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Sith Marauders, you are not a tank!


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It should be common sense, but doesn't seem to be.


I have been leveling as a Sith Juggernaut specced as Immortal, I level as a tank, and I do flashpoints as a tank. My whole role and intent is to tank, which is why I chose juggernaut at level 10 and not marauder.


I am starting to see a trend in flashpoint when there is a marauder player, where they believe that they are also a tank. Taunting mobs off of me to offtank them, starting the pulls themselves, even on bosses...


Lets set the record straight, you are not a tank. You are a melee dps class. Please don't get offended. That is your role. Leave the tanking to the Juggernauts, the powertechs, and the assassins.


If you want to off tank a mob in aoe pulls of weak and strong mobs, go ahead, thats fine. But when it comes to elites and bosses, your putting too much strain on the healer, and making it harder for the "real" tank.

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It should be common sense, but doesn't seem to be.


I have been leveling as a Sith Juggernaut specced as Immortal, I level as a tank, and I do flashpoints as a tank. My whole role and intent is to tank, which is why I chose juggernaut at level 10 and not marauder.


I am starting to see a trend in flashpoint when there is a marauder player, where they believe that they are also a tank. Taunting mobs off of me to offtank them, starting the pulls themselves, even on bosses...


Lets set the record straight, you are not a tank. You are a melee dps class. Please don't get offended. That is your role. Leave the tanking to the Juggernauts, the powertechs, and the assassins.


If you want to off tank a mob in aoe pulls of weak and strong mobs, go ahead, thats fine. But when it comes to elites and bosses, your putting too much strain on the healer, and making it harder for the "real" tank.

Because they can't wait. You have to count at least 5 sec before hitting the force charge button, the time for the tank to build enough aggro. I always do that and never got the aggro out from the tank.
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Thanks to the last two posters, but I think you missed the point of this thread. I don't mind dps pulling aggro off of me, I can deal with that, Threatening Scream is great to taunt everything around me, and I switch targets to that mob and build up threat, easy.


I'm talking about marauders who believe they can tank, by pulling mobs away from my range, that I have to go chasing after the mob that they decided to off tank. Or pulling bosses on their own, and yelling at the healer for not healing them.

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Thanks to the last two posters, but I think you missed the point of this thread. I don't mind dps pulling aggro off of me, I can deal with that, Threatening Scream is great to taunt everything around me, and I switch targets to that mob and build up threat, easy.


I'm talking about marauders who believe they can tank, by pulling mobs away from my range, that I have to go chasing after the mob that they decided to off tank. Or pulling bosses on their own, and yelling at the healer for not healing them.


But they arent taunting things away from you, marauders dont have a taunt of any kind.


What's going on is either the burst damage of carnage specs simply gaining more aggro , or the bleeds put on annihilation spec doing the same over time.


Its unlikely they are doing it on purpose, its simply an imbalance btween how much aggro you can build, compared to the dps classes at the same level.


They have no way of knowing they are doing too much damage until the thing runs at them.

Edited by Voblat
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Warriors dont have a taunt of any kind ?? Are you kidding me ? Have you played a warrior, they get a free taunt around lvl 14-16 thats on a 30 sec. cooldown.


Warriors also generate threat by putting stacks of sundering assault on as well as smash and scream.

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Warriors dont have a taunt of any kind ?? Are you kidding me ? Have you played a warrior, they get a free taunt around lvl 14-16 thats on a 30 sec. cooldown.


Warriors also generate threat by putting stacks of sundering assault on as well as smash and scream.


Marauders don't have a taunt, Juggs do.

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But they arent taunting things away from you, marauders dont have a taunt of any kind.


What's going on is either the burst damage of carnage specs simply gaining more aggro , or the bleeds put on annihilation spec doing the same over time.


Its unlikely they are doing it on purpose, its simply an imbalance btween how much aggro you can build, compared to the dps classes at the same level.


They have no way of knowing they are doing too much damage until the thing runs at them.

Honestly, this.
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Let them die. As often as it takes. They'll get the picture eventually. And trust me healers don't like healing the special ed, either. Just wisper your healer to not heal the moron if he pulls.


+1 As a dps it's your job to wait for the tank who should be waiting on the healer. The dps should also be focus firing your target and no way should they be able to pull aggro off a Juggs target, it hasn't happened to me yet in 40 levels.


If you pull a mob you keep it, that rule usually sets dps straight quick. I'm not going to try and get it back from you, cause he'll come back to me as soon as your dead.

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Considering marauders don't have a taunt, they're pulling aggro from you.


Also, very few flash points actually require a tank spec'd tank.


I'll give you Black Talon and Hammer Station but other then that the rest of them pretty much require a tank and a healer, now dps is another matter. Pretty sure Vette is a better dps then most pugs.

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I play a jugg, and have a marauder alt, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt if you have too


This isnt wow, I agree that a tank class needs to be on top of the elite mobs, but all too often i see the 'tanks' try to hold aggro of the elite and also 4 silvers + random trash at once, and in this game you cant do that well.


Let the marauders grab the silvers and trash while tanks take the golds. Maras have Medium armor + several survivability clickies, theres no extra stress on the healer.

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If you pull a mob you keep it, that rule usually sets dps straight quick. I'm not going to try and get it back from you, cause he'll come back to me as soon as your dead.


The harder you, as a tank, works, the faster I can kill things, and the quicker we can be out of a group, which appears to be your priority, because it seems you aren't a big fan of teamwork.

Edited by Sayc
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As maruder i try my best to not take aggro, rearly never do, and if i do, i stop DPS or get my *** to the tank.


Now, adds runing for healer or squischies, ill pick em up get aggro pul lem to tank or finish them my self.


Also mruder carange specced as i am, i tanked hammer station whit Quinn as a healer whit a assassin and a sniper, i just DPS aggroed over them, didnt even whipe.


Tanked mandalorian FP same spec and get up whit a sorc healer, no problem.


and i can tank heroic 4 mans as long as ppl arent *******es and AOEs at every given chance, and i got no aggro tools what so ever expet the DPS i do.


A maruder afaik somewhere in the description is stated as a OFF TANK, we can take a target if lack of CC or if CC fails, or healer is up to it.


im soon 38 and i habvent tanked past 5 lvls in a FPm but did enough heroic 4 mans to know it works :D

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Just go as hard as you can then force camouflage/saber ward if you went too far. Arrogant tanks amuse me, though. It isnt always the DPS fault for pulling aggro. Waiting 5 seconds for example is just ridiculous. 5 seconds of my starting DPS could make a difference, especially since every boss enrages at the end. Its not like a maurader is going to get one shot.


In conclusion, the "let them die" argument is the most idiotic argument to date in MMO history. A DPS class should be going as hard as they can to save heals/tankage. If the tank cant hold, the DPS has tools to alleviate that. If the tank cant get the mob off before the DPS dies, they suck. It will take at least 5-10 seconds for a DPS to die.

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The harder you, as a tank, works, the faster I can kill things, and the quicker we can be out of a group, which appears to be your priority, because it seems you aren't a big fan of teamwork.


Teamwork for a dps IS watching YOUR aggro management and positioning so you don't tax the Tank or Healer obviously you don't raid. YOU are a prime example of my statement of Vette does a better job dpsing then most pugs.

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