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An article by PC Gamer: SWTOR is the BioWare game you should play in 2019


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Here is a great article on SWTOR in my opinion, by PC Gamer. They are a popular PC gaming website that does exclusive reviews, demos, updates and news so this is good for publicity.






Wonder how much BW paid for that article?


Beat me to it.

Edited by UmbralSpirit
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Wonder how much BW paid for that article?


I mean you could of at least read it first before making that assumption lol. If you had read it you would know he also criticizes the game and in the article it's clear he has played the game.

Edited by commanderwar
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Yeah I did, before you even posted this thread actually.


oh ok sorry then, since you posted after 3 minutes after I posted it, I was pretty sure you didn't read it. I have no idea if BW had paid them to make an Swtor article but it's clear to me since he does criticize the game for it's flaws, that the article is his honest opinion IMO.

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oh ok sorry then, since you posted after 3 minutes after I posted it, I was pretty sure you didn't read it. I have no idea if BW had paid them to make an Swtor article but it's clear to me since he does criticize the game for it's flaws, that the article is his honest opinion IMO.


He does criticize the game, but small issues. That is what a good writer does. Otherwise it is obvious that it is a paid article. It is also coincidental that this article pops right before the expansion. He over plays the greatness of KoTFE and KoTET a little too much. Doesn't get into the fact that those story arcs are actually more grindy then the game itself, or the solo focus of the game also cost them the MMO people(which now they are trying to focus on, but now they get railed by the solo players...


It just seems to be a purchased article with a good writer to me. Just my opinion.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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I saw this earlier and also Thought "I wonder whats up with the new Marketing". It's a typical review mostly I believe, It has a good Title and does include some not so good parts (Opinions in a manner that nobody would be upset with). I had a subscription to "PC Gamer" for several years; If they wanted to *Flame on a game they surely wouldn't hesitate. It has a good flattering title, everybody has opinions and it does get the "SWTOR" name and an endorsement around. :)
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Yeah.. finally someone writes something about SWTOR, a game that doesn't really exist in the online world as no one talks about it, until now...


You can believe what you want but this game is one Bioware's best games in this last decade after a series failures with ME Andromeda and now Anthem.

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- Yes it's paid.

- Yes SWTOR is the last bioware game bioware made.

- Such massive disappointment when a new age bioware fan comes in and just faces a field of restrictions and punishments, some relic from a previous generation of mmo's transformed into player spite.


EDIT: What I mean to say is, even with and all positivity SWTOR earns from past and future content, the business model is always there to turn it sour somehow. They could make gold plated diamond encrusted content and it wouldn't matter.

Edited by stockmks
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Any publicity is good publicity, even bad. The article can’t hurt the game that’s for sure even if it was highly critical. Any spotlight put on the game gives it life on the internet, and this fairly positive article can only help it.
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I hate to say it, and as much as I mock SWTOR, there is no other game on the market that compares to it.


it's a WoW clone. lol


end game content is stale.

  • in pve, I want more content (FPs & OPs), not the same content turned up and re-scaled.
  • in pvp, I want much more frequent class balancing and queue/matchmaking fixes.
  • in both formats, I want an engine that doesn't bog down whenever an op or a mara performs a speed enhancing ability that ping pongs him all over the screen before finally settling on where he actually "landed." I'd also like bugs fixed in a matter of weeks rather than years.
  • in story, I'd like actual options that have palpable effects on outcomes. the vanilla FPs do this. your decisions matter. you get different titles. etc. in the Eternal Empire crap, it doesn't matter what choices you make. the outcomes are all the same, with like one glaring exception: do I leave Torian or Vette to die? I mean...come on. compare that to all the choices in instances during 1.x.

Edited by foxmob
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Right now, this is certainly scratching my MMORPG itch a lot better than World of Warcraft. I don't even know if I will bother to go back and try classic at this juncture.


On this we both agree. I was on WoW for about 2 years and simply maintained my sub here (for the most part when there was a brief lapse). I recently came back.


Are there some things that need improvement? YES


Are there some better choices that the overall scope of (for example only) companions that could and should be made: YES


Is the upcoming 6.0 VERY important to the future of the game: YES


All this and more: YES


Even with everything that on the surface that seems to be somewhat uncertain for now this game IMO is still a better place to be. I have enjoyed the game and it's stories (especially KotFE and ET ) ... And I'm genuinely looking forward to the possibilities of 6.0


Now it's up to BW and EA to demonstrate their commitment to making this game what it really can be. Even if there is another Star Wars game in the planning and development stages right now. They need this game to be the best it can be... right here... right now at this point in time. This IMO is a golden opportunity for both the community as well as BW and EA. I hope that they make some of the wisest decisions they've ever made . The success of this game rests squarely in their hands now !

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I've actually seen a lot of people coming back and more positive buzz.


I'm excited and hopeful. :-)


The "paid advertisement" thing just doesn't hold up. The best reasoning these people have is "Reviewer shared opinions about game I don't have."

Edited by jedimasterjac
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I've actually seen a lot of people coming back and more positive buzz.


I'm excited and hopeful. :-)


The "paid advertisement" thing just doesn't hold up. The best reasoning these people have is "Reviewer shared opinions about game I don't have."


It's amazing what can be accomplished with everyone pulling the same direction.


[/two thumbs up]

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Wonder how much BW paid for that article?


The article is obviously from someone that loves the game. He talks about the lows and highs. It's not biased at all.

I don't believe you read it at all before making that comment, as you claimed.


The article is good. It gives the correct picture of the situation. Though ofc, it leaves out the performance issues/ability delay on WZ's, etc. Really want the devs to fix that.

With that said, he also talks about issues i don't have with the game. The characters moving like dolls? Huh? Dunno what he means with that. This game has the second best feeling of movement after WoW. But Blizz has a lot of devs and money to put into making animations really bouncy feeling.

Edited by Nemmar
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The article is obviously from someone that loves the game. He takes about the lows and highs. It's not biased at all.

I don't believe you read it at all before making that comment, as you claimed.


The article is good. It gives the correct picture of the situation. Though ofc, it leaves out the performance issues/ability delay on WZ's, etc. Really want the devs to fix that.

With that said, he also talks about issues i don't have with the game. The characters moving like dolls? Huh? Dunno what he means with that. This game has the second best feeling of movement after WoW. But Blizz has a lot of devs and money to put into making animations really bouncy feeling.


Yeah, I have very different criticisms from a lot of his; and I actually praise some of the areas he considers the game's weak suits.


But that doesn't mean he's paid! It's very clearly not just paid advertising.

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One thing I always do when reading one of these types of articles is click on the writer's name and do a quick scan of his or her past writings. There is a distinction between the entity and the writer.


To wit: PC Gamer published this article two weeks ago...




Point being -- over time if a magazine / outlet is consistently and slavishly sycophantic in their praise of a company, it will lose credibility.


I didn't agree with every point the author made, but he makes a decent enough case, particularly since the behemoth (WoW) is struggling (and rightly so).



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