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New player here, kicked for viewing the conversations in a fp..


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I understand that maybe veterans have seen the story a kazillion times. However, I started my character at level 65, new to the game, and I have not seen the content and hope to enjoy some of the story. To my surprise, after arriving at a flashpoint I was kicked for having not skipped all of the conversation with the spacebar. They were hostile to me and even accused me of trolling. That's pretty ridiculous, and also pretty poor treatment of new players..
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I´m really sorry for you. Some players are like that.

(I never saw someone kicking for that reason only snarky comments).


Maybe tell at the start that you want to see the cutscenes?

Also you can play the Fps solo to watch them :)

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Sorry for that experience.

Its always a good idea to tell the group at the very start that you are new to the flashpoint and want to see the cutscenes/conversations. It's no guarantee against players like the ones you encountered, but it will immediately create a framework for everyone to decide what they want to do. If some of the players are in a rush or simply cannot stand the long conversations in certain flashpoints anymore, they might quit the group and make way for a replacement or companion.


And like the poster above me already mentioned, because of this reason BioWare added a Solo mode to all the important story flashpoints. The quest givers are scattered around the fleet and can be approached once you have reached the minimum level requirement. Alternatively you can also check the Solo tab in your activities window (Ctrl+G) and jump start the story flashpoints from there in order (top to bottom).

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Hello Infinitedrift


I understand that maybe veterans have seen the story a kazillion times.


Good. So you understand, why they didn't want to waste their time re-watching those.



However, I started my character at level 65, new to the game, and I have not seen the content and hope to enjoy some of the story.


Don't understand why you made that choice, since you're robbing yourself of (arguably) the best part of the game. Not to mention that most of the FPs stories are connected to the pre-level 65 storylines that you skipped.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to see the convos of course and the devs fully expect this. Which is why they made "Story" mode for most flashpoints.


To my surprise, after arriving at a flashpoint I was kicked for having not skipped all of the conversation with the spacebar. They were hostile to me and even accused me of trolling. That's pretty ridiculous, and also pretty poor treatment of new players..


Most veterans do expect those convos to be skipped. If it's 3 against 1 then don't you think it's not really fair of you to expect them to just wait there for you to watch the convos? You can do that all by yourself in the story mode of the FP.


Obviously, that doesn't excuse their behavior as you describe it, but I can't really judge that. Wasn't there, and I'm sure there are two sides to the story.



If you are new to the game, then I would suggest you run through those flashpoints on story mode first. If you really want to do a Veteran FP, then you can make a group first with the intent of watching the story, or you can just try your luck with another PUG. If you declare your intent to watch the convos, people might be ok with it. I would be. Not everyone in the game is an a--hole. :-)



I would also strongly suggest that you start a new character from lvl 1 and go through the story from the beginning. You'll get quests for those FPs as you progress through the story, so that it all makes sense. (Hint: Don't forget to enable "Exploration missions" in your map.)



Good luck and have fun with the game


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I understand that maybe veterans have seen the story a kazillion times. However, I started my character at level 65, new to the game, and I have not seen the content and hope to enjoy some of the story. To my surprise, after arriving at a flashpoint I was kicked for having not skipped all of the conversation with the spacebar. They were hostile to me and even accused me of trolling. That's pretty ridiculous, and also pretty poor treatment of new players..


My apologies ...

It's most unfortunate that you have began your experience with the game in such a fashion. And yes .. IMO this is one of the reason that many of us prefer to run some of the content in solo mode. It is a lot more fun to be able to share the experience with a friend or even make new friends ...


If by chance you don't mind a player that plays strictly LS and runs at a bit slower pace .. drop me a PM. I'd be happy to run one with you !


Best Regards

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Well that was quite rude of them, unless they politely kept telling you to "Please press spacebar" and you either ignored them or was rude towards them in your replies there isn't a reason to kick you like that. I'm sorry, not everyone who pugs is always polite and patience with new players (some people forget they were too newbies back in the day), like others have said though if it is a flashpoint that is central to the story you are able to do them in solo-mode, so you can watch the cutscenes without having to worry about group members. And if you want to experience the FPs on Veteran that don't have a solo-mode you can let the group know. People are usually fine with it provided you let them know you're new.

Reroll immediately. You've missed the best part of the game.


As well as a bit of learning experience as you level up, since you're playing with a level 65 character.

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Well that was quite rude of them, unless they politely kept telling you to "Please press spacebar" and you either ignored them or was rude towards them in your replies there isn't a reason to kick you like that. I'm sorry, not everyone who pugs is always polite and patience with new players (some people forget they were too newbies back in the day), like others have said though if it is a flashpoint that is central to the story you are able to do them in solo-mode, so you can watch the cutscenes without having to worry about group members. And if you want to experience the FPs on Veteran that don't have a solo-mode you can let the group know. People are usually fine with it provided you let them know you're new.



As well as a bit of learning experience as you level up, since you're playing with a level 65 character.


Agreed ...


Hmm .. Something did cross my mind though ! OP might have been considering the best way to start and have time to work at their own pace and still get ready for 6.0


It's also possible that they have more than one character JK / Smuggler / Sith Inquisitor / others that OP is considering to bring into 6.0


At any rate: That's all just speculation.


That said... for whatever it's worth if OP has the time I would run at least one toon through the beginning parts. I have one lower level character and frankly .. I still enjoy it a LOT !


Best of luck to OP !

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Sorry that happened to you. It happens in this game, but most Flashpoints now have a story mode that you can complete solo.


What I will say is this - if you are able, go back and start playing the original class stories. As others have said, best part of the game, and it was sad when EA forced Bioware to no longer develop them.

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I see a lot of people telling the player to do something different, when he/she did nothing wrong.

Its hardly a huge issue to allow a player thats never experienced the game the chance to do so.

The issue is with those who kicked him, not his actions.

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Tell everyone if it is your first time for any new group content (FPs or ops or even grouping for a heroic/daily).

If they aren't willing to help you out and/or let you watch the story, they aren't worth playing with anyway, good riddance to them.

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I see a lot of people telling the player to do something different, when he/she did nothing wrong.

Its hardly a huge issue to allow a player thats never experienced the game the chance to do so.

The issue is with those who kicked him, not his actions.


Some might argue the opposite. A level 65 isn't expected to be new to the game. By 65 you're expected to have already seen the cutscenes and also to already know how to play your class. The OP has jumped into the deep end without taking swimming lessons first.

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While it sucks to be kicked for that and I'm sorry that happened especially as a new player. Definitely try to explain that your new and haven't seen the cut scenes before. Usually that works and will hopefully allow you to see them.


At the same time I try to be considerate to other players in the flashpoint. If I asked nicely and I'm still outvoted 3 to 1, then I also am respectful towards them and skip the cutscenes. While you may be new and haven't seen them, you also have to be fair to the other players as well.


I generally try to see the cut scenes during solo mode / story mode where you have the companion bot to help you. This is the best way to see the story cutscenes.


Since it is a random flashpoint, if you are not sure when you should run story mode, there is a chart that shows the order to run things. I found the chart below:




Definitely give a look over and see where things fall into place. Usually there is a NPC on the planet your leveling on that will give you the mission for the specific Flash point in question. This way you can run the story mode and see the cut scenes and since your solo you don't have to worry about others getting mad for you not seeing the cut scenes.

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I see a lot of people telling the player to do something different, when he/she did nothing wrong.

Its hardly a huge issue to allow a player thats never experienced the game the chance to do so.

The issue is with those who kicked him, not his actions.


I agree. However, it's just going to get worse if a new player keeps going into random flashpoints with strangers and doesn't prepare themselves for how most pugs expect you to operate. The pug setting is not going to change going forward.


I hate threading the needle around mobs and trying to avoid easily killable trash--yet if I'm not the tank and the three people ahead of me are running the shortcut, I have to follow

I hate skipping bonus bosses because I'm trying to work towards the achievements--but most pugs can't be ****** to kill anything that's not directly in their line of direction to the next room that can't be avoided, and they DEFINITELY don't want to "waste their time" with killing something optional


I like the cutscenes, I like gaining xp/cxp/cqp and scavenging, and taking out the bonus bosses. What I do know is that the game supports speed demons and spacebar monkeys over what I want. I either have to run those things with guild members or alone in story mode to play my way. The "other" style of play in random, pug settings has won out over this game's history. It's unfortunate, but let's not pretend pugs are the ones that are going to be doing the changing when new players purposely jump in the deep end unprepared (to borrow kodrac's analogy)

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Don't let it deter you, not everyone that plays this game are knuckleheads. If I'm running HM/MM FP I fully expect most to hit the space bar, but if they don't, so be it. If I queue for a Vet, I know I'll be sitting through some of, if not most of the cut scenes. I've been here since day one and not once, not one time, have I ever typed, 'space bar', 'space bar'!


The people you encountered aren't the norm. Personally, if I were in your shoes at that point, everyone one of them would have been put on ignore after I got the boot, notably the ones who might have demanded you hit the space bar.

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I do think getting kicked for that is B.S., at the same time I would not expect a lvl 65 to watch cutscenes.


IMHO the best way to watch cutscenes is to do the flashpoints in story mode solo or with friends, then you can take all the time you need, get familiar with the content, and enjoy the cutscenes without holding up que'd players expecting to go through the content at a faster pace.


And I agree with pretty much every comment here - don't rob yourself of the leveling stories. I'm here primarily for the ops/raids, but I've done stories on all 8 classes. Worth doing all of them, even the expansions, at least once. And vanilla on all 8 is highly recommended as the stories are quite different per class.

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While it is definitely a bummer to be kicked for watching cutscenes, it is an unfortunate fact of life that you will run into those sorts of people in flashpoints. (The same sort of people who Decline FPs, quit because of newbs, kick "noobs", have a hissy fit if you don't follow their "orders", think they are special because they are a healer/tank, etc, etc, etc.)


On the other hand, it is selfish to make others sit through the cutscenes when there is a simple alternative - doing the flashpoints in solo/story mode so you can watch things (and make response choices) to your own satisfaction.

(BTW, I'm also thinking that, in many cases, new players don't even know they can press Spacebar to skip the cutscenes. Asking politely sometimes works.)


It's funny though - not too long ago I was in a Veteran flashpoint and someone at the start of the FP asked if we could do all the bonuses (I think it was Malgus's station?).

Not only did we do all the bonuses, we killed everything we could and watched all the cutscenes. It took a relatively long time (compared to a "quick run") but it was one of the most fun FP experiences I've ever had. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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I was in a flashpoint. Somebody abandoned the group. Making me the leader. I reentered the queue. Not long before another player gave up and just left. Reentered queue again. We finally get to last boss. The one healer cannot keep up with the ads. No tank. I was one of the DPS. I tried to protect the healer. But after we failed on boss because rest wouldn't deal with the ads killing the healer., I got kicked out. My guess is they hoped for a tank.


I got back into group finder, this time go into Hammer Station with different group and we finished it with no healer.

A couple times the bosses died with me barely alive but we t finished end boss first time. I fished three more flashpoints with no multiple failures on end boss and no one rage quitting.


Sometimes just get wrong random group.

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Hello Infinitedrift


Good. So you understand, why they didn't want to waste their time re-watching those.


Don't understand why you made that choice, since you're robbing yourself of (arguably) the best part of the game. Not to mention that most of the FPs stories are connected to the pre-level 65 storylines that you skipped.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to see the convos of course and the devs fully expect this. Which is why they made "Story" mode for most flashpoints.


Most veterans do expect those convos to be skipped. If it's 3 against 1 then don't you think it's not really fair of you to expect them to just wait there for you to watch the convos? You can do that all by yourself in the story mode of the FP.


Obviously, that doesn't excuse their behavior as you describe it, but I can't really judge that. Wasn't there, and I'm sure there are two sides to the story.


If you are new to the game, then I would suggest you run through those flashpoints on story mode first. If you really want to do a Veteran FP, then you can make a group first with the intent of watching the story, or you can just try your luck with another PUG. If you declare your intent to watch the convos, people might be ok with it. I would be. Not everyone in the game is an a--hole. :-)


I would also strongly suggest that you start a new character from lvl 1 and go through the story from the beginning. You'll get quests for those FPs as you progress through the story, so that it all makes sense. (Hint: Don't forget to enable "Exploration missions" in your map.)


Good luck and have fun with the game


Best reply I could have imagined! All great points and suggestions.

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Best reply I could have imagined! All great points and suggestions.


Damn Tux, I thought you bailed. Hadn't seen any posts by you since I came back. Personally if it is Veteran, people should be able to watch them, half the time they do and I just try to be patient. But one time I was in a FP, and this guy had the best line that I use to this day rather then screaming "SPACEBAR"


"Free drinks at the spacebar after our mission!"


That usually deescalates the entire situation, and most people then space. But even if they don't, I would never think to kick someone for it, that is just petty.

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Sorry bout that Infinitedrift. Some of the people these days only care about their "Goodies $$" at the end of the event and not so much about the point of the game itself. SWTOR is a "Story Based Game" and missing out on the "Stories" themselves is missing the intention and best parts of SWTOR itself. There are Alot of players here that do enjoy all of the stories nowadays its just an issue of finding them over the "I cant wait to get my money" people. If you want try a brand new character level 1, the class stories are still widely considered the best parts of SWTOR. Really dont want to miss out on the stories :) Edited by MikeCobalt
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Some might argue the opposite. A level 65 isn't expected to be new to the game. By 65 you're expected to have already seen the cutscenes and also to already know how to play your class. The OP has jumped into the deep end without taking swimming lessons first.


Why? When boosts are so commonplace. It really doesnt matter either way, if he hasnt, the level is moot. There are viable reason for kicking someone, i dont see this as one of them.

WE need to take a laerge step back and realize that new people do still come to the game, and perhaps more will if EA actually backs it as it sounds like they might. We need to find ways to be supportive, even if we feel it isnt exactly right.

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I agree. However, it's just going to get worse if a new player keeps going into random flashpoints with strangers and doesn't prepare themselves for how most pugs expect you to operate. The pug setting is not going to change going forward.


I hate threading the needle around mobs and trying to avoid easily killable trash--yet if I'm not the tank and the three people ahead of me are running the shortcut, I have to follow

I hate skipping bonus bosses because I'm trying to work towards the achievements--but most pugs can't be ****** to kill anything that's not directly in their line of direction to the next room that can't be avoided, and they DEFINITELY don't want to "waste their time" with killing something optional


I like the cutscenes, I like gaining xp/cxp/cqp and scavenging, and taking out the bonus bosses. What I do know is that the game supports speed demons and spacebar monkeys over what I want. I either have to run those things with guild members or alone in story mode to play my way. The "other" style of play in random, pug settings has won out over this game's history. It's unfortunate, but let's not pretend pugs are the ones that are going to be doing the changing when new players purposely jump in the deep end unprepared (to borrow kodrac's analogy)


True but a PUG by nature has no expectations on anyone else either. You go into a pug group you get what you get.

You are dead right that many people just dont give a damn and its boom boom wham bam thank you maam as fast as you can go, but ... all 4 people have equal say in that pug. If the person is habitually unprepared or whatever thats one thing, but watching the cut scenes is something i just kind of accept as probably in a pug.

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I agree. However, it's just going to get worse if a new player keeps going into random flashpoints with strangers and doesn't prepare themselves for how most pugs expect you to operate. The pug setting is not going to change going forward.


I hate threading the needle around mobs and trying to avoid easily killable trash--yet if I'm not the tank and the three people ahead of me are running the shortcut, I have to follow

I hate skipping bonus bosses because I'm trying to work towards the achievements--but most pugs can't be ****** to kill anything that's not directly in their line of direction to the next room that can't be avoided, and they DEFINITELY don't want to "waste their time" with killing something optional


I like the cutscenes, I like gaining xp/cxp/cqp and scavenging, and taking out the bonus bosses. What I do know is that the game supports speed demons and spacebar monkeys over what I want. I either have to run those things with guild members or alone in story mode to play my way. The "other" style of play in random, pug settings has won out over this game's history. It's unfortunate, but let's not pretend pugs are the ones that are going to be doing the changing when new players purposely jump in the deep end unprepared (to borrow kodrac's analogy)

As far as bonus goes, I would recommend asking to do bonus at the beginning if it's something you want to do. Maybe even mention you're working toward an achievement. I can only speak for myself and what I've seen, but the few times I can recall someone asking about bonus, people are usually willing (in fact, from what I remember, it's usually gone something like this... "are we doing bonus?" "I dunno," "we could," "up to you"). Point being you may find people are a lot less attached to skipping than you think when prompted for an actual opinion on it.


Personally, I'm generally in favor of skipping, but if it's a strong group and we handle pulls well, it can be fast, same as skipping. And if I can help someone out who is trying to achieve a particular goal while benefiting my own stuff at the same time, well I can't say I'd love to do it if it became a thing every time, but generally speaking, if someone asks to do something in a group situation, I'm going to be more inclined to say yes than if they never asked. That might sound a little silly, but the point is, I can't know if nobody voices what their desired way to play the FP is.


Edit: Oh and FTR, I almost never vote kick for any reason, on principle. In my view, communicating should always be first priority. And if someone's actions are being disruptive / costing other players in a way that is a clear pattern of selfishness and refusal to acknowledge or respond to what the rest of the group is doing, assuming the rest are on the same page, then I might initiate a vote kick if communication has clearly failed. But watching cutscenes doesn't fall under what I'd consider disruptive / costing other players.


There are certain circumstances where everybody seems to have an understanding that you are excepted to skip, like Master Mode Black Talon (or just Master Mode in general, in my experience). But still, I wouldn't go for vote kick. I would try to communicate and reach an understanding. Although I haven't seen it happen often, I have seen the kneejerk vote kick before. I recall one time, somebody initiated a vote kick on a guy because he was delayed a bit loading in and joining us at the start of the flashpoint. I straight up chastised the person who did it, like why would you do that? They didn't say anything in reply, but I bring it up as a reminder that if someone does initiate a vote kick without what you believe to be good reason, you can point it out. There are four people in the group and the smaller it gets, the more your voice has power and the more valuable you are to keep around. Don't be afraid to speak up.

Edited by Rolodome
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This thread is a prime example of why all of the flashpoints that don't have solo modes should get them. 1/3rd don't have solo modes, yet they still have stories even if they aren't "significant". Older players have no sympathy for new players who want to see those less than "significant' stories. Similarly, older players don't remember that it only takes a few hours to level a character with bonus xp events, so there is no reason to think players with max level characters have any real experience with the game.


Here are the flashpoints that don't have solo modes for the forgetful:

Hammer Station, Athis, Mando Raiders, Cademimu, Colicoid War Games, Red Reaper, Kaon, Lost Island, KDY, Either Czerka

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