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Increased Command chest drop rate - a joke


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With the last patch the chance of drops from the command chest should be increased, but this is a bad joke.


Due to the double XP-week and conquest activities I earned 1.000 chest:

ca, 150 Level 2 chest

ca. 500 Level 3 chests

ca. 500 Level 4 chests (some of them stored a longer time)


What I got was 1 Crystal from a Level 4 chest and 1 artifact chest from a level 3 chest.


So if that means "increased drop chance" I would say its more a rotting carrot thanan incentive to Play.

Edited by Master_Morak
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From the start of Ossus until the start of the double xp/cxp I had received 0 252 boxes from Command Crates. Since the start of the doubles, I have received 3 252's on 3 different toons. The rate may not be at Ludicrous Speed but it has increased from my experience.
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Here's question that probably only the devs can answer. Is the contents of the chest determined when you open them, or is it already determined when you get it. So, in other words, would new content or increased chance have any affect on old chests?

Also, of course, obviously, a 0.02% chance is higher than a 0.01% chance - but still very small. :)

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Here's question that probably only the devs can answer. Is the contents of the chest determined when you open them, or is it already determined when you get it. So, in other words, would new content or increased chance have any affect on old chests?

Also, of course, obviously, a 0.02% chance is higher than a 0.01% chance - but still very small. :)


Not sure where you are getting your statistics but getting zero for months to getting 3 in a week does not seem to be a .01% chance increase to me. I'm sure some would say I could have gone from terrible rng to absurdly lucky rng but I do not believe so.

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DISCLAIMER: The figures .02% and .01% were (I would think, obviously) just to illustrate one figure being larger than the other. They do not reflect any real percentages. The author is not privy to any inside information about drop rates. :)


BTW - since they said they increased the drop rate, I've gotten 2 (or 3) Artifact crates from Command crates**. Neither one was of benefit because, by now, I already have full 252 sets on both my main characters. But it is an indication that the drop rate has indeed increased. (They were both armor pieces though, so I could transfer the mods to some alt.)


** Not sure how many crates, but somewhere around 20.

Edited by JediQuaker
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DISCLAIMER: The figures .02% and .01% were (I would think, obviously) just to illustrate one figure being larger than the other. They do not reflect any real percentages. The author is not privy to any inside information about drop rates. :)


BTW - since they said they increased the drop rate, I've gotten 2 (or 3) Artifact crates from Command crates**. Neither one was of benefit because, by now, I already have full 252 sets on both my main characters. But it is an indication that the drop rate has indeed increased. (They were both armor pieces though, so I could transfer the mods to some alt.)


** Not sure how many crates, but somewhere around 20.


Of course it was but it also seemed to be intended to state that the increase was negligible which I think is misleading. As the post below would demonstrate, people like to exaggerate to push a point of view.




A 100% increase of NOTHING is still NOTHING.....



0 + 0 = 0


PS I have now received my fourth this week as well as 2 Master Shards. Definitely a substantial increase from what I was receiving before.

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You're not going to like this. On one character I opened ~20 command crates and got three 252 artifact boxes. The drop rate is random. It sucks, sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you get nothing. That's the nature of randomness and fortunately that is changing, to an extent, in September.
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I honestly didn’t keep track of how many tier 4 boxes I’ve opened since 5.10.3. If has to have been more than 120 since I had more than 30 boxes on at least four toons. I think I’ve gotten four or five MasDC and probably 8 artifact crates. I couldn’t use all of the pieces those crates dropped but I remember using at least two.


I realize without a screenshot my numbers are just anecdotes.


But in all the six months from 5.10 to 5.10.3 I got ZERO crystals and an artifact 252 crate I think once. So you be the judge, but I believe It’s definitely better. Would I love even more? Of course I would. But the fact that I’m getting them AT ALL is a marked, objective, improvement.


EDIT: I can’t be accurate in my estimate since double CXP because I used a lot of consumable packs on toons sub tier 3 where you would not have a chance at crystals or artifact crates. I do see a lot more CMTs from my low tier toons though.

Edited by phalczen
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Few hours ago I got 3 Artifact boxes and 1 MDC in <20 command crates.

In total since they upped the droprate i got 2 MDCs and about 15 artifact boxes.

RNG being RNG.


Well then, guess you got my share. :eek: Not bad wish I had better luck.

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I finally got an artefact box and crystal. But that all since 5.10 and after opening a multitude of boxes since they changed the drop rate.


I appreciate that the percentage has been increased, but there’s still room for improvement. Especially when the gearing will change again in less than 3 months when 6.0 is released.

They may as well give the 252 stuff away at the moment and let people enjoy the rest of the game instead of needing grind Ossus.


I’d even like to see a artefact crate added to the next Dantooine event for when you reach max rep or able to be purchased from the rep vendor. Especially when you consider how underwhelming the Armor sets are.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Here's question that probably only the devs can answer. Is the contents of the chest determined when you open them, or is it already determined when you get it. So, in other words, would new content or increased chance have any affect on old chests?

Also, of course, obviously, a 0.02% chance is higher than a 0.01% chance - but still very small. :)




This is based on some figures that some of us got from people inside the gaming industry, that believe in the Loot boxes. These are the same if people really think about, except we aren't paying for these loot boxes> This is how corporate greed works in the gaming industry. Unfortunately, the Devs at Swtor don't do much, or any better with or Stupid command crates. Like some of the Devs here there are a few people that play this game, where they also have an Un-natural, or maybe natural luck lol.


Yeah, it can be .02%

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I finally got an artefact box and crystal. But that all since 5.10 and after opening a multitude of boxes since they changed the drop rate.


I appreciate that the percentage has been increased, but there’s still room for improvement. Especially when the gearing will change again in less than 3 months when 6.0 is released.

They may as well give the 252 stuff away at the moment and let people enjoy the rest of the game instead of needing grind Ossus.


I’d even like to see a artefact crate added to the next Dantooine event for when you reach max rep or able to be purchased from the rep vendor. Especially when you consider how underwhelming the Armor sets are.


I must be one of only a few who don't see it as a grind. I mean if there was no gear given I still do Ossus same as any other daily area.

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I was actually disappointed to get a crystal - since they don't seem to be legacy currency, and the drop rate is so low, I'm doubting I'll get enough to do anything with them. I know you can get the 252 pieces for two crystals, but considering I've received exactly one in six months with probably a thousand or more boxes opened, I have no faith that I will ever run across a second one (yes, I know about the exchange for UCs but IMHO the exchange rate is ridiculous). I'm just presuming the crystal will sit in my currency window until 6.0 and then be removed for credits.
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I was actually disappointed to get a crystal - since they don't seem to be legacy currency, and the drop rate is so low, I'm doubting I'll get enough to do anything with them. I know you can get the 252 pieces for two crystals, but considering I've received exactly one in six months with probably a thousand or more boxes opened, I have no faith that I will ever run across a second one (yes, I know about the exchange for UCs but IMHO the exchange rate is ridiculous). I'm just presuming the crystal will sit in my currency window until 6.0 and then be removed for credits.


UC's are being converted to credits as well. Since historically the conversion rate has been pretty abysmal I've decided to spend all of mine before 6.0. But with only buying one per week across six characters it's still going to take me until the middle of August to get all of them spent.

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UC's are being converted to credits as well. Since historically the conversion rate has been pretty abysmal I've decided to spend all of mine before 6.0. But with only buying one per week across six characters it's still going to take me until the middle of August to get all of them spent.


I know, but I can do a lot more with the UCs if I use them to buy the Iokath/Gemini gear for characters rather than exchange them for crystals for that extortionate rate. At 8 UCs/Tier 4 crate, even getting 500 for one crystal is ridiculously long so I'm not even going to try to kit out any of my characters that way. I'd rather use the UCs to get as many of my characters as I can reasonably strong at 242 or 248 gear and augment them than to blow all the UCs on trying to outfit one character in 252s.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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