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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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Player: [Looking down at Lana's corpse with a satisfied grin] Yes! I've done it! She's dead!

Woman: Yes.

Player: [Turns around] Who are you?

Woman: I'm Lana's sister.

Player: Never knew she had a sister!

Woman: From a different mister. Doesn't matter now.

Player: What are you doing here? Seeking revenge for her death? You intend to kill me?

Woman: No. I'm her replacement.

Player: Egad! You're a gapped-tooth bruised-all-over scraggly mess! How can you be Lana's sister?

Woman: Easy. Lana used the force. I'm a brawler. I use my face. Let's get started, shall we?

Player: But but...!

Woman: Hey, you spent years wanting to kill her, now she's dead, so now you got me.

Player: But I don't want you!

Woman: Tell that to the devs. Now let's get moving before they swap me out for Gus Tuno's aunt.

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Player: [Looking down at Lana's corpse with a satisfied grin] Yes! I've done it! She's dead!

Woman: Yes.

Player: [Turns around] Who are you?

Woman: I'm Lana's sister.

Player: Never knew she had a sister!

Woman: From a different mister. Doesn't matter now.

Player: What are you doing here? Seeking revenge for her death? You intend to kill me?

Woman: No. I'm her replacement.

Player: Egad! You're a gapped-tooth bruised-all-over scraggly mess! How can you be Lana's sister?

Woman: Easy. Lana used the force. I'm a brawler. I use my face. Let's get started, shall we?

Player: But but...!

Woman: Hey, you spent years wanting to kill her, now she's dead, so now you got me.

Player: But I don't want you!

Woman: Tell that to the devs. Now let's get moving before they swap me out for Gus Tuno's aunt.


Sounds a lot more plausible than some of the stories we've had :D:D:D:D

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Doesn't Lana's voice actress provide her voice for other characters in the game? They could bring back one of them for a story.


Not sure, TBH. Except, what char could they use, it'd have to be one that is alive, and present for everyone.....

The droids!!!!! ok, next big expansion Droids of the eternal...well nearly...ok, no not really any more Empire

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Not sure, TBH. Except, what char could they use, it'd have to be one that is alive, and present for everyone.....

The droids!!!!! ok, next big expansion Droids of the eternal...well nearly...ok, no not really any more Empire


Only one I can say for sure if the Sith Officer lady on Oricon helping the Sith Lord combat the Dread Masters. She's alive regardless of the Oricon plot.

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Player: [Looking down at Lana's corpse with a satisfied grin] Yes! I've done it! She's dead!

Woman: Yes.

Player: [Turns around] Who are you?

Woman: I'm Lana's sister.

Player: Never knew she had a sister!

Woman: From a different mister. Doesn't matter now.

Player: What are you doing here? Seeking revenge for her death? You intend to kill me?

Woman: No. I'm her replacement.

Player: Egad! You're a gapped-tooth bruised-all-over scraggly mess! How can you be Lana's sister?

Woman: Easy. Lana used the force. I'm a brawler. I use my face. Let's get started, shall we?

Player: But but...!

Woman: Hey, you spent years wanting to kill her, now she's dead, so now you got me.

Player: But I don't want you!

Woman: Tell that to the devs. Now let's get moving before they swap me out for Gus Tuno's aunt.


Oh my STARS !!


ROFL !!!


BTW.. I like Lana Beniko !

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Not in favour of killing companions.


Asking companions to leave is the same thing.


Any companion in a quantum state will have very little in-game appearance other than maybe a walk on part in the background for players that did not kill or reject or tell to leave.


That list of companions is now the in such a quantum state is the vast majority. Remember that a lot of you asked for this. The players that did not are indeed the ones to lose out.


The exception to removing a companion, is when unfortunately the voice actor is no longer with us. I personally don't have an issue with another voice actor taking over, but respect BW not wanting to do this.



A quantum state in reference to this subject. is when any companion can be dead, rejected, or told to leave and is in a various state of play for different players.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Bat crazy sith that kills everyone, no. Dark jedi shadow who killed every jedi master he was supposed to save and later Senya, Arcaan, Koth and Theron and twice tried to kill Theron's mother (and will try again if given the option), yes. I think I mentioned before he married Lana.
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Also, it doesn't make much sense. Lana Beniko is the only companion who has been through everything with you. Never betrayed you and always obeyed your every command. She is literally the most loyal friend you have. She even allies herself with the Republic for you. This is why I never understand why someone would want to kill her. I mean I understand you might not like her personality or her character...but after everything she has done for you, including saving your life multiple times, you'd think people would be somewhat grateful.;)


"The only companion who has been through everything with you", uh you're forgetting Theron and T7 for Jedi Knights who are also with you regardless of side (well not T7). Dude even stood by Lana despite her literally setting him up to get tortured by the revanites. He literally goes against his own father and the republic for you if you side with the Imperials. Lets us not forget, the Alliance would be nowhere without Theron. He; provided most of the alliance's intel, established most of your connections, recruited most of the people you needed, was responsible for the intel on the star forges and literally held your hand through every single one of them. Has saved you and the galaxy multiple times (even before you knew him he saved the galaxy and destroyed a super weapon in his book which is the reason he has the highest medal possible from the republic before meeting you). On top of all this, he kept your favorite ship while you was sleep. And yet he still got a kill option despite trying to save you and the galaxy yet again in that instance as well. So Lana can get one too if they want to pull random dumb evil choices out the *** like they did with Theron LOL

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Not in favour of killing companions.


Asking companions to leave is the same thing.


Any companion in a quantum state will have very little in-game appearance other than maybe a walk on part in the background for players that did not kill or reject or tell to leave.


That list of companions is now the in such a quantum state is the vast majority. Remember that a lot of you asked for this. The players that did not are indeed the ones to lose out.


The exception to removing a companion, is when unfortunately the voice actor is no longer with us. I personally don't have an issue with another voice actor taking over, but respect BW not wanting to do this.



A quantum state in reference to this subject. is when any companion can be dead, rejected, or told to leave and is in a various state of play for different players.


Honestly they ****ed up pretty bad when they started making core alliance characters killable, especially the core personalities in the alliance ESPECIALLY for the most idiotic reasons.....Vette, Theron. Having to sacrifice Vette or Torian when it was super easy to send either Arcann or Senya (if you saved them) to help one while you helped the other or you know send literally anyone else in the alliance, like what were they all doing? Are you kidding me? Senya literally bested Vailyn earlier in the game, and Arcann nearly killed you. The two of them together would have been more than enough to stop either Torian/Vette from dying. And Theron, having the option to kill him after the story literally laid out for you that he wasn't a traitor. The writing was so bad, it made both Lana and Commander seem bipolar, wanting to kill Theron after they acted so worried that he was hurt, and basically washed around 6 years of character relationship building down the drain by making it worthless.


The fact that Arcann stood up for Theron harder than Lana ruined her character for me as well. Idc what you did for Arcann, him being a bigger cheerleader towards a character than someone who has worked with him for almost a decade, and has more chemistry with him (did arcann ever even say one word to Theron?) is just nonsense.


It just weakened the alliance arc more and more to the point it's like who cares about the alliance anymore. None of the new characters introduced in Onslaught are really interesting. FFXIV has gone several expansions without killing any of it's core team characters, and these characters have only improved and developed even better with each xpac to the point I can't imagine going into a new XIV xpac without even one of them, or not seeing how they develop. Killing is just a poor substitute for bad writing in most cases, atleast in Bioware cases. Nathema already ****ed up the main trio dynamic to the point I don't even care about the alliance. Let it all burn.


But you make a very valid point, people can say "Oh well, you can choose whether or not these characters live or die", which is true, but the fact that the option exist puts them in a state where they can never be like they were. There are reasons characters like Senya, Theron, Vette etc can never come back in a significant way or be featured in anything promotional and that is due to the option of giving them the boot, and you're right the majority of the core characters are now in that state, with no one introduced as strong as them which has created a problem.

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No, 1000 percent, No imo. They killed enough companions, because of posts like these. they are going to be characters we won't like, this not mean we should kill them or reject them. I dislike quinn, but it was a bad idea to add a kill option, because of some people wanting to kill him. Same goes here.
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While I dislike Lana, I think the killing of companions has gone to far since BW only knows how to kill them and not pay attention to those of us that haven't. I.E. My smuggler was romancing Koth but bingo some people hated him so bye bye so even on my character he doesn't speak anymore and there are more that are in that same scenario and while I understand wanting to kill or get rid of some for you it isn't fair to those that don't.
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While I dislike Lana, I think the killing of companions has gone to far since BW only knows how to kill them and not pay attention to those of us that haven't. I.E. My smuggler was romancing Koth but bingo some people hated him so bye bye so even on my character he doesn't speak anymore and there are more that are in that same scenario and while I understand wanting to kill or get rid of some for you it isn't fair to those that don't.


I personally don't have a problem with Lana ! She is the one character that has always been faithful. And you are right .. once that character is "killed off" ... poof ! Gone from the rest of the story !

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While I dislike Lana, I think the killing of companions has gone to far since BW only knows how to kill them and not pay attention to those of us that haven't. I.E. My smuggler was romancing Koth but bingo some people hated him so bye bye so even on my character he doesn't speak anymore and there are more that are in that same scenario and while I understand wanting to kill or get rid of some for you it isn't fair to those that don't.


I wish we could see statistics on who killed who. I know damn well the percentage of people who actually killed Vette or Theron has to be very small, and if they keep these characters on lock and key because of a 2% of people who killed them rather than acknowledge the majority who didn't me: :mad: Literally one of my most joyous moments during the whole empire saga was seeing Vette pop up alive out of nowhere and doing missions with her. She made some of those annoying go to this corridor > kill 988495879374 minions > repeat experiences much better. Just like part of Lana's endearment was her interactions with Theron and their chemistry, and if that's gone for good also: :mad:


As for Koth he angered me a bit during the empire saga, mostly because of his lack of care for the commander and the tragedies him/her and crew went through. But I guess i'm just more forgiving than others. Koth still had worth, he pretty much fixed the ship basically, and he atleast tried to apologize for his past apologist behavior. I still kept him alive despite some of his comments. I'm just the type that doesn't kill companions unless they truly can't be salvaged or turn totally against you. I mean even sacrificing Torian was hard for me. Not because I liked him so much, I mean I favored Vet. But I saw Torian's worth. He had a good head on his shoulders, and he really came through in some of those later missions, especially when he got a walker for you. Honestly, I felt that whole choice felt too soon, was too rushed for a character just beginning for some of us.

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Wow, i forgot this thread existed.

I'd really be against a kill option if she wasn't already the last one standing, it's annoying being constantly stuck with her, especially when she makes no sense being there...

I still don't want to kill her, but after that last scene with her at the and of EoO that made absolutely no sense, i definitely want her out of my sight, for good.

And the more they continue to push her like that the closer i get to trully wanting to kill her.


I oppose killing off Lana. She’s like a Work Wife even for characters that did not romance her.

That's exactly my issue with her, she's treated as my character's pseudo LI, even if my character has never, ever picked a single [flirt] with her.


To make things worse, she's treated as that special person my characters should trust over anyone else when they know litterally nothing about her. Seriously what do they know about her aside from her working for Arkous, having a strong connexion to the Force and having no issue using people and sharing intel with them only if she thinks it'll be usefull (like with Theron and our PC on Rishi, whatever it is she wanted to do to Master Suro on Ziost Koth and Senya while looking for us, or not saying the SIS is trying to contact us before JUS) ?

That is not someone i or my characters would trust unconditionally tbh, even less so considering she's a Sith, and clearly not over people i / they've worked with and known for longer and know more about than her like Kira for my JK for instance.


I wish we could see statistics on who killed who. I know damn well the percentage of people who actually killed Vette or Theron has to be very small, and if they keep these characters on lock and key because of a 2% of people who killed them rather than acknowledge the majority who didn't me: :mad: Literally one of my most joyous moments during the whole empire saga was seeing Vette pop up alive out of nowhere and doing missions with her. She made some of those annoying go to this corridor > kill 988495879374 minions > repeat experiences much better. Just like part of Lana's endearment was her interactions with Theron and their chemistry, and if that's gone for good also: :mad:

Call me mean, but Vette is the only one of my companions that consistently dies, not because i don't like her, but i had more reasons to keep Torian alive. Had the choice been between her and another companion like Ashara for instance, she'd live 100% of the time. If we had a chance to save both she'd live too. Unfortunately that's a choice we can't avoid, one of them has to die, which sucks as i don't kill my companions, but she's the only one who can't escape that fate.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Wow, i forgot this thread existed.

I'd really be against a kill option if she wasn't already the last one standing, it's annoying being constantly stuck with her, especially when she makes no sense being there...

I still don't want to kill her, but after that last scene with her at the and of EoO that made absolutely no sense, i definitely want her out of my sight, for good.

And the more they continue to push her like that the closer i get to trully wanting to kill her.



That's exactly my issue with her, she's treated as my character's pseudo LI, even if my character has never, ever picked a single [flirt] with her.


To make things worse, she's treated as that special person my characters should trust over anyone else when they know litterally nothing about her. Seriously what do they know about her aside from her working for Arkous, having a strong connexion to the Force and having no issue using people and sharing intel with them only if she thinks it'll be usefull (like with Theron and our PC on Rishi, whatever it is she wanted to do to Master Suro on Ziost Koth and Senya while looking for us, or not saying the SIS is trying to contact us before JUS) ?

That is not someone i or my characters would trust unconditionally tbh, even less so considering she's a Sith, and clearly not over people i / they've worked with and known for much longer and know more about than her like Kira for my JK for instance.



Call me mean, but Vette is the only one of my companions that consistently dies, not because i don't like her, but i had more reasons to keep Torian alive. Had the choice been between her and another companion like Ashara for instance, she'd live 100% of the time. If we had a chance to save both she'd live too. Unfortunately that's a choice we can't avoid, one of them has to die, which sucks as i don't kill my companions, but she's the only one who can't escape that fate.


It was indeed a tough choice for me, probably the toughest choice in this game for me. It wasn't like Theron, when they had that option to leave Theron I was like ARE YOU *********** KIDDING GAME, you literally just told me every 5 seconds that he was innocent, and I clicked so hard on the lightside option even on my dark side characters as it was ridiculously stupid to off one of your closest best friends who built everything with you, saved you multiple times and literally went against his own father (for imperial players) for you. Like, he was supposed to be the traitor, but in that moment that decision makes it like you're the traitor betraying someone looking out for you.


But with Vette and Torian I had to sit on the screen for a while and actually hit ESC after the decision multiple times. On one hand I liked Vette more. Sith warrior was one of my original characters so I had more time with vette, never ran the class that gets Torian. So the bias characterwise was already there. So then I had to look at it from a useful standpoint. Which was still hard. Because they tried hard to make both Vette and Torian useful up until that choice. Torian assists you on several missions prior and comes in clutch, but so does Vette during the "heist" mission and again on lokath. So both had their uses, and you were losing something by killing either one. But in the end, the bias for Vette and all those adventures we went on as an acolyte and twi'lek against the galaxy outweighed everything


Spoiler, I love Vette way more than I do Lana, poor Torian didn't really stand a chance. I still feel bad :(

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It was indeed a tough choice for me, probably the toughest choice in this game for me. It wasn't like Theron, when they had that option to leave Theron I was like ARE YOU *********** KIDDING GAME, you literally just told me every 5 seconds that he was innocent, and I clicked so hard on the lightside option even on my dark side characters as it was ridiculously stupid to off one of your closest best friends who built everything with you, saved you multiple times and literally went against his own father (for imperial players) for you. Like, he was supposed to be the traitor, but in that moment that decision makes it like you're the traitor betraying someone looking out for you.


But with Vette and Torian I had to sit on the screen for a while and actually hit ESC after the decision multiple times. On one hand I liked Vette more. Sith warrior was one of my original characters so I had more time with vette, never ran the class that gets Torian. So the bias characterwise was already there. So then I had to look at it from a useful standpoint. Which was still hard. Because they tried hard to make both Vette and Torian useful up until that choice. Torian assists you on several missions prior and comes in clutch, but so does Vette during the "heist" mission and again on lokath. So both had their uses, and you were losing something by killing either one. But in the end, the bias for Vette and all those adventures we went on as an acolyte and twi'lek against the galaxy outweighed everything


Spoiler, I love Vette way more than I do Lana, poor Torian didn't really stand a chance. I still feel bad :(

That choice was so stupid seriously.

What's worse with the case at hand is that i actually liked Lana when SoR came out. I'd have absolutely no issue with her if they kept the same dynamic they had during SoR, with them being equals, if they received the same treatment (they should definitely both have been there to unfreeze us, because from my LS JK's POV, who romanced Theron, and parted ways on pretty bad terms with Lana at the end of Ziost, it didn't make any sense that she was the only one who was there) and none of them was killable, and above all if the relationship with Lana was treated in a more neutral way when not romancing her. If i don't romance her, it's just that i don't want to, so don't force that weird pseudo romance on me devs, that's unhealthy and creepy on her part that she looks so desperatly in love with my toons... And if we could never see her face again while waking up, i'd appreciate that too (seriously the one in EoO was at least the 4th time...).


I can understand. My main BH is in a romance with Torian, while my main SW is just friend with Vette, so i obviously had a bias towards Torian for that. Then, i played through KOTET first on characters who had no previous ties to any of them, so i had to look as this decision from a more objective way, like you, the conclusion was relatively similar, they were both usefull, but the end result was that Torian had a slightly higher influence level on the characters who went through KOTET first, and he had ties to the Mandalorians while Gault seemed to be the one with the most connexions over Vette. But i guess the bias still played a part in the final choice for me too.

Edited by Goreshaga
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Lana & Theron are kinda core storyline characters, so my vote is no unless they add their death in the storyline later on not before. TBH I think BW did a great job with Fallen Empire & Eternal throne alone with the great stories & characters that make it. IDK maybe I'm the type of gamer that gets into the story & lore vs just endgame w/ PvP. I like the flavor of the story.
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Lana & Theron are kinda core storyline characters, so my vote is no unless they add their death in the storyline later on not before. TBH I think BW did a great job with Fallen Empire & Eternal throne alone with the great stories & characters that make it. IDK maybe I'm the type of gamer that gets into the story & lore vs just endgame w/ PvP. I like the flavor of the story.

Except Theron already got a kill option...

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I oppose killing off Lana. She’s like a Work Wife even for characters that did not romance her.

That's exactly my issue with her, she's treated as my character's pseudo LI, even if my character has never, ever picked a single [flirt] with her.


A Work Spouse is not a romantic interest. In fact, you'd never flirt with a Work Spouse; the relationship is platonic by definition. Since some folks might not be familiar with this expression, I provided a link to Wikipedia in my comment.

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That choice was so stupid seriously.

What's worse with the case at hand is that i actually liked Lana when SoR came out. I'd have absolutely no issue with her if they kept the same dynamic they had during SoR, with them being equals, if they received the same treatment (they should definitely both have been there to unfreeze us, because from my LS JK's POV, who romanced Theron, and parted ways on pretty bad terms with Lana at the end of Ziost, it didn't make any sense that she was the only one who was there) and none of them was killable, and above all if the relationship with Lana was treated in a more neutral way when not romancing her. If i don't romance her, it's just that i don't want to, so don't force that weird pseudo romance on me devs, that's unhealthy and creepy on her part that she looks so desperatly in love with my toons... And if we could never see her face again while waking up, i'd appreciate that too (seriously the one in EoO was at least the 4th time...).


I can understand. My main BH is in a romance with Torian, while my main SW is just friend with Vette, so i obviously had a bias towards Torian for that. Then, i played through KOTET first on characters who had no previous ties to any of them, so i had to look as this decision from a more objective way, like you, the conclusion was relatively similar, they were both usefull, but the end result was that Torian had a slightly higher influence level on the characters who went through KOTET first, and he had ties to the Mandalorians while Gault seemed to be the one with the most connexions over Vette. But i guess the bias still played a part in the final choice for me too.


What made the vette or torian choice worse was the fact that some of us saved Arcann and Senya and had them with us. And it took all 3 of you to kill like 5 little soldiers to save Vette or Torian when the party easily could have split up and saved both LMAO. Bioware loves unecessary deaths that could have easily been prevented.


I think all the deaths were an attempt to reset the board and not have to write much for a lot of them. KOTET came out and they had introduced so many companions constantly swapping them in and out to the point even the core companions were starting to feel underused. But they screwed up. They made a big mistake, the companions were better than some of the actual core story content that was going on, and was the drive for a lot of people's continued interest in the severely bad writing.


Don't forget as head of Sith Intelligence she failed to see a spy right under her nose. Failed to identify Theron as the "traitor". Koth planted a quantum bomb on the Gravestone and Lana the spymaster was oblivious. I'm not saying she should die or that I want her dead, but my Darth has killed people for less than these embarrassing blunders.


To be fair, you are underestimating Theron here. He is way above Lana's pay grade. He was an elite spy with the highest honors in the republic. Before he even met the commander or Lana he had already been a hero taking out his own superweapon, defeating sith lords etc etc (it's in the book). Not to mention when Lana got him captured on Rishi he literally saved himself before you had even gotten there. Simply put I don't blame Lana for not catching on to him, Theron is simply too good. He's the one companion on the team who was basically already a superhero protagonist on his own, hence his lonewolf antics. Her sith training also wouldn't have helped since he was trained as a Jedi and canonically resist mind tricks.


But yeah she does suck as "sith intelligence". Valid point with the Koth situation.

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A Work Spouse is not a romantic interest. In fact, you'd never flirt with a Work Spouse; the relationship is platonic by definition. Since some folks might not be familiar with this expression, I provided a link to Wikipedia in my comment.

Doesn't change the fact she's treated as a pseudo romance, and looks like she's totally in love with the PC, which is annoying, especially when the PC effectively knows nothing about her that would make them trust her over anybody else they're actually supposed to know better than her.


What made the vette or torian choice worse was the fact that some of us saved Arcann and Senya and had them with us. And it took all 3 of you to kill like 5 little soldiers to save Vette or Torian when the party easily could have split up and saved both LMAO. Bioware loves unecessary deaths that could have easily been prevented.


I think all the deaths were an attempt to reset the board and not have to write much for a lot of them. KOTET came out and they had introduced so many companions constantly swapping them in and out to the point even the core companions were starting to feel underused. But they screwed up. They made a big mistake, the companions were better than some of the actual core story content that was going on, and was the drive for a lot of people's continued interest in the severely bad writing.

Yeah, and it's not like there were many people in the Alliance who could've saved the one you didn't save yourself...


Agreed. That's probably the reason they did it, but it seriously sucks when you only interact with 1 companion on a regular basis, and sometimes in situations that don't really make sense just because the other ones were deemed less important than this one.

The story and the base feel so empty sometimes now.

They should at the very least have kept a small group of relevant and unkillable LIs, not just Lana.

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Yeah, and it's not like there were many people in the Alliance who could've saved the one you didn't save yourself...


Agreed. That's probably the reason they did it, but it seriously sucks when you only interact with 1 companion on a regular basis, and sometimes in situations that don't really make sense just because the other ones were deemed less important than this one.

The story and the base feel so empty sometimes now.

They should at the very least have kept a small group of relevant and unkillable LIs, not just Lana.


Meh, I take solace in what we had for the time we had it. I don't expect any arc in this mmo to ever be good again. Or any group of characters to rival the trio dynamic we got since our first ventures into SoR years ago or even any of the class specific companions. We're past the prime. Only reason i'm still subbed at this point is that it's basically my off hours to FFXIV and waiting on that next expansion after how amazing Shadowbringers was WHOM MANAGED TO NOT KILL A SINGLE CORE CHARACTER and still managed to be one of the highest rated expansions of the past few years.

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