurry. Vette is a great companion.

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OP lost all cred with me when they said Vette is useless, lol.


Currently lvl 17 on my Marauder and loving it. Keep Vette properly geared and get her a pair of decent blasters and she is amazing. She often wipes out most of the mobs before I can even turn around. Elites go down in a hurry. Vette is a great companion.


You are level 17 obviously you have everything figured out... Vette is useless compared to Jaesa.. And compared to Broonmark imo...

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-mid level (level 24): so far I've been able to do amazing things with my sorcerer that I couldn't even imagine as a marauder, I've been able to solo most heroic 2 quests of my level, and 2-man heroic 4 quests no problem.


You can solo Jawa Trade on a Marauder at level 26. With Vette.


And not just by cheesing the solo pats.

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it's one of the few classes that can fulfill only one role, and it's not doing it better than the others .


agree with everything you said except this , mara can have a bigger output but it comes through tough rotations and intensive gameplay, most mara players are too lazy and they dont utulize their off buff as they should(bloothirst etc).


i didnt have any serious problems leveling( excpet the spider-like boss on tatoine where i needed the help of my jugg firend cause there was no i could defeat him on mu own). ofc the reason that didnt had problem leveling is that i managed to always have +3levels than the minimum required and spendings tons of credits on my armor(crit oriented)


the biggets fluke on mara's levening is the healer comp , he is a weak as healer and he isnt capable of killing an ant:mad::p i dumped vette for and regret cause vette was more usefull than quin,


as long as i had a dps comp (you get a tank at high lv) the agro and damage received was shared on both od us and fights lasted significantly less than those where i was using quin.


as tactics concered i noticed from marauders who were doing quests in the same areas with me that most of them dont use disable droid at all.

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Vette destroys people faster then i can at some points.



All in all, the class lacks in some places, but it's suposed to. Where it fails in some places it is better in others, and it's only up to you to figure that out. Try reading some well written guides here on these fourms or try Google. I don't know what people expect from a class that is pure dps, it says when you pick the class specialization that all it does is damage. Persoanlly i am having too much fun with this class in PvP and PvE.



indeed i used vette on lowe levels only(dont know what i was thinking) and she was killing more mobs than me:o



there are other classes like hybrid sorce than can do more dmg than we do, mara is definetely more fun and intriguing than any other class but he has serious issues.

for example compairing to a dps jug we dont enough extra dmg so that it makes up for our low survivability ofc if you can get the 100% out of your skill you can make up for all the drwabacks on your own. the problem with mara is result/effort ratio is unfair it is not broken maube just a tiny bit UP

Edited by darth_billy
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I leveled to 50 as carnage... had zero issues, never had to group for solo quests, made most elites my b***h, used Quinn for his awesome heals when I got him. Got to 50, respec'ed Annihilation in response to what i had heard about the tree, instantly started struggling with the class. Went through a couple variations on the Annihilation spec, finally gave Rage a try, and couldn't be happier with the spec I chose.


If they deleted the rage tree tonight, I would cry a tear or two, then respec back into carnage. Perhaps its my experiences with playing an enhancement shammy in WoW, but carnage flows so much more smoothly than either other spec IMO, and in a game where there is no auto-attack, being able to transition smoothly from one move to the next is really important.


Opinion: OP and anyone whining about marauders in general needs to L2P. I can give as good as I get, and I'll only get stronger as I get geared. Yes, we're in constant need of a pocket healer, but I don't see the flaws everyone else sees with the AC.


(and as a side note, Quinn gets a neat little CC about halfway through the leveling experience called Carbonized Stream. It's an 8 second stun with a 30 second CD.)

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I leveled to 50 as carnage... had zero issues, never had to group for solo quests, made most elites my b***h, used Quinn for his awesome heals when I got him. Got to 50, respec'ed Annihilation in response to what i had heard about the tree, instantly started struggling with the class. Went through a couple variations on the Annihilation spec, finally gave Rage a try, and couldn't be happier with the spec I chose.


If they deleted the rage tree tonight, I would cry a tear or two, then respec back into carnage. Perhaps its my experiences with playing an enhancement shammy in WoW, but carnage flows so much more smoothly than either other spec IMO, and in a game where there is no auto-attack, being able to transition smoothly from one move to the next is really important.


Opinion: OP and anyone whining about marauders in general needs to L2P. I can give as good as I get, and I'll only get stronger as I get geared. Yes, we're in constant need of a pocket healer, but I don't see the flaws everyone else sees with the AC.


(and as a side note, Quinn gets a neat little CC about halfway through the leveling experience called Carbonized Stream. It's an 8 second stun with a 30 second CD.)


pve-wise marauder is fine maybe tougher but fine, generally agree with you except that i despise quin.


pvp-wise we have some issues not the proper post to analyze them.



p.s. carnage is my favorite but i am anhi. on endgame pve(HM,raids) ataru form has a bug that makes you lose some serious dps when fighting bosses.

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Yes, we're in constant need of a pocket healer, but I don't see the flaws everyone else sees with the AC


Yeah...well there are more classes which are doing better with a pocket healer when leveling up. Stealther i.e. operative but they get their healing companion way too late.

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I leveled to 50 as carnage... had zero issues, never had to group for solo quests, made most elites my b***h, used Quinn for his awesome heals when I got him. Got to 50, respec'ed Annihilation in response to what i had heard about the tree, instantly started struggling with the class. Went through a couple variations on the Annihilation spec, finally gave Rage a try, and couldn't be happier with the spec I chose.


If they deleted the rage tree tonight, I would cry a tear or two, then respec back into carnage. Perhaps its my experiences with playing an enhancement shammy in WoW, but carnage flows so much more smoothly than either other spec IMO, and in a game where there is no auto-attack, being able to transition smoothly from one move to the next is really important.

Opinion: OP and anyone whining about marauders in general needs to L2P. I can give as good as I get, and I'll only get stronger as I get geared. Yes, we're in constant need of a pocket healer, but I don't see the flaws everyone else sees with the AC.


(and as a side note, Quinn gets a neat little CC about halfway through the leveling experience called Carbonized Stream. It's an 8 second stun with a 30 second CD.)


@Bolded: And that is exactly why I refuse to spec anything but Carnage. The fluidity is second to none. And you can transition from offense to ****WTFBBQRUNFORESTRUN-mode with incredible ease.

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