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Don't interfere with other people's battles


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Yep, I've had people grab mobs that way too, or race me to an objective I was clearly going for, after I've cleared the area.


And if someone does that, I'm not helping them with anything, even if they're two HP away from being killed. I won't heal or offer a revive or any assistance. Why should I? If they want others to help them, they can try being nice.





Well, I just did the Vort Norman/Mandalorian heroic with a new character on Dromund Kaas and some idiot stole my Kregg. I was fighting Kregg and some twit jumped in and then ran off with Kregg chasing his Khem Val companion. Fortunately I was able to click on the summons button again to summon another Kregg without having to restart from the beginning.


KREGG ! I've done that heroic a thousand times and couldn't remember the name for the life of me :p


The problem is not only with the head fight. As if they could not wait 10 seconds ....:rolleyes:



But there are people who do it on purpose. They see, you are waiting for another mob. As soon as he is there they attack. Even if you need him, stand behind or load in group. :mad: It sucks. Especially if you have lags and can not react so fast.


Yeah, and if they ninja you'd at least expect them not to whine about anything next...

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The problem is not only with the head fight. As if they could not wait 10 seconds ....:rolleyes:



But there are people who do it on purpose. They see, you are waiting for another mob. As soon as he is there they attack. Even if you need him, stand behind or load in group. :mad: It sucks. Especially if you have lags and can not react so fast.

Sometimes, people see you as the one challenging their routine. It's not always about "me." Sometimes, I might be the guy that inconvenienced someone else, unintentionally. Fortunately, the respawn timer on Personal Challenge is very quick for all mobs and there doesn't ever seem to be a shortage of Mandos to kill.

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If I'm running towards mobs to attack - lowbie assassin, Khem on heals so no gap closer - and I'm 1 mm away when a blaster shot from behind me flies past me and hits the mob I was obviously about to whack, and makes them grey, I've been ninja'd.


Still, I didn't make a fuss, moved on, looked for other mandos. Then I waited for them to kill their boss, waiting my turn to activate the thingy. Because they had finished the 8 mobs first thanks to their ninja ways. And THEN this dork pm's me "thanks for nothing ! you should be ashamed, standing by and not helping".


For real...


i've learned to wait for the targets shadow before the target spawns and have my best attack option waiting, just a matter of reactions at that point. i've been turfed a few times on specific targets that others get to first, but fair is fair and i got no reason to complain about it.

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:mad: I don't know how other players feel about this, but I get ticked off when another player interferes with my bounty battles that I'm doing during a BBA mission. I usually want to carbon freeze the target, but too often some twit would jump into the battle to try to kill it. I can't tell if those players are well-meaning or if they're being jerks.


I had exactly this yesterday with the Nar Shadaa target. I was playing an republic level 30 character, happy to have some meaningful quest for that low level there ... and what happens ? An imperial assassin suddenly jumps out of invisibility, kills my target, and THEN wants a duel with me !


My guess is that this has become ganking 2.0 : Troll people so much that they want a duel and can easily be beaten - more sadistic glee for the troll !


Now this is what I want Legacy ignores for.

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Sometimes, people see you as the one challenging their routine. It's not always about "me." Sometimes, I might be the guy that inconvenienced someone else, unintentionally. Fortunately, the respawn timer on Personal Challenge is very quick for all mobs and there doesn't ever seem to be a shortage of Mandos to kill.

When doing this quest, if i see someone else killing the Mandos, then i go for Kregg while the other player is busy with them, the time for me to do the Kregg fight they'll be done with their Mandos, and so while they'll take care of their Kregg, i'll be fine with killing my Mandos.

This become more complicated when there are more than 2 other people doing the quest at the same time though

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When doing this quest, if i see someone else killing the Mandos, then i go for Kregg while the other player is busy with them, the time for me to do the Kregg fight they'll be done with their Mandos, and so while they'll take care of their Kregg, i'll be fine with killing my Mandos.

This become more complicated when there are more than 2 other people doing the quest at the same time though

If you finish the mandos and help them burn Kregg right away, the clicky-button is ready immediately. Will they rage at you for "helping?"

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If you finish the mandos and help them burn Kregg right away, the clicky-button is ready immediately. Will they rage at you for "helping?"


But i find it easier to take care of Kregg while others are busy with the Mandos, and get the Mandos when they'll be fighting Kregg, as you can do it in any order.


If i'm alone though, i'll go for the Mandos first and take care of Kregg once i'm done with them.


I had a problem once on Tatooine with the quest with the Tusken. I clicked on the box, got the 3 that attacked me and another player clicked again on the box before i was done with my 3 guys.

3 others appeared, and when they were all dead, the other player had their quest done, but i had to reclick on the box and fight another bunch of 3 to get the quest done. That was quite annoying.

So now when i'm doing that quest, i just run out of the tent with my comp in passive mode so that they'll follow me and be quite far from the tent in case someone else pops-up to do the quest as well.

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A lot of this is why I don't even bother with Bounty Contract week anymore and avoid the non-instanced heroics these days. I don't remember the last time I even attempted the heroics on Dromund Kaas. It's just not worth the annoyances.

Really? I always pick all the heroics I can on new characters going through DK and never have any problems with them, perhaps except the one where you have to pick up all those tablets. That usually just involves a minute to wait at one of the containers - usually just the one in my experience though.

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I had a problem once on Tatooine with the quest with the Tusken. I clicked on the box, got the 3 that attacked me and another player clicked again on the box before i was done with my 3 guys.

3 others appeared, and when they were all dead, the other player had their quest done, but i had to reclick on the box and fight another bunch of 3 to get the quest done. That was quite annoying.

So now when i'm doing that quest, i just run out of the tent with my comp in passive mode so that they'll follow me and be quite far from the tent in case someone else pops-up to do the quest as well.


There was a time when that quest would complete before the Black Box ambush. The problem with that is it would bug (for the next person) if people didn't kill the ambushing mob. They would click on the black box and get all the unkilled mobs at once. I remember clicking on it once and there were 5 or 6 ambushing mobs stacked on each other. I thought it was 1 at first and died pretty fast. It was kind of funny, actually. It doesn't do that anymore.

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Really? I always pick all the heroics I can on new characters going through DK and never have any problems with them, perhaps except the one where you have to pick up all those tablets. That usually just involves a minute to wait at one of the containers - usually just the one in my experience though.


You've been lucky, IMHO. For me they're just not worth the bother anymore, and there are plenty of other heroics to choose from so it's not really a loss. There's always a huge bottleneck for Possessed Hunter in particular. Even if one is grouped it doesn't help because there are typically a bunch of groups waiting and trying to jump when the NPC spawns.


On new characters I typically do all the side/exploration quests on the starter and home planets, as well as the heroics on Korriban because they're instanced, but leave the heroics on DK and Coruscant alone.

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:mad: I don't know how other players feel about this,...




Stay Our Of My Fight!



In Zerka 198 I'm there killing the named Droid. I'm on my Healer so my DPS is not that great but I still manage to kill the mobs, it just takes me a little longer. So this guy comes over and starts killing the droid too, I guess I was taking to long for him, so be it. I then collect my meager offerings from the drop and headed off to my next kill... Low and behold this so called self appointed helper PM's me. "Hey Where Are you Going ..... Aren't you going to stay and help ME!":eek:.


So NO!


I Don't Need, Nor Do I Want Your Help!


And I sure as hecj am not going to stay and help you. :p

Edited by denavin
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Only time I will interfere is for quest objectives or if they look near death.


I INSTANTLY offer a group offer if there is clearly a shared objective like Razor or Scar. Not for when there are clicky quest items.



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If I'm running towards mobs to attack - lowbie assassin, Khem on heals so no gap closer - and I'm 1 mm away when a blaster shot from behind me flies past me and hits the mob I was obviously about to whack, and makes them grey, I've been ninja'd.


Still, I didn't make a fuss, moved on, looked for other mandos. Then I waited for them to kill their boss, waiting my turn to activate the thingy. Because they had finished the 8 mobs first thanks to their ninja ways. And THEN this dork pm's me "thanks for nothing ! you should be ashamed, standing by and not helping".


For real...


Were you stealthed?


If they couldn't see you, it's not ninja'ing

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You've been lucky, IMHO. For me they're just not worth the bother anymore, and there are plenty of other heroics to choose from so it's not really a loss. There's always a huge bottleneck for Possessed Hunter in particular. Even if one is grouped it doesn't help because there are typically a bunch of groups waiting and trying to jump when the NPC spawns.


On new characters I typically do all the side/exploration quests on the starter and home planets, as well as the heroics on Korriban because they're instanced, but leave the heroics on DK and Coruscant alone.

I'm not bothering with Possessed Hunter anymore either this one takes too long when there are a lot of people waiting.

On Coruscant they're all more or less instanced, the only tricky one is Face Merchants because of the first side quest of killing 15 mobs that you can't do in the instanced area.

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