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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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See this is what happens when one side tells the other side that what they are requesting is wrong. While most of us have agreed that they should re-release the chapter, when something is mention about what about the others that already have it, then some start saying no no you had the chapter xx amount of time that we didn't . That may be true but that does no good except put people against each other and then it gets things off tracked and then the ones that have supported the idea start second guessing if they should support the issue when people start calling them greedy, entitled or selfish. I am not sure about you but to me name calling only creates more problems.


Perhaps take a read of the post I was replying to, or are you saying you support placing in-game achievement awards on the CM? This is the extent of the absurdity of the requests the poster I was replying to has come. Other examples include saying that subs who have it should get 10000 CC's and that SoM should cost 160$ USD. Their requests are absurd, they're hyperbolic, they're things that will never happen, while I have not called anyone this they do encourage others to use language such as greedy, entitled, and selfish, and their language (the poster I was replying to) does little to advance a rational discussion on this topic when their tantrums remind me of my two y/o niece screaming because one of the other kids touched their toy.


Yes, I agree that the name calling should stop. I don't thing someone asking if BW is going to offer something else to those who already have a promo award when said promo is rerun is greedy or selfish. But notice that I didn't call anyone a name. I criticized the language. And notice that my position is that BW should sell it. No more rerunning old promos. Why? Because I think BW should run new promos, and then those promo awards should be put on the CM. The reward for being a sub is you get that item for free with your sub for all characters across your entire account for the life of the game. Anyone else who want's it and who didn't get it can buy it.

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Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


Dear Eric and Bioware,


I canceled my sub once: at the beginning of 2016. I was too angry at you for how you handled the decoration exploit.


Literally one or two days before my sub would have ended, you announced the HK-chapter as a sub reward. I thought about it and eventually decided to cancel my cancellation and I stayed subbed after all.


The ONLY reason for me to continue my sub was the bonus-chapter. I thus consider these 6 months (or how long was it?) the price I paid for the HK-chapter.


I do not mind if you give the chapter away again, because it actually contains relevant story content which closes a long-going story arc.


However, I will be... annoyed... if you give the chapter away for less than what I had to pay for it.


Make it another 6-months-sub as payment or a direct sell price that equals those 6 months.


Should you decide to offer the chapter as a sub-reward again, I think you should add an alternative sub reward for the people who already have the chapter. This will then of course cause threads like "It's time to make XZY and ABC available for subs??" in one or two years, but we can deal with those then. :p

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Just put me down for "against it." It doesn't bother me that there are exclusive items in the game. I actually think the original plan (to have exclusives) was a good one so long as new ones are continually added and the old ones remain exclusive. Re-offering old promo exclusives comes across as laziness and also makes it seem like the company is reneging on their word (especially when they marketed some of these items as "loyalty rewards.")


I already know how this will end up playing out. In today's world, the argument is that if you weren't rewarded, you are clearly being punished. Appeal to pity until you get what you want. "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"


Don't worry, guys. You'll get your way. You always do. It's just too easy to bring back old things that don't require any new development. When they do roll this out again (and they will) it won't make or break my decision to sub. It will effect my level of trust in future products developed by EA / Bioware. If you say "Hurry, before it's too late," or "last chance," or something of that nature in a marketing promo, you should stick to your word. All you had to do was not market it that way in the first place. They did ... and here we are ... again.


At no time in the original post about this content did it ever say they were never ever going to rerelease this content

You didn’t just get story and companions. You also got skins a mount armor and early access to the kotfe chapters as well.

Just put it on the CM and people can buy it. And the best part is that since you already have it you won’t have to spend money.

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Dear Eric and Bioware,


I canceled my sub once: at the beginning of 2016. I was too angry at you for how you handled the decoration exploit.


Literally one or two days before my sub would have ended, you announced the HK-chapter as a sub reward. I thought about it and eventually decided to cancel my cancellation and I stayed subbed after all.


The ONLY reason for me to continue my sub was the bonus-chapter. I thus consider these 6 months (or how long was it?) the price I paid for the HK-chapter.


I do not mind if you give the chapter away again, because it actually contains relevant story content which closes a long-going story arc.


However, I will be... annoyed... if you give the chapter away for less than what I had to pay for it.


Make it another 6-months-sub as payment or a direct sell price that equals those 6 months.


Should you decide to offer the chapter as a sub-reward again, I think you should add an alternative sub reward for the people who already have the chapter. This will then of course cause threads like "It's time to make XZY and ABC available for subs??" in one or two years, but we can deal with those then. :p


No one is asking for it to be free. There have been several ideas on this. A lot of are good ideas. Here are a couple.

(Personally this seems like the better idea). Put it on the market for however much. The 6 month equivalent is ludicrous considering that we are all subbing right now the same as you. $30 or $40 for 3yr old content is more then fair at this point heck I might say $20 is fair.

Connect it to a 6 month sub either retroactive or future but with immediate access.

Either way BW is getting money. We are paying for something that that the ones that got it before aren’t.

And we are just talking about the story and comps. Not the other stuff that was given away during that time.

So there is your reward. Still have something other will not have. And the added bonus of we had to spend more money than you did originally.

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Well then if its that easy to remove any requirements for old stuff then I have a list.


Lets start with all the old PvP armors I want those on the Market of course.

And all the exclusive raid rewards, especially Wings of the Architect, I mean the raiders have had it exclusively for long enough right, time to give it out to the rest of us with nothing more than a few cc's

No effort, no requirements, just pay to win.


All of those things you mentioned are still available. You can still earn them in-game. Not so with this story chapter. Furthermore, merely subbing for 7 months takes no effort whatsoever. Placing it on the same level as actually earning something through pve or pvp is ridiculous.


See this is what happens when one side tells the other side that what they are requesting is wrong. While most of us have agreed that they should re-release the chapter, when something is mention about what about the others that already have it, then some start saying no no you had the chapter xx amount of time that we didn't . That may be true but that does no good except put people against each other and then it gets things off tracked and then the ones that have supported the idea start second guessing if they should support the issue when people start calling them greedy, entitled or selfish. I am not sure about you but to me name calling only creates more problems.


What you are requesting is wrong though. Your argument only makes sense if both sides have a reasonable viewpoint and everyone is acting in good faith. That is not the case here. Bad behavior and irrational requests deserve to be called out for what they are. When I call the requests for extra goodies for those who got the chapter originally greedy and entitled, I am simply describing what they are. No one on your side of the "argument" have put forth anything resembling a reason for giving out extra rewards other than "loyalty."


I mean, sure, if Bioware really wants to, they can give you something. But you pretend like if they decide to make the chapter available to others that they owe all of you original owners immense riches for the trauma of having 3 year old content re-released. Again, I am consistently shocked that any of this needs to be said, let alone repeatedly.

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All of those things you mentioned are still available. You can still earn them in-game. Not so with this story chapter. Furthermore, merely subbing for 7 months takes no effort whatsoever. Placing it on the same level as actually earning something through pve or pvp is ridiculous.


I don't want to Raid/PvP (Sub) for my reward I just want to buy it!!!

There is NO difference in the arguments, I didn't say it was effort I said it was time and waiting can be just as hard as actually doing something, sometimes harder


What you are requesting is wrong though. Your argument only makes sense if both sides have a reasonable viewpoint and everyone is acting in good faith. That is not the case here. Bad behavior and irrational requests deserve to be called out for what they are. When I call the requests for extra goodies for those who got the chapter originally greedy and entitled, I am simply describing what they are. No one on your side of the "argument" have put forth anything resembling a reason for giving out extra rewards other than "loyalty."


I mean, sure, if Bioware really wants to, they can give you something. But you pretend like if they decide to make the chapter available to others that they owe all of you original owners immense riches for the trauma of having 3 year old content re-released. Again, I am consistently shocked that any of this needs to be said, let alone repeatedly.


You state your opinion as to what we are as though it is fact, it is not.


The age of the content is irrelevant, you still want it right?

Its age has nothing to do with that


I am consistently shocked that none of you on that side of the argument see how ridiculous you actually sound.

"I didn't do the thing at the time and now I want it anyway"

"I don't want to spend the same time to get the thing I just want to buy it now"

"I don't want to pay the value of the thing, I want to pay a laughably low sum that insults everyone that has it already"


I said in my previous post that I am OK with this being re-run as long as there is an alternate reward for those of us that have this reward, Bioware know they stepped on the crank with the Shae/Nico fiasco or they would never mention it, the fact that they are means they took some kind of hit for it and if they mishandle this then a much larger hit will be incoming.

(I don't pretend to know what the "hit" was, monetary, pride, trust, no idea).


Now I have changed my mind, and due to all the vitriol that has been leveled at me/us for this I now say NO you can't have it, I am 100% against giving this out in any way.

Congratulations, your argument on the internet has changed my mind.

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I don't want to Raid/PvP (Sub) for my reward I just want to buy it!!!

There is NO difference in the arguments, I didn't say it was effort I said it was time and waiting can be just as hard as actually doing something, sometimes harder




You state your opinion as to what we are as though it is fact, it is not.


The age of the content is irrelevant, you still want it right?

Its age has nothing to do with that


I am consistently shocked that none of you on that side of the argument see how ridiculous you actually sound.

"I didn't do the thing at the time and now I want it anyway"

"I don't want to spend the same time to get the thing I just want to buy it now"

"I don't want to pay the value of the thing, I want to pay a laughably low sum that insults everyone that has it already"


I said in my previous post that I am OK with this being re-run as long as there is an alternate reward for those of us that have this reward, Bioware know they stepped on the crank with the Shae/Nico fiasco or they would never mention it, the fact that they are means they took some kind of hit for it and if they mishandle this then a much larger hit will be incoming.

(I don't pretend to know what the "hit" was, monetary, pride, trust, no idea).


Now I have changed my mind, and due to all the vitriol that has been leveled at me/us for this I now say NO you can't have it, I am 100% against giving this out in any way.

Congratulations, your argument on the internet has changed my mind.


First of all you only paid for the sub

Second we are paying for a s sub just like you and are asking to pay for this content on the CM or website or whatever

You will not have to pay anything for us getting this content. It will not effect you in anyway. Your not paying anything extra we would be.

And that is the point people are trying to make. You got loads of stuff just for being a sub during that time 3yrs ago. All we are asking for is a chance to get the story we missed. We aren’t demanding anything we are asking. The only one demanding anything is the ones that want something else for content that they access to 3 yrs before anyone else.

It has been stated several times that you are not paying for anything extra if this was released on the cm. We would be. Not you. US. We are not asking for everything you have just the story that just so happens to come with 2 comps. And a laughable amount really. I pay my sub and am saying I’d pay for this content on top of my sub. Which a lot of people on here is willing to do. So your argument is flawed and is lacking and laughable. You will still have exclusive items that we will not have. That is your loyalty bonus. So where exactly is the issue if they did rerelease this. And if you think about it logically this helps this game get money.


And this was not directed to you personally but a general you to anyone against this being released.

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I said in my previous post that I am OK with this being re-run as long as there is an alternate reward for those of us that have this reward, Bioware know they stepped on the crank with the Shae/Nico fiasco or they would never mention it, the fact that they are means they took some kind of hit for it and if they mishandle this then a much larger hit will be incoming.

(I don't pretend to know what the "hit" was, monetary, pride, trust, no idea).


Now I have changed my mind, and due to all the vitriol that has been leveled at me/us for this I now say NO you can't have it, I am 100% against giving this out in any way.

Congratulations, your argument on the internet has changed my mind.


1) The Shae / Nico situation was not a fiasco. Alderaan is still rotating and with us for a couple more thousand years.


2) If the expansion is good, there will be no "hit" and this will be as a big a blip in the footnote of the forums as the time you railed against Keith for giving away 1 set of Tulak Horde armor a couple years ago.


3) For many of us, the problem isn't giving you a reward. The problem is what you want as a reward. You actually wrote with serious intent that you spent over USD $150 for the Shroud of Memory quest, which is patently absurd on its face. You are now asking that people pay more for this individual quest than the ENTIRE game costs, including all expansions.


4) By showing that you are allowing anonymous people on the forum to move you to spiteful, pique-filled decision-making processes is, how shall I put it -- quite telling.


There have been plenty of people in support of your thematic position, but who have not engaged in rank hyperbolic rants. I hope BW listens to them. But, as I said before, g'luck on your quest to get 10k Cartel Coins as recompense.



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My question to those that keep arguing about those of us that may want something from BW as well (and no not 10k or anything that expensive but not a stupid title either) , you asked before for those that were against you getting the chapter (which I am not one of) how does this hurt you or affect you, well flip the question back to this request, does it hurt or affect you in any way?


If it doesn't wouldn't it be smart to stop the arguing back and forth about it and leave it in BW's hands and therefore possibility have more people supporting you getting the chapter and the companions or do you want to keep arguing about that and possibility lose support for the chapter and companions. If it were me, I would play smart, and drop the arguing over the reward and focus on those that will support me for the chapter and companions, but then again that would be what I would do if I really wanted the chapter and the companion, instead of wasting my time arguing and possibly losing support for what I would like.

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I don't want to Raid/PvP (Sub) for my reward I just want to buy it!!!

There is NO difference in the arguments, I didn't say it was effort I said it was time and waiting can be just as hard as actually doing something, sometimes harder


What an absurd, stupid thing to say. Staying subbed for 7 months is just as hard as ranked pvp and nightmare raiding? I suppose you also think that yelling at your team on TV from your couch is just as hard as playing a professional sport.


You state your opinion as to what we are as though it is fact, it is not.


The age of the content is irrelevant, you still want it right?

Its age has nothing to do with that


I am consistently shocked that none of you on that side of the argument see how ridiculous you actually sound.

"I didn't do the thing at the time and now I want it anyway"

"I don't want to spend the same time to get the thing I just want to buy it now"

"I don't want to pay the value of the thing, I want to pay a laughably low sum that insults everyone that has it already"


I said in my previous post that I am OK with this being re-run as long as there is an alternate reward for those of us that have this reward, Bioware know they stepped on the crank with the Shae/Nico fiasco or they would never mention it, the fact that they are means they took some kind of hit for it and if they mishandle this then a much larger hit will be incoming.

(I don't pretend to know what the "hit" was, monetary, pride, trust, no idea).


Now I have changed my mind, and due to all the vitriol that has been leveled at me/us for this I now say NO you can't have it, I am 100% against giving this out in any way.

Congratulations, your argument on the internet has changed my mind.


The words I would use to describe this post are: petty, greedy, and entitled.


My question to those that keep arguing about those of us that may want something from BW as well (and no not 10k or anything that expensive but not a stupid title either) , you asked before for those that were against you getting the chapter (which I am not one of) how does this hurt you or affect you, well flip the question back to this request, does it hurt or affect you in any way?


Fair point. I would have no issue whatsoever if Bioware decides to give you guys something. As you correctly point out, it doesn't affect me, and you getting something nice doesn't upset me at all. What does bother me is people throwing a fit over it and demanding things from Bioware. You apparently wouldn't be satisfied with a "stupid title," but clearly feel that you are owed something more. You would be owed nothing from Bioware. Remember, if they re-release the content, it will not be free. It will have a cost, people will pay it or not, and that's that.


People have brought this up, but let me do so again. Let's say you buy a game for $60 when it comes out. Three years later it's in the bargain bin for $5. Do you demand that the developer give you some kind of reward because you bought it years ago when it was more expensive? It's just absurd.


If it doesn't wouldn't it be smart to stop the arguing back and forth about it and leave it in BW's hands and therefore possibility have more people supporting you getting the chapter and the companions or do you want to keep arguing about that and possibility lose support for the chapter and companions. If it were me, I would play smart, and drop the arguing over the reward and focus on those that will support me for the chapter and companions, but then again that would be what I would do if I really wanted the chapter and the companion, instead of wasting my time arguing and possibly losing support for what I would like.


This would all be a great point if Bioware actually cares what we say in this thread. I'm sure they will eventually read it, just to get a general sense of the range of opinions and what people think viable options are in terms of pricing, etc. But it's not as if they're counting votes and it really matters how many people support one side or the other. They know the forums represent a tiny minority of the playerbase.

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Talk about my OP opening up a can of worms.

You all need to chill out a bit. This thread has gotten way out of control and too combative and that was not the intention. It makes me sad this thread has caused such a division in the community and I regret that it has.


We all know Bioware are looking at the thread and the topic

They know there are people against it or for it.

They know they have to be sensitive to how some people feel about it being rereleased.

They know a bunch of people want it

They know a bunch of people are happy for others to have it,


Do we really need to keep attacking each other and dividing the community?? People are just rehashing the same things over and over.


Both sides of this discussion have made good points. I’m sure Bioware have read the more reasonable posts that are not attacking each other.


If you want to be constructive and have Bioware listen, dial it back bit. Offer reasonable solutions and try to play nice (which I know from first hand experience, can be hard at times. I’m guilt of breaking that myself).


edit: I’ve started another thread for everyone to discuss past rewards for older subs and what would continue to make you feel valued if old rewards were offered again.

Please take that part of the discussion over there so this thread can stop being derailed with bickering http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=963865

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'm a sub, have been for nearly 7 years, missed out on the founder title by a couple of months. The problrm I have with this, is that, there are other rewards out there, if they bring back HK for new people who missed him, will they bring back other rewards. The one I'm thinking about in particular is the sub statue, you had to be subbed for 5 years (I think) to recieve it. I missed out by a couple of months, so I don't have it. If they are bringing back old rewards, shouldn't they bring them all back? If they brough them all back, then I'd agree, but if it's just 'some' then that's no entirely fair.
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I still can't believe people are putting this viewpoint out there with a straight face. Why should they have to offer you anything? They should just throw people who have it a bone like an achievement that says they got it during the original promotion. That is all. No title, no flair, and obviously no cartel coins. Wanting more is absolutely just greedy entitlement. If they end up giving you more, they are just being generous.


I'm actually going to agree with this; I can't believe that people that weren't here, or didn't meet the qualifications, want to claim this reward. Oh, wait, this logic only applies to the people that actually did get it, not the people that didn't for whatever reason. Well, that's embarrassing. :rolleyes:

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You were already being rewarded for having exclusive access to the companion as well as the additional story content for quite a long time.

It's the same as "exclusive" videogames work.... they are exclusive to a certain platform or form of distribution for a certain time, until they are not. I really don't see how this is any different. Especially in this case it's just a matter of dumb luck of being subbed at a certain point in time. Your arguments really don't hold a lot of value other than saying that you want your cool toys just for yourself and your other lucky fellows, because it resembles some sort of a privilege and people like to be privileged. IMO there is no logically valid argument against making the HK-55 companion & story available to all subbers again.


Where in the promos did it say "Exclusive for a limited time"?

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I'm actually going to agree with this; I can't believe that people that weren't here, or didn't meet the qualifications, want to claim this reward. Oh, wait, this logic only applies to the people that actually did get it, not the people that didn't for whatever reason. Well, that's embarrassing. :rolleyes:


I haven't seen anyone in this thread actually demand the chapter and companion from Bioware. Some people think it would be a good idea for them to re-release story content for people to purchase in some manner. That's just a request. There's no entitlement, there's no anger or self-righteousness involved. If Bioware decides to do it, great, many of us will get to experience the story content that hasn't been available in 3 years.


The only people actually making entitled demands are those saying "well, if Bioware re-releases this 3 year old content they better give me 10k cartel coins or else!"


There is a very clear difference.

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I haven't seen anyone in this thread actually demand the chapter and companion from Bioware. Some people think it would be a good idea for them to re-release story content for people to purchase in some manner. That's just a request. There's no entitlement, there's no anger or self-righteousness involved. If Bioware decides to do it, great, many of us will get to experience the story content that hasn't been available in 3 years.


The only people actually making entitled demands are those saying "well, if Bioware re-releases this 3 year old content they better give me 10k cartel coins or else!"


There is a very clear difference.


I'm thinking, after reading through the entirety of the thread, that maybe you skipped some pages? Maybe calling people greedy that got a promotional item, advertised as exclusive doesn't seem all that bad to you, but frankly, greed has nothing to do with it. We were told it was exclusive, with conditions that had to be met. So, my question is this:


Did anyone that's requesting this meet those conditions?


This may seem sort of callous, after all, I did meet those conditions, but there are other rewards that I didn't get, there's a holo statue, the party jawa, off the top of my head, and I didn't get them because I didn't meet the requirements and there's even an achievement tied to the party jawa that I can't get because I don't have the jawa. Guess what, I'm not insisting it be brought back because I wasn't here for it. I didn't get it because I didn't qualify for it, and that's the long and short of it.

Edited by robertthebard
typing is hard.
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Who is insisting? I can't claim to have read every single post in this thread closely, so maybe I missed one. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not insisting on anything. I think it would be a good idea for Bioware to re-release 3 year old story content so that people can play the story who haven't been able to thus far. It would require either sub time (whether retroactive or not) or a cartel market purchase. Bioware hasn't done it for 3 years, and ultimately they still might not do it. It's up to them. If you want another chance at the Party Jawa, you are also free to start a thread and make the request. As someone who has the Party Jawa, I would not mind, nor would I demand anything extra if they gave them out again.


Again, the only people I see insisting something be given to them are those demanding rewards if the chapter and companion are re-released. I think those demands are crazy, and I have pointed out why several times.

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I'm a sub, have been for nearly 7 years, missed out on the founder title by a couple of months. The problrm I have with this, is that, there are other rewards out there, if they bring back HK for new people who missed him, will they bring back other rewards. The one I'm thinking about in particular is the sub statue, you had to be subbed for 5 years (I think) to recieve it. I missed out by a couple of months, so I don't have it. If they are bringing back old rewards, shouldn't they bring them all back? If they brough them all back, then I'd agree, but if it's just 'some' then that's no entirely fair.


HK-55 and the chapter are unique, which IMHO is why they need to be handled differently.


When we think about it, there are probably hundreds of rewards, freebies and promotions that have been in the game. Other sub rewards; cantina promo code gifts; gifts for pre-ordering; the extras that come with some cartel coin packages, Twitch promotions, Life Day/Anniversary stuff, DvL rewards, whatever.


You don't hear people asking for those, and there's a reason: it's different. I mean sure, there will always be a few people who say "I'd like ___" but for the most part, no. You don't hear repeated requests from many people for those things the way you do for HK-55's chapter. You don't even hear people asking for the peripherals which were given out in the same cycle as AR/SOM.


It's different because in this case you have story gated off.


1. HK-55 didn't start out as a promotion or sub reward; he was a companion everyone who played KOTFE had and lost. Unlike other companions he was never added to the terminal.

2. Arma Rasa and Shroud of Memory are actual story chapters/missions.

3. They are also story chapters that wrap up plot points everyone was able to play: HK's death in Chapter 8 of KOTFE and the Shroud storyline. So for some of us, those plot points are left unresolved ATM.

4. Not having HK-55 back for everyone means they can't even consider returning him to the main plot, which IMHO is a shame. Can you imagine the snarky observations he'd have had about Iokath?


With 6.0 it seems as though the game will largely be leaving the Alliance in the rear view mirror, and there probably wouldn't be a more relevant time to release content related to KOTFE/KOTET.


At the least, even if they decide to keep these missions on ice, I hope Bioware will never gate story or main story companions this way again. It's not worth the animosity that comes later.

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My words have been twisted around so much that I hardly recognize them so I am clarifying my position.

I speak for myself and no one else unless they wish to agree with me.


I am fully against this content being re-released in any way after reading this thread its much too sensitive to touch.


However if it is then I have the following points.


If it is released as a "Sub Reward" then the following must occur.

I do not mind if this is retroactive

  • The time-frame to get this reward must be the same or more than the original
  • This is a NEW reward so there must be something for the subs that already have it in place of it.
    Those that want the chapter and companions can chose them but those that already have them must be offered something of equal or greater value and not some lousy title.


If this reward is placed on the CM then the following must occur

  • All previous sub rewards must also be placed on the CM for purchase (all or nothing)
  • They never offer a sub reward like this again as we will never trust them again
  • The cost is appropriate to the item and the TIME it took to get it the first time. The most expensive thing on the CC right now is (I think) a set of blasters for 5100CC. A story expansion has to be worth double that at least and it comes with two companions so this should cost a LOT of coin. 10k is conservative.
  • I am not asking, nor have I ever asked for any sub compensation if this CM option is chosen, I just want you to pay its FULL value.

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I'm a sub, have been for nearly 7 years, missed out on the founder title by a couple of months. The problrm I have with this, is that, there are other rewards out there, if they bring back HK for new people who missed him, will they bring back other rewards. The one I'm thinking about in particular is the sub statue, you had to be subbed for 5 years (I think) to recieve it. I missed out by a couple of months, so I don't have it. If they are bringing back old rewards, shouldn't they bring them all back? If they brough them all back, then I'd agree, but if it's just 'some' then that's no entirely fair.



Yeah I’ve seen a few threads here and there asking to bring stuff back and what not Heck I asked about a crystal at one point but found out it was a reward for something and didn’t ask again.

But this is a totally different issue then asking for a crystal. This is story content and a major companion that people are asking about. That’s the difference here. Story content

Edited by darthjody
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At this point, I'm fine with making the chapter available again with the same qualification as when it was first available. Including, not retroactively allowing for time subbed to count when outside of the new qualifying window. At the time, players who had previously subbed for more than 6 or 7 months (some subbed for years) still only qualified for the chapter by being subbing during that set time frame. Make the chapter available once a year, with the same amount of continuous subbing as a qualifier.


This is a no-brainer.


Grant the chapter to ANYONE who subs x number of months, with x being the original number of months required.


Clean and done.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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This is a no-brainer.


Grant the chapter to ANYONE who subs x number of months, with x being the original number of months required.


Clean and done.


So as a new sub reward (as the old reward and reward period is LONG expired) what do those of us that already have it get? (that are still maintaining a sub of course)


It is far from clean and done.

Edited by QuinlanSaathis
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Where in the promos did it say "Exclusive for a limited time"?


That's a very broad reading of the definition of exclusive. You seem to find 'in perpetuity' in there somewhere. Nowhere, from Cambridge to Oxford, are you going to find a definition of exclusive that implies any length of time for said exclusivity.


Per the terms of the original promo you were granted exclusive access since only those who met the requirements were granted access and all others were excluded. But really that's a moot point since the word exclusive doesn't appear anywhere in the Terms and Conditions of the "Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards" promo (scroll to the bottom of the page for the T&C's). But maybe you're going to say they edited out the word exclusive. Well here's that page as it appeared on 12 Nov 2015, 31 Dec 2015, 2 Jan 2016, and 30 Mar 2016. Nowhere could I find that the T&C's say anything about exclusivity. They do say "To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards...," but that promo is over. If they ran a new promo it would have new T&C's and a new name.


And since those were the T&C's for the "Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards" promo if they run another promo, or sell the items as I have advocated for, that does not violate the T&C's of the old promo as those conditions have been met and that promo has ended.

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Guys, this thread is becoming more and more derailed. It’s turning more and more into the haves and have nots and who deserves what other rewards for older subs and what they should get.


Can I please ask you to start another thread to discuss other rewards for older subscribers who were here in the past and already have specific reward.


Then you can argue to your hearts content on wether they should get them and what they could or can be or what the meaning of exclusive is... etc... etc


edit: I’ve started another thread for everyone to discuss past rewards for older subs and what would continue to make you feel valued if old rewards were offered again.

Please take that part of the discussion over there so this thread can stop being derailed with bickering http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=963865

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Ok here it is. If they need help deciding what to do. Throw a voting poll out there on social media here in the community forums and where ever else and see what happens. If there are more yes than no’s then sell it or a sub item. If there are more no’s then yes’s than don’t
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