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What Is Your Deal Breaker?


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I'm sure that there are plenty of unsubscribe threads on these forums but fear not this is not one of those. It is however related. Many people stop playing games when they come across a "non-negotiable" factor that gets in the way of their gaming experience. After all we play to have fun; when it's not fun anymore we stop playing.


Thus I put this question to you few who remain. What is non negotiable for you? What would be a real deal breaker; something that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return?

I will start you off by telling you mine.


1) Excessive server lag (I PVP so this is key).

2) Friends leaving.

3) Cross faction PVP


Maybe if Bioware detects a pattern in the responses they might know what NOT to do in the future.

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Too much focus on PvP development would cause me to be gone.

Especially if it was at the expense of what little story we are getting.


Yup this. I need lots of stories and I need focus on romanceable companions and more interactions with them like we had in the vanilla game. Meaningful interactions, like moments of private discussion before a mission or the battle ahead, simple moments, where we do things together. Weddings even.


Dull companions that don't speak to me, or interact with me in cutscenes are a gamebreaker.


Also jumping games. I hate them. If you're going to torture us with the sort of gauntlet that is the Endurance +2 holocron on Ossus, at least make it worth it. Make it +20 Endurance...that would be worth it. The tuning is ok, but it could've been more exciting. (not rng exciting either.)


I don't think anyone wants a painful grind either, for anything especially with RNG. NO RNG let us buy what we need with tokens. Also I can't see getting 300 on all my toons, I have a life.

Edited by Lunafox
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I'm sure that there are plenty of unsubscribe threads on these forums but fear not this is not one of those. It is however related. Many people stop playing games when they come across a "non-negotiable" factor that gets in the way of their gaming experience. After all we play to have fun; when it's not fun anymore we stop playing.


Thus I put this question to you few who remain. What is non negotiable for you? What would be a real deal breaker; something that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return?

I will start you off by telling you mine.


1) Excessive server lag (I PVP so this is key).

2) Friends leaving.

3) Cross faction PVP


Maybe if Bioware detects a pattern in the responses they might know what NOT to do in the future.


They. Don't. Care. About. Feedback.


Millions of pages have been dedicated to what would make players happy and what has made them unhappy with the game.


This game follows a design that only makes sense to BW/EA and a couple insane followers that hang around the forums supporting the idiotic changes they make to the game.

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For me good story is a must - I loved the original class stories as well as KOTFE/KOTET, not so sure about the direction the game is headed right now - and secondly all story content should be soloable. That's the biggest one for me. I've had negative experiences with other players in the game. Games should be above all fun and the most fun I have is playing solo. I do occasionally enjoy warzone's.
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I will quit if I log in and any of my most favorite companions are broken/lost from a bug or whatever.


I put up with a lot in this game because I do a little of everything, and if one thing aggravates me I'll just go do something else. All of my eggs are not in one basket. If a gear grind is too much, I'll just not participate and accept that it's just either going to take a really long time or I'll get improved gear much later through natural means instead of working myself up over it because I don't have it NOW.


But my favorite companions are one of the few constants in the game, and even though BW is sometimes doing their best to take them away or make me hate their returns or kill them off (brick them), they're still there next to me when I log in and I'm still largely in control of them.

If I logged in or went through some story bit and they were suddenly, brokenly unavailable due to bugs or unintended pathing from programmers or for whatever reason, I'd be done. I almost rage-quit over my favorite companion's horrible, tone-deaf-for-all return--but at least I got her back, even though she's now mute and no longer on my ship and will probably never have content for her again. At least I can still hear her and control her in battle and work together when I need to be away from PvE and PvP drama/aggravation for awhile.

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I'm sure that there are plenty of unsubscribe threads on these forums but fear not this is not one of those. It is however related. Many people stop playing games when they come across a "non-negotiable" factor that gets in the way of their gaming experience. After all we play to have fun; when it's not fun anymore we stop playing.


Thus I put this question to you few who remain. What is non negotiable for you? What would be a real deal breaker; something that would cause you to leave Star Wars the Old Republic and never return?

I will start you off by telling you mine.


1) Excessive server lag (I PVP so this is key).

2) Friends leaving.

3) Cross faction PVP


Maybe if Bioware detects a pattern in the responses they might know what NOT to do in the future.


Forced PVP.

Forced Group.


If I have to do either of those to complete a story arc it's a deal breaker.


Also no romance content with vanilla LIs (or Theron now also) is a deal breaker. I stopped playing after the vanilla stories when future stories had zero content with vanilla LIs and did not return until Kotfe which included them again. I've remained so far, a lot due to Nathema having Theron and returns still happening. After that remains to be seen.

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My deal breakers :


- Watching the Alliance disapear and being forced back into my characters old, pre-KOTFE position. That would be my biggest deal breaker. They've all evolved and none of them would be willing to go back to what / who they were before that point.


- No more interaction / romance with my characters LI or even companions besides Lana. All of my characters have unique romances, but none of them is with Lana, so if she's the only companion / LI to get any kind of interaction with my characters that'd really piss me off, especially considering i killed none of the killable companions, i'd really appreciate to be able to see them from times to times and interact with them. And considering they were supposed to be equals / counterparts, at least Theron should have the same amount of screentime as Lana and be part of the decision process of the Alliance if he's still part of it (even if he has a stupid leave for dead / exile option), and especially if he's in a relationship with the Commander and if said Commander is working with the Republic.


- Forced group content. Whatever starts via the solo story mode should be soloable till the end (so nothing like Oricon plz) If something has to have an op at the end, then an added way to do it solo (like they did with Yavin).


- Forced PvP. If you don't like PvP or don't want to do it, it's useless to try forcing people to play it, it'll just be a pain for everyone involved.

Edited by Goreshaga
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For me it would be:


1. Forced PvP or grouping for story content

2. Losing favorite companions due to more errors

3. Losing romance interaction with favorite LI


The first one would be a definite push out the door for me; I permanently retired from PvP and group content that requires more than a duo years ago. This game is generally good for solo players, which is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much, and I know I'm not alone with that. To keep a large segment of its player base happy I also think BW needs to avoid (2) & (3) at all costs. Here's hoping BW will fix existing bugs soon! :)

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My favorite companion being killable should've been a deal breaker for me but for some reason I let it slide. After that, nothing much they could do would make me any unhappier. I'll play until I decide I need a break, and one of those breaks will eventually be the last.


Though other games, like WoW for example, piled on so many things I didn't like that I believe I really have quit it for good. Haven't played in 2-3 years, so it is possible a beloved game becomes so unbearable for me that I can walk away for good. But anyway, Swtor still has things for me to do that I find fun.

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My favorite companion being killable should've been a deal breaker for me but for some reason I let it slide. After that, nothing much they could do would make me any unhappier. I'll play until I decide I need a break, and one of those breaks will eventually be the last.


Though other games, like WoW for example, piled on so many things I didn't like that I believe I really have quit it for good. Haven't played in 2-3 years, so it is possible a beloved game becomes so unbearable for me that I can walk away for good. But anyway, Swtor still has things for me to do that I find fun.


Incoming blatant swerve off the threads tracks;

Mate I feel your pain on WOW, I quit 3 years ago having watched them turn an amazing game into a boring grind fest (oh wait we are back on topic!), they are planning a Vanilla server like Everquest has managed to pull off which I may be giving a go if it undoes the many bad decisions they made along the way.


Be safe

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Back on track;

For me its the following;

1) Forced Pvper/ too much development with PvPer effecting PVE (no disrespect intended to any PvPer its just not my thing).

2) No new content for 6 months, sorry the crap you keep pushing out is not new content if it takes me 20 mins to finish it and all im left with is the option to grind the same planet until the donkey dies (unless its for faction which is fair enough).

3) Reversal of the most stupid gearing system I have ever encountered in any game ever.


Be safe

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I notice a lot of these supposed 'deal-breakers' people mention are stuff that has already happened, like comps [LIs and otherwise] getting bricked or forced pvp/grouping. It applies to the OP as well, as I'm pretty sure what we have now is cross-faction pvp. If that's a deal-breaker, it's come and gone. So, as far as feedback is concerned, BW would probably chuckle at this thread [if they actually read it, lol] because what it seems to suggest is that while players may create melodrama around their complaints, they won't actually leave the game because of it - an empty threat. I'm not immune either, of course:


Boredom would make me leave the game, and after doing all the class stories upwards of five or six times, it has gotten pretty boring, but not so boring that I won't stick around for a little while more.


Losing characters would make me leave the game. The merger nearly did this; I lost somewhere around 25 characters. But there were enough still around that I could cut my losses and rebuild. Losing all of them might do it though, if there was some kind of game-breaking bug.


Speaking of bugs, a bug that prevented me from logging into the game would also do it. This one has been around before, and in fact the irl friend who initially referred me to this game left because it happened to him.

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Too much focus on PvP development would cause me to be gone.

Especially if it was at the expense of what little story we are getting.

For me especially bad if it is switched to Open PVP and you are forced to do it because no protection. I also need a story that I can follow. And that must be appealing, a game without a good story is Meh.

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I notice a lot of these supposed 'deal-breakers' people mention are stuff that has already happened, like comps [LIs and otherwise] getting bricked or forced pvp/grouping. It applies to the OP as well, as I'm pretty sure what we have now is cross-faction pvp. If that's a deal-breaker, it's come and gone. So, as far as feedback is concerned, BW would probably chuckle at this thread [if they actually read it, lol] because what it seems to suggest is that while players may create melodrama around their complaints, they won't actually leave the game because of it - an empty threat. I'm not immune either, of course:


So far the "forced" pvp/grouping thing is still wholly optional. While annoying, nothing truly important in the game is gated behind these things. YET, which is what people fear. For example, if they required that the only way to get access to Ossus' story was to run 50 ranked PvP matches, I think you'd see more than a few people leave. But nothing like that currently exists in the game, so it's just a fear of what might come in the future.


Personally, the companions that are getting the bad treatment currently aren't necessarily my favorites, so if things like bugs causing some of them to be unsummonable or disappeared from companion lists or broken companion terminals were to keep my actual favorites from being useable, that would be it for me. Maybe they get fixed eventually and I'd definitely come back if that were the case, but it would drive me too crazy to be without them for weeks on end while the staff are on European-style holidays.

Edited by aerockyul
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So far the "forced" pvp/grouping thing is still wholly optional. While annoying, nothing truly important in the game is gated behind these things. YET, which is what people fear. For example, if they required that the only way to get access to Ossus' story was to run 50 ranked PvP matches, I think you'd see more than a few people leave. But nothing like that currently exists in the game, so it's just a fear of what might come in the future.


Personally, the companions that are getting the bad treatment currently aren't necessarily my favorites, so if things like bugs causing some of them to be unsummonable or disappeared from companion lists or broken companion terminals were to keep my actual favorites from being useable, that would be it for me. Maybe they get fixed eventually and I'd definitely come back if that were the case, but it would drive me too crazy to be without them for weeks on end while the staff are on European-style holidays.




With the former, the way they seem to really be pushing grouping on Ossus (making the weekly missions that grant shards and the mats for new gear gated behind PvP or NiM Ops, as well as the setup with everyone thrown into the Jedi Temple together and allowed to influence others' combat), as well as the original intent of the Rishi stronghold (PvP) makes me more concerned about this for the future, despite the fact that so far there hasn't been story progression gated behind it.


With the latter, I don't care about some of the companions that have been messed up by the Ossus and Paxton patches, but I rather like Hexid (ergo I'm not doing the Paxton alert until that's fixed) and there are others who would be deal breakers for me if I could no longer summon them and they had no part at all in future story.

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Well, as far as forced grouping, there's Oricon. There's Pierce and 4X as alliance alerts. There was also some hubbub around Hexid. Personally, I don't really see the problem. Putting together an op is a lengthy process just to complete a story. Doing a couple WZs is nothing by comparison.


But big stuff? Generally, BW's done a pretty good job on reducing that problem. Illum's story ends in an FP; before solo FPs existed, I remember that being a pain. Ditto Blood Hunt in SoR - or did that always have a solo mode? I only ever played it with that option - and SoR also had the option of ending with an op or PVE grinding. Gods has been optional content for Iokath, and even with the new gear grind it's still semi-optional.

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They. Don't. Care. About. Feedback.

That's not completely true. Remember a while back when people were pissed off with the whole GC gear grind and the admission that many companions were gone for good from the story and the whole kofte crap? They cared about feedback then as so many people cancelled subs and CM sales must have plummeted. That was the first time they listened to feedback because they specifically asked for it; they sent out emailed questionnaires to a group of subs and specifically asked us what we thought had gone wrong and how they could change that. Very high on the list was for them to stop messing with our companions and do something about GC. They listened then. More recently they listened to feedback out the Rishi stronghold from those of us who enjoy decorating - they made loads of changes and as a result created a really good stronghold.


My deal breakers will be;

  • Continuing to ignore LI companions and not include them in the story - even small inclusions matter (like the small touches they added prior to going on a deadly mission in kofte/kotet with farewell cut scenes).
  • Failing to return Zenith and Scourge in a meaningful return story that is as good as or better than Doc's return (the one return they got right).
  • Continuing to make me do missions / story with a "new" companion who I'd rather shoot in the face
  • Continuing to shove their preferred companion (Lana) in my face when there are so many of my original companions they could use instead. I don't mind Lana but she should not be my only contact when there's something to be done.
  • Failing to allow those of us who chose the other side the ability to actually switch sides (I was really looking forward to this on my LS Warrior).
  • Failing to use my ship's holo to give me mission updates - if they make me jump between worlds in 6.0 like they did in 5.10 I. AM. OUT.
  • Failing to fix the Malavai Quinn bug and return him as companion to Warriors who side with the Republic in the next update (creating bugs then fixing them does not count as progress or content BW :rolleyes: )
  • Failing to fix Vector's eyes in the crucial LI scene when he reveals his human eyes
  • Adding more Heroic 4s - piss off with those! :mad:

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