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Everyone, im gonna need that for my companion...


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I play an evil Sith. I'll roll need even if I - or any of my companions - dont need it. HAHAHAAH!


Seriously, its part of my immersion. You probably wont like grouping with me.


I also steal mission objectives after people pulls npc's surrounding them.


That's how I roll!




You're doing it wrong.

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i find telling people the law before hand works for me all the time.

thing is i feel this people can't use their brains and need to be told.

How about those jedi guardian needing on loot with aim stats saying they will go re mod the item .

or just plain blind looting.Lots of weird people around you know.

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I'm lvl 43.. companion is fine.. Just been giving him odd bits of gear that have dropped from random mobs usually green did buy him an orange jumper with mods a few levels ago.. meh.. I'll spend some commendations on him if they are going spare which is very rarely.


I solo elites a few levels above me.. He is fine.. Why the desperate need for gear for the companion? I am having no trouble levelling or killing anythging I come across.


Just greed IMO.. People needing everything for themselves and wanting everything they want IMO is one of the reasons why MMO's have become so much single player friendly..


Want to play for yourself and not part of a team then don't fecking group with anyone.

Edited by corbanite
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I play an evil Sith. I'll roll need even if I - or any of my companions - dont need it. HAHAHAAH!


Seriously, its part of my immersion. You probably wont like grouping with me.


I also steal mission objectives after people pulls npc's surrounding them.


That's how I roll!


Funny thing about...


This is very prevalent on PVP servers. Players on PVP servers will cut each others throats to get ahead. I walk up to a group of 3 mobs, get ready to attack. I notice there's a level 10 guy next to me, I'm 15. I wonder what he's doing. I shoot one guy, my companion attacks the same guy, and this little punk starts shooting the other 2, after they agro to me, then backs off. I have agro, but he gets the kill xp. Seriously!


Then, Lord forbid there's a chest around anywhere, they will wait in the area for you to agro the mobs near it, then go snag it while you're fighting, including quest objectives.


PVE servers? Every once in a while this happens, but on PVP servers, it happens all the time!!

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The easy fix would be for BioWare to add one more button to looting.


  1. Need
  2. Companion Need
  3. Greed
  4. Disassemble


After that all you can do is play in less Pugs with ninja looters.


just grey out the need button on loot that you cannot use or do what eq2 did when the loot that drop is not useable by you its an automatic greed roll you don't even get the option to press the button

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Funny thing about...


This is very prevalent on PVP servers. Players on PVP servers will cut each others throats to get ahead. I walk up to a group of 3 mobs, get ready to attack. I notice there's a level 10 guy next to me, I'm 15. I wonder what he's doing. I shoot one guy, my companion attacks the same guy, and this little punk starts shooting the other 2, after they agro to me, then backs off. I have agro, but he gets the kill xp. Seriously!


Then, Lord forbid there's a chest around anywhere, they will wait in the area for you to agro the mobs near it, then go snag it while you're fighting, including quest objectives.


PVE servers? Every once in a while this happens, but on PVP servers, it happens all the time!!


Not seeing how this is an issue. Just tag one mob, and dont tag the others, there's no reason they would still aggro to you if you didnt hit them ever and the other guy did.

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Not seeing how this is an issue. Just tag one mob, and dont tag the others, there's no reason they would still aggro to you if you didnt hit them ever and the other guy did.


You get enough agro from the initial pull that it takes more than just one shot to pull agro.

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Just communicate with the group. Be sure that you set up the loot rules ahead of time so everyone has an understanding of the group dynamics. Need for player upgrades, Greed for Alt/Companion upgrades. Those that follow those rules be sure to add them to your friends list to group up maybe another time. It is when people assume that everyone does this that issues or happens or you find out the party member doesn't even speak english enough to communicate an understanding with.


Spending a couple minutes doing that ahead of time saves hours of grief and frustration. Granted some people will still say sure but then do it anyways. Those are people that end up on ignore. During EQ the community used to have those people listed on a masterlist so people knew who the ninja's were.


This. Common sense.

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A Player Need/Companion Need button sounds like a neat idea.


But I say the same thing that has been the rule in every game that allows looting in groups...


A. Talk with your team about how looting will work first.

B. Just ask.


When there is that guy who goes against the rules and rubs people the wrong way, the community will handle them.

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My rule is:


If you or a companion are in the group at the time of the kill you can roll need if it is an upgade for you or the companion that was actually out during the fight.


Was your companion out and part of the fight or kill?


nope? go to 1


yes? go to 2


1. seriously?


2. roll need as your companion had a part in killing x mob.

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If someone needs an orange for their companion that is an upgrade for me, I'll be leaving that group in a lurch, half-way through the instance.


What if you are in a 2+ heroic and that companion healer kept you alive?


How else do you expect that companion to hit you with those 500 point heals and not 300 point ones from -10 level green gear?

Edited by Brakner
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This whole thread is a reason for me not to pug. I really can't care less if someone rolls for his or her companion, I do care about people who start to scream about it or even worse need to tell in general chat that so and so is a ninja looter.
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This whole thread is a reason for me not to pug. I really can't care less if someone rolls for his or her companion, I do care about people who start to scream about it or even worse need to tell in general chat that so and so is a ninja looter.


No reason to get grumpy.


You're playing with people, just talk to them. If you all don't agree, then look for another group.


That said, I'll lie through my teeth to get in your group and then roll need on everything. But you'll get that, don't get discouraged! (because if you get discouraged I won't have as much fun stealing from you)

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I'ts pretty simple to fix.


Add a forth button "companion" right after "need" and make "need" not available if you cannot equip the item.


This way you can still roll for companions but only after all people who can actually equip the item get their need roll.




Need : Companion : Greed: Disassemble

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No reason to get grumpy.


You're playing with people, just talk to them. If you all don't agree, then look for another group.


That said, I'll lie through my teeth to get in your group and then roll need on everything. But you'll get that, don't get discouraged! (because if you get discouraged I won't have as much fun stealing from you)


And how on earth would you get in my group if I don't pug? Anyway I wouldn't mind if you steal everything as long as you stay polite (that was my point..I don't mind about people taking loot for whatever they need it, even to sell to a vendor, I do mind about abusing language when it's just a game).

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