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GTN prices


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If anything prices are too low, especially for mats. Those CMTs used to sell for over 1 million credits, and sell fast, now they're at 400k [at best] and falling rapidly. BW needs to intervene so I can gouge customers like I used to.


could always buy up the cheap ones and horde them and sell them at a higher value.... we saw how that worked out for a certain poster (player) ;)

Edited by DarkTergon
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If anything prices are too low, especially for mats. Those CMTs used to sell for over 1 million credits, and sell fast, now they're at 400k [at best] and falling rapidly. BW needs to intervene so I can gouge customers like I used to.


The prices on CMTs are dropping because 6.0 is in a month. Not many people buy augments anymore - they cost 1.5-2mil nowadays; while at release of 240 augs they cost 6-7mil and were actually selling for that price.


In a couple of weeks 400k will be reduced by another half, at least. And then they'll pretty much stop selling. Only people who have no idea about 6.0 will be buying them.


BW will intervene, yeah. By releasing new mats :D

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The prices on CMTs are dropping because 6.0 is in a month. Not many people buy augments anymore - they cost 1.5-2mil nowadays; while at release of 240 augs they cost 6-7mil and were actually selling for that price.


In a couple of weeks 400k will be reduced by another half, at least. And then they'll pretty much stop selling. Only people who have no idea about 6.0 will be buying them.


BW will intervene, yeah. By releasing new mats :D

This was in large part due to the change in how easy the mats are to acquire, with the conquest changes. Which I now realize was clearly done, at least in part, to make it easier to catch up in the interim, while waiting for 6.0 to land.

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That's one of the reasons I've never gotten into crafting for credits, personally. I don't want to invest the time into babysitting listings to ensure I'm making sales. Plus there's just so much detail in keeping track of different mats and pricing of things to ensure you're making a profit, and so on. Too much work for a game.


Well, to be fair, what you do is narrow your market so that it's manageable. I only watched about 10-12 different things prices and then ran my crafting from those listings.


I was a lazy crafter, I tended to buy my crafting mats which are very expensive yet still made a very substantial profit from my work. It really wasn't difficult at all.


The biggest inconvenience for me was logging a different type of crafting in to craft different types of augs when one type was selling in huge masses and I didn't want to compete with that seller. I would watch and craft the augs that were less common at that given time, because that means also it will sell for more.


I did watch rare items for fun though, I guess if you don't like playing the market for items this would seem more like work in the game but for me I always enjoyed watching markets in games to buy cheap and sell high for added income, too. I tend to know going rates on most things in a game because I do that for fun, too.

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Some people, in a rush to get their products back onto the GTN after everything was cleared, left a few zeroes off here and there, so I'm not complaining. Swung some great deals.


It’s not just after the reset.


First thing I do when I login each time is check if people have accidentally listed stuff too low ;)

It’s great when you pick up 500k to 2mil dyes for less than 100k or you get yellow Augments for 200,000 instead of 2 mil.


Yesterday I purchased 20 x 228 crit Augments for 14,000 each and sold them all for 160,000 each. The silly person thought they were undercutting me by 20,000 instead they messed up bad and I got some Quick credits. That’s what happens when you try to undercut more than one credit :p

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It’s not just after the reset.


First thing I do when I login each time is check if people have accidentally listed stuff too low ;)

It’s great when you pick up 500k to 2mil dyes for less than 100k or you get yellow Augments for 200,000 instead of 2 mil.


Yesterday I purchased 20 x 228 crit Augments for 14,000 each and sold them all for 160,000 each. The silly person thought they were undercutting me by 20,000 instead they messed up bad and I got some Quick credits. That’s what happens when you try to undercut more than one credit :p


Nah, that is what happens when you can't count 6 zeros.

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