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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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UGH !! Sorry .. please read above where it says IT IS NOT the way I would do it !

Okay, but... what I mean is... what would be the point of getting rid of Lana... only to introduce some "new" companion who somehow seems to be Lana or know what Lana knows? Instead of someone totally new? I feel like that would satisfy neither Lana fans nor those who dislike Lana. :confused:


I mean, sure, say this isn't how you would do it, but there are presumably thousands of other ways you also wouldn't do it, so the particular mention of this one is puzzling. :o


Personally, if a new companion was to become as plot-centric as Lana, I would want the new companion to be very different from Lana. :)

Edited by Estelindis
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I think if I were going to get rid of Lana, I might want to do the SoR thing, and just ditch the whole alliance. I don't think it would be all that hard to do; finish the latest calamity, whatever that may be, and pull a Dragon Age Inquisition move, and disband it, or at the very least step down, maybe leaving Lana in charge, load my original crew on my ship, and get the heck outta Dodge.
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Okay, but... what I mean is... what would be the point of getting rid of Lana... only to introduce some "new" companion who somehow seems to be Lana or know what Lana knows? Instead of someone totally new? I feel like that would satisfy neither Lana fans nor those who dislike Lana. :confused:


I mean, sure, say this isn't how you would do it, but there are presumably thousands of other ways you also wouldn't do it, so the particular mention of this one is puzzling. :o


Personally, if a new companion was to become as plot-centric as Lana, I would want the new companion to be very different from Lana. :)


Oh .. hey .. I agree. There might be (at best) a few items that might have some shadows to it.. maybe ??


Somewhere around here I have posted some thoughts for a new companion... More or less some of my favorites (Lana / Kira / Vett) .. just personalites so to speak. There's a bunch of stuff there listed... IMO not intended for this thread.

Hmmm come to think of it .. I believe I might have even brought up the Avengers Black Widow character in that thread..


At any rate. We agree more than you think. The only real point I guess I was trying to make ( and evidently blew it royally ) .... wa that Lana is such a strong personality (and one that a LOT of players like a HUGE way) it would be difficult to just sweep her out the door or to kill her off like some of the options came available for Theron.


BTW... this is not a rant at all. Just trying to clear things up a bit. And truthfully .... I probably still didn't do that good a job AGAIN.


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Frankly, I think the Lana hate is stupid.


The same people would be complaining if "insert character here" was there in place of lana - in other words, it is character fatigue.


If someone else was in Lana's shoes - no really, pick any companion - and given as much air time as Lana, the same people whining about Lana would be whining about that character.

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The same people would be complaining if "insert character here" was there in place of lana - in other words, it is character fatigue.


If someone else was in Lana's shoes - no really, pick any companion - and given as much air time as Lana, the same people whining about Lana would be whining about that character.


If you read most of the 'anti-lana' posts then you would see that is the point. The dev's picked their favourite, Lana, and made her the primary companion, (and from all appearances the 'canon romance') for every player.


Most 'kill Lana' type requests are based on people wanting to stop dealing so much with her, and to interact with [insert favorite character] more.

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*sigh* this thread just never dies, does it? One response and I'm out.


Charles Boyd has already said Lana or Theron may walk away from the Commander if they disagree with too many of the player's actions. Thus, no need to invent elaborate scenarios. If you look closely at Nathema and Ossus there already appear to be at least two things that could be 'strikes' toward them leaving, like Koth did (Lana really does not like it if you leave Theron to die, and Theron really doesn't like it if you kill Gnost-Dural)/


I hope they will at least give her fans the courtesy they gave to other LIs' fans, and let there be a save option for those who want to keep her around. A situation where she dies or is written out with no save option does not sit well with me.


As for a replacement, the idea of replacing the only full F/F romance in the history of the game with another token F/F just doesn't sit well with me either. The trope of killing off gay characters is really overdone and SWTOR has already made far too much use of it.


As we've all said, I also hope that there will be content for all LIs, including Lana and the ones that have faced kill options or AAs. The companions are important and people bond with specific characters.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I find this thread revolting. Even if she isn't a real person, wishing for someone's death is just sick (unless they themselves are murderers or something).


Lana was nothing but loyal. She doesn't deserve this cruel treatment.

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I find this thread revolting. Even if she isn't a real person, wishing for soneone's death is just sick (unless they themselves are murderers or something).


The stuff written here in this thread doesn't even hold a candle to the stuff people were saying on how they'd kill Quinn in the countless I want to kill Quinn threads over the years.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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The stuff written here in this thread doesn't even hold a candle to the stuff people were saying on how they'd kill Quinn in the countless I want to kill Quinn threads over the years.


The difference is, Quinn betrays and tries to kill you. It seems like someone decided to necro this thread just to antagonise the people who like Lana. Not a very classy thing to do, really.

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I find this thread revolting. Even if she isn't a real person, wishing for soneone's death is just sick (unless they themselves are murderers or something).


Lana was nothing but loyal. She doesn't deserve this cruel treatment.


That's pretty much where I'm at. ALL of my characters have repeatedly been good to her ! She is a good ally / friend (and more) if a player so chooses.

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If you read most of the 'anti-lana' posts then you would see that is the point. The dev's picked their favourite, Lana, and made her the primary companion, (and from all appearances the 'canon romance') for every player.


Most 'kill Lana' type requests are based on people wanting to stop dealing so much with her, and to interact with [insert favorite character] more.


And you know what?


It's stupid.


Now not saying that the desire for more of a variety of interactions with our companions is stupid, because I think that is a legit request.


But it is so incredibly and utterly stupid to demand the DEATH of a character to achieve that goal. What makes you think they won't do that with Lana's replacement? It's a really DUMB ask.


SWTOR is meant to be story-driven. Lana has suited the story very well and fits very well. Her character's role was well thought out and conceived. So the SMARTER ask is to demand that MORE characters get that type of treatment.


Otherwise, we're just killing off well-developed characters to appease the misplaced angst of a small section of players, and THAT is bad writing.

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And you know what?


It's stupid.


Now not saying that the desire for more of a variety of interactions with our companions is stupid, because I think that is a legit request.


But it is so incredibly and utterly stupid to demand the DEATH of a character to achieve that goal. What makes you think they won't do that with Lana's replacement? It's a really DUMB ask.


SWTOR is meant to be story-driven. Lana has suited the story very well and fits very well. Her character's role was well thought out and conceived. So the SMARTER ask is to demand that MORE characters get that type of treatment.


Otherwise, we're just killing off well-developed characters to appease the misplaced angst of a small section of players, and THAT is bad writing.


I agree.. You are right ... to a point. But IMO I wouldn't go over the top and suggest it's stupid.

The character of Lana (or even Theron for that matter) is well done ! Perhaps one thing that should be done in the story is for (Lana) .. or other central characters to guide the story and from time to time acknowlege that (in this case) the Outlander take someone with him to take care of business. That would allow a player to choose whom he takes with him.


Just a thought!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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The difference is, Quinn betrays and tries to kill you. It seems like someone decided to necro this thread just to antagonise the people who like Lana. Not a very classy thing to do, really.


At least Quinn is loyal, proven when he comes back to support you during KOTFE. Lana would cut your throat in a second if she thought it would benefit her or the greater good. She's exactly like Scourge, untrustworthy.


I'd rather give Khem Val full control of the Desolator, Planet Prison, Shock Drum and Power Guards then give Lana any authority over the Alliance.

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At least Quinn is loyal, proven when he comes back to support you during KOTFE. Lana would cut your throat in a second if she thought it would benefit her or the greater good. She's exactly like Scourge, untrustworthy.


I'd rather give Khem Val full control of the Desolator, Planet Prison, Shock Drum and Power Guards then give Lana any authority over the Alliance.


Hmm, betrayal + trying to kill you = loyal. Damn, I've been doing it wrong.

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Hmm, betrayal + trying to kill you = loyal. Damn, I've been doing it wrong.


He comes back to you. Lana wouldn't. When I left Theron to die, Lana abandoned me. I have yet to see her come back.


This interpretation of Lana's character is based on...? Because I've played the expansions through at least 10 times and I'm lost. And how on earth do you describe Quinn as supporting you during KOTFE, particularly since he first shows up after the vanilla game to support Acina in Iokath and isn't even in KOTFE or KOTET? Have I been playing a different game??


You must be, because I got him back during Chapter 9, the same as when I got Doc back on my JK. I don't know what you're playing, but it's clearly not SWToR.

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At least Quinn is loyal, proven when he comes back to support you during KOTFE. Lana would cut your throat in a second if she thought it would benefit her or the greater good. She's exactly like Scourge, untrustworthy.


This interpretation of Lana's character is based on...? Because I've played the expansions through at least 10 times and I'm lost. And how on earth do you describe Quinn as supporting you during KOTFE, particularly since he first shows up after the vanilla game to support Acina in Iokath and isn't even in KOTFE or KOTET? Have I been playing a different game??

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Lana would cut your throat in a second if she thought it would benefit her or the greater good. She's exactly like Scourge, untrustworthy.


I'd rather give Khem Val full control of the Desolator, Planet Prison, Shock Drum and Power Guards then give Lana any authority over the Alliance.


WOW ...

I have yet to see this side of Lana at all. Even when we dissagreed !

ie: I told Lana to basicaly give it a rest and to trust my judgement (if nothing else) when it came to Theron.

Lana apologized and agreed to follow my judgement!


(BTW it should be noted that I believed that Theron was doing something in the best interest of the alliance and me personally. Please leave that subject for a different debate).


IMO ... Aside from Kira Lana has been the most loyal companion I have on any character I have ... with the possible exception of Corso Riggs and Elara (the boring) Dorne. That also includes especially Risha.


Any who ... bottom line is we all have an opinion on this one ! Not worth fussin' over !

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The stuff written here in this thread doesn't even hold a candle to the stuff people were saying on how they'd kill Quinn in the countless I want to kill Quinn threads over the years.


I'm playing some catch up here because I just got finished and coming off a 3 month ban [shocking, I know =p], so forgive the length.


Quinn deserved getting Force Choked that I literally can't understand how anyone in their right mind wouldn't want to wack his stupid ***.


Now, I'm okay with people having the option to forgive him. I wouldn't take that choice away from people even if I could. But I have to say, I have a particularly hard time with the notion that not only are some people forgiving him for trying to kill them twice and totally break his Oath as a Imperial Officer. If they military found out what he had done, they would have court martialed and summarily executed him on the spot.


I have trouble with idea that there are not only some people who forgave him but also, and I don't want to sound indelicate here, I know I have a reputation for saying some off the wall stuff, please don't take this as being one of those times, I have trouble with the notion that some people are still letting him.....'get on top of them'.


As in................. Bom chicka wah wah


I can only imagine what is going thru his head, he must be thinking "Look at this stupid [explanitive], she/he is still letting me do X,Y,Z to them even tho I tried wack them.


As am Imperial Officer and you as his direct superior he was Oath bound to come to you immediately when Baras filled him in with the details of his involvement in the plot to kill you.


The notion that a Darksider, a 'real Darksider' ,not the head canoned 'I'm a Darksider but I'm still a nice person' crap, would not only never forgive them, they would lite his *** up with Force Lightining on the spot.


Having had to wait so long to get my chance, I throughly enjoyed Force Choking him to death and the stupid face yhe made when died like, ...he was suprised or the something.


You try and kill a Sith Lord whom you were oath bound to, and than seek them out intentionally in person, you deserve to die for the sheer stupidity of thinking there could be any other outcome.


That's just me tho. - I don't want anyone to lose any companion they are fond of, no matter what the reason, people should be able to be assured that any companion that is important to them and makes their game play funner that that will not ever be in jeopardy.


I want everyone to be as happy in the game as possible, that's good for all of us as we want this game we all love to go on and last as long a possible. Happy players aid that cause like nothing else.


BW either needs to make companion not do anything that any player would have any even remote justification for wanting to kill them. If that isn't something they are willing to do than they need to have a system wherein the story can go on with the companion for those who would spare them, and it could also equally accommodate those players who wack their companion for their wrongs as they perceive them to be.


I play a Dark Lord of the Sith and I play him how they really are in the Star Wars Universe. He is evil without question. But, he is a true patriot, he a soldier and foremost a Warrior who lived by a warrior's code.

He doesn't kick puppies, he doesn't steal cookies from the mouths of babes, he doesn't kill people who accidentally bump into them and say they are sorry [if they don't say they are sorry than he demolishes them on the spot....hehe j/k =p ].


I am not going to base any decision for my character with anyone else in mind, especially other players, that's called 'Meta-game, and furthermore it's a rediculous notion to even suggest. I don't kill companions who I don't think rightly deserve it, I don't kill them just because I don't like their 'way'.


You betray him in any way, you die. Just that simply.


That's why I killed Koth, and Senya, that's why I killed Quinn and Theron.

They all deserved it. You wanna call me an edge lord? Go right ahead.


Theron deserves it only slightly less than Quinn, slightly being the operative word. The amount of military crimes he committed would make the Nazis at Nuremberg think highly of him. His reasons don't justify the actions.


My background is in Law Enforcement. Laws are spelled out, if you meet the required as written in the Penal Law of the Military Penal Code, you're guilty, just that simply.


There is no such thing as 'mitigating circumstances' in the trial phase. There's mitigating circumstances to guilt or innocence. Mitigating circumstances can only be brought up after the person has already been found guilty. That can effect the sentencing guildlines and perhaps sway the court to not give them the maximum penalty in light of them if they feel it's warranted, but that's the Judge's call.


Military crimes in a time of War, when they involve treason, when someone is accused they last an hour. From the time the court martial begins to the sound of the gun/blaster fire going off when the person is summarily executed is one hour in a time of war. In wartime Punishments are known to be draconian. Should anyone find fault with my reasoning, I have all the laws he broke ready to share as they appear in the Penal/Military Codes.


He's guilty as hell and I'm killing him for it. - I support every player who chooses to forgive him for it, if that will make them happier.


I hated killing Senya tho. She was unfortunately collateral damage. I don't blame her, I understand why she did it, I didn't feel 'wronged' by it, which is friggen amazing for me and even I'm shocked at that. She was a mother, and I liked the way she sung. I would have spared her and left her the last and only remaining Zakuulian left in the galaxy. I don't like killing women.


I think Lana is friggen awesome, she is as loyal as they come, she virtually worships the ground you walk on. I absolutely hated her to start out with, but she wore me down. She's too good to ignore. My character would risk his life for her, as she has his. But, if she ever betrays me, as much as I will hate it, I will kill her. I'm an equal opportunity Dark Lord of the Sith. - I'm not worried though, she'll never go betrayer IMO.


Lana's the best thing since swiss cheese and swiss cheese is friggen awesome with all those holes [guys dig holes]. There's not one thing I don't like about her.


You wanna kill her, go for it, won't bother me in the slightest.


I'm not a total A-O who calls other people wrong or edgelords for employing options that the game itself gave them all on it's own without being asked for.


You 'blame' someone else, or call them wrong for what they do in their own stories, you not only lose the moral high ground, you don't even know what the word friggen means. I don't know how those people aren't embarrassed.


But by all means, ask BW to make Lana do things specifically for the sole reason so they can kill her.

That's not being an edgelord that's being a petty, sad and sorry creature. To say nothing of a total hippocrite and in Grim speech, a total jerk off.


Kill whoever the hell you want even without any justification at all. I won't say a peep about it.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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You 'blame' someone else, or call them wrong for what they do in their own stories, you not only lose the moral high ground, you don't even know what the word friggen means. I don't know how those people aren't embarrassed.


But by all means, ask BW to make Lana do things specifically for the sole reason so they can kill her.

That's not being an edgelord that's being a petty, sad and sorry creature. To say nothing of a total hippocrite and in Grim speech, a total jerk off.


:confused: Is that what you got from my post? That was definitely not my intention so I'm sorry you got that from it.


I simply made the comparison to Quinn in regards to what happened before you could officially kill him when his threads were littered with strange kill fantasy descriptions which this thread doesn't appear to do which is a good thing. There are a lot of kill x character threads around and I don't like it when they devolve into people describing how they'd kill x character rather then discussing the why or why not they want to kill the character if the option came up. I'm glad more recent threads don't really have that issue anymore but older threads certainly did and I don't want to see that here in newer threads. I want to see people's thoughts/ideas on topics not their kill character x fantasies. :p

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:confused: Is that what you got from my post? That was definitely not my intention so I'm sorry you got that from it.


I simply made the comparison to Quinn in regards to what happened before you could officially kill him when his threads were littered with strange kill fantasy descriptions which this thread doesn't appear to do which is a good thing. There are a lot of kill x character threads around and I don't like it when they devolve into people describing how they'd kill x character rather then discussing the why or why not they want to kill the character if the option came up. I'm glad more recent threads don't really have that issue anymore but older threads certainly did and I don't want to see that here in newer threads. I want to see people's thoughts/ideas on topics not their kill character x fantasies. :p


(Sadly, for the game’s health) I think most of the instigators have moved on (good for companion threads)

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:confused: Is that what you got from my post? That was definitely not my intention so I'm sorry you got that from it.


I simply made the comparison to Quinn in regards to what happened before you could officially kill him when his threads were littered with strange kill fantasy descriptions which this thread doesn't appear to do which is a good thing. There are a lot of kill x character threads around and I don't like it when they devolve into people describing how they'd kill x character rather then discussing the why or why not they want to kill the character if the option came up. I'm glad more recent threads don't really have that issue anymore but older threads certainly did and I don't want to see that here in newer threads. I want to see people's thoughts/ideas on topics not their kill character x fantasies. :p


No, not at all, I apologize if that's how it seemed. I've been banned for 3 months so I was just kinda trying to play catch up with what has gone on in the thread in previous weeks and months.


Again, I'm sorry if that's how it seemed. Now I feel like an ***!


There's been, as I'm sure you know, alot of back and forth on the subject of killing companions and how that may effect other players story options in the future and such.


I am sympathtic on the one hand, I don't want anyone to have to lose a companion that they favor. Let's face it, it's a video game, it's about having fun, so if someone wants to forgive a comp who did something bad, simply because they enjoy the game more with their presense, why on earth would any one want to take that away from someone else?


I'm totally fine with the forgive or kill options. It's just that some people have expressed the view point that other people who kill companions in their story lines are somehow wrong for doing so inately and they are being 'unfair' to other players for killing people who tried to kill them and to further go on and insult them as 'edge lords'.


That I take exception to and asking devs to make companions do things so as to give a reason to than go kill them is literally just about revenge. They want to screw over other players because of what may have happened to a companion they favored.


I don't care if they kill every companion I like, I don't want other people to have to go thru that too just because I did. Why the hell would want that?


I waited over 3 years to get Jaesa back. Within 45 seconds of her being back she already had a kill option. The irony of it it's because she killed some alliance troopers trying to find the player.


She's a Sithlord and my character is as well [obviously], Sith are allowed to kill whoever they want. It's a right of their station, just like Samurai fuedal Japan did. And I'm the one who taught her that! heh


The old rule is Sith aren't allowed to openly kill other Sith. But everyone else, they have no protection under Imperial Law, that's why you see in the movies Darksiders killing Admirals and Moffss. They're allowed to.


So to me, it's like, kill option? For what? She didn't do anything wrong! heh [obviously other players characters make take a different view on that].


Dark Side Jaesa is my favorite companion, she goes perfectly with my character who is the stereotypical sort of Dark Lord of the Sith, like Darth Vader. I'm not mad. I'm not calling anyone out. Feel free to kill her to your heart's delight.


If I end up losing her forever, and I never get one more second of face time with her, I will hope no one else also has to have that sort of situation.


My character is a bad guy, :csw_vader: I don't really feel as his player that I'm a bad guy to. I want everyone in this game to be as happy as they can be. That's good for all of us.


Again, my apologies if I chose my words poorly in my previous post and made it seem like it was all because of your post. That was 3 months of playing catch up heh

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No, not at all, I apologize if that's how it seemed. I've been banned for 3 months so I was just kinda trying to play catch up with what has gone on in the thread in previous weeks and months.


Again, I'm sorry if that's how it seemed. Now I feel like an ***!


There's been, as I'm sure you know, alot of back and forth on the subject of killing companions and how that may effect other players story options in the future and such.


I am sympathtic on the one hand, I don't want anyone to have to lose a companion that they favor. Let's face it, it's a video game, it's about having fun, so if someone wants to forgive a comp who did something bad, simply because they enjoy the game more with their presense, why on earth would any one want to take that away from someone else?


I'm totally fine with the forgive or kill options. It's just that some people have expressed the view point that other people who kill companions in their story lines are somehow wrong for doing so inately and they are being 'unfair' to other players for killing people who tried to kill them and to further go on and insult them as 'edge lords'.


That I take exception to and asking devs to make companions do things so as to give a reason to than go kill them is literally just about revenge. They want to screw over other players because of what may have happened to a companion they favored.


I don't care if they kill every companion I like, I don't want other people to have to go thru that too just because I did. Why the hell would want that?


I waited over 3 years to get Jaesa back. Within 45 seconds of her being back she already had a kill option. The irony of it it's because she killed some alliance troopers trying to find the player.


She's a Sithlord and my character is as well [obviously], Sith are allowed to kill whoever they want. It's a right of their station, just like Samurai fuedal Japan did. And I'm the one who taught her that! heh


The old rule is Sith aren't allowed to openly kill other Sith. But everyone else, they have no protection under Imperial Law, that's why you see in the movies Darksiders killing Admirals and Moffss. They're allowed to.


So to me, it's like, kill option? For what? She didn't do anything wrong! heh [obviously other players characters make take a different view on that].


Dark Side Jaesa is my favorite companion, she goes perfectly with my character who is the stereotypical sort of Dark Lord of the Sith, like Darth Vader. I'm not mad. I'm not calling anyone out. Feel free to kill her to your heart's delight.


If I end up losing her forever, and I never get one more second of face time with her, I will hope no one else also has to have that sort of situation.


My character is a bad guy, :csw_vader: I don't really feel as his player that I'm a bad guy to. I want everyone in this game to be as happy as they can be. That's good for all of us.


Again, my apologies if I chose my words poorly in my previous post and made it seem like it was all because of your post. That was 3 months of playing catch up heh


No worries at all, I should have taken into account your were responding to thread as a whole and not just me either so my bad there also. :) :) :)


I understand completely where you're coming from and agree. Us having such a strong connection to our companions shows what a fantastic job they did with them and it shows when people discuss them with such passion. It's a terrible feeling to know that when they kill a character they often are removed from the story, I know a lot of people including myself that have had their fav companions we know that will most likely never return and it's not a nice feeling knowing that and I'd never wish for someone else's favorite companion to have that happen to them, have them taken away permanently.


I to am of the opinion if given the opinion people can do what they like, kill whomever they like in the game/in the games story when it allows the choice it's why I love RPG's (I'm alt crazy myself and have replayed ME and the vanilla SWTOR stories countless times). However since they've made killable companions which are often removed from the story completely they've opened a terrible can of worms for RPG players who want to play there DS character like they want and kill x character for x reason but then also not take away those killed companions for their other LS character who chose not to kill x in their story. It's a no-win situation for anyone at this point which is a real downer story wise. :(

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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