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How dare the SWTOR team have the holiday period off...


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I have no issues with the team taking the holdiay.


I do have issues with timing buggy content to be released just before said holiday. This was known to be buggy from PTS posters and simply because they haven't released a major patch that was not buggy since 5.0.


I personally would have been far happier waiting until january than dealing with the current state of the game.

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I'd also like to remind that in the USA there's very little paid holiday time for most people, salaried employees generally have to work as many hours as their employer makes them, and some employees get no paid time or sick days at all - please remember that before being angry with the people working on the game who finally get a break.


Having said that 5.10 and the Paxton thing are so buggy. I agree that I really would have rather waited longer for the patch if it meant they worked out some of these errors. I get that they probably wanted people to have something to play over the holidays but it's unplayable when companions go missing, the game always freezes in certain places, etc. The number of things that are broken seem to be increasing with every patch and that's not okay.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I'd also like to remind that in the USA there's very little paid holiday time for most people, salaried employees generally have to work as many hours as their employer makes them, and some employees get no paid time or sick days at all - please remember that before being angry with the people working on the game who finally get a break.


Having said that 5.10 and the Paxton thing are so buggy. I agree that I really would have rather waited longer for the patch if it meant they worked out some of these errors. I get that they probably wanted people to have something to play over the holidays but it's unplayable when companions go missing, the game always freezes in certain places, etc. The number of things that are broken seem to be increasing with every patch and that's not okay.


First off, them getting a break ? COMPUTER SAYS NO!!! Not when they ignore pts test results, the community, the many posts asking what the he.. is going on with all the bugs that was even posted from the pts server tests, etc etc etc.

If one of my chef's on my restaurant made you a meal and messed it up badly, would still just eat it and pay for it ?

Would you rather i did something about it, or just ignore you and then go on holiday's after you had allready been charged for it ?

Them having to go on a holiday break i can understand, them working for a company that repeatedly screws them over, i cant understand. people trying to deffend said company and people who chose to work for them knowingly how things was/is being run. he.l no not at all. they chose to work there under the circumstances they do so dont use that as an excuses pls. they are free to leave whenever they want to, even for holidays, but like so many others said, where is the logic when you present crap to people and then leave it as crap for x amount of time knowing that you presented crap ?

Then expect crap in return !

Edited by Esron
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I watched a film on Christmas Eve, it was about a man that was so mean and miserly that he even begrudged his one worker taking Christmas day off. OP reminds me of him, SCROOGE!


My dear, the forums are full of Scrooges. Really it's saddening to see how a lot of forums posters behave as spoiled little children who didn't get their toy even though they have a room full of brand new ones. It's really disheartening to see, but what can you do. The concept of patience has been lost to people, to not even mention how people have forgotten what it means to appreciate what they already have. No, those are concepts cast aside on these forums in favour of senseless and baseless doomsaying that has completely no merit whatsoever. Empty words without any meaning, without any purpose. And reason and logic were the first victims to fall.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Game studios normally vacate for the holidays. BW tends to be really quiet from the time they dump broken content into the game in December until late January. I have seen only one exception and that is when the mass-unsubs happened a couple of years ago and they panicked. Unfortunately, they never really fixed those issues, either, and those subs never came back.
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Game studios normally vacate for the holidays. BW tends to be really quiet from the time they dump broken content into the game in December until late January. I have seen only one exception and that is when the mass-unsubs happened a couple of years ago and they panicked. Unfortunately, they never really fixed those issues, either, and those subs never came back.

I'm fine with the vacation schedule, but this patch has a LOT of bugs...their timing is what hurts right now. At least if we knew they were working on a weekly patch, we'd have reason to stay hopeful...but Eric made it sound like end of January at the soonest for the next 'fix'...that's just too long with the issues right now.

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I watched a film on Christmas Eve, it was about a man that was so mean and miserly that he even begrudged his one worker taking Christmas day off. OP reminds me of him, SCROOGE!


Oh thank you darling that has made me feel so much better! I hope I do remind you of him ;):p

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They would need to turn the game upside down and basically redo everything at this point to get it in the right direction. They might as well be on vacation for the next 5 years.


Luckily for them, new players will have the charming first chapters to play through, the stories are great etc. As for the gearing process though, anyone looking for a PVP or PVE fun game will not stick around.


When progression becomes a chore, and isn't fun, people won't do it. That epitomizes SWTOR gameplay and their gearing system now.

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They would need to turn the game upside down and basically redo everything at this point to get it in the right direction. They might as well be on vacation for the next 5 years.


Luckily for them, new players will have the charming first chapters to play through, the stories are great etc. As for the gearing process though, anyone looking for a PVP or PVE fun game will not stick around.


When progression becomes a chore, and isn't fun, people won't do it. That epitomizes SWTOR gameplay and their gearing system now.

It's not that hard...it you commit 10 hours per day, 7 days a week, and use a mirror army of 20 toons, you can have your main geared up in full 258's by February...hopefully. ;)

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When progression becomes a chore, and isn't fun, people won't do it. That epitomizes SWTOR gameplay and their gearing system now.


^This! The only fun with gear generally is when you're maxed out for the 4weeks it being top tier gear and dominating.


Gear grinding mechanics don't work now I know I would have been a tad more lenient if they added a T5 pvp vendor, T5 rank & boxes. The daily area should have just been a normal daily area for reputation/CXP grind. Remove the Masterwork stuff put the crafting schemes on the skill trainers and just use the superior mats and components which we're currently using for 240 Augments.


How simplified and easy it would be they use to speak about 4.0 and pre 4.0 being a complicated system. Ha

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I don't mind if you have vacations on Christmas and holidays. But between Christmas and New Year, many people work, they could quietly send a fix tomorrow. And yes I work the next three days too. That's why they do not feel sorry for me. :p:D

If the 258 were not crap, I could live with some mistakes until February. But not like that. ;)

Edited by Batwer
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It's not that hard...it you commit 10 hours per day, 7 days a week, and use a mirror army of 20 toons, you can have your main geared up in full 258's by February...hopefully. ;)


Thats sounds good. Since I don't have to use all my 70s. If all I have to do 10hr/7days a week..that will give me time for season 16 on D3...I thought I might have to cut that out..) Thanks:eek: Opps missed the mirror part:eek::eek:

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I am all for the team or any employer having the holidays off. That said, I do also feel this is an irresponsible situation. If you're going to schedule a major content patch for the 2nd week of December, so close to the holidays, then you need to make sure it is as bug-free as you can get it via internal testing and PTS and assure there's a team on standby to address any unexpected issues that may arise. Granted that none of these bugs are 'game breaking' in the strictest sense, it is a bugged product pushed out to release and followed up with a "See y'all in 3 to 4 weeks". That to me is careless and irresponsible.


Imo, better would have been to wait until you're in a position where your team can tackle any problems head-on and provide a timely fix for players. On the other hand, players then would have screamed about the patch delay and "How dare they delay the patch because of the holidays, I was going to play my arse off during Christmas!!" because that's just what people do. Still, that would have, for me, been preferable over the appearance of carelessness toward their own product.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I'm off work till January 7. While I'm off, I'd like to get 1 class (JK or SI] up to rank 300. I'm subbed for the next two months, during which time I should be able to get another class [sI or JK] finished for the cheevo. Then I only need one more class [bH], which I'll probably do during my next sub time in the summer. I enjoy grinding with my guildies so it's not really grinding, or not tedious grinding anyway.


i have everything I want from the CM. I have an extra ten character slots if I want to reroll a few classes. I may buy a guild ship for an old F2P guild I made up a few years ago, just for the novelty, now that it's reduced in price. So, by next summer, barring some momentous expansions that requires me to sub for it [you don't need to sub to get Ossus], I shouldn't really need to sub anymore, and i've spent less than $100 CAD on subbing in five, almost six years of playing this game.


So personally, I don't really gaf when the devs are coming back. And those of you expecting them to snap their fingers and make this game interesting and/or playable for you again ought to manage your expectations, imo. Sub when you have time/interest to play, and unsub for the rest of the time. Don't make a production out of it.

Edited by Ardrossan
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You can check my post history, I'm not a white knight or anything but:


Bioware did everything the board demands this time:


1) they delivered the patch on time, no delay(s)

2) they tested it on the PTS

3) they delivered a major bug fix pass prior to the holidays


I've been playing the content without any trouble all holiday season. It's not perfection, but it's certainly a working product at this time.


Also, the gearing choices Bioware made are not bugs. They are intentional design decisions. I don't like them but that's the hamster wheel for you.

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