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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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So you’re saying people who are clamouring for more content should wait another 7 months?

By then, 6.0 will be released with new content and partially negates the reason for releasing it to subscribers now to give them something to do.


Sorry, I had not realized you had a specific time-frame in mind for the re-issue of the chapter. How would you feel about it being offered immediately to anyone who pays for an additional 6 month subscription? That way it's playable right away during the content drought and BW still gets additional revenue for it (which seems to be the entire purpose behind subscriber rewards in the first place) and it's very close to the requirement that was originally met by those who received it initially. I would think this solution should please everyone except those who are staunchly against it ever being released again.


Ultimately I agree with what several others have stated in feeling it was a mistake for BW to put actual content up as a time-limited reward. I believe a system that rewards continued loyalty is better than offers that are restricted to specific time periods (there are things I'll never be able to obtain simply because I was unable to play the game prior to 2014).

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Make it [HK55] available for CCs. Not cheap but not out-the-park expensive either - 3 months of sub CCs equivalent maybe.


I for one am not offended if someone wants to pay for something now that I already paid for earlier. I earned it in one way ( subbing during the qualifying period) they can gain the reward their own way - paying up front or subbing for a few months and using the coins to buy the perk.


I won't object if BW make some money for sales of their old sub perks. Offer Shae Visla, Paxton Rall, Z0-OM and all the rest as well for a price.


IMHO It has no impact on the game, after all.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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First Information is that I have access to the HK-Mission.


I would suggest to implement a sub reward system. e.g.


One Month of Sub - Pet

3 Month - Title

5 Month - Mount

7 Month - HK Mission/Another Companion

9 Month - Something

12 Month- Something


After some time add new rewards and start counting from zero.

if you hit 3 Month you would get the new 3 month reward and all other 3 month rewards before.

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I'd be happy for the chapter to become available again, for a reasonable price.


As a CE owner i'd be happy for the CE exclusives to be available for a price.


As someone that got the DvL levelling set i'd be happy for that, too, to be available for a price.


This game is not going to be around forever.


I've had fun with my exclusive toys and i'm happy to share them. I don't understand the "they're MY toys and YOU DON'T GET TO PLAY WITH THEM!" attitude. They brought back the korrealis mounts, the white crystals, the Grand Acquisition rewards, why not allow other things to become attainable?

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I met the original criteria for the chapter (the long sub requirement), however I always thought it was a bit bad that the bonus chapter contained a conclusion to some older story content rather than stand alone HK-55 content meaning non-subs were prevented from accessing that aspect of the story. Rather than force people to sub for a minimum amount of time, I think the HK chapter should be made available to all via a Cartel Market unlock token of 500-1000CC. That's not an extortionate price.
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Why dont you do like b4.. b4 an expac do a list of subscriber rewards with the hk chapter at end.. requiring you to stay subbed for the whole time to get it.


I didn't get a chance at it first time as I lost my job midway through that time and had to let sub lapse for a month till I got new job. Would love another chance to get it. Tots ok with it being the culmination of 5 or 6 months of sub.

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You draw the line at content, not items. That is the main difference here. The bonus content was actual story, which you could play through, not just another item.

I completely agree.


In my opinion, a flexible way to make this chapter available to more players, while still rewarding those who already had it, is to give a unique title to the ones who had it already (so there is still something exclusive), and also a good amount of cartel market certificates (or some other new currency if you prefer to keep things separate and not overly favour anyone who might have a lot of certs saved up). The chapter would become available for CM certs (or new currency), along with some new items (so people who already have the chapter get something new), and this currency (either CM certs or new currency) would become a sub reward. An amount of the currency is given every month with a sub, so people can save up their sub reward currency and buy the chapter with enough time, or other things if the chapter does not interest them.

Edited by Estelindis
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Either way your gonna have to wait 7 months that is the ONLY way....


It's been 3 years. No need to be petty. They can retroactively hand it out to people that have paid 6 months worth of sub time in those 3 years and then turn it into a loyalty reward going forward.

Edited by kodrac
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I feel differently a past reward should remain a past reward. It defniitely should not be cheaper or easier to obtain. It was "sold" as being a get it now or never deal, in a way "forcing" subs at that time, it should not be rewarded to others now.


It should not be purchased via CC's this will just go in the EA pocket for other crappy games like Anthem, not SWTOR's pocket - you won't suddenly get more developers on the project because of it.


Basing it on past subs is just plain taking the pee, and a kick to those who supported the game through it's previous lull.


I have said and other have said giving this reward out again will undermine all future rewards.


i sympathise that others missed out on the deal, but myself and others have also missed out on other deals with no way of ever getting these, this should be no different.


Did B/W screw up by giving it out as an exclusive reward - absolutely, but that doesn't mean it should be allowed again, you should push for new dynamic content instead.

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This probably goes without saying, but offering it at a price around $105($15 to sub times the original 7 months needed) is simply not correct unless it includes 7 months of premium play as well. It should be noted that those who stayed subbed during those original months also got 7 months of premium play out of it as well as all the other sub rewards(HK companion, HK-inspired armor and weapons, etc.) from each individual month. The chapter was simply a bonus.


Those were different rewards, however. And first of all, subscription was required to access any new chapters during the KOTFE monthly release, second of all you could subscribe during X and Y and get something like HK weapons but not the chapter.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.






I would ONLY support the return of this if the exact same requirements are met: Stay subbed for 6 (or how ever long it was) months continuously. No less than that.

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Here is a serious question. Why not allow the chapter to be sub reward for a 2nd time, HOWEVER both companions that were given out from this chapter the 1st time the sub reward was out will not be included this time. Another words only the people who got it the 1st time will ever get HK-55, and ZO-OM as companions,


This would allow the Story content to be seen by more players but at the same time would allow the people who originally got it to keep something exclusive.

Edited by Toraak
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Those were different rewards, however. And first of all, subscription was required to access any new chapters during the KOTFE monthly release, second of all you could subscribe during X and Y and get something like HK weapons but not the chapter.


Different yes, but unequivocally linked to the 7-month promotional time frame. Actually, I forgot about needing to have an active sub to gain access to the new chapters. This furthers my point that players who stayed subbed for the entire time clearly got much more out of it than just the bonus chapter. As such, it would be fallacious to say that the bonus chapter on its own is worth anything near what it cost to stay subbed for the entire 7 months.

Edited by Drenovade
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Different yes, but unequivocally linked to the 7-month promotional time frame. Actually, I forgot about needing to have an active sub to gain access to the new chapters. This furthers my point that players who stayed subbed for the entire time clearly got much more out of it than just the bonus chapter. As such, it would be fallacious to say that the bonus chapter on its own is worth anything near what it cost to stay subbed for the entire 7 months.


You have to account for the reason for the promotion as well. Being a subscriber for 7 months got you one chapter per month that anyone could obtain for subscribing for one month at the end. Early access to the chapters didn't appear to be a high enough incentive to avoid people subscribing once for all the content, so they offered this bonus chapter.


We can go back in time and say that the chapter should have been provided as early access rather than exclusive access, but that's not what they offered. BW can make their decision on if it should be available to others now, but I would never factor exclusive content into my decision to purchase something or stay subscribed in the future if they went back on the promotion. I will just assume exclusive means early access and, if the content is good enough, they'll make it available to everyone later on anyway.

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Different yes, but unequivocally linked to the 7-month promotional time frame. Actually, I forgot about needing to have an active sub to gain access to the new chapters. This furthers my point that players who stayed subbed for the entire time clearly got much more out of it than just the bonus chapter. As such, it would be fallacious to say that the bonus chapter on its own is worth anything near what it cost to stay subbed for the entire 7 months.


This was also during the time people were commenting on the forums that they would wait until the all the chapters were released and then sub since there wasn't much for them to stay sub for and then they came out with this to keep people sub instead of unsubbing.


We will never actually know how many would have unsubbed if this wasn't offered. While some would never sub for a reward, there are a lot that will so saying that it was not worth the amount people had to pay for 7 months is not actually true. For some it was and the only reason they stayed subbed for the 7 months.

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Frankly, it's amazing to me that some don't want this content re-released. The amount of pettiness and entitlement involved in wanting something to stay forever exclusive is astounding.


They recently added the season 1 ranked pvp rewards to the ranked pvp vendors. I have Giradda's Rancor from being tier 1 in season 1 ranked pvp. It was a reward I actually earned (as opposed to just staying subbed for 7 months). It's one of the rarest mounts in the game. I have no issue whatsoever that it's now available for people to get. They made it very expensive in ranked tokens, probably only a handful of people have even gotten it that way. Also, I had about 5 years of having this mount when hardly anyone else had it (I didn't play the game for most of that time, but that's a different story).


The point is, there is nothing wrong with re-releasing something that was once exclusive. If you think there is, you really ought to look deep into yourself, and ask yourself why you want to deprive other people of something that will give them pleasure just to satisfy your petty desire for exclusivity.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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We will never actually know how many would have unsubbed if this wasn't offered. While some would never sub for a reward, there are a lot that will so saying that it was not worth the amount people had to pay for 7 months is not actually true. For some it was and the only reason they stayed subbed for the 7 months.


It's true that some people probably did sub exclusively for that reason, which is why I wouldn't say the bonus chapter has no value at all, it's certainly worth something. But if you cut out all the other rewards and pay roughly $15 a month for 7 months, with NO premium status, NO HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount, NO immediate access to the new chapters...how many would actually pay for that? I'm guessing not many because that would literally be paying about $105 for just a bonus chapter and nothing else.


That's why I'm saying it would be unreasonable to offer the chapter at some insane price like $105 or however much that is in cartel coins, unless at the very least it comes with 7 months of sub time along with it.

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I am one of the many people who has access to the chapter and all the companions and have no problem with you giving away old sub rewards to new players however will bring more or keep more or return more players to the game.


The 'exclusivity' crowd will get over it.

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I am a Sub, I've been one since the game started, and it honestly doesn't bother me in the least to have this chapter available to more players! It's so unique and funny that it should be shared more widely with the player base. If you want to tie it to being subbed to the game or sell it, fine, but it's just too good not to be shared. One of the funniest times I've had in the game is taking my nephew down there and getting him shot by HK without telling him about it ahead of time! =) (Yes, he's got his own account that was subbed, too)


For anyone complaining about having been subbed for the original release, you got your prize, you played it years before anyone else, just be content with that. There's no reason to be proprietary about it at this point, imo.


I completely agree. As a person who closely followed this game during development, who pre-ordered this game as soon as we were allowed to pre-order, who played in the beta, who remained faithfully subscribed for years, who already owns and has access to the HK promotion quests, who continued to subscribe until taking an absence sometime in the last 1-2 years but who came back and has remained subscribed through much of 2019, who is a regular daily reader of forums and dev tracker updates even when I was gone from the game, who in addition also continues to support this game in other ways such as through Cartel Market purchases, and YouTube but has never taken the time to post on the forums before ...


I say that I am perfectly okay with and I'm supportive of letting the story be available for free for those who have an active subscription of 1 month (similar to the way the other expansion content has a one time permanent unlock for being subscribed.




Now if I may add a few more things / a quick side note about the whole free to play, preferred, subscriber, cartel business model. There are a lot of other good posts and commentary about this and honestly I want to see SWTOR do well and be able to continue support this game, and release new content. So in other words, I am completely in favor of the business doing well financially. However if I may add ...


1) I think that if a player buys a minimum amount of cartel coins per year (the numbers of course determined by the business / Bioware / EA) that the player should automatically gain equivalent subscriber benefits. Or alternatively if a player spends equivalent or higher than $14.99 subscription cost on cartel coins per month they should also gain subscriber benefits for the month.


2) I think that there should not be such a small cap of 350000 credits for SWTOR player accounts who have over their lifetime spent a certain dollar amount or within a year's time spent a certain amount of money for this game whether subscription or cartel coins. Or at the very least, if not the above then add an account or character unlock to the cartel market and charge a certain amount to unlock the ability to accumulate credits above 350000 / same as subscribers and that should be that ... similar to other account unlocks.


3) the items on the cartel market are too expensive. You would sell far more items and make a lot more money if you only reduced the prices and made them more reasonable. This is basic economics 101. Real world examples: check out Steam game sales and the research they did on this in terms of economic boost / making more money. With more money, would come more investment and with more investment more content in this game, and with more content more success.


4) You would make a lot more money for this game through the cartel market if every item that's ever been made for the cartel market was available to buy directly. Though I'm sure you could make some exceptions if you want for seasonal items like Lifeday items only being available to sale for Lifeday season OR just leave them up and only promote them during said season. You could also leave in the cartel packs for those who wish to try to get items that way through chance. Though please be aware that there is currently a movement growing in the US Congress which if legislation is passed could potentially outlaw lootboxes. Therefore, I say please consider / think about the future and if you already had a system developed in place to sell all items that have ever been released for the cartel market directly you would be ahead of the game should Congress outlaw lootboxes ... and also ahead in the game in terms of bringing more revenue / money in.


5) If you choose to not lower cartel market prices then at least consider boosting the amount of cartel coins per month for subscribers from 500 to 1000 or 1500 minimum. Right now, you can buy cartel coins separately and if you spend $9.99 you get 1050 cartel coins. $19.99 you get 2400. All I'm saying is that somewhere in the middle there equivalent to $14.99 per month subscription you should get an appropriate amount of cartel coins per month (especially if the cartel market prices remain high).


6) Lastly, consider dropping the monthly sub to $9.99 ... not only would you see a boost in subscriptions, you would probably earn more money, more revenue in the long term


In closing, I don't have all the answers and I leave the decision up to you the business. However, I believe that through some combination of the above that there is an answer to the long term financial success and game success of SWTOR. Thank you for reading!

Edited by novatrooper
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Plus, let's not forget that during the promotion people got:

- Monthly content release,

- Monthly cosmetic rewards (mounts, armor, deco),

- DvL event with some very nice rewards.

...and the chapter on top of this.

So, asking equivalent of 6 months sub for the chapter alone wouldn't be that fair... Adding the chapter to 6 months of prepaid sub would certainly be.

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And here's why:

If you release this, following the rewards they have re-released for those who missed it, what's the incentive to stay subbed for the rewards because down the line they will release it again?


It's just the rules of life. Not sure why ppl think because it's a game it should be twisted & moved on.


That'd be like me going into WoW demanding old rewards because I wasn't there then.

Or walking into Walmart & demanding free gifts for purchases because back in Nov. 2017 they offered the free gift with purchase of said item.

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I definitely wont be subbing for anymore of these exclusive one time rewards. Bringing them back makes it redundant, if you want to do something about it just make more new exclusive rewards people can obtain. I collected hk-55 hoping it would be rare one day for my account and not everyone would have it.
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There is a logical reasion WHY the 7 month wait MUST be done.


Way back when...


KOTFE was announced. EVERYBODY complained and swore that they would cancel their subscriptions in protest, EVEN THOUGH the expansion was still 6 months away (one of the reasons that BW NEVER tells us what is coming out in advance, the COMPLAINERS). So many of them canceled their subs only to wind up screwing them selves in the end when HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory were announced. THOSE of US that remained subscribed we got HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory. Those complainers that canceled their subscriptions are still whining that they did not get HK-55 or The Should of Memory and that it is UNFAIR.


Though I agree that NEW Subscribers should have the opportunity to gain HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory I am NOT ok with simply GIVING it to them without the 7 Months of Wait Time. I have posted 2 suggestions (http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9726756&postcount=75) to make it a yearly event so that EVERYBODY can qualify to receive HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory.


No Short Cuts, No Quick Cheap Buy on the Cartel Market. You want it You have to go through what WE DID or NO you can NOT have HK-55 or The Shroud of Memory.

Edited by denavin
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