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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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They are making the same mistakes as years ago. And they completely forgot (or ignore) WHY all those changes since 2012 were brought to the game.


There is a very good reason why heroics were changed to being soloable. It's because no one (well, the vast majority) didn't want to play it. I very well remember how impossible it was to find a group for e. g. the Voss heroics back in the days.


BW did so many things correct after the F2P transition. Now they revert all this and go back to making the same mistakes that brought the game down in the first place.


Mr. Kanneg, your hardcore raiding group does not represent the majority of the player base.


I did the Dantooine heroics on my main, so that I get the weekly done. I won't even start the events on my alts as I don't enjoy the heroics at all and just running the dailies without being able to finish the weekly is kind of pointless.


The weekly has to be split. I don't see a reason why not. Forcing people to play certain content just in order to finish something like an event is the opposite of playing your own way. Mr. Kanneg's approach is contradictory.


I don't see myself repeating Dantooine next week.


You are absolutly right. They didn't learn anything.


A new planet with a map so great that you need a magnyfing glass to see it.


Thia absoluty stupid H2 and H4 - how incompetent must they be to bring this b...sh.. back? after 2 oder 3 Events, when everyone has the reputation full you will not find a Group.


If this is the way for 6.0, then the next fail is programmed.

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You are absolutly right. They didn't learn anything.


A new planet with a map so great that you need a magnyfing glass to see it.


Thia absoluty stupid H2 and H4 - how incompetent must they be to bring this b...sh.. back? after 2 oder 3 Events, when everyone has the reputation full you will not find a Group.


If this is the way for 6.0, then the next fail is programmed.


I see this as incorrect. Since the Dantooine event will always bring the same conquest goals, you will see people every event looking for the heroics. Perhaps not every day all day long, but you shouldn't have any issues finding groups who want the 1k conquest per heroic.

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In general, I think Dantooine is a good addition to the game. The planet is nice even though it’s not that big, missions and exploration achievements are fun, little KotOR hints here and there are touching. Players have been asking for a new event for a long time, and it’s great that we finally got one.


I haven’t grouped up for heroics for ages, and actually enjoyed running Dantooine ones with other folks since soloing them is really tedious. People have already discovered ways to avoid trash and such, that’s amusing. It’s weird to hear concerns that no one is going to bother with this content when the novelty effect fades away. I regularly see people grouping up for Ragkhoul and Gree heroics, and these events are years old.


Still, it would be better if there were two separated weeklies, one for dailies and another for heroics. I can’t remember what kind of weekly was on PTS, maybe I was distracted by scenery and forgot to pick it up, but I also don’t remember any concerns about it on PTS forums. I (we?) would better be more attentive next time.


It also bugs me that Dantooine Outbreak music (or at least its most recognizable parts) didn’t make it into live version. I hear the same stuff as on Iokath most of the time.


There’s a lot of negative feedback about rewards but I actually like the decos. It’s a bit sad though that CM keeps getting updates with cool stuff while thingies you can earn playing the game aren’t even comparable.

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I finally played my Imp loyalist. My review hasn't changed much. The world at this time is far too small and crowded to feel like farm country and there really isn't much that makes the event feel piratey. Imp quests feel longer and more tedious than Rep. If I didn't want the legacy titles and if I wasn't working on documenting the rewards for TorFashion, I wouldn't bother with this event. It's just not fun and the time vs. reward ratio is too low compared to other event/daily areas.


After meeting the scrawny Sith at the end of "Hearts and Minds" I've come the conclusion that the current developers simply can't stand the idea of making a good looking male NPC. (Paxton might be good looking, but I can't tell because I can't take the ugly helmet off 😡 ) I did like seeing Krovos again though, which was a surprise. I detested her in the KDY intro, but she was actually cool in H&M.


Sure, you don't have to prove cause you can't prove. There is no MMO that is a single player with just others walking around. That would be daft. A waste of server money.


Have you heard of Second LIfe? That is considered to be an MMO and it was entirely centered around socializing. It also made buckets of money. A more recent one would be Roblox. Roblox is a complicated beast, but most of the top games are purely social role play games, and the combat based ones I've watched my son play have all been solo with other people around. And again, it's making buckets of money.


Many people would argue that it is the social aspects of MMOs that are the center of an MMO. Group content is only one way of many to socialize. That is why having a centralized hub is important. Solo players often like to socialize, but just not group up. It associative play vs. cooperative play.

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Any player being lost is a player too much. It should be BW's main priority to minimise the player drop-out. And I don't see them doing that. Every time they add something to the game at the moment, they do it in such a way that some players are alienated. Remember the Conquest fiasco from last (?) year? No one asked for this revamp. And we lost a good amount of players because of it. Why did they do that? They forced Mr. Kanneg's preferred way of playing conquest on the players, no matter what.

Well, I disagree with the statement that no one asked for a conquest revamp. A recurring complaint about conquest pre-5.8 was always that the mega-guilds dominated, and people in smaller guilds wanted ways to compete. Now, we can legitimately debate about whether the specific changes introduced achieved that goal, but it is incorrect to say "no one asked for his revamp." Also, the system needed to have some groundwork adjustments related to the subsequent guild perks and guild vs guild stuff.

Regardless, I agree with you that player retention should be a priority, but the best way to retain players is to give them something to do. That means producing replayable/repeatable content with incentives. It doesn't specify or prioritize solo > group or vice versa; it doesn't specify or prioritize pve > pvp or vice versa. It doesn't specify or prioritize functional incentives (CXP, MasDC) > cosmetic rewards or vice versa. And, it doesn't dictate that those rewards/incentives can't be gated (in the very most general sense) behind some other requirement.

Was there anyone complaining "Why are the heroic and solo weeklies separate on Ossus?" I don't think so. So why "fix" something that was not broken? Two weeklies. And the heroic weekly can give greater reward as an incentive. Then it would be 100% up to the player if they want to do the heroics or not.

Actually, lots of people complained, though not exactly about those things being separate in the way you imply. However, pvp'ers and MM raiders (but mostly pvp'ers) did complain that reputation was tied to the 258 gear and reputation could not be gained expediently outside of pve activities. Clearly, the Heroic Weekly was a huge source of CXP (ironic, since CXP was so ineffective at 252/258 gearing until 5.10.3); reputation; and the decoration achievement. Inasmuch as gearing was tied to reputation, doing the Weekly Heroic along with everything else was the most efficient way to do that. Because the impact was mostly on pvp'ers and more subtle (reputation gates for the 258 pieces), you probably didn't notice the complaints.

Even if the developers did separate the Dantooine heroics from the Weekly into their own weekly mission, people would still complain that the new solo weekly didn't reward as much rep trophies and surveyor notes as the heroic weekly.

Or do you honestly believe that the rewards should be the same?


Its still 100% up to the player if they want to do the heroics or not. Going back to the original topic, Dantooine, an exclusive solo-player can earn 42 green and 7 blue trophies per character per week. Assuming they are not in a guild that means roughly 5900 reputation per character per week. If all you do is solo play then you probably have a few alts you can take through. You only need to do that for 3 alts and you have exceeded the weekly cap of 15K reputation. Will you earn legend rep slower than someone who grouped? Probably. I mean, the cap isn't any different but it does take you longer to reach it each week than someone willing to group, and you likely won't have as many unconsumed trophies left for the next week, to earn rep when the event isn't active. Will you earn surveyor notes slower? Yep, for sure. But, that is your choice. Play your way .


Will someone who can do MM GOTM or ranked pvp earn their 258 MH/OH sooner than I will? Absolutely they will. And well they should, because in most MMORPGs (not all, but most), the best rewards come from the content that requires multiple people and the most amount of skill to complete. I mean certainly that's the paradigm for DCUO, STO, FFXIV, FFXI, GW2, WoW, EVE, etc. This event isn't even tied to end-game gearing, making it even more optional, if that were possible.


Lastly, I have to say the design of the heroics for Dantooine is a little different than others, and its nice because it helps to teach some basic boss mechanics. That kind of teaching in game is important for people who may want to do harder group content in the future. Reactor Ransom for example has a few mechanics, some tank-heavy ones, and yet it is still pretty forgiving. I've done it 12 times so far and only once did we not earn the bonus mission to defeat Yarvok without repairing the power conduits. This kind of in-game training is something many players have asked for.


Players who are willing to participate in the widest variety of content-types will always fare better (in terms of getting "stuff") in the game than those who stick to one exclusive playstyle.

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I just came back from maybe a year break, and though I have issues with the bugs that seem to have infested pretty much every story line, especially in the cinematics, I really don't mind Dantooine. It has some good heroics, the landscape is nice and honestly, given what I expect from BW, I really can't be disappointed (because I have really low expectations until proven otherwise).


I am not going to get hung up because it doesn't exactly replicate KOTOR. Seriously, if it is not kotor, it is SWG. Just take the game for what it is. And amusement park, with about as much depth as it's ingame bodies of water.

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I decided to play the Dantooine event through on a handful of characters over a few days before I posted my thoughts here.


As an event, I actually quite like it. I like the visual design of the area, with some fresh assets not seen in other locations. I love the old KOTOR music cues, although they trigger far too infrequently (give me moar :D) and for some reason the only music cues I seem to get are from Kashyyyk and never the actual Dantooine cues. :( The design on the missions themselves are solid, keeping me moving the whole time but with something to do in every area of the map. There are a lot of rewards and that's good too, gives me things to work toward.


Before I touch on some of what seems to have ended up being discussed in this thread, I will add my voice to the chorus asking for the event currency (Dantooine Surveyor Notes) to be made legacy-wide. All other event currencies bind to legacy, and that's what makes them feasible. For those of us who have long since achieved Legend with the Gree and THORN, for example, the most common activity I see when these events come back around is people grouping together for an alt-swap chain on the missions that give currency so that they can be accumulated legacy-wide for big purchases. Being able to consolidate event currency legacy-wide is key to acquiring the high-cost items. If we've invested all the time for the rep and all the time for the currency, we shouldn't be prevented from getting our reward just because that time was split up over multiple characters; it's our time that is being rewarded, not the avatars', they're just pixels ffs.


Ok, now on to my two cents about what seems to be a recurring dislike from other players: the Heroics, and the rewards associated with them.


I feel like a lot of the arguments I'm seeing are judging Dantooine as if it were a dailies area rather than an event. Given that it's the first new 'content' to drop since Ossus it's maybe inevitable that people would be comparing it to Ossus and how Ossus works, but I don't feel that places it correctly in the spectrum. If you look at the other events (Rakghoul and Gree in particular), event currency is rare for those events, with the only means of getting it in larger quantities tied to group content (Heroic 4s, and Ops bosses).


By comparison to the Gree event (where unless you are running Ops you can only get one Helix per day per character via a Heroic 4), the Dantooine event is completely on par if not better, considering for Dantooine you can get one Note per day per character by doing nothing but solo dailies. So unless you're soloing the Heroic 4 for the Gree, in fact the Dantooine event is already more friendly to solo players. Even the easiest event to solo of them all (BBA) only gets you one Contract per day per character, with an option for a second Contract for the Weekly only if you've already unlocked those.


Comparing Dantooine gains to Ossus gains, Dantooine is absolutely much, much harder. But Ossus is a dailies area, and Dantooine is an event. Compared to other events, Dantooine is by the numbers more generous with the event currency than any of the others. If you do all the possible content, group content included, you can get 7 Notes per character per day, plus two more possible for the week under the weekly. No other event is so generous with its currency.


So in short, if you want to do nothing but solo content, currency acquisition for the Dantooine event is more or less on par with all the other events. If you are willing to group, it's hugely faster / more generous.


I just feel like it's important to keep it in context. It's taken some people months if not years to grind out the rep for Gree, THORN, and BBA, and that doesn't seem to anger anyone these days. Dantooine seems to me to be the same sort of situation, it's just that it's brand new and people are impatient (human nature, after all) to see the rewards as soon as possible.


That being said, I also don't see a problem separating the Weekly into two, one for Dailies and one for Heroics. The truth is that neither the Gree nor the Rakghoul event even offer weeklies so Dantooine is again already easier than either of those. If they were to be split then I'd suggest making the Weekly for just dailies reward 1 currency just like the Daily Patrol mission does, and let the Weekly for Heroics reward two. That means people willing to group up get a bonus of +1 currency, and those who prefer to stay purely solo will still get 1 extra currency per week per character (which puts it right even with THORN where you can get one extra Canister per week per character running the pad to Jeelvic).


Now all of that being said... Devs, I think it's fair to say there was some mistakenly treating this as if it were Ossus 2 on your side as well, specifically when it comes to the cost of items on the vendor. Everything I said above about Dantooine being more generous with the event currency is true buuuuut... for the Gree and THORN for example, at least some of what is available for purchase from the event vendors is gated by reputation but purchasable with credits (a minority percentage, true, but still). That makes Dantooine like the BBA where 100% of the rewards are double gated, but with a higher time commitment on the grind to acquire the currency, and a much higher associated currency cost (e.g. several decos on the BBA vendor cost just one Contract, whereas the cheapest deco on the Dantooine vendor costs four Notes). I feel like the reward costs were calculated more as if this were a dailies area, and it's really not.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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You are correct: Multiplayer = more than one player. It DOES NOT mean "group".


20,000 players all playing solo IS "more than one player".


This is basic English, I can't make it any easier to understand than this, but I understand that for a lot of SWTOR players English is not their first language so some of them may have difficulty grasping the finer points.


All The Best


Yes, of course. That is what you do in a multiplayer game. You only play alone! That is why it's a MULTI player game! Take that single player games!!


Isn't it fun how reality bends to your will? You just have to make stuff up! Problem is... you can't take everyone along for the ride. :rolleyes:


Have you heard of Second LIfe? That is considered to be an MMO and it was entirely centered around socializing. It also made buckets of money. A more recent one would be Roblox. Roblox is a complicated beast, but most of the top games are purely social role play games, and the combat based ones I've watched my son play have all been solo with other people around. And again, it's making buckets of money.


Many people would argue that it is the social aspects of MMOs that are the center of an MMO. Group content is only one way of many to socialize. That is why having a centralized hub is important. Solo players often like to socialize, but just not group up. It associative play vs. cooperative play.


It's funny how your tone already gives the right answer away. You just need to see what their own creators call them.

Isn't it interesting though? You are free to socialize all you want in SWTOR. But here you are saying activities that incentivize grouping and socializing should be removed.

Btw hint hint... you guys like to make up what it is i say, but i challenge you to quote me where i said there should only be multiplayer content. ;)


Despite argumentative displacement from you guys, i am here only arguing that the Heroics are fine cause they are group content, wich will NOT die cause it's a conquest event and to top it off are soloable if one bothers to learn them.

Like, there is zero reason to complain, except that some people are too lazy to learn or group up with others and want the devs to spoon feed them all their rewards in the mail just for existing.


Oh tragedy! I cannot be bothered to solo this or don't want to build the knowledge to, but typing a message on general or answering someone else's is SOOO bothersome. Nerf everything! It's too much effort!

Edited by Nemmar
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Second, both Iokath and Oricon had Ops that tied into the story and people pushed back very hard.


Eh, Iokath and Oricon are 2 different cases.


I agree that Iokath should have had an option like Yavin 4 (Ops or x8 missions), but Oricon really misses the mark if you don't make it an Operation. The thing is that the Dread Masters were tied to every Operation in SWTOR.

The bombing run to free them freed Soa (EV), they drove Karagga insane (KP), they corrupted Kephess (EC), they opened the door to Cthulu (TFB), it was one of them at the end of (SV), and DF/DP are their climax.


The Dread Masters are still my favourite storyline in SWTOR. And to some extent the game really did peak with DP.


But I 100% agree about Iokath.


Also, I just finished soloing the Dantooine heroics. It's tough, but you can do it so there's no reason to claim Dantooine is impossible solo.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Now almost week later i haven't gone back to Dantooine after my first visit and feedback i gave earlier on this thread. There is just absolutely nothing making me want to go there. Getting only one single currency per day for doing normal dailies is not any kind of realistic way to get those items i would be interested on the vendor (decorations mostly).


I am still feeling really cheated about the whole planet. I was really waiting for it to come and was expecting to get new area where i can earn new things doing dailies and maybe sometimes even loot something new and fun. It was really big disappointment that to get practically any advance at all group heroics are needed. If 6.0 is going to be same crap i will definately be out for good and never look back no matter what is promised.


Solo content is not just content for people who absolutely do not group ever with anybody. It is also needed for players who groups with friends but friends are not online at the time, for players who play on unpopular times, for players who want breather from other group content they do and so on.


So once again i ask:

  • Split the heroics from weekly, have separate heroic weekly and dailies weekly.
  • Add interesting loot on droptables of random mobs in Dantooine (like Ossus has).
  • Put gear rewards on Dantooine weekly like Ossus has.
  • Make currency legacy wide


If you keep locking rewards behind group content (and by locking i also mean making solo grind so long and useless that it might as well not be there) and not having solo option that also feels rewarding, you will not "encourage" players to do group content you are trying to blackmail them to do it. Not a good strategy when you are depending on having customers who want to pay you for having FUN.

Edited by Noerra
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Now almost week later i haven't gone back to Dantooine after my first visit and feedback i gave earlier on this thread. There is just absolutely nothing making me want to go there. Getting only one single currency per day for doing normal dailies is not any kind of realistic way to get those items i would be interested on the vendor (decorations mostly).


I am still feeling really cheated about the whole planet. I was really waiting for it to come and was expecting to get new area where i can earn new things doing dailies and maybe sometimes even loot something new and fun. It was really big disappointment that to get practically any advance at all group heroics are needed. If 6.0 is going to be same crap i will definately be out for good and never look back no matter what is promised.


Solo content is not just content for people who absolutely do not group ever with anybody. It is also needed for players who groups with friends but friends are not online at the time, for players who play on unpopular times, for players who want breather from other group content they do and so on.


So once again i ask:

  • Split the heroics from weekly, have separate heroic weekly and dailies weekly.
  • Add interesting loot on droptables of random mobs in Dantooine (like Ossus has).
  • Put gear rewards on Dantooine weekly like Ossus has.
  • Make currency legacy wide


If you keep locking rewards behind group content (and by locking i also mean making solo grind so long and useless that it might as well not be there) and not having solo option that also feels rewarding, you will not "encourage" players to do group content you are trying to blackmail them to do it. Not a good strategy when you are depending on having customers who want to pay you for having FUN.


You do know that these quests are gonna disappear in another week? I swear most people don't understand this is an event, but it will be broken to them very harshly next week. xD


I do agree with drops though. The mobs should have a chance to drop some decorations like the ones on Ossus.

That made looting them exciting.

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You do know that these quests are gonna disappear in another week? I swear most people don't understand this is an event, but it will be broken to them very harshly next week. xD


I do agree with drops though. The mobs should have a chance to drop some decorations like the ones on Ossus.

That made looting them exciting.


Yes of course i understand. I don't understand though why you think it would matter to me when my post was feedback about how i don't do Dantooine because it does not feel fun and rewarding for me. My routine in Dantooine will remain the same every week no matter if event is active or not: i will not do it. :D


Unless there will be changes or if "no event state" will be rewarding and fun.

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I find it moderately enjoyable. The planet itself looks cool. However, I think it's more to hold us over until Onslaught. And also it's not meant to be huge. It's just another recurring event with some dailies. I think they need to update the reputation vendor on Dantooine. To me, there is not a whole lot of incentive there to continually grind out dailies for reputation. I would also really like to see them expand the planet/quests. I think there's a lot of potential there but I hope they do more with it.
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Yes, of course. That is what you do in a multiplayer game. You only play alone! That is why it's a MULTI player game! Take that single player games!!


Isn't it fun how reality bends to your will? You just have to make stuff up! Problem is... you can't take everyone along for the ride. :rolleyes:!


Except I am not making things up.


I am using the dictionary definitions of those words.


Shame that seems to be beyond some people.



All The Best

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I am glad it made it to the Game. It was a planet I was surprised had not been included at launch, but here it is.


Its is cool, I do wish it was bigger though. We could really use a couple large open planets that we can explore and this would have been a good one since its open farm land.


Its still cool, the questline was short and as an event I guess its ok.


I know people were mad about the pvpers charging bases, but i actually liked fighting back and running them out of the base, reminded me rushing each other in Restuss in SWG and I used to enjoy that for hours, but there is not really a lot of rewards for open world pvp so it was fun but not something worth too much time investing into.



Still, just glad to see Dantooine in game, just wish it was more exploarable

Edited by kirorx
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To those people that play Dantooine on imperial side...go pub side. Dailies are sooooooooooooo much better there. I did it over weekend on my 1 imp toon and I hated it. Luckily I did it first on my 14 toons on pub side and I love it.


If I did it first on imperial side, I probably wouldn't even bother doing it with 2nd alt. So I understand, why some people hate it. And yes I know this is kinda discussion about Dantooine as pllanet ?...but it's not really a planet. It's an event map...it's meant to be small. And what it is there, I love everything about it.

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I know people were mad about the pvpers charging bases, but i actually liked fighting back and running them out of the base, reminded me rushing each other in Restuss in SWG and I used to enjoy that for hours, but there is not really a lot of rewards for open world pvp so it was fun but not something worth too much time investing into.


Cut out a part :D


I do remember that, was fun really, Quests and still open world pvp inside the city.


Perhaps something to add here, a "planet" or just a city that have some form of quests in it but at the same time open world pvp inside the city limits.


Then you combine 2 things, trying to do the quest and perhaps get some pvp done too.

Yes I know you can swap to pvp on any world, but this would be in a city only, meaning you need to place the quest items in the city while at the same time have the pvp. Makes it harder and more interesting.


PS. No I'm not a hardcore pvp player, I do pvp when I like to and on most my char I suck on it, but fun to try and help others.

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Honestly? I'm unimpressed. I like the music and that's about it.


^this x 1000


I checked the rewards for grinding these new dailies, and immediately bounced off the planet. Absolutely zero reason to ever bother with it again.

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It's nice. I always enjoy a new planet and it is different and atmospheric. It works fairly well immersion-wise. Except for the quest givers who feel somewhat out of touch.


I feel a lot of people forget that this is an event and not an actual update. Next to the other events, this is a welcome addition.


On the flipside it is a bit crowded and the H4's are fairly uninspired.

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I only have one question. Are any of the missions soloable, or are people like me going to be locked out again?:confused:


Every quest is soloable. My main is a Mara in 252+240augs, lvl 50 comps (I used Lana and the Ziost Cartel droid). I solo'd all three Heroics without too much issue. You just have to use the heal stations as sparingly as possible so you don't waste them. Note: a ranged comp should be used on the walker boss, unless you want to complicate the fight further by needing to put your comp on passive every time there's a red circle. Use a melee comp on the reactor boss, otherwise it has a tendency to be too far away to heal in time.

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To those people that play Dantooine on imperial side...go pub side. Dailies are sooooooooooooo much better there. I did it over weekend on my 1 imp toon and I hated it. Luckily I did it first on my 14 toons on pub side and I love it.


If I did it first on imperial side, I probably wouldn't even bother doing it with 2nd alt. So I understand, why some people hate it. And yes I know this is kinda discussion about Dantooine as pllanet ?...but it's not really a planet. It's an event map...it's meant to be small. And what it is there, I love everything about it.


I second this sentiment. This is part of the reason that the surveyor's notes should be legacy wide. Except for the mouse droid mission, the dailies on the imp side tend to be rather tedious while the pub dailies feel quick in comparison. Other than the currency issue, the Dantooine Incursion would be much better if there were some adjustments to the imp dailies to make them a bit quicker. For example, that there would be more places to bury the mine droids. While this mission should be quick in theory, it tends to drag on when you have several players attempting this daily and when you do find one, it can be a mad rush to get there first. Otherwise however Dantooine has been nice, but a tad too small. It is a shame at least at this time that we cannot access the Jedi Enclave. It would be great if the weekly reputation cap were bigger, but I understand that players would likely max their rep out too quickly and perhaps not return to Dantooine. I have to give kudos to BW though with offering Quick Vrik through the reputation vendor, as this now gives me the incentive to grind for max rep on Dantooine, something that I would otherwise not desire to do.

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I second this sentiment. This is part of the reason that the surveyor's notes should be legacy wide. Except for the mouse droid mission, the dailies on the imp side tend to be rather tedious while the pub dailies feel quick in comparison. Other than the currency issue, the Dantooine Incursion would be much better if there were some adjustments to the imp dailies to make them a bit quicker. For example, that there would be more places to bury the mine droids. While this mission should be quick in theory, it tends to drag on when you have several players attempting this daily and when you do find one, it can be a mad rush to get there first. Otherwise however Dantooine has been nice, but a tad too small. It is a shame at least at this time that we cannot access the Jedi Enclave. It would be great if the weekly reputation cap were bigger, but I understand that players would likely max their rep out too quickly and perhaps not return to Dantooine. I have to give kudos to BW though with offering Quick Vrik through the reputation vendor, as this now gives me the incentive to grind for max rep on Dantooine, something that I would otherwise not desire to do.


I hate any quest that bottlenecks players. That One Heroic on DK for instance. The Imp turret daily is one such annoying bottleneck. The only place to get the keycards or whatever are from the commanders near the turret. Other comms don't seem to drop them. Had to stand around for that quest waiting on spawns multiple times now.

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Now almost week later i haven't gone back to Dantooine after my first visit and feedback i gave earlier on this thread. There is just absolutely nothing making me want to go there. Getting only one single currency per day for doing normal dailies is not any kind of realistic way to get those items i would be interested on the vendor (decorations mostly).


I am still feeling really cheated about the whole planet. I was really waiting for it to come and was expecting to get new area where i can earn new things doing dailies and maybe sometimes even loot something new and fun. It was really big disappointment that to get practically any advance at all group heroics are needed. If 6.0 is going to be same crap i will definately be out for good and never look back no matter what is promised.


Solo content is not just content for people who absolutely do not group ever with anybody. It is also needed for players who groups with friends but friends are not online at the time, for players who play on unpopular times, for players who want breather from other group content they do and so on.


So once again i ask:

  • Split the heroics from weekly, have separate heroic weekly and dailies weekly.
  • Add interesting loot on droptables of random mobs in Dantooine (like Ossus has).
  • Put gear rewards on Dantooine weekly like Ossus has.
  • Make currency legacy wide


If you keep locking rewards behind group content (and by locking i also mean making solo grind so long and useless that it might as well not be there) and not having solo option that also feels rewarding, you will not "encourage" players to do group content you are trying to blackmail them to do it. Not a good strategy when you are depending on having customers who want to pay you for having FUN.


I have soloed everything except the H4, and there is always people shouting for groups. Not sure what you mean by solo grind, it maybe takes 40 minutes to do all of dantooine (including the H4). I mean it IS a game, your just not handed something. The heroics and dailies on Belsavius are waaaay longer to finish.

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Every quest is soloable. My main is a Mara in 252+240augs, lvl 50 comps (I used Lana and the Ziost Cartel droid). I solo'd all three Heroics without too much issue. You just have to use the heal stations as sparingly as possible so you don't waste them. Note: a ranged comp should be used on the walker boss, unless you want to complicate the fight further by needing to put your comp on passive every time there's a red circle. Use a melee comp on the reactor boss, otherwise it has a tendency to be too far away to heal in time.


I'd like to see that video. Because I'm having a VERY different heroic experience. I'm in a group and they are WAY too hard.

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I'd like to see that video. Because I'm having a VERY different heroic experience. I'm in a group and they are WAY too hard.


There are already videos of them being solod. I watched Johnny Five's video on Youtube before attempting it, in which he solos all three. My first attempt on the reactor boss I got him to 20% even after my comp died at the beginning (I accidentally left him on tank mode). Only reason I died is I got stuck in one of those yellow/orange things on the wall after a knockback.


If your group is having trouble more than likely you're not paying attention to mechanics. Reactor boss, for example, does a cone mechanic that can't be faced toward the reactor. The walker I don't even know if you need a healer on if you're fast enough. I found most of its dmg to be mediocre. The only thing you need to avoid is that red circle; as soon you see it around your feet high-tail it out of it. Grab a rocket while it's paused doing its circle, shoot with rocket, run in and dps him, avoid red circle, grab a rocket blah blah. Rinse repeat. You can also interrupt his skills so you have extra dps time. The fight is extremely simple. The only breath-holding fight imo is the dog, because he just jumps all over the place and he loves using your healing comp as target practice.

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