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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is Starfighter so unpopular?


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the problem really comes down to the fact that it's a totally different game than SWTOR.


Well that is the point of it. It was supposed to offer something different. SWTOR has the standards MMO traits like Story, Flashpoints/Dungeons, Raids/Operations and PVP. Besides that it also offeres special things like GSF and Space Missions (with your starship). This is unique for the SW franchise.


Since its a specific type of content its only played by a small part of the game population and therefore the long ques. So from this point of view its actually wrong of Bioware to force people to play it, via the Masterwork Crystal incentive.

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Well that is the point of it. It was supposed to offer something different. SWTOR has the standards MMO traits like Story, Flashpoints/Dungeons, Raids/Operations and PVP. Besides that it also offeres special things like GSF and Space Missions (with your starship). This is unique for the SW franchise.


Since its a specific type of content its only played by a small part of the game population and therefore the long ques. So from this point of view its actually wrong of Bioware to force people to play it, via the Masterwork Crystal incentive.


Do you think queues would go down if people had a larger incentive to play? Not that I'm endorsing it, because as others have mentioned there are a host of reasons to not essentially force players to play Starfighter.

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Do you think queues would go down if people had a larger incentive to play? Not that I'm endorsing it, because as others have mentioned there are a host of reasons to not essentially force players to play Starfighter.


Yes there is no reason to force people to play Starfighter. GSF is in a very bad spot cause the game population went down in general. Its less player in game and even less players who want to play GSF. Incentives will not help GSF as like I mentioned, its a game mode, which is enjoyed by a specific population. If this population is simply small there wont be any pops.


If you force people to do GSF, they will, but this might anger the GSF fans as the matches will pop, but will be low quality.

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I can only speak for myself, but it just wasn't my thing. My interest is in story driven content, character development and carving out a niche in the world in any game, and I only tried GSF to begin with because I was in a guild at the time. They wanted me to tag along, so I gave in. I just dragged down the team anyway. Glad others are having fun with, it, though, and hope it helps to keep the game around for a long time.
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Yea a way to get it more popular is by normalizing it. they could implement star fighter with pve in space while we fly to planets in our class ships (if we choose to) and also include our guildships and conquest as well. They could do so much with it and its sad because star fighter is actually a nice system. its pretty neat to see your companions as your ship crew and each companion gives you a buff. But like someone said, space pvp isnt for everyone but imagine killing space pve groups or having space bosses, it opens up a new realm within the game. They could even start selling space stuff on the carlel market, ships instead of mounts etc Amazing idea!! Edited by Delani
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I'm a story player first and foremost but personally, I actually quite like it. I was terrible at first, but after I learned the controls I got half way decent at it.


I'm really bad at regular PVP, and find I detest going through the weekly mission, but I've found Galactic Starfighter to actually be a somewhat enjoyable alternative. At least when there is not long a team of well prepared veterans constantly curbstomping everyone else in their path for several hours.

Edited by OldVengeance
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There's a very steep, and painful, learning curve to GSF. Add to that the inability to practice anywhere, and you're fighting an uphill battle.


I don't like it because I'm forced to play on my one maxed out toon, or regrind it on new ones. I don't enjoy the grinding aspect of doing it on every toon.

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Yea a way to get it more popular is by normalizing it. they could implement star fighter with pve in space while we fly to planets in our class ships (if we choose to) and also include our guildships and conquest as well. They could do so much with it and its sad because star fighter is actually a nice system. its pretty neat to see your companions as your ship crew and each companion gives you a buff. But like someone said, space pvp isnt for everyone but imagine killing space pve groups or having space bosses, it opens up a new realm within the game. They could even start selling space stuff on the carlel market, ships instead of mounts etc Amazing idea!!


Don't really see a difference between the standard space shooter on rails over star fighter if you want PVE. Not to mention, the amount of extra work that would be needed to convert star fighter to a PVE mini game when they already have one. I just don't see that happening.

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For me.... it's quite simply the controls. That "chase the cursor" control system is IMO hot garbage. Now if I could use a controller or joystick to actually control the ship.... I'd play it a lot! But as it is..... it's a hard pass for me.


My point exactly. I would give it more of a try if it supported joystick control.

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Don't really see a difference between the standard space shooter on rails over star fighter if you want PVE. Not to mention, the amount of extra work that would be needed to convert star fighter to a PVE mini game when they already have one. I just don't see that happening.


They should make it an instance for traveling. You travel in a ship instead and you can travel to planets, fleetm guildship etc. If your in enemy territory, mobs of fighers randomly appear that you can kill or run away from. They could even have space portals that allow people to quick travel. It is a lot of work and I doubt they will do it but I was just thinking it is a nice idea. PVE galactic starfighter would get a LOT more people into also.

Edited by Delani
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They should throw it in a burlap sack filled with rocks and toss it in the east river. Not a fan lol. Anyhow, until the Ossus crystal mission weekly kept coming up GSF I never gave it a second thought. Now it's an irritation that for those weeks I won't earn extra crystal because I'd rather get a colonoscopy than do 5 minutes in that purgatory.
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They should make it an instance, like another place to travel but your in a ship instead and you can travel to your, planet fleets etc guildship etc. If your in empire territory and your a republic toon then you mobs of fighers that you can kill or run away from. Just like traveling on a planet but your in a ship. They could even have space portals that allow people to quick travel. It is a lot of work and I doubt they will do it but I was just thinking it is a nice idea. PVE galactic starfighter would get a LOT more people into also.


Yeah its a good idea, but the amount of work that would need to be done to achieve it, well, I just don't have that much confidence in BW anymore.

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When GSF first came out, us old timers had to go over two mountains and thru three deserts to queue for matches.


But seriously. GSF is easier now than ever. Upgrading price has been cut in half.


The only thing holding you back, is your desire to 'Git Gud', as it were.


The one thing you all have now also, that we didnt have is, experienced people to ask questions on builds and what not.


You are wasting a precious resource, if you poo poo someones recommendation to you. They generally arent pulling it out of their buttocks. Its from actual playing experience.


I have probably lost 10-15 thousands matches in my GSF career. And won in the neighborhood of 18-20k. (I have so many toons now, i havnt counted them up in a few years, so I am estimating, lol)


Being spawn camped, 3 capped, bomber spammed, etc...yeah it happens. In PvP you gotta have a strong persona. Because it does wear on you. If you are being camped, slow down your respawn rate. Yo udont have to go back in right away. Wait for your inactive marker to show up then respawn. You wont get better in those matches, so no reason to get killed 15 times trying to kill a person and not actually do it.


If you are repeatedly spawn camped, 3 capped, just go do something else for a bit. Then try re-queuing.


There is no disgrace in taking a break, then trying again later.


The thing you absolutely do not want to do is self destruct. It will definitely bring unwanted attention your way, besides a bunch of reports being sent about you. If you are having that hard a time to want to do that, it might be time to take a break for a day, week, or month, lol. Speaking of which, I have in the past taken a month here or there, not flying. For just such a sanity break. Usually when i returned, somehow I became better. I think because of being cool, calm and collected. Being able to put the pieces together on what I was doing wrong before. And self evaluation.

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The learning curve is quite hard... There aren't any proper tutorials in the game. In order to become good you have to fail hard.. and be fodder for good players.


People don't like this... and avoid it.


Before I went into PVP I learned GSF... I never regretted it. Played thousands of matches... and after you learn it, you will feel that it was worthwhile.


Flying those ships is in art.. trust me.

This is exactly what getting into GSF is all about. I had absolutely no clue when I first tried it, but persevered as good-player-fodder in order to learn. I think that's the problem - most people want instant gratification, BUT GSF requires players to learn and practice and that takes time. I'm still not good (far from it) but at least now I have ships that are well equipped and can actually be of use in fights now that I can blow enemies out of the sky & earn a medal or two.

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This is exactly what getting into GSF is all about. I had absolutely no clue when I first tried it, but persevered as good-player-fodder in order to learn. I think that's the problem - most people want instant gratification, BUT GSF requires players to learn and practice and that takes time. I'm still not good (far from it) but at least now I have ships that are well equipped and can actually be of use in fights now that I can blow enemies out of the sky & earn a medal or two.


Its very different than the rest of the game also, if people were atleast familiar with the controls and the movements more people would get into. Implementing GSF for PVE purposes would drastically help its popularity.

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I just don't get it. Coming as someone for which this content is "new" (IE, I played at launch and never experienced Starfighter Combat until 2 weeks ago), it's an infinitely more approachable, more personal skill-based form of endgame content than is PvP (you can debate this back and forth all day, but I think PvP in SWTOR is very much team-reliant, as opposed to skill-derived), and it's damned easy to get into. I mean, complete that first 'introduction to starfighter' mission and you basically have enough fleet experience to kit out a whole ship (or do enough to render it respectable, at least).


I understand that 'twitchy' gameplay like this isn't for everyone, but I really feel like, for what SF is (an arena-style space mode), it's a darned slick experience that should be vastly more popular. I really *feel* like I'm in Star Wars, in an actual dogfight when I'm zipping around in my Sting - it hasn't for even a moment gotten old, and I don't feel nearly as frustrated when losing as I do with regular PvP. Just seems strange that so few people agree with that sentiment, it would appear...


I use to love space combat games. My first multiplayer game was a space combat game. But unless this one has changed .. you're pretty much on a "rail" being drug through the obstacle course with very little control or maneuverability. So frankly I quit after the first year. I wont go back either.

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Its very different than the rest of the game also, if people were atleast familiar with the controls and the movements more people would get into. Implementing GSF for PVE purposes would drastically help its popularity.


This is one of, if not the biggest issues, there's almost no PvE. Why the devs chose to neglect the PvE'ers makes little to no sense. I have no idea what the percentage regarding PvP v PvE for the player base is, but I'd guess that it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 65% - 35% in favor of PvE'ers and even if it's closer than that, you're still neglecting over half the player base that may try it, then once they find it's PvP, you've probably lost the bulk of them.


Implement some PvE aspects and no doubt its popularity will grow.

Edited by Pirana
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I believe it has been said enough in this thread to be a good reason for the Devs to fix it



I dont think any military orginization would ever put untrained pilots into ships and send them off to die losing the pilot and the ship. It really is not unreasonable to expect this game to have that option i mean after all we have class training areas to improve our skills before we enter the galaxy of dangers and warfare. Why neglect the trianing of valuble assests like ship pilots.

Edited by CaptainBlackjack
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Its very different than the rest of the game also, if people were atleast familiar with the controls and the movements more people would get into. Implementing GSF for PVE purposes would drastically help its popularity.

This is a very good idea - I still have trouble with some of the abilities and what does what in the various ships I have so getting used to them in a less hostile PvE environment would be a huge help.

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