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Darth Baras (spoiler)


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the AOE that he makes is killing my companion in a sec..


i fail at even level 50..


he pulls me into that AOE and i cant stand even a chance..


that quest must be nerfed for sure


i wish i had a juggernaut

Edited by Erenus
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Just wasted all the time since the servers came back up today with my marauder and this encounter.


Sucks. I know it means I must suck, but either way I cannot kill him with my marauder. Makes me hate the class I've loved this whole time.


Shame really.



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I AM LVL 50 I have top grade gear with about as maxed out at lvl 47 48 mods in my gear as you can get. Interrupting his voice doesnt work, no matter what i try and i used every companion i got he wins every time. I have started hating the Marauder, the class sucks in pvp and with trying to kill Baras. When i was Beta testing on my first build i played as Jugg and guess what i beat Baras, of course i had all the bells and whistles of Juggy Force Powers, i kicked butt in pvp as jugg but now not so much. So you guys out there do not feel bad. I seen one report on someone beating Baras and i saw it on youtube and the dude played a Jugg, i rest my case....
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So, for over a decade now, RAIDERS have used the term "one-shot" when they defeat a raid boss on the first try, instead of having several wipes that can typically happen with a new, or challenging boss. The fact that you are not FAMILIAR with this phrase simply demonstrates your own ignorance, and your ignorance is not PROOF that it is not a common useage among raiders throughout many servers and games. Of course, I am happy to educate you. :cool:


^^ This..


You, sir, are my Hero. :)

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How in the hell do i kill this guy? I've went as both DPS and tank specs plus taken partial and full groups to him yet we all get one shot every single time.


It's a solo class quest yet he hits for 15,600 damage?


I have to be missing something, any ideas?


Interrupt his Emperor's Voice attack. It has a very long cast time, longer than even the cooldown on your interrupt. Use Call on the Force at the start of the second fight. Don't stand in his AoE dot - the red lightning field that stays on the ground. Don't stand near your companion, either, since it will kill your companion very quickly.


I killed him solo at level 49 with Vette. Tank spec. No stims or medkits because I forgot to buy them.


This fight is really a test to see how well you know how to play the class. Remember what you learn here because it will come in handy in group situations and PvP as well.

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I AM LVL 50 I have top grade gear with about as maxed out at lvl 47 48 mods in my gear as you can get. Interrupting his voice doesnt work, no matter what i try and i used every companion i got he wins every time. I have started hating the Marauder, the class sucks in pvp and with trying to kill Baras. When i was Beta testing on my first build i played as Jugg and guess what i beat Baras, of course i had all the bells and whistles of Juggy Force Powers, i kicked butt in pvp as jugg but now not so much. So you guys out there do not feel bad. I seen one report on someone beating Baras and i saw it on youtube and the dude played a Jugg, i rest my case....


Are you making sure not to stand in the AoE? The AoE killed me about 8 times on my Jugg until I realized how much damage it did.

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Keys to killing Baras.

1. Don't stand in the AOE.

2. Interrupt the "Voice of the Emperor" attack.



It took my three tries to kill him on my Marauder (carnage spec'd).

First time I tried with Broonmark tanking, I died with Baras being at around 20% health.

Second time I tried with Quinn healing, I died with Baras at 80% because Quinn went down due to being in Baras' AOE.

Third time I tried with Quinn healing, I was at 50% health and he died.

Edited by Quiet
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This fight is not suppose to be easy, but c'mon, are you serious? I'm lvl 50 marauder annihilate spec with 15k health, I've been staying out of his "red lightning", interrupting him all the time and still he beats me like a rented mule almost instantly without any chances. I'm not trying to complain, again I'm saying that this fight shouldn't be easy, but this is soooo wrong!!! So how in the blue hell do I kill him? Unbelievable! :confused:

Let's face it. Most of you guys who defeated Baras are Juggs, and as you have an advantage because of heavy armor and specs a fight against Baras is much easier for you.

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I beat him as a level 49 Annihilation Marauder. Just keep moving. Stay out of his AOE and interrupt his voice. I barely managed to beat him, but it is very possible and my rotation wasn't as tight as it should have been. I used Quinn as my companion, disabled all his skills except for healing skills. I did have to drop aggro during the end of the fight, he took some damage and was then killed by the Emperor's Voice. The fight is a pain in the *** but....not just for juggernauts.
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Beat him at level 47 with Quinn on my first try. Interrupt voice, run out of aoe. If he starts casting voice while he's standing in his aoe, use choke or push to interrupt at range. It's important to make sure Baras is not near your companion & move your companion if Baras happens to drop an aoe on him.


Seriously this fight is very easy.

Edited by Columns
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Baras and his apprentice use an AOE that can be hard to spot (especially on the red carpet), just need to move out of it and the fight is pretty easy.


Interupt the long cast.


In the last fight, it helps if you pull Baras back into doorwar and you can use LOS round the corner if your interupt is down.

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I read all this last page and no 1 had said what kind of equipment you had did any of you have the lvl50 pvp gear on what and how powerful kind of mods you had with in your gear? Now someone said they was lvl47 and beat baras first attempt, Sorry not buying it but what ever. Now My savage kick and Pommel strike doesn't work on baras, and what i mean by that is they are grayed out they just wont become active and they dont in pvp either but others can use their kicks and push but yet my 2 wont activate at all. and also i noticed that if i fight normal npc's my activation on my abilities are awesome, cool downs just right but in pvp and Baras fights, they like just take so much longer to cool down those that are activated that is. I dont know if this is normal or my guy is just bugged im confused to be honest with you all, on why that happens. Any way if you all like post what gear you had and if they had mods and what they were? If you like....
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For the marauders out there, I'm an annihilation spec geared in mostly blues/oranges (all planet commendation type stuff) and I died a TON trying to kill him on the second part of the fight. I tried using Jaesa and Quinn with good gear and just could not do it. I brought in Vette and knocked him out first try. As other posters have mentioned, stay out of his AoE, keep him away from your companion, and interrupt every time he starts to charge anything. And definitely have a medpack ready! It wasn't easy at all, but it can be done.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
It can if you are using it in a way no one else does.



Like I can use the word "yellow" to describe "blue", if I want.






But the reality is you only "one-shotting" something if you kill it with 1 hit. :csw_vader:


Clearly you are only taking into account the definition of "shot" as a firing of a projectile weapon. You are failing to realize the idiom of "shot" as attempt. Before you give English lessons be sure to understand the language. i.e. have / take a shot at, make an attempt at,

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Clearly you are only taking into account the definition of "shot" as a firing of a projectile weapon. You are failing to realize the idiom of "shot" as attempt. Before you give English lessons be sure to understand the language. i.e. have / take a shot at, make an attempt at,


You seriously revived a thread that hadn't been posted in for half a month in order to respond to a post from two months ago? Why?:confused:

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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  • 3 weeks later...
Considering the frequency in which I've seen it used I'd say you're just being a tool. Plenty of people use the term to describe killing a boss on the first try. And your yellow blue comparison is ridiculous and childish.


Stop trolling and trying to derail a perfectly sensible and useful thread with your idiotic logic.


People say "I could care less" all the time when they mean "I couldn't care less" frequency of usage doesn't make it any less incorrect. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Lol, I literally one-shotted Lord Dhraag because of a bug :D

With Baras I was an Immortal Juggernaut. I took Quinn with me but I didn't use the "Guard" buff on him (don't know if that matters either way). I remember I was level 49 and I used my interrupt ability every time I saw a casting bar on him. I also interrupted his attacks with force choke, force push, backhand, force leap, and that one ability I don't remember the name, it's an AoE stun on him. Boss fights aren't so complicated if you use the interrupts and stuns correctly. Good luck, may the force be with you!

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I am lvl 48 and getting my *** handed to me by Dhragg, any ideas how to beat him. I am an immortal Juggy with Quinn geared and I cant get him down to less then 75% health.


I actually ended up bringing Vette along, and honestly, it was a pain in the arsenal. He can take a world of punishment. Just when he does that Smash move that leaves the glowing red circle on the floor, MOVE as fast as possible out of the radius. That will kill you faster than anything else. I ended up keeping his attention and kiting him as much as possible while Vette popped some serious DPS into him. I used Saber Ward, Call on the Force, interrupt whenever he tried something like Ravage, and just kept the hell away from him as much as possible. After him, Baras was a frelling vacation. lol

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I actually ended up bringing Vette along, and honestly, it was a pain in the arsenal. He can take a world of punishment. Just when he does that Smash move that leaves the glowing red circle on the floor, MOVE as fast as possible out of the radius. That will kill you faster than anything else. I ended up keeping his attention and kiting him as much as possible while Vette popped some serious DPS into him. I used Saber Ward, Call on the Force, interrupt whenever he tried something like Ravage, and just kept the hell away from him as much as possible. After him, Baras was a frelling vacation. lol


Cool thanks, he was a pain and just whooped on me. I figured that it was due to me being 2 lvls below him but from what I have read he is a pain period. Do you have to beat him just once or is it more then once like the first time you killed him?

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