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Favorite and Least Favorite Companions


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Ok, I am sure that a thread like this has been posted before, but I have only been playing SWTOR for a little over half a year and I am curious. What are favorite and least favorite companions specific to the class stories and nothing after the basic stories so not including Theron. Lana or any of those characters. Also, not including extra companions like Treek or HK-51. This is not a romance discussion thread so keep in mind that you don't have to automatically put who you had your character romance if anyone.


Here are mine to get things started.


Sith Inquisitor: Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Ashara Zavros (Likable/interesting) Favorite: Torian Cadera (Likable/charming)

Least Favorite: Xalek (Boring/unlikable) Least Favorite: Skadge (Boring/irritating)


Sith Warrior: Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Vette (Charming/Funny) Favorite: Vector Hyllis (Likable/interesting story)

Least Favorite: Broonmark (Boring/unlikable) Least Favorite: Kaliyo (Unlikable/untrustworthy)


Jedi Knight: Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Lord Scourge (Interesting/oddly likable) Favorite: Nadia Grell (Likable/interesting)

least Favorite: Sergeant Rusk (Boring/unlikable) Least Favorite: Zenith (Boring/unlikable)


Smuggler: Trooper:

Favorite: Risha (Interesting/oddly likable) Favorite: Elara Dorne (Likable)

Least Favorite: Guss Tuno (Boring/irritating) Least Favorite: Tanno Vik (Boring)


Overall Favorite: Vette

Overall Least Favorite: Broonmark


My absolute least favorite companion in the game in Broonmark. He annoys me even more than Quinn or Pierce. I played his arc through once and had my second Sith Warrior character leave him on the ship without talking to him at all. The Sith Warrior seems to have great female companions and terrible male companions.

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Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Talos (Adorable)

Least Favorite: Ashara (Irritating as all get out)


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Blizz (Adorable)

Least Favorite: Scadge (Too thuggish, fun outside of story though)


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Quinn (Smart/passionate)

Least Favorite: Pierce (Whiny/user)


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Vector (Beautiful poet)

Least Favorite: Kaliyo (sociopath)


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Doc (Funny)

least Favorite: Rusk (too monotone)


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Zenith (Not much competition)

Least Favorite: Tharan (narcissist/ detest Holiday)



Favorite: Corso (Sweet)

Least Favorite: Aakavi (too monotone/boring)



Favorite: Vic (fun bad boy)

Least Favorite: M1-4X (disgustingly jingoistic)


Overall Favorite: Quinn (my Bae)

Overall Least Favorite: Kaliyo (should be put down like the rabid dog she is)

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I've been waiting for someone to post this thread!




Favorite: Arcann

Least Favorite: T7-O1


Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Khem Val. Very easy choice. Khem was my first ever companion in this game. Inquisitor, while being one of my favorite class to play, has kinda weak crew. Khem is the only one I truly like.

Least Favorite: Talos Drellik. It was a close match between him and Xalek... who was a pretty poor apprentice in my opinion. But Talos is boring and his voice is annoying, and at least Xalek's return in KOTFE is pretty good.


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: DS!Jaesa. Warrior's crew is probably my favorite in the entire game. It's very close between her, Pierce and Quinn... and even Vette, though she sometimes annoys me. Jaesa's story is the most interesting one and I love the dark side version of her.

Least Favorite: Broonmark. He's the last one you recruit and doesn't compare to the likes of Khem or Qyzen. I rarely have use for him.


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: SCORPIO. I love my murderous droid - but I do sometimes wish you could challenge her more often, especially in the expansions. Her voice and personality is unique and awesome. I also like Kaliyo but she kinda disappears halfway through the agent's story and in KOTET too. Not much character growth there.

Least Favorte. Vector. Imperial Agent's story is otherwise amazing but female agent's love interest sucks ***. At least you get to flirt with Hunter... until the plot twist at the end, anyway...


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Lord Scourge. It's cool to run around with the Emperor's Wrath by your side. I hope he returns one day soon cause he's the best. Too bad he wasn't there to help the Knight deal with Valkorion.

Least Favorite: T7-O1. Worst companion in the game! T7 must be the must judgmental little astromech ever. Also the beeping noises he makes and the fake cheerfulness and naivety get on my nerves all the time. Unless you're like "yes we're best team ever!!" it's always "T7 disapproves." Wish you could throw him out the airlock. Then he goes and helps the former Wrath or Dath Nox... that made zero sense.


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Qyzen Fess. I like Trandoshans and he's pretty cool starting companion for the Consular. It's been years since I played through the Consular story though, so I don't remember some companions all that well.

Least Favorite: Felix. Like I said before I don't remember Consular's companion all that well but Felix seems pretty boring - just another soldier. Gotta play through that story again sometime.



Favorite: Guss Tuno. At first I HATED Guss and was like he must be the worst companion ever... but he's so horribly miserable that it's actually funny. I can never not laugh when talking to him. His Alliance Alert quest was also hilarious. Most memorable companion the smuggler had, that's for sure.

Least Favorite: Bowdaar. You get stick with this Wookie and the autodialogue makes it seem like you have to be best friends. I never wanted him. I would have let the Hutt keep him but what can you do.


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Gault. He's a cool cat and I like his recruitment mission and story. His appearance in KOTFE was good too.

Least Favorite: Blizz. I hate the way Jawa's talk. So annoying.



Favorite: Tanno Vik. It took me forever to play through the Trooper's story 'cause it was so boring. Anyway I remember liking Tanno Vik so guess he's my fav.

Least Favorite: Yuun. I also didn't like M1-4X particularly much, but at least he looks cool. Yuun was just a waste of space and as uninteresting as companions get.

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*Fave: Kira, one of my most favorites of all.

*Least : Rusk, just kinda meh.



*Fave: Tharan/Holiday and Nadia are fun and I wish my Consular could romance Tharan.

*Least: Zenith, just kinda meh to me.



*Fave: Risha, was fun to be around. I like her introduction to the smuggler too.

*Least: Bowdaar, just not a fan of the wookie.



*Fave: Dorne, the Imperial traitor.

*Least: Tanno. I would've settled for the 4th best demolition expert :p



*Fave: Vette and Quinn, I've forgiven and not forgiven Quinn for being a spy for Baras, he's been romanced and broken up with, while Vette is a great bestie!

*Least: Broonmark, why is he on my crew again? :/ At least when I recruit him the second time, it can be to have another body in the alliance.



*Fave: Andronikus and Talos with Ashara only recently (last play through) moving up to being tied.

*Least: Xalek, because he's just there. He's boring. Not a fan of Khem either, but Xalek beats him out enough I can't even say I'm tied with them.



*Fave: Vector, every agent I've rolled up, I believe they've all been happy to be with him. :p I can't say that about all my other classes and their vanilla choices.

*Least: Scorpio, just not a fan, KotET didn't change it, but I didn't wish to kill her though.



*Fave: Torian, Mako, Gault, Blizz all equal on the Hunter.

*Least: Skadge, if we could kill companions back in vanilla, this would be the one. It's not because I don't think he couldn't be an awesome addition to the crew, but because of how he joins the crew is just meh.


Hunter and Inquisitors may just have the best over all crews for me in terms of "I like most of the crew really" Though, they just don't have the top companions either.


If I did just straight favorites...


Tharan/Holiday and Kira tied for first. :)

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SI: Favorites LS=Ashara; DS=Khem Val//Least Favorite=Xalek


SW: Favorites=Jaesa (both LS/DS)//Least Favorite=Broonmark


BH: Favorite=Gault//Least Favorite=Torian


IA: Favorite=Temple//Least Favorite=Vector


JK: Favorite=Kira//Least Favorite=Doc


JC: Favorite=none (usually use Ranos or Hexid or Vizla)//Least Favorites=all of them


Smug: Favorite=tie between Bowdarr and Risha//Least Favorite=Corso


Trooper: Favorite=tie between Elara and Jorgan//Least Favorites=tie between Tanno and Yuun


Overall favorite: Ashara

Overall least favorite: Doc

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SI: Fav Andonikos, Least Fav Xalek

SW: Fav Vette, Least Fav Broonmark

IA: Fav Vector, Least Fav Scorpio

BH: Fav Torian, Least Fav Skadge

JK: Fav Doc, Least Fav Rusk

JC: Fav Nadia, Least Fav Tharan

Smuggler Fav: Corso, Least Fav Guss

Trooper: Fav: Aric!, Least Fav Tanno


Overall Fav: Aric

Overall Least Fav: Broonmark

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- Fav : it's kind of a tie between Scourge (because he's a really interesting character), Kira (she also has an interesting backstory and makes a good team with my JK) and T7 (i just like this little guy)

- Least : Rusk (never understood why i had to take him along, he's useless and not really ineresting)



- Fav : hm this one is a bit difficult, as the JC's crew is far from being my fav overall, i'd probably say Qyzen

- Least : that would probably be Iresso (i find him pretty bland, and unfortunately he's the only option for female JC to romance)



- Fav : That would be Aric (i started out wanting to punch him but i think he has one of the best romance in this game, that shows the softer side of his personnality and he's really a nice man)

- Least : Vik (he just doesn't fit with my trooper, and i wish i could've recruited someone else)



- Fav : well this one is a bit hard, i kinda like the whole crew, but maybe Risha (she's a fun woman, and i like the way she's rejecting my male smuggler so far)

- Least : well i don't really know either there



- Fav : maybe Quinn for this one (mainly because he has a complex side story), Vette makes a nice friend too

- Least : Broonmark (i would simply leave him on Hoth if i had the chance)



- Fav : Khem (because he's the most loyal of them all) and Talos (i really enjoy his personnality)

- Least : Ashara (i just hate everything about her, she irritates me, and unfortunately she's the only romance for a male SI... I would gladly sent her back to the Jedi if in a good mood or outright kill her on Taris if i had a choice, but she'd never set a foot on my ship)



- Fav : Torian (i like this sweet honourable warrior), i quite like Mako as a friend too (an intelligent young lady)

- Least : Skadge (quite the same as Ashara actually)



- Fav : Vector (he intelligent and sweet, probably the best part of my IA's life actually, a nice counterpart to all the bad things happening to her)

- Least : Kaliyo and SCORPIO (quite for the same reason, they're both completely untrustworthy)



Overall fav : well sorry, that would be Theron, among the class companions though, that's a bit harder as i really like Scourge, Aric, Torian and Vector

Overall least : before KOTFE, it would've been a tie between SCORPIO, Kaliyo and Skadge, now that would be Ashara (i already did not like her to begin with but her alert and the fact that my Nox is not allowed to act according to his personnality made me hate her the most of all the companions)

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Fave: Andronikus (loyal & surprisingly sweet), & Khem Val deserves a mention

Least Fave: Ashara (massive whiner)



Fave: Vette (a great spunky pal)

Least Fave: Quinn (the wormiest of the worms)



Fave: Torian (monosyllabic but sweet)

Least Fave: Skadge (just ugh)



Fave: Vector (lovely, wry)

Least Fave: Kaliyo (insane)



Fave: tie between T7 (cute, loyal, & hard working) & Kira (best friend ever)

Least Fave: Doc (disgusting pig)



Fave: Qyzen I guess, but I don't love any of them--I find them all incredibly dull

Least Fave: Tharan Cedrax (slimy, and constantly hitting you up for money)



Fave: Aric Jorgan (loyal, sweet)

Least Fave: Tanno Vik (I always want to punch him)



Fave: Bowdaar (because he's awesome)

Least Fave: Akaavi (I just can't warm to her)


Overall faves: After giving this much thought, I realize to my own surprise I probably like Torian the best. But I'd like to mention Theron & Lana even though they're out of bounds for this thread, because I love them both.

Overall least faves: Doc, Ashara

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Sith Warrior

Fave: Vette. She's such a good friend for my warriors.

Least fave: Quinn. Bootlicker, mean to my other companions, just don't like him even without the Quinncident.


Sith Inquisitor

Fave: Talos Drelik. Sweet, funny, enthusiastic, loyal to the SI, and so much fun to talk to.

Least fave: Probably Ashara. She got along well with one of my SIs, but I've found her grating on others.


Bounty Hunter

Fave: Mako/Blizz. Another BFF -type character that my BHs adore as a good friend, and Blizz is awesome.

Least fave: Skadge. My BH would never have let him on the ship to begin with.



Fave: Raina/Vector

Least fave: The other three.


Jedi Knight

Fave: T7-O1 or Kira. My JK loves her little buddy droid and Kira's a great friend to her.

Least fave: Doc. Ugh.


Jedi Consular

Fave: Nadia/Felix. Both really sweet and have great conversations with the JC.

Least fave: Tharan. I like Holiday, but not him so much.



Fave: Risha. She and my smugglers don't hit it off in the beginning but get to be great pals.

Least fave: Guss. He just comes across as such a loser.



Fave: Aric Jorgan

Least fave: All the others. I really intensely dislike the Trooper companions overall.


My favorite companion overall in the game is Lana, who isn't included here, but from the class stories, it would have to be Vette, followed by Talos and Mako.


Least favorites from the class stories are Quinn, Doc and Skadge, but I'd also add Arcann and Theron.

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Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Khem

Least Favorite: Ashara


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Mako

Least Favorite: Skadge


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Jaesa DS

Least Favorite: Broonmark


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Lokin

Least Favorite: Vector


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Kira

least Favorite: Rusk


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Nadia

Least Favorite: Zenith



Favorite: Risha

Least Favorite: Corso



Favorite: Vic

Least Favorite: Yuun


Overall Favorite: Kira

Overall Least Favorite: Broonmark

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F: Scourge (provides an opposite viewpoint)

L: Rusk (Lockstepping drone)



F: Nadia (Brings a fresh spark of imagination and energy to the team)

L: Zenith (self-serving ambition on track to become a politician and i hate politicians :D)



F: Jorgan (No nonsense lockstepping drone, your quint-essential "partner in crime")

L: M1-4X (a walking scrapheap and a propaganda machine)



F: Risha (an alluring puzzle that needs solving to win her over)

L: Bowdaar (A walking carpet that just takes up space and adds nothing to the crew)



F: Vette (Her humor is infectious, more than a Rakghoul infestation :rak_04:)

L: Quinn (Lockstepping drone)



F: Khem Val (The morose monster who threatens to eat you)

L: Ashara (Lockstepping Jedi drone)



F: Skadge (The Dark humor is strong with this brute! :D)

L: Blizz (A rat in a cloak who just makes noises and takes up space)



F: Kaliyo (Treacherous and alluring mystery all by herself)

L: Temple (Unconvincing wooden soldier)

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Thanks for this good topic!


Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Khem Val

Least Favorite: Ashara (she's so boring!)


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Mako

Least Favorite: Skadge (he's in jail in my BH's Tatooine fortress)


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Jaesa (DS; I have yet to try Jaesa LS)

Least Favorite: Broonmark (should have staid/died on Hoth)


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Kaliyo (seems to be a non-typical choice :). My female agent is the third character I created 7 years ago. She's a bisexual nymphomaniac psychopath :eek:, and her only regret in life is to be unable to romance and bang Kaliyo :p)

Least Favorite: Lokin: even a psychopath can be unsettled by a semi-rakghoul man. Note that I have trouble with Vector for the same reason: despite him being such a sweet person - he's actually the only person that manages, from time to time, to counterbalance my agent's psychopathy and change her into a lovely person -, his semi-insect nature indisposes her and she keeps on switching from love to hate.


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Kira (BFF. I have a soft spot for T07 also. Additionnaly, I've recently read Lord Scourge's very interesting story and I want to reroll a new JK to replay the part with Scourge under the new light this reading has brought)

least Favorite: Rusk


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Nadia (immediately fell in love with her, which led my Consular to infringe the Jedi code despite having always been fully respectful to it)

Least Favorite: Zenith (My JC is the first character I created. I finished his class story more than 6 years ago and I don't remember anything about Zenith, so I guess he must have been plain boring)



Favorite: Risha

Least Favorite: Guss Tuno (I find him very irritating)



Favorite: Aric Jorgan (I hated him first, mainly because he's a cathar and I don't like cathars, then started to appreciate his loyalty and friendship).

Least Favorite: toss-up between Yuun and Vic.


Overall Favorite: Nadia

Overall Least Favorite: toss-up between Skage, Broonmark and Lokin

NPC I'd like to have as partners: Jakarro and C2-D4 (much funnier than Bowdar); Sgt. Jaxo; Lemda Avesta; Thana Vesh (these are just the few I have in mind right now)

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Sith Warrior

Best: Vette - She's basically Mission

Worst: Quinn - ZzZzzzzZzzz


Sith Inquisitor

Best: Khem Val

Worst: Ashara - This character made no damn sense


Bounty Hunter

Best: Blizz

Worst: Torian - Nothing against him, he's just boring


Imperial Agent


Worst: Raina - The female Torian

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I don't really have a detailed breakdown. Most of them are "okay, whatevs". I don't dislike them, but don't particularly love them. Mostly indifferent.


But in general faves: Malavai Quinn, Vector, T7-O1, Theron Shan.

Dislikes: Khem Val, Lana Beniko, Kaliyo.

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Sith Inquisitor

Favourite: Ashara (mostly a sympathy vote over what we do to her on Taris. Can be incredibly whiny, but being a Togruta helps. If she looked like Skadge, I doubt I'd have as much sympathy, which probably makes me a bit shallow)

Least Favourite: Andronikos (has a real grammar problem, gruff, not the brightest spark, don't hate him but a bit dull)


Sith Warrior

Favourite: DS Jaesa (interesting conversion to the dark side, becomes promiscuous yet devoted, with sadomasochistic tendencies. Hard for any DS Warrior to resist, but would possibly be a bit problematic in real life)

Honourable Mention: Broonmark (yes, he's psychotic, but I have some sympathy for his rather tragic backstory)

Least Favourite: Quinn (self-serving, backstabbing, unprincipled, grovelling little worm of a man)


Bounty Hunter

Favourite: Blizz (enthusiastic, helpful, seems glad to be there)

Least Favourite: Skadge (the all-out thuggery soon wears thin)


Imperial Agent

Favourite: Vector (hard not to like, very respectful, felt bad for him when Daizanna was blown up)

Least Favourite: Kaliyo (her anarchy had no point, just violence for violence's sake, got dull fast)


Jedi Knight

Favourite: Kira (could be very funny, interesting Child of the Emperor backstory)

Least Favourite: Doc (Vile, egotistical, cowardly sexual harasser. Should be in jail at the very least)


Jedi Consular

Favourite: Zenith (the Che Guevara of Twi'leks. Fantastic commitment to his cause, hugely principled)

Least Favourite: Tharan Cedrax (Very irritating, not nearly as clever as he thinks he is)



Favourite: M1-4X (very funny send-up of ridiculous, over-the-top jingoism and nationalism. Some of his lines are pure comedy gold. Good choice for a dark Trooper, whatever dubious thing you do he'll approve and think it's "for the good of the Republic")

Least Favourite: Aric (unlikable at first, gets slightly better but always had a personality clash with him)



Favourite: Bowdaar (very poignant backstory, really quite moving, plus he's a wookiee)

Least Favourite: Corso (redneck who loves guns, say no more)


Overall Favourite: Kira

Overall Least Favourite: Doc

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Favorite: Doc (because he's funny, and because he has layers to his personality)

Least favorite: Probably T7 (very simple, uninteresting)



Favorite: Tharan Cedrax (He's funny too, and I love the insufferable genius -type in general. :D )

Least favorite: Nadia (Lost little girl, has the "girl next door IN SPACE"-type of personality, boring.)



Favorite: Guss. (I have to admit I don't care about anyone in smuggler's crew that much, but Guss is...you guessed it. Funny. :p )

Least favorite: I'd say Bowdaar. (I've never been that interested in Wookiees and I don't feel he brings much apart from that.)



Favorite: Elara Dorne (though Aric is a close second. Elara has principles and the guts to live by them, even when it means she has to make some hard decisions. I can appreciate that.)

Least favorite: Tanno Vik. (None of my troopers get along with this guy. Why am I forced to recruit him?)



Favorite: Malavai Quinn (comedy gold if you flirt with him, has an interesting loyalty-theme to his character arc, clever, hard working.)

Least favorite: Broonmark. (Why is this homicidal ball of fur on my ship???)



Favorite: Andronikos (actually feels like a somewhat equal partner to the SI, not an underling living in the fear of death if he messed up. I like it.)

Least favorite: Xalek. (I spent a long time hating Ashara, but finally one of my SI's actually got along with her and I saw her in a new light. So Xalek it is, simply because he's boring. There's just nothing to him.)



Favorite: Kaliyo (I like the relaxed, confident demeanor she has, almost as much as I enjoy trying to puzzle her personality together. You know she's a liar, but you don't know when she's telling the truth, when she's lying, when she's lying about her lying. Based on her actions, you know something messed her up at some point, but she doesn't want to whine about it. And I can appreciate that too -- a companion who has probably went through stuff, but doesn't whine. At all.)

Least favorite: Temple (I like the Agent crew a lot, Temple is simply the weakest link, being the most "normal" and boring. Oh, and I'm still bitter I walked into a base full of Chiss and walked out with the ONLY NON-CHISS as my companion :mad: )



Favorite: Gault (He's funny. I bet you saw that coming. :rak_03: )

Least favorite: Uhh... I'll go with Skadge (most of my hunters wouldn't want him on their ships. I also find Mako pretty boring, but my hunters have less reasons to show her the door.)


EDIT: oh, forgot :D

Overall favorite: Quinn

Overall least favorite: Broonmark

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Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Khem Val (class story only)

Hated: Ashara tied with Romance Kham Val (my curious eyes were burned by that horror - thank goodness for escape)


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Torian Cadera

Hated: Skadge (he offends me greatly :mad: )


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Malavai Quinn (double sigh)

Hated: Vette (irritating as hell)


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Vector (fix the scene with his eyes F.F.S)

Hated: Ensign Temple (pointless and irritating)


Jedi Knight:

Favorite: Doc (awww)

Hated: None! The rest all have their good points


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Zenith - he should have been a romance during the class story

Hated: Holiday & her stupid/irritating voice



Favorite: None

Hated: All of them. How could one group of companions be so terrible? Wipe them all out and give me Skavak!



Favorite: Aric Jorgan (sigh)

Least Favorite: M1-4X (Damask_Rose said it; his jingoism is a step too far)


The others:

Favourite: Theron Shan

Hated: Senya Tirall (:mad:), Shae Vizla (go away you)


Overall Favorite: Malavai Quinn (divisive & complex during the class story, good return story, overall excellent, where's my commemorative statue? Let me spend my £££s)

Overall Hated: Vette - I'm still pissed off that I don't actually get to deliver the killing blow :mad:

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Fav: Iresso, Just find him very likeable and reliable. Romance is nice and mature too.

Least: Nadia, just somehow grinds my gears greatly. I don't do innocence.



Fav: Doc, subtle as a sledgehammer- I adore it.

Least : Kira, just feel like my kind JKs would love to put her to her place sometimes.



Fav : Gus - total idiot, love it.

Least : Tough, I do not dislike anyone that much that I could name them. I don't love them all aside from Gus, but I don't hate them either.



Fav: Aric Jorgan, just love the stern attitude and deadpan humor ( "that's half of the challenge, what kind of a sith are you?" on running out of lockers to put skytroopers in Kotfe )

Least: M1-4X



Fav: Quinn , my favourite companion really.

Least: Jaesa, too snooze or too psychotic



Fav: Andronikos (Talos Drelik close second)

Least: Xalek, - yeah yeah, shut up and go throw lightning at someone



Fav: Vector

Least: Temple - very very annoying to me.



Fav: Blizz & Gault - I love these both

Least: Torian & Mako - I strongly dislike these both.


Outside original stories favourite companion is Theron, and somewhere trailing far is Arcann. Least favourite must be Lana.


Oh dear. All these companions and we might never see them again. Love or hate, I would take them any day over new companions that are to come.

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Sith Inquisitor:

Favorite: Andronikos

Least Favorite: Ashara


Bounty Hunter:

Favorite: Gault

Least Favorite: Skadge


Sith Warrior:

Favorite: Quinn

Least Favorite: Broonmark


Imperial Agent:

Favorite: Vector

Least Favorite: Kaliyo


Jedi Knight:

Favorites: Scourge, Theron and Doc

least Favorite: Rusk


Jedi Consular:

Favorite: Zenith

Least Favorite: Qyzen, Holiday



Favorite: Corso

Least Favorite: Risha



Favorite: Vic

Least Favorite: Elara, Yuun


Overall Favorites: Quinn and Theron

Overall Least Favorites: Ashara and Skadge

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This wouldn't exactly be a comprehensive look at my overall opinion, of course, because the companion preferences on this list are relative to others from the same class. A companion I love might come in a close second, a companion I like could still be my least favorite, and a companion I think is just okay might be my favorite of the group.


Sith Warrior:

- Most Favorite: Dark Jaesa

- Least Favorite: Quinn (He gets last place mainly because of the "Quinncident", as I believe it is called)


Jedi Knight:

- Most Favorite: Kira

- Least Favorite: Lord Scourge (He never really fit in with my team, but at least in made sense for us to join forces)


Sith Inquisitor:

- Most Favorite: Khem Val

- Least Favorite: Ashara, probably (As hard as I tried to understand, it never made sense to me why she was here)


Jedi Consular:

- Most Favorite: Nadia

- Least Favorite: Zenith ( I liked them all, but someone has to come in fifth)


Bounty Hunter:

- Most Favorite: Mako

- Least Favorite: Skadge (UGH, talk about a person who has no reason to be on my ship)



- Most Favorite: M1-4X

- Least Favorite: Tano Vik (I never liked him much, but Garza's orders do explain his presence well enough)



- Most Favorite: Risha

- Least Favorite: Akaavi (Again, I like her just fine, but someone has to come in last)


Imperial Agent:

- Most Favorite: Temple

- Least Favorite: Scorpio, I guess (because we don't really get to know her as long as the others)


All time favorites (these are all very close):


1. Dark Jaesa

2. Kira

3. Nadia

4. Vette


All time least favorite:



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Honestly I liked the majority of companions, I enjoy a lot of different kinds of writing.


My faves:

Scourge (had overall the most intriguing companion writing out of all the rest)

Guss (will always be my best bro in completely incompetent crime. Also has my fave voice actor)

Risha (hot af, my tough *** space queen waifu with absolutely no shame)

Iresso (was the most relatable companion character for me personally)

Tanno Vik (I always find criminals reluctantly trying to fit in "good guys shoes" extremely entertaining)

M1-4X (star wars droids ai programming is one of the most entertaining things there are)

Skadge (It's rare to have shamelessly plain nasty characters as companions! Favorite for sure just for that fact)

Gault (who doesn't enjoy a witty unreliable criminal who is way too impressed by his truly)

Jaesa (so many places she could go! loved her writing. Minus Ossus bit)

Pierce (very believable imp trooper writing, very much enjoyed him)

Talos (I love his voice actor, plus I enjoyed his over-the-top positivity in highly negative company)

Lokin (this old man was way too clever and witty and kept me thoroughly entertained)

HK-51 (this murder bots personality programming is some thoroughly entertaining stuff)

Kai Zykken (one day he will be a companion and he will be the bestest of companions)


Didn't like so much:

Bowdaar (I really like wookies but his whole quest-chain and comments were all around very generic stuff)

Broonmark (another tribalistic companion with very generic and predictable quest line)

Yuun (same complaint again, a generic companion with very little personality to work with)


-To be fair, most companions with premade alien voice loops lack personality just because they're not personalized for the individuals like normally voiced companions are

-And i dont judge companions based on if they fit on my characters crew of not, just their writing on its own

Edited by Kiesu
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I'm building a harem with only the finest gardening tools.

Favorite companions:

Naked Mako, Naked Kaliyo, Naked Raina, Naked Risha, Naked Shae, Naked Lana and Naked Skadge.

Cue "Bring out the Gimp" from Pulp Fiction.


Least Favorite:

Pretty much all the aliens.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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