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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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What kind of video games did you guys grow up on? If its the call of duty generation, you're too young to even care about jump. Go get some "retro" games, that's "swag" these days right? Bite the over the top juicy fruit commercial 80's and Koodo ads and play things that "old" people used to play.


The jumping isn't hard, your timing sucks, your depth perception and reaction speeds are way off. That's no fault of the games, especially if others can do it no problem.


The actual datacron issue spots were on corellia, where you had to use the grappling device but the spot you're supposed to go, just resets you to the spot you start at. So you can't actually get the datacron. Mind you, it's been ages since I was there and spamming the button trying to get across in frustration. But that was due to it being bugged, nothing else.


So in short, suck it up princess and get better or you're never going to beat the second boss of EV.


yes, not everyone has great depth perception or coordination, especially when it comes to trying to orient in a 3d space that's rendered on 2d surface. you cannot fix things like that. its like telling someone tone deaf to suck it up and develop perfect pitch, or forget ever enjoying singing, ever.

and I have played the games back then. some of them, I could do, others, I couldn't get past a certain point, and yes, it was frustrating and the reason I don't own any new consoles, preferring to play almost exclusively on PC. jumping mechanics are not fun for quite a few of us.


that said, second boss in EV? is not nearly as bad as some of the datacrons. because jumping across a flat surface from closely placed big flat rock to another closely placed big flat rock, where falling off just means tiny bit of extra damage instead of "start over" scenario is the same as trying to scale odd pipes and edges, and haphazardly placed boxes, amirite? Soa might give people more problems then that, and its still a cakewalk (jumpwise) compared to the datacrons that made me go "screw it"

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I have all datacrons on my main character, with my alts I mostly ignoore them. But I have to say I like the idea, but just not the jumping physics in SWTOR. When I compare it to GW2, where I also have all Vistas and the jumping puzzles are more challenging, but still fun because the jumping physics works there at least. In SWTOR it feels not like it is the chanllenge to beat the game, it's the challenge to beat the stupid game engine. BioWare should really rework that, it's horrible how it is.
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Tell that BioWare, that they should learn to program a working jumping physics before implementing jumping for datacrons.


What I was getting at is, that for many angled jumps and precision jumps, you need to walk and jump and not run and jump. Sage advice from one who has gotten all the datacrons on 6 different toons. Just saying... the jumping mechanic works just fine for me.

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What I was getting at is, that for many angled jumps and precision jumps, you need to walk and jump and not run and jump. Sage advice from one who has gotten all the datacrons on 6 different toons. Just saying... the jumping mechanic works just fine for me.

Still that you have to think about which movement option you have chosen should give you already the clue, that jumping for datacrons is not about playing the game but more about playing the game mechanics. Which is in my opinion how it should not be. Sure, one can get all the datacrons (I did), but it could be more fun if it would have been designed better.

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Jumping isn't very precise in this game that's for sure.


AND i was feeling like the op seems too,when i spent 2 hours trying to get that damn tatooine one on the rooftops,but then again there were 2 other guys there which made time fly,hilarious stuff when we all failed one after the other over and over again,taunting each other.


Finally bit the bullet and watched a youtube vid to see where my placement on the jumps was going wrong,then got it after 2 tries.


Yeah but honestly,sometimes you'll hit jump and your guy just runs forward and steps off the edge,other times someone will fight on screen JUST as you begin your jump and you'll get a momentary fps drop(can't believe how often that seems to happen to me actually),causing the jump to bugger up,and more rarely you'll jump and go flying much farther forward than you should,overshooting the jump completely.

Edited by biguydeadd
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I have all datacrons on my main character, with my alts I mostly ignoore them. But I have to say I like the idea, but just not the jumping physics in SWTOR. When I compare it to GW2, where I also have all Vistas and the jumping puzzles are more challenging, but still fun because the jumping physics works there at least. In SWTOR it feels not like it is the chanllenge to beat the game, it's the challenge to beat the stupid game engine. BioWare should really rework that, it's horrible how it is.


I second this.


Here, when you jump and bump into something you go to the left/right in mid-air for some reason, like the game's physics try to pass you around the object you bumped (even it is a straight wall) like you are the wind passing around an object. Plus the sudden lag spikes I get when something happens on my screen. Plus the unresposive factor, when I hit jump and the game responds seconds too late, when I already ran off the ledge.


It is not impossible, nor really hard. But it could be miles better and less annoying.


In GW2 jumping is more precise and there I actually dig going for Vista hunting. Also for it quite rewarding to take a look on the great landscapes :D

Edited by Socialist
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it would be nice if the hard part of the jumping puzzles was the actual jump puzzle, not hoping the server notices you jumped and gives you a real jump, or that what looks like a landing spot is actually one and all of it is solid not just a fraction of it.
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Here's a clue OP. Stop whining about it, but on your big boy pants, and stop trying to make the game easier because of your inability for self reliance. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't impossible.


Try, and try again, and if that don't work then continue to try, and try again. It's people like you who ruins a games challenge because enough of the care bears playing continue to protest on forums, and start petitions over their inabilities.


My final say is that you need to go play an MMO that caters to your kind. Might I suggest your local browser based MMO?


Stay out of the fire.


OK Kobe Bryant :D

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First off I think the datacrons should be difficult to get at times. Secondly I know exactly what the OP is talking about with the jumping. The endurance datacron on Coruscant for the Republics in the Black Sun Territory impossible I must have made over 100 attempts, I made it to the ramp 3 times never farther, I plan to go try again sometime but my trooper has had enough for now. and the Imperial one on Nar Shadda in the Duros sector slums. I haven't had as many failed attempts yet. It is frustrating. I don't think they should make it easier, but I fully understand where he's coming from.
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I am terrible at jumping... this I know. You wouldn't believe how many times I just didn't do instances in That Other Game because I knew I couldn't do the jumping. I enjoy finding datacrons and doing the exploring, but the jumping, falling, trying again thing really aggravates me too. Can't they make the jumping more intuitive, and less buggy?
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DATACRONS are made to be difficult to get to.. I suppose you would like them handed straight to you OP to make the game even easier for you...


Ive found them all to be easy if you know how to go abouts getting them.. or its more fun discovering how to get to them, they are all pretty easy and the jumping part os proberbly the easier part.. its timing you gotta watch for.. turn off your sprint and know how to use your movement keys, the hardest ones to date for me to get to were a few on Nar Shaddaa Rep side other than that the rest were simple.. even the fleet cron

Edited by dacentabaal
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Not easier, just less of a timesink


I spent 4 hours on that stupid baloon on Tatooine because I bugged out 3 times which resulted in me being ejected from the baloon on the ground and stuck forced to wait for it to do its round trip



Waiting is the sucker way. You go near the crawler that the datacron's on, get a friend to come along, someone who can do a knockback ability, like force push or the commando concussion charge. You both start a duel, then you jump in front of the crawler and they time a push while you're in midair. With a bit of luck, you can get them to blast you onto the crawler in under 10 minutes. If they have a leap they can follow you up.

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What kind of video games did you guys grow up on? If its the call of duty generation, you're too young to even care about jump. Go get some "retro" games, that's "swag" these days right? Bite the over the top juicy fruit commercial 80's and Koodo ads and play things that "old" people used to play.


The jumping isn't hard, your timing sucks, your depth perception and reaction speeds are way off. That's no fault of the games, especially if others can do it no problem.


The actual datacron issue spots were on corellia, where you had to use the grappling device but the spot you're supposed to go, just resets you to the spot you start at. So you can't actually get the datacron. Mind you, it's been ages since I was there and spamming the button trying to get across in frustration. But that was due to it being bugged, nothing else.


So in short, suck it up princess and get better or you're never going to beat the second boss of EV.


I wish this was the developers' response to the topic.


I'm not sure many people would play this game if the devs behaved like smug little obnoxious 4chan punks.

Edited by Rafaelis
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Go play super mario bros. and then come back and say getting these datacrons are impossible


If I wanted to play mario bros., I'd play that. I was pretty sure I was signing up to play Star Wars the Old Republic, NOT Mario Brothers the Old Republic.

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Still that you have to think about which movement option you have chosen should give you already the clue, that jumping for datacrons is not about playing the game but more about playing the game mechanics. Which is in my opinion how it should not be. Sure, one can get all the datacrons (I did), but it could be more fun if it would have been designed better.


? So... adjusting my jumps is an exploit of a flawed jumping mechanic? LOL!


Nah man... it's like any game, platformer or no. You play, get the mechanics down and then you get good. There is no magic jumping mechanic. You don't like this one? Cool. I don't like Mario Bros double jump... potato,tomato. But, really... the jumping mechanics for this game are fine for what it is an MMO and not a platformer.

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