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Companions that you just can't get yourself to romance.


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Thus far I've only romanced male LIs. Generally I've gone with most of the vanilla story choices and enjoyed them, but my first JK romanced Doc and I would never be able stomach it again. As for the post-vanilla choices, I don't much like Koth, but I considered it just for something different until I found out that the romance is basically abandoned in KOTET. Not terribly disappointed about that, I must admit, although I think it's unfair to those who did romance him.


As for the characters' ages, I make them whatever I want. The voice acting rarely matches the idea of them being incredibly young, anyway. The only companion's age I can't get past is Nadia, who in the vanilla story sounds and acts incredibly young to me; after Ossus, with how she handles herself, I don't find that as much a problem. With respect to the others, I just assume they came to their careers later in life like a lot of people, muddled on in obscurity for a while, or, in the case of my jedi, they're like Ewan MacGregor in the Phantom Menace, i.e., nothing like a teenager. I've forgotten which jedi class story it is, but you meet the one woman who was discovered by a jedi master and was subsequently brought to Tython (he freaked her out at first and she shot at him, so she's constantly apologizing to him). She's certainly no little kid. So it all works out in my head just fine. :p


The trouble I have with koth is I don't really have any characters that would match him. I can't see the wrath or darth nox falling for a guy like that, he's a regular guy and my characters aren't regular people. Maybe my smuggler but I imagine she'd fall for Theron in a heartbeat. Theron is practically a pin up for pubbies.


Nadia does sound young but it helped when I looked up her VA and found out she was the same age as me.


I have trouble figuring out my warrior's age vs Quinn's age. i think she's supposed to be something like a teenager, late teens? And he's supposed to be something like, late thirties? I don't know, that's a bit weird. Then again, both of the VAs are older than me irl. I'm not bothered Quinn is "old" (which is actually younger than me) but don't force sensitives start their training really young? What age is she by the time she gets to, or finishes, Balmorra? I'm stumped.


(Come to think of it, no wonder Quinn is standoffish for so long. The warrior is too effing young for him.)

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The trouble I have with koth is I don't really have any characters that would match him. I can't see the wrath or darth nox falling for a guy like that, he's a regular guy and my characters aren't regular people. Maybe my smuggler but I imagine she'd fall for Theron in a heartbeat. Theron is practically a pin up for pubbies.

My smuggler's been the only class character where I could kinda get behind koth, but I play her as generally flirty so I think at the end of the day she'll just never settle for any one person and keep flirting with all. I could imagine he fits decently well with other characters that are of a more freelance nature too, like the bounty hunter or the agent-gone-rogue.

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My smuggler's been the only class character where I could kinda get behind koth, but I play her as generally flirty so I think at the end of the day she'll just never settle for any one person and keep flirting with all. I could imagine he fits decently well with other characters that are of a more freelance nature too, like the bounty hunter or the agent-gone-rogue.


I agree with all that, it's hard for me to think of my smuggler ever settling down with anyone at all on top of already having another option that seems more probable/inherent to begin with.


My other "regular people" characters are happy with their originals, I'll never give up Vector, Aric or Torian, so..

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I almost have only female characters and the only F/F relationship I started is with Lana so I cannot really say anything on female LI.


I could not get myself romance:

- Doc: Well, I may have done it with a smuggler perhaps, but a JK? No way, thank you. I hate his way of bragging about himself.

- Khem Val: I watched the romance on YouTube and was really really relieved it did not even go to that point with my SI (she shocked him, it cancels the next scene). I just cannot imagine something with him and it is not only because of how he looks. The relationship is not a healthy one.


I believe that I will romance Ashara one day with a male SI because it appears that the conversations with her are rather interesting. But otherwise I would not do it. Kalyio does not attract me either as a LI, I find her fun as a friend but probably not more.


I have seen that a lot of people cannot romance Jorgan. I did and it is definitely part of my favourite ones. I liked Andronikos a lot too. Corso, meh, Quinn, tried and I can definitely not bear the character after all. Vector... I do not know what to think. I do not remember Iresso that much as I did it in the very beginning of the game.


Lana is a good one in my opinion. I like how she changes in a romance situation. Theron is good, it only did not match with my character. And Arcann has the scene that made my heart melt the most in the Nathema storyline.

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Doc is the one that is the impossible to romance for me. I have tried many times. Every time i just get disgusted with the slimy self loving talks. That horrible moustache does not help either. I just can't understand why they put such a slimeball on JK, character who i feel is anyway less likely to build relationship than others. Why they think that something so ugly and so repulsive behavior would be the one thing breaking jedis principals? Ugh...:confused:


Sorry for all Doc fans, this is just my pesonal opinion!

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- Khem Val: I watched the romance on YouTube and was really really relieved it did not even go to that point with my SI (she shocked him, it cancels the next scene). I just cannot imagine something with him and it is not only because of how he looks. The relationship is not a healthy one.


They have never added anyone romanceable that was appropriate for my inquisitor. Maybe a dark side Arcann, not that I would like anything about him personally, but I could see my inq falling for someone like that. Moot, anyway.

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Doc is the one that is the impossible to romance for me. I have tried many times. Every time i just get disgusted with the slimy self loving talks. That horrible moustache does not help either. I just can't understand why they put such a slimeball on JK, character who i feel is anyway less likely to build relationship than others. Why they think that something so ugly and so repulsive behavior would be the one thing breaking jedis principals? Ugh...:confused:


Sorry for all Doc fans, this is just my pesonal opinion!

And that's why my JK never fell for Doc and constantly rejected him in the least pleasant manner possible, but that did not really dissuade him to keep trying. Seems like he thought she was just playing hard to get, when she was just not interested.

She totally fell for Theron though.


They have never added anyone romanceable that was appropriate for my inquisitor.

Same for me.

Ashara was never a good option for him, and i don't even know if i'll not consider that he let her on Taris and never took her on his ship, which should definitely have been an option.

Koth would not suit him either.

Cytharat could've been a nice choice, but well it did not go very far anyways.

So i'm still waiting for someone for him.

If Scourge is romanceable and not restricted for JK only, then I may give it a try on my SI,; that could be a somewhat interesting pairing.



And about the 2 Jedi, I always pictured that since Yuon talks about the JC's connexion to the Force when they were 4, that this character was discovered and taken in by the Order at a pretty young age, and so was raised by the Jedi.

JK is a bit more open to interpretation as the only mention we have AFAIK, is Bengel saying that they were not on Coruscant when the Temple was destroyed which means that they were either in another temple at that time or not in the Order yet.

I opted for the second one as she joined the Order at 9, right after the Treaty of Coruscant and spent the next 10 years in training, so while she's still young at the begining of her class story, she still has some experience.

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I mean, I’ve romanced them both, just to experience them, but I HATED Iresso and Andronikos’s romances. One of them is extremely boring, and the other just doesn’t make sense with my Sorcerer. She’d lightning him to death for telling her he gets to do what he wants in her ship. And when he goes all sweet on you, it’s just strange.


EDIT: I forgot Torian. This one I’ve never actually done, and I’m not looking forward to it. I didn’t want a scrawny boi as the stand-in for the crew’s Mandalorian companion, and that’s what I’m going to get. Sad days. Replacing him for Theron ASAP—glad I can do that.

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And that's why my JK never fell for Doc and constantly rejected him in the least pleasant manner possible, but that did not really dissuade him to keep trying. Seems like he thought she was just playing hard to get, when she was just not interested.

She totally fell for Theron though.


Yeah same happened with my JK :D.


EDIT: I forgot Torian. This one I’ve never actually done, and I’m not looking forward to it. I didn’t want a scrawny boi as the stand-in for the crew’s Mandalorian companion, and that’s what I’m going to get. Sad days. Replacing him for Theron ASAP—glad I can do that.


I found Torian pretty good. It gets better in KOTFE/KOTET, it is pretty decent and also equal companionship or two heavy hitting fighters, with mutual respect and trust.

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Khem Val: I watched the romance on YouTube and was really really relieved it did not even go to that point with my SI (she shocked him, it cancels the next scene). I just cannot imagine something with him and it is not only because of how he looks. The relationship is not a healthy one.

I forgot about that romance option. A Khem Val romance is a no for me. I adore the morose monster, but not that way.


I forgot about KotFE onward LIs.


I never romanced KotFE+ potential LIs, except Koth. I can't remember if I ever romanced Lana.

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Yeah same happened with my JK :D.

Way funnier that way.

I still had a bit of a "wait, what ?" moment when he proposed though.

Then 3 choices

1 - Accept the proposal

2 - Tell him that she wanted to stay with him without marrying him

3 - Be really rude while refusing

That was sad, i tried 3 at first but that really did not sound like my JK, while she always rejected him with some snarky or sassy lines, she was never really rude or mean, but there she was, so I tried 2 and that was... awkward, as Doc said something along the lines "I don't really know if we can say we're together as we never kissed", which was quite my thoughts as well, i was like "Why are you even proposing when she keeps rejecting you ?"



I found Torian pretty good. It gets better in KOTFE/KOTET, it is pretty decent and also equal companionship or two heavy hitting fighters, with mutual respect and trust.

Replaying the BH and so the romance now, i still really enjoy it.

And the reunion is pretty sweet as well. Not as good as Aric's but quite close behind IMO.

I liked how he made fun of her Mando'a, i think it was during the battle on Voss.

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Hmm, companions I just can't bring myself to romance...well, I'm not into Aric or Arcann at all, even if their VA's are great. I just don't find the characters appealing at all. Iresso, couldn't do that either, I was too bored. Won't romance Lana, I tried with one of my male agents, but just no. Can't do it. I think that's just about it, unless my memory is failing me lol. Edit: Oh yeah, Dorne too. Hated her guts. Edited by Lunafox
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It's been interesting reading everyone else's 'no-go's' and the reasons why. As far as character age goes, I don't really see our characters as being really young unless you're going the body type 1 route. I've placed mine starting off somewhere in thier early to mid 20s. Sith seem to go the start training at home route until they have to go off to Korriban at some point while Jedi, we know how that goes.


I've mentioned before on the forums that I play the game with the sound off since that's an old habit I've never gotten out of with sneaking playing games past my bedtime as a kid, so I pick my own casting for the voices. Doc's voiced by Bruce Campbell, Quinn's Ewan MacGregor, Andronikus is Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken...etc...so it probably changes quite a lot as far as how lines come across.

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For me it boils down to "I dislike this character, I won't romance them". I tried to romance a character I didn't like to experience the story, but it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't want to repeat this experience ever again.
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They have never added anyone romanceable that was appropriate for my inquisitor. Maybe a dark side Arcann, not that I would like anything about him personally, but I could see my inq falling for someone like that. Moot, anyway.


I feel the same. I’m with Lana by default on my inq but I shamelessly flirt with Acina. Been in love since the Dreadseeds but she’s always only ever amused :(

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For me it boils down to "I dislike this character, I won't romance them". I tried to romance a character I didn't like to experience the story, but it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't want to repeat this experience ever again.

This is how I felt about some below*


None of the female romance options (class or Lana) will ever be romanced by my characters. Aside from most of them being just plain irritating (Vette) they are just not my thing. Being a female player, I generally play as female character however, my three male characters are only ever going to be with Theron, Koth or any suitable returning companions that become same-sex romances (Quinn, hint, hint). The male companions who are out for me are:

*Corso - once was enough. He's just a very, very annoying pest

*(Arcann - once was also enough

*Khem Val - no please. Just abhorrent :eek: I think I broke my escape button backing out of that curiosity! I wanted to see if he really could be romanced. It was horrible. He will always stay a morose monster for my characters.

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(Quinn, hint, hint).

I'd seriously have gone for Quinn on my male SW if that was an option actually as neither Vette nor DS Jaesa were really good options (ended up with both just to see if that was possible but that's pretty much it). I tried to go for Lana with him then, but he's kinda stuck at KOTFE chapter 10 right now and that chapter is just a pain to go through.

I think if i ever go through KOTFEET with him, i'll probably break up with Lana when Vette comes back, if the romance is still active, then save Torian and kill DS Jaesa (ouch i'm mean to these girls) :D

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I'd seriously have gone for Quinn on my male SW


I created my first Sith Warrior about four years ago. He is still faithful to Quinn. Not even once flirted with anyone. In my head they are in relationship, and that's it. Agents have unrequited love for Vector until they get to Theron or Koth. Then they give up on bugman who never loves them back, and move on. Head canon drama is the best drama. I had tons of internal soap opera-fun when my last SI got tired of Theron being fickle and dumping him for the second time. Instead of taking Theron back, he fell for Arcann. Now they are happy, I assume. Save Theron, but that Theron doesn't have to be happy, he was stupid. My main SI married him anyway, I assume they are happy too.

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Young is a very subjective word. Being under 40 is considered young in some professions. The voice actors for many of the characters do not sound like teenagers, and many of the things the characters do seem to imply they've been around for a while. I don't think rookie bounty hunters enter the Great Hunt, for instance. The trooper and agent are both out of the academy, and if that's equated to a college graduation they'd be at least 22 or 23.


At any rate, what I said is true, which is that the PCs have not been assigned canon ages. If someone wants to head canon that every single one of their toons is 14 years old that is their choice but it doesn't mean it's canon or something everyone accepts.


They haven't, but you just have to pay attention to the stories to know.


Hunter is totally a rookie.


Which goes back to late teens to early mid 20's.


I get it, people want to RP their character as older, that doesn't mean that's how the story plays it out. Sorry to tell you, your Consular, no matter how he's voiced, isn't a 40 year old padawan.


In fact, right on Tython, you get to say that to an NPC, "Aren't you a little old to be a padawan?"


The characters are rather young. And no one thinks, "Yeah, 40 is young" except for 80 year olds. :p

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If they wanted the BH to be young, they shouldn't have hired a 61 year old gravelly voiced man to voice him. That aside, I assume bounty hunters come to that career later in life after other options have fallen through. I can't imagine too many teenagers would live long enough to make it into the Great Hunt.


Since most of the VA for the PCs are in their 30s and 40s, (or older) and they all sound like it, I just can't picture them as "young", certainly not younger than some of the young sounding and often immature companions.


You mean, like a Mando? Torian being pretty young.


Also, deep voice doesn't mean old. Seriously, have none of you met young people with deep voices?


Young also doesn't mean immature. Mature for their age. Wise beyond their years. Old souls. These are sayings for a reason.

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They haven't, but you just have to pay attention to the stories to know.


Hunter is totally a rookie.


Which goes back to late teens to early mid 20's.


I get it, people want to RP their character as older, that doesn't mean that's how the story plays it out. Sorry to tell you, your Consular, no matter how he's voiced, isn't a 40 year old padawan.


In fact, right on Tython, you get to say that to an NPC, "Aren't you a little old to be a padawan?"


The characters are rather young. And no one thinks, "Yeah, 40 is young" except for 80 year olds. :p


Which is again, your opinion. Not fact or canon in the game. The character's ages are what you want them to be. If you want all your characters to be kids, that's fine, but we'll have to agree to disagree that they're "supposed" to be that way or that anyone else has to follow suit.


"Rookie" also doesn't always mean someone's a teenager. Plenty of people who have jobs in security, private investigation, real-life bounty hunting, etc. are former cops or military that are embarking on second careers with the skills they've learned in their first job. There's nothing to say that the SWTOR bounty hunter hasn't done the same, especially since they're presented as being very skilled at their job from the get-go, enough to enter the biggest contest in the bounty-hunting world.

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Which is again, your opinion. Not fact or canon in the game. The character's ages are what you want them to be. If you want all your characters to be kids, that's fine, but we'll have to agree to disagree that they're "supposed" to be that way or that anyone else has to follow suit.


This is kind of a bizarre take on what an opinion is. I mean, yes, it's an opinion in that it's what Koriander thinks, but it's also backed by reasonable evidence like the way, as the last poster said, NPCs frequently refer to you in diminutive terms. And it'd be one thing if you were countering this with 'but look at the age of the VAs', which is indeed what Damask has said. But that's not your argument, it's more like 'it's my perspective that they're old'. Which is fine, but it's not an argument with much weight, is it?


So, my question would be, if perspective is all that matters to you, why not simply headcanon that your characters are all older, and what difference does it make if the 'canon' position [the one that is actually backed by in-game evidence] is that they're young?

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This is kind of a bizarre take on what an opinion is. I mean, yes, it's an opinion in that it's what Koriander thinks, but it's also backed by reasonable evidence like the way, as the last poster said, NPCs frequently refer to you in diminutive terms. And it'd be one thing if you were countering this with 'but look at the age of the VAs', which is indeed what Damask has said. But that's not your argument, it's more like 'it's my perspective that they're old'. Which is fine, but it's not an argument with much weight, is it?


So, my question would be, if perspective is all that matters to you, why not simply headcanon that your characters are all older, and what difference does it make if the 'canon' position [the one that is actually backed by in-game evidence] is that they're young?


I actually did mention the v/o artists too. My point actually isn't that they're young or old; it's that they are not given canon ages and the information in the game doesn't indicate they are any particular age. Thus, saying "the characters are supposed to be 18" or whatever is not supported by anything officially, any more than saying "the characters are all 40" would be.


Calling people "kid" or "little girl" or some of the other names doesn't mean much or count as "evidence" for anything IMHO because it can be intended to be pejorative or diminish someone. I've certainly referred to people as children in my real-life work when I've felt they've behaved as such, regardless of their actual ages.


At the end of the day it's a pointless argument to keep up because those who believe that all the characters are "supposed" to be 15 or whatever will do that, and those who have older ages for their characters will do that too. But neither perspective is canon.

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I honestly have never considered the age of any of my toons, but I do for the companions for some reason. The body types and facial features are as much a part of it as the voices.

I find Nadia, Vette, Ashara, Mako, and Torian too young. Most other companions’ physical features, voices, and in-game experiences and conversations don’t at all give me the same vibe as those five. On topic it’s why I wouldn’t romance any of them even if the option was available. At least in vanilla.

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