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Disappointment of a Game, READ FAST


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They didn't censor you. There are those of us who are actually trying to use this board for general issues involving the game.


All you've done is create a long-winded post reiterating well-known issues as well as personal problems YOU have with the game.


You made this post for yourself, not for the General Discussion board.


I agree


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-Ships. No they arent YOUR own ship. You just go inside, and watch a 5 second animation of light speed to another planet, then your out. They should have had like mini games or something for ships, or allowed people to go in your ships. you could have even decorated the inside of your ship in different ways or had at least some sort of customization besides the unnoticed gear that you attach for space battles. Had multiplayer interactions/stuff u know? Even runescape had player owned houses where other people could come inside and do lots of fun stuff in.


I've quoted OP here this is a lie last night my wife and I finished our class quests on Drommand Kaas with my BH and her Imp agent and got our ships my wife kindly accepted my invitation to visit my ship which she DID no problem at all and let me be perfectly clear here she actually came inside my ship and also no u just dont enter ship and see an animation and your at a planet your ship is your home player housing that WoW does not have. This is either a deliberate misrepresntation or OP hasnt had a spaceship. This point alone makes me suspect of his motives.

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The OP does have a point in a couple of his complaints but WoW vanilla wasn't exactly a dream game when it came out either. Give it some time and look at the amount of success it has generated over the years. I for one am actually neither against or for the game at this point in time and consider myself indifferent with better lack of words. There are features that I've learned to appreciate in the game and also certain factors that disappoint me. I can't really speak for the general public who are enjoying this game but I really did expect a tad more for this game given the amount of hype before release. Overall though it's not a terrible game but can use a few tweaks. And as for the game dying out... no real evidence for this yet but many guild members did drop for me completely so can't say I'm dying to push past the 30day mark.
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Wow, I just googled "Ctrl + right click doesn't work" and this thread came up. All I can say to the OP is QQ more. Preferably in Stormwind. bai bai.


Why are people like this allowed to post on the forums.

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Have to agree with you on the character customization, basically 19 out of 20 faces you choose from are hideously ugly, or just look bizarre. And really, what is the deal with the eyebrows not matching the hair color? Also surprised you didn't mention the blurry/muddy/mspaint graphics :eek: Still, I'm confident that BW will eventually fix most of these issues and all in all the games launch went pretty smooth tbh.
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READ FIRST: I posted this yesterday as well, but the SWTOR team locked it because they said I was talking too much about "canceling my account" and not enough on actual feedback, despite there being 2 sentences of me just saying, "Sorry, I will not be subbing next month." They are locking ALL threads that give the game a negative image because everyone is unsubbing, and they know if people read these posts they will also consider unsubbing. This game is dying already, and they have to censor us now. My last post was randomly closed, not even locked, it literally was deleted from the forums. I took out the 2 sentences about my canceling my account, so they couldn't "lock" it, so instead they flat out deleted the entire thing. The thread DISAPPEARED. No doubt this one will be locked soon, so know this players of SWTOR, the game is dying and they know it, they are taking away the right to rant! Read the entire post fast before they close it for no reason again. I'll see you all panda-side



I dont care!

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This games cs is far from the worst. Cryptic has that honor. They have answered most of my tickets in a reasonable amount of time. I am sure though they are being flooded with complaint tickets, and with it being the holidays (though this is their fault for releasing the game when they did) I am sure they are doing the best they can with what they have.


It would be nice if the planets and space were a little more open, and that is something they can (and hopefully will) add in later. The queues, while they are to be expected and have gotten better, are annoying.


The instancing of the servers is important. It alleviates having to fight hundreds of other players for quest spawns.

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Game's been out less than two weeks. MMO's take more time than that, period, end of story, if you don't like it don't play any MMO less that 2 years old.


I'm sorry dude, I really wish it was different but that's a hard fact of life. It's as intrinsic a flaw in the MMO genre as farting is to the human condition. It's what happens when you design a game to have that many players playing with and against each other at the same time.


No MMO anywhere, anywhen ever has been less that 2 years away from finished (if an MMO can ever be called finished) less than 2 years after release. Even WoW took two years before they were where they were supposed to be at launch.


But to be honest, TOR may very well be the game to break that record; the only other MMO to be almost this close to 'done' at launch was RIFT, but then if you want to complain about WoW clones...

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That seemed like a long wall of nit-picky nonsense about a game that obviously most everyone but him is enjoying. "The game is dying!". My foot. It is only a little over a week since this released, and the game already has a massive fan-base, and no doubt there will be copious amounts of late-comers trickling in throughout the year.


My advice? If the game is "dying" and there are so many issues, don't play. Leave the rest of us at peace.

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i also remember that first day wow went live i made a char(which i played until i quit) and it was a warlock... mmmm someone remind me how many months it took for them to make locks into something other then a poorly designed vanity pet?

oh snap i cant inspect people... because it takes 2 clicks!?! snap reroll.

textures in this game are hideous. its full of bugs that should have never gotten past any sort of testing... companions get stuck just about everywhere... god forbid you take elevator with them... if they get knocked down they stay like that and teleport.

meditating on elevator? be prepared to get dropped.

crew skills lack interaction?.... u could gather those resources yourself you know..... and no im not really a big fan of spending 3 minutes watching my car twiddle his thumbs around.

all the crap that op listen was issue with every single mmo that i have ever played... and in past 15+ years of visual mmos thats a lot. im not even going to compare to the asian "FREE" to make account mmos. even the best of them are a scam at the hearth and the ones that really do have good story and u just skip through money laundering schemes for needing to spend cash for inventory space lol.... they are so riddled with bugs that main story quests need intervention from gms just to get anywhere forget side quests.

ships doesnt feel like your own?.... wow... u want to put some flowers there? hang your dirty undies?.... there are actual bugs to fix and u ***** and moan about ship not having a closet...

u dont like wzs?.... wow had a whole whooping wsg/ab and later av. ab everyone proudly hated. wsg was fun as fully decked out 19 bracked or 29 bracket.... otherwise it was just a wall on wall. av was fun always was. and probably forever be the only bg they did right.

cant customize your chat?.... you ever tried using eyes sir? no? then **** you just look retarded.

u can create tabs and u can specify what u want in each tab. go troll in wow forum. blizzard is good at catering at retarded children with creativity of a brain dead plant in coma. granted for xp/gold/items its all a single category..... and theres no combat log... but w/e

and u know what... i wont ever bother listing any more levels of your failure. you dont like it?.... love wow? go back to wow then its your effin choice. if you hate game so much why are you here moaning your *** off?


Disclaimer: in no way am i excusing the crappy job bw did with this game. terrible ega. terrible testing. pathetic excuse for an engine. textures look like they are from 1999....

client is still as unstable as it gets and you will get dced plenty for no fault on your end. and then theres no grace period so welcome to the que. but the story is good... best ive seen for mmo. actually makes you care... in wow i didnt give a rats *** about who butthurt who. it was just a setting and you were a random nobody who for the first ~3-4 years got stuck collecting boar heads from boars that not always had heads. i would start throwing fire on bw in few months tho. because some things really are inexcusable.

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