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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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Ok here it is. If they need help deciding what to do. Throw a voting poll out there on social media here in the community forums and where ever else and see what happens. If there are more yes than no’s then sell it or a sub item. If there are more no’s then yes’s than don’t


We don’t need a poll. This isn’t the players decision. Bioware have said they are internally discussing it already.

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We don’t need a poll. This isn’t the players decision. Bioware have said they are internally discussing it already.


They also said they wanted to gauge were people stood. A poll is the best way












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They also said they wanted to gauge were people stood. A poll is the best way




Maybe eventually, but the feedback they look to be looking for is more how to do it rather than whether to do it.


Polls aren't good at how questions unless it can be narrowed down to only a few options

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Guys, this thread is becoming more and more derailed. It’s turning more and more into the haves and have nots and who deserves what other rewards for older subs and what they should get.


Can I please ask you to start another thread to discuss other rewards for older subscribers who were here in the past and already have specific reward.


Then you can argue to your hearts content on wether they should get them and what they could or can be or what the meaning of exclusive is... etc... etc


edit: I’ve started another thread for everyone to discuss past rewards for older subs and what would continue to make you feel valued if old rewards were offered again.

Please take that part of the discussion over there so this thread can stop being derailed with bickering http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=963865


Sorry TrixxieTriss but no way.

This is part of the issue and as there is yellow post on THIS thread then this is the where the discussion is happening.

You cannot farm off half this argument to another thread.

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Sorry TrixxieTriss but no way.

This is part of the issue and as there is yellow post on THIS thread then this is the where the discussion is happening.

You cannot farm off half this argument to another thread.


So you just want to keep derailing this thread with your constant posting and back and forth bickering.

You’ve made you displeasure know about the subject. How about you post some positive suggestions in the other thread so that Bioware will might listen to you. I’m pretty sure they started to tune out in this one, once all the bickering between players started. That is not the way to give constructive feed back.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It's incredible the difference in attitude between players who already have it and have said they enjoyed their exclusive content for 3 years with all the other rewards and would be happy to see others enjoy it now, and the other crowd who are like, "If they make it available again, I hope you CHOKE on it!"


We're talking about story content that is 3 years old and was just a bonus for staying subbed for a period of months. A lot of us were subbed for most of those original months anyway, yet we're still willing to go all the way in another promotion for it.


I'm sure the devs have been keeping an eye on this thread and are well aware of who's being reasonable and who's being bitterly pigheaded. Both sides have made their cases, all that's left at this point is for a decision to be made.

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You were already being rewarded for having exclusive access to the companion as well as the additional story content for quite a long time.

It's the same as "exclusive" videogames work.... they are exclusive to a certain platform or form of distribution for a certain time, until they are not. I really don't see how this is any different. Especially in this case it's just a matter of dumb luck of being subbed at a certain point in time. Your arguments really don't hold a lot of value other than saying that you want your cool toys just for yourself and your other lucky fellows, because it resembles some sort of a privilege and people like to be privileged. IMO there is no logically valid argument against making the HK-55 companion & story available to all subbers again.

I didn't even bother making an argument in this thread. I just stated my opinion against it. The straw-man you created is dumb. I never said I want cool toys just for myself. There are things in this game I don't have and won't have because I didn't qualify for them. I don't have a problem with that. I think there is nothing wrong with having those in the game. That is my stance. I'm against the concept that everybody has to have access to everything. Are we going to bring back the original Rakghoul event ... the Chevin event ... open world Ilum objective based pvp ... just because some people weren't here for those?


Sorry to not agree with your position, but I am against bringing rewards back. That is my stance. I spent enough time arguing about this crap in the 50 million threads about rewards in the suggestion forum. You should just do like everybody else that can't believe they didn't change my mind and put me on ignore for not taking your side.

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I'm sure the devs have been keeping an eye on this thread and are well aware of who's being reasonable and who's being bitterly pigheaded. Both sides have made their cases, all that's left at this point is for a decision to be made.

No name-calling to see here.

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Are we going to bring back the original Rakghoul event ... the Chevin event ... open world Ilum objective based pvp ... just because some people weren't here for those?


They already did. Check out the vendors at the Cartel Bazaar. All the rewards are available again, but require extensive gameplay to obtain them. The rewards aren't even story content either, just armor, weapons, and things of that nature.


However, I don't believe they made the title rewards from those events available again, which I am completely okay with even though the Chevin event titles are some of the coolest in the game. That's how it should be. It's okay to bring back certain rewards, while keeping something like a title exclusive to the original earners.


No name-calling to see here.


Hyperbole isn't doing you any favors.

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They already did. Check out the vendors at the Cartel Bazaar. All the rewards are available again, but require extensive gameplay to obtain them. The rewards aren't even story content either, just armor, weapons, and things of that nature.


However, I don't believe they made the title rewards from those events available again, which I am completely okay with even though the Chevin event titles are some of the coolest in the game. That's how it should be. It's okay to bring back certain rewards, while keeping something like a title exclusive to the original earners.




Hyperbole isn't doing you any favors.

I'm not talking about the rewards (from those events). I asked if they were going to bring back the content. One huge recurring argument here is that the bonus chapter is "story" content. So were the original one-time events. They explained the reasoning behind one-time events back when they created them. Basically it was because they wanted people to look back on those as memorable good times.

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I'm not talking about the rewards (from those events). I asked if they were going to bring back the content. One huge recurring argument here is that the bonus chapter is "story" content. So were the original one-time events. They explained the reasoning behind one-time events back when they created them. Basically it was because they wanted people to look back on those as memorable good times.


To this point I agree. I also agree that there should be a way for the newer players to create some memories of their own.


Yes... There can and should be requirements. I think that most of those who support that idea would agree on this point.


At some point in time we need to see what BW proposes for the answer to the idea of the HK-55 offering.

No! Not everyone will be happy. (sorry ... not a perfect world). But I would be currious to see what is propposed before we start burning the heretics !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I think I would approve of some of us getting a second chance to get the HK-55 mission. I never got too mad, because it was my choice and I knew the rules, but it's been available for years and I've always regretted unsubscribing for one month during Kotfe.
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I am for them adding them to the CM for like 1500-2000 (or even 3000, if that what is required for the <REDACTED> players) (so 15-20-30 bucks roughly) Even though I have both HK-55 and the bonus chapter, doesn't matter, other players should have access to it as well. Also yes, I am slightly hoping that in doing this they will bring back Ranos (since she and Paxton are the only 2 I don't have. Don't have Paxton because of the sub going out and the internet going down at the same time and didn't come back up, but it doesn't bother me much. I am upset about Ranos because I did everything BUT for the storyline and the solo arena, and the only reason I didn't, was because of a storyline bug that blocked progress and I wasn't able to complete it in time. So hoping she comes back) It doesn't bother me at all that I paid full price for xpacs when they came out and now all someone needs to do is sub one month and they get it all, doesn't bother me. So why should it bother other people or be wrong if they make companions available again through the CM for roughly the same price of a game on Steam? Seems fair and fine to me. (And yes I will agree with other people in that titles should stay locked.)
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To this point I agree. I also agree that there should be a way for the newer players to create some memories of their own.


Yes... There can and should be requirements. I think that most of those who support that idea would agree on this point.


At some point in time we need to see what BW proposes for the answer to the idea of the HK-55 offering.

No! Not everyone will be happy. (sorry ... not a perfect world). But I would be currious to see what is propposed before we start burning the heretics !

As I mentioned in my first reply in this thread. I fully expect them to bring it back. About 2 years ago, I would have said, "No, they won't ... because they haven't..." Now they have several times already in the last couple years. It takes little effort to hand out retreads. I believe the decision has already been made and the requested feedback in this thread is more for pretense than consideration. Those that haven't yet obtained those rewards will be happy to get them ... and they should be. I would be. And those that are unhappy will be written of as selfish "pig-headed" jerks.


It's a no-brainer. Under the guise of careful consideration a decision will be announced. All you have to do now is wait for "careful consideration" period to end. Then you will find out the date and instructions needed to qualify for the retread.

Edited by BRKMSN
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It's incredible the difference in attitude between players who already have it and have said they enjoyed their exclusive content for 3 years with all the other rewards and would be happy to see others enjoy it now, and the other crowd who are like, "If they make it available again, I hope you CHOKE on it!"


We're talking about story content that is 3 years old and was just a bonus for staying subbed for a period of months. A lot of us were subbed for most of those original months anyway, yet we're stilling willing to go all the way in another promotion for it.


I'm sure the devs have been keeping an eye on this thread and are well aware of who's being reasonable and who's being bitterly pigheaded. Both sides have made their cases, all that's left at this point is for a decision to be made.


It is interesting to see. I already have it and yet im perfectly fine, in fact I have asked for it multiple times, for it to be made available again or to be out on the CM. (since that seems to be the easiest) I will agree with other people, in that ranked rewards, the DF and DP NIM titles and other event titles should stay exclusive. (although the PTS ones need to be made available again) There are some rewards that should stay exclusive, but others shouldn't.



What is sad to see (and I have seen this in MANY games) is people who have exclusives start calling other players names, attacking them and belittling other players who even breathe a mention of bringing back a reward or item to be made available again for other players who didn't get it before. (Unless its a NIM or ranked type thing, then no I disagree with them.) And....like why though? Why be nasty to those players? Also they are not really asking for a free hand out? They are just asking for it to be made available again, either through paying money (CM) or gameplay or something else the devs cook up.


And sadly I can agree with your assessment. It is greed. Just so they can lord it over other people who don't have it and say "Haha, look what I have that you don't!" Which is a very sad state I see growing and growing through many gaming communities.

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And sadly I can agree with your assessment. It is greed. Just so they can lord it over other people who don't have it and say "Haha, look what I have that you don't!" Which is a very sad state I see growing and growing through many gaming communities.

For the sake of argument, let's just say greed is the motivating factor to keep item exclusivity. What is the motivating factor to bring them back? It has to be envy. Or is it greed?


It's hard to say. People that want what others have are coveting which is based on greed and envy. I guess we're all more alike than we want to admit.

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I am just tired of seeing long term subs screwed over again and again.

I will never let Shae/Nico situation happen again without speaking against it as much as I can.


I had Shae from the first time and I did not throw a tantrum over people being able to get her again. Other people being able to use her does not impact my Shae in any way. If they gave away Ranos for doing some trivial task - that I would think to be unfair because I had to put some work into unlocking her. Shae, Niko, the chapter - just drop a coin at the game I'm playing anyway. Just joined the game too late to get it.

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I had Shae from the first time and I did not throw a tantrum over people being able to get her again. Other people being able to use her does not impact my Shae in any way. If they gave away Ranos for doing some trivial task - that I would think to be unfair because I had to put some work into unlocking her. Shae, Niko, the chapter - just drop a coin at the game I'm playing anyway. Just joined the game too late to get it.


I agree with you, surprising as that may seem.

I don't give a rats arse that they gave away Shae or Nico...


What I care about is there was a sub promotion that offered a reward I already had, Shae and Nico, so it was no reward for me yet I earned one just as anyone else did.

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For the sake of argument, let's just say greed is the motivating factor to keep item exclusivity. What is the motivating factor to bring them back? It has to be envy. Or is it greed?


It's hard to say. People that want what others have are coveting which is based on greed and envy. I guess we're all more alike than we want to admit.


me ... personally ?? I've been here since day one. I left for a while and kept up my sub. (Just didn't care for a few things in game... but that's another matter).


I've just been suggesting that others might have a legitimate request for the HK-55 unit since it is such a part of the over all game (at lest to me it is.. and I can see their point).


As for greed ... I'd prefer to see it as an opportunity to let BW examine all the data (and frankly they see stuff that I don't) and make a choice. IMHO ... as long as people can remain civil (and a few have NOT ) ... then discussion is good. Just because someone has a different point of view does not make me (or someone else) a bad person.


Now it's up to BW.... and IMO ... that's about as much as need to be said on my part I guess.


I hope this makes sense to everyone. You may (or may not) agree. That's cool. Hopefully at the end of the day we can still be friendly enough to each other to show respect.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.



It's easy. Do it as before. A few months subscription. Finished.

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I'm not talking about the rewards (from those events). I asked if they were going to bring back the content. One huge recurring argument here is that the bonus chapter is "story" content. So were the original one-time events. They explained the reasoning behind one-time events back when they created them. Basically it was because they wanted people to look back on those as memorable good times.


Really? Because earlier you were talking about rewards, as in items, and be honest, that's what you're really against here. These are your words below, with the latter quote coming from your same post about the one-time events:


Just put me down for "against it." It doesn't bother me that there are exclusive items in the game. I actually think the original plan (to have exclusives) was a good one so long as new ones are continually added and the old ones remain exclusive.


Sorry to not agree with your position, but I am against bringing rewards back. That is my stance.


You didn't realize the rewards from those events had already been brought back, but the fact that they were means you can no longer use them as leverage to say that bringing back old rewards is some extreme new thing to happen. Based on the event examples you provided, bringing back rewards seems to actually be fairly standard procedure.


Now you're backpedaling to say you just meant "content" and not the rewards. But if you're okay with the exclusive event rewards being brought back, then you should be okay with other promotional items being brought back as well. You can't have it both ways.


Also, I don't see how you could be referring to open world PvP on Ilum as "story content".

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It's easy. Do it as before. A few months subscription. Finished.


Did you read any of the 26 pages?

it is far from easy....


Bioware - If you sub for 7 months you get this chapter and two companions

Us - We did this years ago and already have the chapter and companions so what do we get for this promotion instead?


I can't believe the blinders people have on and can only see this from their own narrow perspective.

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Bioware - If you sub for 7 months you get this chapter and two companions

Us - We did this years ago and already have the chapter and companions so what do we get for this promotion instead?


I can't believe the blinders people have on and can only see this from their own narrow perspective.


The argument against this is that the people who already have it got lots of bonuses that the players who get it next time won't receive. I posted an explanation earlier, I'll just drop it here:


We have to remember that original subs got:


-Exclusive access to the bonus chapter and companions for 3 years.

-The HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount.

-Immediate access to the KOTFE post-launch story chapters.

-Premium account status for the first month of the DvL event, thus getting a head start to that whole other set of rewards.


If they offer it again, none of those rewards would be included assuming they left out the HK-themed stuff. So shouldn't original subs be content with just the chapter and companions being released? Original subs clearly got much more out of it than the rest would.


I was subbed for about 4 or so of those original months, but I'd still be content with subbing for an additional set of months to unlock it(or buying separately). So for those like myself, we'd actually be paying even MORE for the chapter in the long run, even after waiting 3 years for it, while still receiving less than what original subs got.


I don't see how that could possibly be viewed as unfair.


But I do understand your point that it feels bad for there to be a promotion that doesn't mean anything for you. That's why a separate purchase would be better. But don't even think of setting the cost at the same price as 7 months of premium because that logic is flawed. This has also been explained earlier:


It's true that some people probably did sub exclusively for that reason, which is why I wouldn't say the bonus chapter has no value at all, it's certainly worth something. But if you cut out all the other rewards and pay roughly $15 a month for 7 months, with NO premium status, NO HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount, NO immediate access to the new chapters...how many would actually pay for that? I'm guessing not many because that would literally be paying about $105 for just a bonus chapter and nothing else.


That's why I'm saying it would be unreasonable to offer the chapter at some insane price like $105 or however much that is in cartel coins, unless at the very least it comes with 7 months of sub time along with it.

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But I do understand your point that it feels bad for there to be a promotion that doesn't mean anything for you. That's why a separate purchase would be better. But don't even think of setting the cost at the same price as 7 months of premium because that logic is flawed. This has also been explained earlier:


I am pleased that you understand part of what I am saying.

But do you not also see that all that other stuff is completely irrelevant.

The promotion that gave the Chapter, the Companions and all that other stuff has ENDED, it is done.


This NEW promotion only offers the Chapter and the Companions (in theory).

New promotion with New requirements that should be available to all BUT it is worthless to us unless an alternate reward is offered.


Now I hear what you are saying about the cost and it does sound like a lot but how can you reconcile selling this for 2-4k Coins which is the most I have seen your side will pay when there is a set of blasters, that sell for 5100, do you really think these guns are worth more than the Chapter and Companions?

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