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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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Dantooine is weak....


We are back to needing to do 2 days of missions to complete the weekly again. On top of that you must do 5 heroics ( there are only 3 available ) to complete the weekly. So if you do not have the time to wait for a PUG to form and do the Heroic then you can not finish the Weekly. Making doing Dantooine useless.


So I guess I will be skipping Dantooine simply because I don't have the couple of hours needed to form PUG's nor the desire to join PUG's to complete the Heroics needed to finish the Weekly.

If I can't complete the Weekly, then I get No Rewards since the mobs drop nothing. Making the only Reason to be going to Dantooine is to see the scenery and listen to the Music?

Well thought out BW. The Heroic and Daily's need to be separated like it was in Ossus.

Edited by denavin
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Honest feedback about Dantooine:


The Backdrop

I love the planet layout. The dam, the farms, the parrot, the ambience. Nice job on that.


The Missions

There's a nice balance of turn this/kill this missions here. That's good. I dislike the de-mining mission, mainly because you can't tell where to go from a distance, there are too few nodes for the number of people, and the interaction spots are not clearly marked. With better visibility, it would be fine.


The Achievements

I loved the pirate and the well one. It was amazing actually, because I found the well one totally by accident. I was just trying to cut across the field faster by jumping over what I thought was a wall. Then I discovered it was a well.. and got the achievement. It was perfect.


HOWEVER... I'm very disappointed that none of the achievements have any titles attached to them (other than the renown-based ones). You couldn't throw us a bone with Farmer, Cultivator, Veggie Slayer, Well Endowed (for falling down the well!), Mortally Curious or The Gullible (for the laser pointer achievement) or something like that?


The Datacrons

I was really, really hoping for a datacron, and you have so many awesome places for a little platforming here.

I was especially hoping for a hidden achievement like the Ossus one for the weapon tuning. There are so many things in those houses ... couldn't you have done a "grab the secret shovel, activate the droid, press the secret book, etc., to find a hidden area?


The Rewards

Epic fail. 0.75/10. If you want, I can show you pictures of my character so you can mix and match old gear better.


All in All


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First of all i really liked the small bit of story we got. It gave things i was missing and also was really funny (going saboteur).


Dantooine normal quests were ok except the mine one where there was very little spawns and lot of people hunting for them. Did not do heroics, because i don't prefer group content expecially if i would need to pug from the chat.


Was disappointed weekly needs also heroics, because this means i won't be doing weekly.


Was very disappointed mobs did not drop random gear or decorations like Ossus ones do.


Worst thing was realizing that most new currency comes from heroics. This made me realize that getting curency to buy items would be so slow (1 currency per day if doing ALL normal dailies) that it is not fun anymore. This is dealbreaker for me making Dantooine practically useless, those quests are not THAT fun i would run them just out of joy, it would be nice to get rewards as well. Tiny rep tokens are not rewards especially when you know you won't be having the currency to buy the rewards for that rep.



  • Make all dailies drop currency.
  • Make mobs drop interesting things (similar to Ossus).
  • Make separate weeklies for normal dailies/heroics (players could choose which one to do).
  • Put gear reward as rewards for weekly like in Ossus.


Good summation ! I might add that not everyone would be buying the farm (litterally) .. let alone the SH stuff that is available with rep points. A lot of folks will like that sort of SH stuff... but not everyone !


At any rate: Two thumbs up on your post !

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This isn't a new planet, it's an event like Gree or Rak Week. The size is comparable, and it takes more effort than either - but with group-neccesary heroics instead of ops boss. I like the repeatable heroics for conquest. The dailies flow nicely and are loads better than Iokath for sure.


Being able to see the old Jedi temple from the event area was a nice touch.

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I forgot to mention that I have no desire to run anything on Dantooine other than as a way to wait for the queue to pop. The rewards are so bad, that it takes away any desire to actually participate in the event. I may run the heroics on my main tonight, but I don't really feel like it. There's no real reason to care about it at all, lol.
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3. Bug. perhaps: after I finished the mouse droid mission my companion had vanished and needed to be re-summoned.


4. The largest thing: what others have said. When you announced "play your way" I was really hopeful that it meant that you understood that the game supports a wide variety of playstyles. But then you release Dantooine, where you cannot really complete the weekly without grouping because of the difficulty level of the heroics. That's extremely disappointing. I agree with DuchessKristiana when she says that this will leave out a lot of us. I'm not going to be forced to group; I'm just going to choose not to do the weekly, and with much less to do, and such a long crawl to the decos, I'm not likely to want to spend much time here.


Overall, I think that I will likely play the story bit on all of my characters once they complete Ossus, and I think I'm going to enjoy looking around the planet when the event is not live, but I can't see myself enjoying this event repeatedly the same way I've been willing to repeat other events.


I agree with so much of what you said but wanted to highlight two things in particular. First, regarding #3 above, this also happens on Pub side with the turret mission.


Regarding #4, this is the biggest disappointment for me when it comes to Dantooine. If one doesn't do the heroics then there is basically no point in going to Dantooine. Setting aside the weekly for a moment, the heroics can be completed daily and cumulatively award six of the event currency, Dantooine Surveyor's Notes (Note). The mission one can complete daily to complete six daily missions awards one Note. Admittedly, doing the six dailies doesn't take too much time, so long as the instance you're in isn't too crowded, but then you notice that the currency is per character, which deviates from all other event currencies. So even if one chose to take the slower route and complete the daily six-mission daily on a few characters they can't aggregate their Notes because they're per character. If they worked like the other event currencies then they could at least run two or three characters through each day to acquire the one Note for the daily then stack those all up in their legacy storage and have a usable stack of Notes to be able to purchase a few decos by the end of the week (reputation willing, of which the acquisition of rep is abysmally slow without the heroics and weekly). Not counting the initial story mission award of two Notes, the discrepancy between someone who is running the heroics and someone who isn't is ridiculous. Over a seven day period if one doesn't run the heroics and only completes the daily missions they can accrue seven Notes. Running the heroics daily, which is necessary for completing the weekly, along with the dailies results in a total of 51 Notes. Compare this to another event, Bounty Hunter week, where a single character can acquire 13 Completed Bounty Contracts (seven regular and six kingpin contracts) for a week of participation and those Contracts can be stacked in one's legacy storage so Contracts from multiple characters can be combined.


In so many ways this event is a fail for me and that is truly a shame because I was so looking forward to Dantooine, and honestly the world space doesn't disappoint (except for the over use of invisible walls). I loved hunting for the achievements. I loved exploring the space. I mostly enjoyed the story (the nod to saboteurs on the Imp side is a bit to slight). But so long as the above holds true I'm not going to spend too much time there. Making the currency legacy wide would be a step toward making the event more enjoyable. Even if we continued to only earn one Note per day per character, which I hope that would be addressed too, having a legacy wide currency would at least mean that we could feel like we were progressing toward the goal of acquiring the event goods. As it stands now though... nope. You, BW, have set this event up as something that precludes solo players.

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Dantooine looks pretty. I like it.


The music? Lackluster. I was looking forward to some nostalgia and feeling like I was back in KOTOR. That didn't happen. Not enough music to create that sense of atmosphere.


Add more music!

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Story is whatever,I stoped caring about it. I am pretty sure I killed Theron on my dark side toon, but I think Lana mentioned him doing something?


I believe she says she's trying to reach his assets (assets he left).

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Two things I don't like about Dantooine:

- You need heroics for the weekly.

- The decos seem great (love that we get some more trees), but are quite expensive in terms of the new currency. Without heroics, it will take a long time to even get one.

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4. Related to point 3. Since the difficulty level of the heroics is so much higher than other heroics, the daily and heroic weekly mission needs to be divided into two weeklies. One for the dailies, and one for the heroics. If you don't want to make the heroics easier, then you at least need to give solo players the ability to achieve a weekly goal. Seriously, there is a middle ground that can be struck between hardcore and casual, group and solo. You don't have to take anything from one player base to provide for the other.



As an edit from my previous post - THIS!!


Also, I checked the rewards for this currently, very involved, weekly and the reward sucks big time for the amount of effort expected. Not even an equipment drop!!


So I don't care how nice it looks. unless improvements are made, I don't expect to be returning to Dantooine any time soon

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Generally speaking Dantooine is beautiful, the music is nice although too sporadic, the short story (pub side) that brings you to Carrick Station where your can get the event quest is fun although a little weird (you would have expected a direct call from General Tealover), the short story with Major Pussycat (and herself as a character) is great also, but the event itself is rather weak imo. The Nova Blades could have been any other faction: there's no interaction with them, no dialog, no cutscene, no charistmatic vilain to hunt and kill. You end up butchering (or avoiding) dozens of mobs that could equally have been droids or wild animals: you wouldn't see any difference.


As others have said before, the lack of loot, the slow rate of getting yet another currency, the reduced choice of items you can buy with it... will probably make the players' interest in this event short-lived. Did all dailies twice and the heroics once with one character, and I'm already tired of it, nearly as much as I am of Ossus after 6 months of running the weeklies with 8 toons.


I hope we'll see more of Dantooine in the future besides this event.

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I played through the story pieces on two characters (Imperial and Republic saboteur) that finished Osssus and did the Daily Patrol on one character. Thoughts:


1. I love the music, when it plays. I wish that had been more consistent. It was jarring to go from that pretty soundtrack to listening to nothing but blaster fire and Ugnaughts squeaking.


2. The planet is beautiful and well designed. I look forward to exploring it more when the event is not happening.


3. The little story bits were great, overall. The saboteur interview for the Republic News Network had me laughing. That was great. I also liked seeing Darth Krovos again.


4. I really liked Colonel Trazen and hope we will see more of her.


5. I loved the mouse droid mission and thought it was much better than the mouse droid in KOTET. The 'honk' feature was hilarious and cute.




1. It was really unenjoyable until I found a less crowded instance. Those green arrows on the grass are great, except that six of you see them and start running for them.


2. It would be nice if the quick travel points in the Imperial base and the small medical station were automatic and didn't require clicking. Small, but easy to forget.


3. Bug. perhaps: after I finished the mouse droid mission my companion had vanished and needed to be re-summoned.


4. The largest thing: what others have said. When you announced "play your way" I was really hopeful that it meant that you understood that the game supports a wide variety of playstyles. But then you release Dantooine, where you cannot really complete the weekly without grouping because of the difficulty level of the heroics. That's extremely disappointing. I agree with DuchessKristiana when she says that this will leave out a lot of us. I'm not going to be forced to group; I'm just going to choose not to do the weekly, and with much less to do, and such a long crawl to the decos, I'm not likely to want to spend much time here.



Overall, I think that I will likely play the story bit on all of my characters once they complete Ossus, and I think I'm going to enjoy looking around the planet when the event is not live, but I can't see myself enjoying this event repeatedly the same way I've been willing to repeat other events.


This, I say this as someone who does group up for heroics on Dantooine, those heroics should be easier to do with a group of course. But still doable as a solo-player, I don't think that is the case for Reactor Ransom from what I'm seeing, Shiny New Toy is still a pain but provided you can interrupt it is doable and Hugo as well, though the bonus quest on that one is harder to do as solo.


Not to mention the lack of rewards for the dailies and locking them behind the heroics/weekly, it doesn't make any sense to make the Dantooine's surveyor notes bound-on-character either. They've been pushing legacy currencies for a while, command tokens, unassembled components, hell even the other events give currency that is bound on legacy, as they always have. So why have it differently on Dantooine? It doesn't make any sense to me and just makes the grind for the rewards worse.

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This, I say this as someone who does group up for heroics on Dantooine, those heroics should be easier to do with a group of course. But still doable as a solo-player, I don't think that is the case for Reactor Ransom from what I'm seeing, Shiny New Toy is still a pain but provided you can interrupt it is doable and Hugo as well, though the bonus quest on that one is harder to do as solo.


Not to mention the lack of rewards for the dailies and locking them behind the heroics/weekly, it doesn't make any sense to make the Dantooine's surveyor notes bound-on-character either. They've been pushing legacy currencies for a while, command tokens, unassembled components, hell even the other events give currency that is bound on legacy, as they always have. So why have it differently on Dantooine? It doesn't make any sense to me and just makes the grind for the rewards worse.


If the reward system here on Dantooine is a reflection of "better things to come" ... as in 6.0 ... I might be in trouble.


I really did like the setting .. the planet etc. But the drops leave a little something to be desired.


IMO... If you want folks to show up for the big dance... please have plenty of momentos for folks to take home. Your guests will always remember what a great time they had when you do.


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It's really a very nice surprise, I like it. I hope Bioware're goinge to increase the experience on Dantooine, I want explore the jedi temple and not like a stronghold but an open area to make quests or a flashpoint.
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Where’s the rest of the planet?? Such a missed opportunity that it isn’t fleshed out like Belsavis or even corellia . Hopefully they will add to it and it won’t just be an event hub.
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Did all dailies twice and the heroics once with one character, and I'm already tired of it, nearly as much as I am of Ossus after 6 months of running the weeklies with 8 toons.


Yeah. My biggest reason for not playing since they brought Ossus onboard was because of this. ^


I refuse to play in a way that makes my alts or "toons" just vehicles to push reputation up high or to accrue specific event currencies.


The problem is, the gameplay and amount of content is far too lacking to make it fun doing this.


No one enjoys running their army of alts through Ossus just to build rep up, and no one wants to have to run a plethora of alts through a lack of content Dantooine. Worst part is if they keep the legacy locked behind each individual toon.


All this does is REALLY lock you into the chore of running your toons through Dantooine like a conveyor belt just for rep and currency.


If the content sustained tons of alt-gameplay, this strategy for game design would work fine. The problem is there's far too much repetitious activities involved with far too little reward to make a player really want to grind that hard and relentlessly.







I think they are on the right track of things, they just got to focus on one facet of the game I think they seem to forget about sometimes, and that's making the game fun. This is mind-numbingly tedious and another gate that isn't needed in the game.


Restricted legacy currency needs to be unlocked so all characters can accrue it, and pass it to other alts via legacy. They can't make you run 20 hamsters on a hamster wheel like this just to accrue as many event currencies from Dantooine on each individual character.

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The problem they are going to have, is people will get tired of doing it and then those still doing it or new players going there will have a problem getting a group to do those heroics. It has happened before when we had heroics at the beginning and then people stopped. Now they are doing it again.


It is good for those that like to group and will group but for those that don't, not such a good idea and then when people stop going, even those that group may find it hard to find groups for the heroics and that makes completing the weekly almost impossible.

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I like Dantooine. It's pretty, nice to see the jedi ruins in the background, and we could use a new event. Story's my favourite, but I didn't come to the update expecting any new story. It was nice, then, to have a few extra lines added to the event cutscenes for characters who've done Ossus. (Hearts and Minds was great too, but that's not really Dantooine.)
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I don't understand why BW is going back to do the same mistakes they did at the beginning of the game.


There was a reason why they moved away from heroics and made them all soloable.


Now they reverted this very wise and good decision. Making heroics soloable was imho one of the best decisions about this game, because heroics were dead after a few months into the game. On every planet. Especially the H4s.


Now BW introduces new H4s for which the majority of players actually needs a group in order to finish them.


Every time I went to Ossus, someone was posting LFG H4. When I was done with the weekly, the person was still LFG.


The same mistakes, BW, the same mistakes. You learned nothing. Mr. Kanneg, learn from the past mistakes. They were corrected for good reason. Don't find out the hard way that all the previous decisions about the game's direction actually weren't just some made up BS, but they were the result of how most players play this game. Don't cater again to the minority. Check your company's files to see how that worked out for you in 2012. Hint: not overly good.


And yeah, that's pretty much my opinion about Dantooine. I tried getting a group on Wednesday during off-time. No luck. On the second day of the event.

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I love dantooine... the story tidbit, the dailies are well designed, the music, the nostalgia, all great.


minor gripes, tune the heroics down, i agree with above poster that forcing people to group for heroics means that a lot of folks dont do them, why change a good thing, solo-able heroics was one of the best things about 4.0 or 5.0


its annoying you cant do the weekly in one day, a lot of us only have 1 day a week or so to play with work and family life


otherwise hands down a great filler for the summer to tide us over till 6.0

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