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Don't interfere with other people's battles


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:mad: I don't know how other players feel about this, but I get ticked off when another player interferes with my bounty battles that I'm doing during a BBA mission. I usually want to carbon freeze the target, but too often some twit would jump into the battle to try to kill it. I can't tell if those players are well-meaning or if they're being jerks. But I absolutely DON'T NEED HELP when I'm battling a BBA target. It's gotten to the point where I wait near a beacon for other players to leave before activating the beacon. But even that precaution doesn't work if a player comes into the area after I started my battle and he decides to "help". I have to keep my temper in check and try not to yell profanities.
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This is one of my biggest annoyances. So big that people would be dead scared if they heard how much I scream at them when they do that. Some bloke is just traipsing around, see me beating a random mob and decides to attack it too. Why? WHY? Did I ask your help? Did it look like I can't beat this silver mob with my full-geared Assassin and needed your intervention? Couldn't you really just wait two seconds so I finish this daily boss that you have to wait to respawn anyway, or do you have a cancer and only two weeks left to get everything done before you will be cremated (if so, then this isn't about you, but also you probably have bigger worries than doing dailies in SWTOR too).


Maybe this maddens me so much becauses I come from a country where you learn politely to wait for your turn, and not to put your nose in other peoples business. That's also how I behave in games. I let people finish their job in peace and then do my thing...which means I often never get it done. Then I just have to hope there is an instance to swithc to. I don't PVP, but PVP-instance has been a saviour many times.


But those people who just randomly decide to meddle with my fight, for no reason? Ok, if you are 10 years old, I understand. Everything is exiting and you want to participate. If you are older...just think about me screaming profanities at you. It is not pretty.


Then there have been situations where someone just follows me around for a moment, without meddling my gameplay. You know my character, right? It is ok, I'm sorry I have chat off. But I don't mind if you just want to look.

Edited by tahol
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None of those players who interfere are even participating in the BBA. They jump in, kill my bounty and then ride off. I would like for the developers to create an action slot to blast or choke an annoying player, in or out of a PvP area or cause his mount to trip or something. Or maybe cause the other player's character to have the hiccups. Loud screeching hiccups every four seconds that jerks them about and causes their weapons to sputter and die and lasts for five minutes.
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That sounds like something newer players tend to do. I don't think I've ever run across someone doing it just to be a *****. So to any new player who sees this I offer this advice. "Make sure the person actually needs help before you jump in".


I typically will watch for a minute before I intervene. If I see a player getting his butt handed to him (usually because he's either under geared or geared incorrectly..... classic sign of a newer player) and his health is dropping fast, I've been known to start tossing heals or try and taunt his enemies toward me and give him a chance to heal. I'll also whisper "catch or kill" so I'll know when to back off. But you can usually tell if people actually need help. If they're handling the fight fine, leave them alone. Even on the "master bounties" (can't remember exactly what they're called at the moment) most of us more experienced better geared players can sleepwalk through them. ;)

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I have interferred in battles, but only ever against what I assume are normal mooks while exploring. Can those be bounties to people?


I've only played since December, but just from playing I got the impression that attacking a occupied target wasn't at all noteworthy, unless you count quest targets like the republic quest to collar a joiner on Alderaan for example. I feel like I've even come across situations where it was appreciated.


I'd prefer not to annoy anyone, we're all playing the game to have a good time after all, so is this issue something that someone new to the game might not be aware of?

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But you can usually tell if people actually need help. If they're handling the fight fine, leave them alone. Even on the "master bounties" (can't remember exactly what they're called at the moment) most of us more experienced better geared players can sleepwalk through them. ;)


Kingpins. I killed the Nar Shaddaa one several hours ago. He's very easy.

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That sounds like something newer players tend to do. I don't think I've ever run across someone doing it just to be a *****. So to any new player who sees this I offer this advice. "Make sure the person actually needs help before you jump in".


The only time it's seemed to make sense to me are people who are trying to help someone who is about to die or someone who jumps in to kill a boss. In the latter, killing it faster = it will respawn for them faster so I get it.


I've occasionally had people who have had questionable intentions, but not often. On Makeb once I had someone following me and trying to fight every mob with me. The way I deal with it now if someone jumps in more than once when I clearly don't need help is to either sit down or to put my companion on passive and walk away. Tends to get the message across. It's super distracting for me to try to keep track of some other player and their companion so I truly don't want their help.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I have interferred in battles, but only ever against what I assume are normal mooks while exploring. Can those be bounties to people?

No. Bounty targets are summoned in particular areas on >this< list of planets(1) when the "real" participant clicks on a specific object that's only available during the BBA event.

I'd prefer not to annoy anyone, we're all playing the game to have a good time after all, so is this issue something that someone new to the game might not be aware of?

Obviously, someone new wouldn't automatically know about the event. It happens less often than once a month for a week. If you're worried about it, go to the Fleet (either side) after the weekly reset (Tuesday, 12 noon GMT) and see if there are guys with blue-clickable carbonite-frozen people at the bottom of the stairs leading downwards *out* of the inner ring. If so, this event is active. If not, it isn't.


(1) Ord Mantell, Hutta, Dromund Kaas, Coruscant, Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa, Voss, Tatooine, and I think also Belsavis and Corellia.

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The only times I’ve *ever* had anyone jump in on one of my fights is the ‘take them alive’ fights - like yeah, that collar a joiner quest on Alderaan. Any other fight, a dozen people might run past ignoring the fight and taking advantage of the mobs already being aggro’d to me...
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I have interferred in battles, but only ever against what I assume are normal mooks while exploring. Can those be bounties to people?


I've only played since December, but just from playing I got the impression that attacking a occupied target wasn't at all noteworthy, unless you count quest targets like the republic quest to collar a joiner on Alderaan for example. I feel like I've even come across situations where it was appreciated.


I'd prefer not to annoy anyone, we're all playing the game to have a good time after all, so is this issue something that someone new to the game might not be aware of?


In the case of normal mooks, this should not be an issue if you're "passing through", so to speak. The bounty event targets are quite specific, and this is a situation where timing can be very important, and interference makes that difficult.


As we see in this thread, opinions vary, but in most cases it has little impact. You learn as you play about certain mobs in certain areas. Some are mission specific or bonus targets, and you might want to avoid exterminating them if you're not on that mission, for example. In any case, the player who's "tagged" the mod gets full credit for the kill. I really don't see the problem.

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I only do it in two instances - heroic areas so we can all get the hell on with it, and when someone is getting picked off when afk.


Yes, these are the main times for me too. At end-game, or during events, I usually assume if they're doing it, it's an attempt to ninja. Sometimes, however, like during the heroic on Oricon, I'll aggro several mobs by mistake, and someone will come in and fight them off before I wipe, and I appreciate that...though, it's tricky timing. I'll usually wait to see if they can do it themselves before jumping in, especially if their comp is set to tank or dps, or if they're not using a comp.

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Yes, these are the main times for me too. At end-game, or during events, I usually assume if they're doing it, it's an attempt to ninja. Sometimes, however, like during the heroic on Oricon, I'll aggro several mobs by mistake, and someone will come in and fight them off before I wipe, and I appreciate that...though, it's tricky timing. I'll usually wait to see if they can do it themselves before jumping in, especially if their comp is set to tank or dps, or if they're not using a comp.


There have been times on Oricon I would've loved a hand, that's for sure, but I also accept that death happens. When someone jumps into my fight it just tends to confuse and disorient me. Thinking about this subject makes me realize that I've actually put a lot of thought into it.


There are several factors to take into account when deciding whether to involve myself in someone else's fight, I have to calculate them almost instantly and then hope I calculated correctly. Sometimes an outright "save" is appropriate (like when a player is unmoving and near death), sometimes directing my companion to help discreetly whittle a boss down at range seems proper (Kregg for example), sometimes tossing out buffs on a starter planet is enough. Usually, it's best to leave well enough alone.


As far as the OP, I doubt many people that post here need the reminder. But on the other hand, there may be a lot of players around who just don't know much about the bounty event. Swtor players tend to be very compartmentalized. Then there's jerks, I haven't figured out what to do about them other than to flip off the screen, vow to get revenge one day and then promptly forget their name :o

Edited by grania
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I used to get upset about this as well but after playing wow the last couple of months, I noticed that you still get credit for the mobs and even the boss you need to kill if someone comes in and helps and you even both or even more get to loot the mobs/boss so if they are from a game like that they might not realize it that here on TOR people don't get the credit.
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I don't usually help on the bounty hunter contracts, because I know some people would rather do certain things at the end of them, plus I don't do them anymore...but I do help with some things in Ossus, like the big droids, just to make it go a bit faster...it helps the other player to move on to the next and me also. I know that the first hit tends to get credit, so I'm not worried about taking their kill, I strictly do it to help and sometimes people will party me to share the credit which is also nice. :) Edited by Lunafox
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I feel like the bounty contracts are pretty much the only targets everyone should know not to help people with. People might want to carbon freeze the target for RP reasons and/or for an achievement. If it's for an achievement, then the player has to reset the mission and do a bunch of work again. I had to do that once on a kingpin contract and it was a real pain. :(


With pretty much anything else, I don't see how it's unhelpful to join a fight, but of course if a person says they don't need/want help then one should back off.

Edited by Estelindis
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Most of the time someone steps in to another player's fight, it's to speed things along so their own mob will respawn sooner. It's not because they think the person can't handle it on their own, it's just because respawn timers are inconvenient in the open world.


In the bounty event, that's always been an issue to consider. If you step in to "help" someone, set your companion on passive and stop "attacking" when the NPC is around 10%. That way the person can decide for themselves how it ends.


As long as you get the desired outcome, the loot, the kill credit (for achievement or conquest objective), and the objective completed, there's no reason to get butt-hurt because someone decided to speed along the process.

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In the case of normal mooks, this should not be an issue if you're "passing through", so to speak. The bounty event targets are quite specific, and this is a situation where timing can be very important, and interference makes that difficult.


As we see in this thread, opinions vary, but in most cases it has little impact. You learn as you play about certain mobs in certain areas. Some are mission specific or bonus targets, and you might want to avoid exterminating them if you're not on that mission, for example. In any case, the player who's "tagged" the mod gets full credit for the kill. I really don't see the problem.

Alright, it sounds like I haven't been an accidental jerk then! I just play for the story content and the side quests so I'm probably good.

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When others help me in my battles after getting credit for opening the attack, i make sure that i wait around and help them with their kill the next time, i mean i inconvenienced them and they helped even though they didn't need to, at the very least i must ask the same of myself and help them, even if mean waiting around a few minutes.


I've had a couple noobs attack my mandos in the Personal Challenge heroic on DK with range a split second before I attack in melee, thus wasting my time, and THEN have the nerve to PM me about being a selfish @ss and "not helping them in that quest". :rak_04:


One born every minute...


Technically if they got to them before you did, and you did nothing afterwards? then yes they are correct.

If you got to them first and they attacked and still called you what they did? then you are correct.


That kind of stuff is a double edged sword and you deserve everything you get from it, regardless of the outcomes.

But like you said, one born every minute.

Edited by Celise
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When others help me in my battles after getting credit for opening the attack, i make sure that i wait around and help them with their kill the next time, i mean i inconvenienced them and they helped even though they didn't need to, at the very least i must ask the same of myself and help them, even if mean waiting around a few minutes.




Technically if they got to them before you did, and you did nothing afterwards? then yes they are correct.

If you got to them first and they attacked and still called you what they did? then you are correct.


That kind of stuff is a double edged sword and you deserve everything you get from it, regardless of the outcomes.

But like you said, one born every minute.


If I'm running towards mobs to attack - lowbie assassin, Khem on heals so no gap closer - and I'm 1 mm away when a blaster shot from behind me flies past me and hits the mob I was obviously about to whack, and makes them grey, I've been ninja'd.


Still, I didn't make a fuss, moved on, looked for other mandos. Then I waited for them to kill their boss, waiting my turn to activate the thingy. Because they had finished the 8 mobs first thanks to their ninja ways. And THEN this dork pm's me "thanks for nothing ! you should be ashamed, standing by and not helping".


For real...

Edited by BenduKundalini
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If I'm running towards mobs to attack - lowbie assassin, Khem on heals so no gap closer - and I'm 1 mm away when a blaster shot from behind me flies past me and hits the mob I was obviously about to whack, and makes them grey, I've been ninja'd.


Still, I didn't make a fuss, moved on, looked for other mandos. Then I waited for them to kill their boss, waiting my turn to activate the thingy. Because they had finished the 8 mobs first thanks to their ninja ways. And THEN this dork pm's me "thanks for nothing ! you should be ashamed, standing by and not helping".


For real...


Yep, I've had people grab mobs that way too, or race me to an objective I was clearly going for, after I've cleared the area.


And if someone does that, I'm not helping them with anything, even if they're two HP away from being killed. I won't heal or offer a revive or any assistance. Why should I? If they want others to help them, they can try being nice.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Well, I just did the Vort Norman/Mandalorian heroic with a new character on Dromund Kaas and some idiot stole my Kregg. I was fighting Kregg and some twit jumped in and then ran off with Kregg chasing his Khem Val companion. Fortunately I was able to click on the summons button again to summon another Kregg without having to restart from the beginning.
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The problem is not only with the head fight. As if they could not wait 10 seconds ....:rolleyes:


If I'm running towards mobs to attack - lowbie assassin, Khem on heals so no gap closer - and I'm 1 mm away when a blaster shot from behind me flies past me and hits the mob I was obviously about to whack, and makes them grey, I've been ninja'd.

For real...

But there are people who do it on purpose. They see, you are waiting for another mob. As soon as he is there they attack. Even if you need him, stand behind or load in group. :mad: It sucks. Especially if you have lags and can not react so fast.

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