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Star Wars the Old Republic on Disney+?


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With Disney, it will always fail. Especially wit the politial bs they inject into everything now. Their was Star Wars, and now it's Disney Wars. Star Wars, the one a lot of us grew up with is gone.
I wouldn’t conflate your personal disapproval with a failure. For all the flack The Last Jedi received it still was very profitable for them as a company. Their recent movies really only underperformed compared to Disney’s own Box Office numbers, they were still largely successful by conventional measures.


Disney has the Midas touch if you ask me. On brand recognition alone they can pull a crowd.

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I don't trust Disney would handle it all too well, but at least I would get to know the story without having to play through the game. Of course, the writers for Disney aren't actually Star Wars fans, hence the complete retcon of the entire franchise due to lack of knowledge, so they'll probably make everything up and just use the same characters.
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I don't trust Disney would handle it all too well, but at least I would get to know the story without having to play through the game. Of course, the writers for Disney aren't actually Star Wars fans, hence the complete retcon of the entire franchise due to lack of knowledge, so they'll probably make everything up and just use the same characters.

I would be surprised if they decided to actually cover any of the TOR games. More likely they would take the time setting and make their own characters.


Honestly the best case scenario is they leave KOTOR/SWTOR alone (the more interest they have in the stories the less they may want to keep letting BW do their thing) but do something time adjacent that re-canonizes the planets and big players of the time.

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I don't trust Disney would handle it all too well, but at least I would get to know the story without having to play through the game. Of course, the writers for Disney aren't actually Star Wars fans, hence the complete retcon of the entire franchise due to lack of knowledge, so they'll probably make everything up and just use the same characters.


The reason why they cleared the post-RoTJ timeline was due that it was filled with things that were conflicting with the films. Also, wiping the slate clean gave the story group and LF a chance to invent something new for the films.

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I agree with Steve and Karameck on this one, I don't think it's about the game specifically. If such a thing is being made it's likely within the canon Old-Republic era as opposed to about SWTOR itself, and I have no doubt they'll eventually rip-off Legends further by canonizing more KOTOR/SWTOR planets and perhaps some of the lore around it. But it'll be an adaption, not the same thing as the current set-up so to speak. Example: Malachor V is canon but it's called Malachor and its destruction was a result of a fight between the Jedi and the Sith, not the Mandalorians and the Revanchists.


The reason why they cleared the post-RoTJ timeline was due that it was filled with things that were conflicting with the films. Also, wiping the slate clean gave the story group and LF a chance to invent something new for the films.


What conflicted with the films? Unless you mean the ST, in which case they still had quite a gap after Crucible to make movies. And yes, they have a clean slate... yet the set-up for TFA is pretty much the same as a ANH, evil Empire roams the galaxy, rebels, Jedi are gone, etc. It was a hard reset, but it was hardly creative, or new. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy it, but it's not new as far as Star Wars goes.

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The reason why they cleared the post-RoTJ timeline was due that it was filled with things that were conflicting with the films. Also, wiping the slate clean gave the story group and LF a chance to invent something new for the films.


Blatantly untrue with the levels of Canon designated specifically for this to create one coherent timeline. All Disney did was butcher them off while cannibalizing elements of the EU to pave way for "originality" while essentially regurgitating the OT with the past two sequel films, but worse.

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I'd rather have them wait for a change of guard at Lucasfilm. I have zero trust for them under current management. Still, Marvel special issue set in Legends timeline gives me some hope for things to change for the better.


Indeed, I'm hoping the new original Marvel Run issue is a sign of things to come or at the very least that they are willing to listen to us.

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What conflicted with the films? Unless you mean the ST, in which case they still had quite a gap after Crucible to make movies. And yes, they have a clean slate... yet the set-up for TFA is pretty much the same as a ANH, evil Empire roams the galaxy, rebels, Jedi are gone, etc. It was a hard reset, but it was hardly creative, or new. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy it, but it's not new as far as Star Wars goes.


Sorry, I probably worded myself poorly. What I meant with things that were conflicting (maybe that's wrong word, I'm not sure, trying to find a better one) were things like Palpatine's son and his multiple rebirths or the origin of Clones and the Clone Wars (as presented by Timothy Zahn before the prequels came out).

And yeah, while the setting is very similar to ANH, there are few differences; The First Order is not the Empire, rather group of people who dream of the Galactic Empire's return. And while the Jedi are gone, they have not been wiped out as it was in originals, rather that Luke has seen the fallings of the Order and decided that he wanted to do nothing with it in order to protect others after he failed himself.

Edited by Rebamcfan
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KotOR? No.

This was and still is one of best RPG. Can't imagine it as TV series. For sure it wont be as good as game.

I would like to see like a NEW character. Could be set in SWTOR timeline or before. Adventures of one of Jedi https://wallpapercave.com/w/0aK4XTd maybe? Later his battle during sacking of Coruscant or something. Still remember when i watched first time swtor Trailers Deceived or Hope. :cool:

Edited by tummiswtor
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Nothing worse than armchair writers sitting on their thumbs pissing and moaning about how this character or another was depicted wrong and that the writers owe the fans something.


When a writer depicts the character as behaving a certain way no reader has the right to say it's wrong. The writer of the story has been given artistic liberties and the right to present a character any way they want to.


You are the reader, you have no power or rights to a character or how that character is written in a story... Basically the story is a piece of art and you the consumer of the art may not like it but you have no jurisdiction over how that art is formed.


Star Wars "fans" seem to think they own ideas and own the Star Wars IP and can dictate how the stories are written which isn't the case.


One fan is no more important than another, and no fans have any say in how or what is written in the movies or books.


If you don't like it, no one cares because for just as many that complain about "SJW" plots etc., there's someone that loves the new stories and plots.

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Sorry, I probably worded myself poorly. What I meant with things that were conflicting (maybe that's wrong word, I'm not sure, trying to find a better one) were things like Palpatine's son and his multiple rebirths or the origin of Clones and the Clone Wars (as presented by Timothy Zahn before the prequels came out).

Those contradictions had already been dealt with long before Disney even thought about taking over, Star Wars had been a retro-active continuity which dealt with the contradictions. And Palpatine's son and his multiple rebirths aren't contradicting the movies, the Clone Wars indeed was vaguely explained and things changed but proper retcons were made so the continuity flows in one solid timeline. A good example of this is Outbound Flight, which explains a certain Dark Jedi's origins. Really we didn't had enough contradictions and continuity errors to warrant a soft reboot.


And yeah, while the setting is very similar to ANH, there are few differences; The First Order is not the Empire, rather group of people who dream of the Galactic Empire's return. And while the Jedi are gone, they have not been wiped out as it was in originals, rather that Luke has seen the fallings of the Order and decided that he wanted to do nothing with it in order to protect others after he failed himself.

No but they are essentially the Empire. I know the novels and movie novelizations probably give a lot more nuance to the matter, but as far as TFA was concerned the situation felt very much the same in regards to the setting. And no, they have been wiped out by Kylo Ren AKA Ben Solo as we saw on the flashback, Luke then gave up on rebuilding the Jedi Order and went into his own exile. The set up for TFA is essentially the same as the OT.

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Sorry, I probably worded myself poorly. What I meant with things that were conflicting (maybe that's wrong word, I'm not sure, trying to find a better one) were things like Palpatine's son

What's wrong with Palpatine having a son? :) Sure, the book series was dumb but the idea itself was rather interesting to explore.


his multiple rebirths

He was looking for immortality even in the prequels. It's even suggested in Vision of the Future that those were just clones, not real Sidious reborn.

the origin of Clones and the Clone Wars (as presented by Timothy Zahn before the prequels came out).

I would blame Lucas for this - he approved the books and came up with different plan for Clone Wars later. And Republic fighting against clones was retconned later with Sora Bulq and his Morgukai clones.

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Nothing worse than armchair writers sitting on their thumbs pissing and moaning about how this character or another was depicted wrong and that the writers owe the fans something.


When a writer depicts the character as behaving a certain way no reader has the right to say it's wrong. The writer of the story has been given artistic liberties and the right to present a character any way they want to.


You are the reader, you have no power or rights to a character or how that character is written in a story... Basically the story is a piece of art and you the consumer of the art may not like it but you have no jurisdiction over how that art is formed.


Star Wars "fans" seem to think they own ideas and own the Star Wars IP and can dictate how the stories are written which isn't the case.


One fan is no more important than another, and no fans have any say in how or what is written in the movies or books.


If you don't like it, no one cares because for just as many that complain about "SJW" plots etc., there's someone that loves the new stories and plots.



OMG, You just summed up what I've been thinking this entire time perfectly.

- and probably the only thing I've ever read by you that I agree with 100%. :D

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What's wrong with Palpatine having a son? :) Sure, the book series was dumb but the idea itself was rather interesting to explore.

It's a shame because I think his son could've been a very interesting character and a great story of overcoming your father's dark legacy on the galaxy. Or even try to continue it.

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If they put Dave Filoni on this and go back to the computer type animation, this would be awesome.


Maybe between this and The Mandalorian, we could get some decent content again.


I dont think they are talking about a animation show, i believe they are talking live action show....

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