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Alt Management...The Horror!


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I spent over 2 hours yesterday going through my spreadsheet updating toons/roles/levels etc. Granted, the pain is self-inflicted as i have 42 spots open, I have legendary status on Shan and i'm working towards that on Forge. (its the one thing that is motivating me to play. If there were some cool reputation stuff on Ossus, i'd be more motivated to do the 'Grind'...but I digress).


I guess my question to the community is what kind of tools do you use to keep track of things. Feel free to describe your version of Alt horror, or how you manage the GTN. How do you organize your alts, is it by male/female/role (like Girl Shadow Tank) or by LS/DS alignment or both?


EDIT-I'd like to add I'm curious to see what other people do.

Edited by iowaboynca
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Well, as you admit - it is mostly self inflicted.

I have 19 (or 20) characters, but only 2 of them that I play regularly (both Gunslingers), plus 3 others I play less often (a Sentinel, a sage and a Marauder). Those 5 characters each have 2 or 3 main companions - basically 1 ranged, 1 melee, 1 w/e, and they're always set to heal - so it's not hard to keep track.

I do have a "spreadsheet" (it's really just a "table") to keep track of the characters, but the only reference to companions is a block (no longer needed) that keeps track of how many of each character's companions are influence level 50.

Edited by JediQuaker
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I have a Google spreadsheet that has my toons listed by roles. (I only play female toons since I'm a female. And all are human. I don't like the others. lol)


So it's listed as:

Name, Class, Adv. Class, Role, Crew Skill, Level, Command Rank, Ossus Opened. I have them organized as Tanks, Heals, then DPS.


My Crafting spreadsheet is different as they're listed as:

Name, Class, Adv. Class, Role, Crew Skill, Level, Com. Rank, Companion Level

They're organized by Crew skills & not anything else.

Also have a spot that shows what crew skill makes the augments.


I also have an Ops Gear spreadsheet that shows the toons & what level their gear is legacy & then the left side.

Sub spreadsheet in that is just the mirror class/names for quick cross reference.


I created an Ossus Completion spreadsheet last week. lol

Name, Week 1-6 (each has a slot) then MWC.

After using it I realized I need to tweak it a bit more. But it works so far.


I have a google Doc. that has a gear break down by item & slot.


Helm ( ):






Guess that makes me an organized/ocd nerd??? LOL

I don't track the GTN on a spreadsheet. Never have understood the "GTN" game. I make my money by crafting & just catching deals. I don't sit & play it for hours.



Oh I have 2 seller toons, the other 27 are all level 70 & most are somewhat geared. Tanks & Heals are all geared to be able to walk into HM, just not optimal stats on some.

Edited by CaptRogue
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I too spent many hours trying to keep everything organized using spreadsheets to keep track of crafting needs, unbound CM items, the aggregate total of credits between all characters, and which characters could harvest what materials. In theory it seemed like that would make things run faster/smoother to be able to log into my cybertech and just craft everything needed for all my characters at the same time. In practice it just became too much work to keep track of who needed what/when.


Regarding GTN, I keep that fairly simple. Only select characters place anything up for sale, and what I do sell tends to be limited to surplus, so really no need for me to keep a spreadsheet on that.

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I spent over 2 hours yesterday going through my spreadsheet updating toons/roles/levels etc. Granted, the pain is self-inflicted as i have 42 spots open, I have legendary status on Shan and i'm working towards that on Forge. (its the one thing that is motivating me to play. If there were some cool reputation stuff on Ossus, i'd be more motivated to do the 'Grind'...but I digress).


I guess my question to the community is what kind of tools do you use to keep track of things. Feel free to describe your version of Alt horror, or how you manage the GTN. How do you organize your alts, is it by male/female/role (like Girl Shadow Tank) or by LS/DS alignment or both?


EDIT-I'd like to add I'm curious to see what other people do.


The spreadsheet sample available to my guild mates to use doesn't have anywhere near all my toons, but it's available here

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I have two spreadsheets, though one of these days I'm just going to combine them into one. The basic difference is that I made a second one because my Office subscription was expiring and the alerts gave me the impression that I'd be locked out of accessing documents I'd made. That didn't happen, but by then I'd made a second spreadsheet. That inadvertently came in handy during the merger, when I had to delete about half my characters. So now I have two spreadsheets, one with about 40 toons, which is current and up-to-date, and one with 60 toons, which contains most of the ones from the new spreadsheet, as well as detailed info about the toons I had to delete, which is useful if I'm trying to remember if I ever made a male miraluka BH with a #5 Head, or if I'm using an outlander token to remake a deleted toon.


Both spreadsheets are divided into: Server, Name, Class, Advanced Class, Species, Appearance [using the number sliders], Gender, Crew Skills [with an icon for maxed crew skills], Mount, DS/LS Alignment [with a nickname to remember the direction I took that character], Level 70 Y/N [most of my characters are at 50], Optional Regen, Pet, Companion Customizations, Number of Outfits, Name of outfits [typically the one or two preferred ones, or named weapons], and highest companion affection.


I try to have equal numbers of males and female, and of races, divided into classes. Meaning that I dislike having two Chiss JCs, unless they're different genders. Sometimes this is difficult as SWs, for instance, don't make a lot of sense as say, a Togruta. I also try to avoid making characters that look too similar to each other, especially members of the same race. I keep track of comp affection too as I don't like having two JKs that both favor Kira. Their personality will change accordingly if one favors Kira and the other favors Scourge. Well, sort of. It was a more meaningful distinction before companion influence was changed. Comp customization is less important now that I've run through virtually all the different customization options, but if I'm making a BH and noticed that I used Gault 4 twice already, I'll use a different one instead.


I vary with pets, mounts, outfits, and regens; collections don't mean much to me because I want each character to feel different. I also like to have [roughly] equal numbers of advanced class specs so I don't get bored. I keep track of alignment for a similar reason; if I have four Smugglers who end up with DS 1, 3, 4, and 5, the next one, if DS, should only be DS 2 by lvl 70. Crew skills I don't really care about. Many of these characters were originally on different servers, so every server needed its own crafters. Now I'm only on two servers [and SF is where I sent all my less interesting toons], so I only have one of each crafter [mostly], so new characters get slicing plus two of whatever I'm most in need of.


It's a lot of details, but I'm honestly just amazed that I was trying to do this stuff in my head for most of the time I've been playing. I started in early 2013 and didn't make a spreadsheet until late 2016, mainly because of seeing someone on the forum mention that they had one and thinking it was a good idea. Now that I have eight SHs, plus a guildship, I may add a tab denoting which SH they spend their time at. At this point I have room for 14 more toons on SS, and 26 more toons on SF, but tbh, I make new toons much more slowly now than I used to, and I expect the game will be dead by the time I run out of room on SS.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I keep a spreadsheet.

It's 11 tabs (across the bottom) for different things I track.


3 tabs are for toons on the servers

name / level / class / role / guild name / GC level / (14 columns for gear rating) / (which armor set bonus) / crew skill / Crew Skill levels


1 tab keeps track of which toons have done which weeklies for the daily areas and are participating in conquest. That tab also has blocks to let me know how close to GC 300 my most commonly used toons are (working on the 2nd set of 8)


One tab for test center stuff

One tab for which build I'm using for the various classes

Two tabs (one per account) for which toons have which "endgame" schematics learned

A few other misc tabs

The final tab is for which toons I've taken through the Ossus story.

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I keep a spreadsheet.

It's 11 tabs (across the bottom) for different things I track.


3 tabs are for toons on the servers

name / level / class / role / guild name / GC level / (14 columns for gear rating) / (which armor set bonus) / crew skill / Crew Skill levels


1 tab keeps track of which toons have done which weeklies for the daily areas and are participating in conquest. That tab also has blocks to let me know how close to GC 300 my most commonly used toons are (working on the 2nd set of 8)


One tab for test center stuff

One tab for which build I'm using for the various classes

Two tabs (one per account) for which toons have which "endgame" schematics learned

A few other misc tabs

The final tab is for which toons I've taken through the Ossus story.


I used to keep track of gear rating when gear on comps mattered, but got rid of all that when that went away.

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Wow!! And I thought I had a lot of toons at 10. I'm working on getting them all to 70 but it's taking a while. 4 out of 10 kind of done for now, still have some comp alerts or quests left to do. No spreadsheet here, at 10 I kind of remember who does what (mostly in terms of crafting).


I'm curious, what are your daily/weekly habits in this game when you have that many toons? I guess that maintaining all that menagerie takes a lot of time. Either that or you're very efficient.



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I'm curious, what are your daily/weekly habits in this game when you have that many toons? I guess that maintaining all that menagerie takes a lot of time. Either that or you're very efficient.




Not for me. Most of these toons I made before I started subbing at the end of 2017. I only had access to endgame content to 70 around Oct 2017. As a result, when the class story ended, and the toon was at max level [50], I stopped playing them. Now, I've got 7 toons at rank 300 [working on the 8th], and when they're done, I'll probably [hopefully] never grind CXP again. Or do another operation. That leaves a little over 30 toons who are stuck at 50, of which 13 are over at SF and I don't care about, so 17 to raise up to 70. I can take my time with those, do a couple, make a new character here and there. I don't have a main that I always play, but on pubside I'm most fond of my Gunnery Commando, and impside I like my Jugg tank, so they're usually who I take through the new content.

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I've reduced all my alts down to nine: 6 on Shan and 3 on SF. 1 each server watches the GTN. Had around twenty. Less alts equals less headache and thus no spreadsheet. One main on each server. One permanently stays on Ossus. All 70, 248/240. No need to have multiple classes that are the same or even close to the same. For example, one sniper, one operative healer. Since they can interchange their subclass, I don't need to create a new character. I don't like the smuggler VAs or class feels, so no smuggler. Only need 1 commando and 1 merc. I fon't like melee so no Warriors or assassins.


You people are crazy. :D

Edited by Zerileth
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I spent over 2 hours yesterday going through my spreadsheet updating toons/roles/levels etc. Granted, the pain is self-inflicted as i have 42 spots open, I have legendary status on Shan and i'm working towards that on Forge. (its the one thing that is motivating me to play. If there were some cool reputation stuff on Ossus, i'd be more motivated to do the 'Grind'...but I digress).


I guess my question to the community is what kind of tools do you use to keep track of things. Feel free to describe your version of Alt horror, or how you manage the GTN. How do you organize your alts, is it by male/female/role (like Girl Shadow Tank) or by LS/DS alignment or both?


EDIT-I'd like to add I'm curious to see what other people do.

Be glad you know how to make a spreadsheet! I have no clue (failed at spreadsheet lessons) and have to keep track of my alts via simple colour coded tables :D They are organised with the main on each server first followed by the order I created them OR levelled them to 70.

As for the GTN, I sell items via my main on each server and my crafting alts with the most profitable crafting skill so that's reasonably easy to keep track of. I did recently make bank alts for a couple of servers as I've run out of legacy bank space & need space for all the mats I keep collecting. One is called Edgelord McFailhard and the other Monsieur Banksalot :D I wish they'd add the ability to open more legacy bank tabs.

Why do we all create so many alts? Even after culling mine I still have 46 alts and plenty of available slots (though I know some have many more).

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I use a spiral bound notebook since I just have 9 characters each on two servers. I just keep track of name/class/LI/crafting for the most part but likely will add faction affiliation to that when I get that far in progression.

I used to do this until my notebook got clogged up with post-its reminding me of stuff! :D I finally took the time to make a table of them all last autumn & all my alts are much easier to keep track of now. One thing I found very useful as an altoholic was working out which abilities match on each class and across each faction. I place similar abilities in the same action bar slot, making it much easier to play all the various classes and play both factions.

You people are crazy. :D

Some people have just one character...W.T.F? :p:D

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OP, just in case : you do know sending even a lvl 1 char to your second server will give you legendary status over there too, right ?


I'm fairly sure you do, but just in case. :d_confused:



(and YES you can send a lvl 1, despite what transfer tooltip says ; done it dozens of times)

Edited by BenduKundalini
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The only horror for me is loading times.


I feel like I play Star Wars : The OId Loading Times. I play on an ageing but trusty laptop... My Millennium Asus :D


I have 70 chars on my home server and *cough* 240 in total, though easily 2/3s of them are cosmetic level 1s. About 20 level 70s, all on my home server except 3. Rest 10-65.


I only use my head... abuse my memory. Sometimes a good surprise comes up. "wow, you have a spare Koensayr in your inventory ?"

I only made lists of notable stuff when I was purchasing stuff on all 17 servers before the merger, and when I set out to install a foothold on Star Forge, sending mules with enough mats and gear and schematics to start a "new empire" over there...


There's one notepad I use wich is to keep track of the exact names of alts... on F2P accounts :p


(I like to reroll and gain achievements.

Overseer Harkun sort of goes

:csw_jabbapet: ) Edited by BenduKundalini
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Sometimes I'll create alts just to play a different gender / species / outfit / subclass / love interest / light-dark choice combo.




I think someone on this forum recently claimed to have over 100 alts, and to be fair, if you've been playing since 2011, it's more than doable.

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OP, just in case : you do know sending even a lvl 1 char to your second server will give you legendary status over there too, right ?


Indeed you can, but then you'd lose out on all the 20cc's you get along the way for various Legacy achievement completion.

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OP, just in case : you do know sending even a lvl 1 char to your second server will give you legendary status over there too, right ?


I'm fairly sure you do, but just in case. :d_confused:



(and YES you can send a lvl 1, despite what transfer tooltip says ; done it dozens of times)


True...but in my case its just not the same. I know, I know, I said i didn't want to do the Ossus grind but i'm doing a completely different grind. :o

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True...but in my case its just not the same. I know, I know, I said i didn't want to do the Ossus grind but i'm doing a completely different grind. :o


The vanilla part of the game has always been the best part. Grinding through it again is preferable to grinding Ossus. Even the kotfe is better than Ossus (according to my wife).

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I think someone on this forum recently claimed to have over 100 alts, and to be fair, if you've been playing since 2011, it's more than doable.


Pretty sure it wasn't me, but I do.

Split between two accounts.


Star Forge....88 on my oldest account, and 62 or so on my 2nd subscriber account.


70'ish total on Satele


18 or so on DM


8 or so on the German/French servers

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