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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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I understand your argument and would love to have the same content for every LI (my smuggler feels so lonely without his beloved Risha).

But with the limited amount of ressources SWTOR has right now it doesn't make sense to invest into content many players won't get to see. I am against kill/ban options under any circumstances, they are causing nothing but trouble. But Bioware gave in to the loud demand to kill Koth, Quinn etc. Then most likely the same people called for Theron's head and once more Bioware gave them what they wanted. Class specific AA are the same BS, but enough fans demanded class specific reunions and now they are bricked. Until Bioware decides to autocomplete all AA for everyone, essentially forcing the companions onto the player, so they become available again as story tools, Lana is the only remaining NPC for everyone. We won't get more LI / companion content in case the demand to get ridd of Lana is appeased, the history of this game proves this very clearly. Instead we'd get new companions to who we have no connection at all and be stuck with them, making a bad situation even worse.


The tendency to highly questionable fanservice is what got us here. I believe that the devs would like to give every LI and every companion more screentime. But until EA is reallocating money and personal towards SWTOR again it'll be just that: A wish. Everyone should blame the bloodthirsty lynchmob for that and remember it when calling for a kill option of Lana.

I'd also love for all LI to get a bit of content as my TR is with Jorgan, my IA with Vector and my BH with Torian, they did not get much for a very long time. It bothers me a bit less than Theron though, because these characters are not my mains, and so not the ones i'm the most invested in.


Now i understand the limited ressources, but if they can't give at the very least 1 little romance scene to everyone, maybe they should not give 2 to 1 LI.

As i already said, i'm clearly not calling for a death option on Lana and not a definitive parting ways either, i do like her, but i'm also starting to grow tired of her beig constantly "questgiver, default LI & companion #1" for everyone, even when it makes no or very little sense, and maybe using someone else as quest giver would give a bit of fresh air to everyone, maybe they should use non romanceable NPCs to get the questgiver status, that way, everyone gets the same thing.

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and maybe using someone else as quest giver would give a bit of fresh air to everyone, maybe they should use non romanceable NPCs to get the questgiver status, that way, everyone gets the same thing.


Since you acknowledged the limited ressources, would you please be so kind to tell me who is supposed to do that? Gault? T7? Raina? There is noone else left who could cover every story branch thx to the damn getridofXYZ - demands and none of the mentioned characters have a leading position in the alliance, empire or republic. Them as story driving questgivers doesn't make sense.

So in the end it comes down to Lana because Bioware didn't give in to the Lana kill thread (yet). Of course we could also have Bioware invest the money in class - story patches. It'd mean that IF we get a story update once in 6 months it'd be content only relevant to people with a certain class or playthrough. Doesn't sound that great to me.


The only thing Bioware can do IMO is stick with Lana as main contact, ban all further kill / dismiss options for the sake of a consolidated story, autoforce every AA companion towards the player (either they played it or the player is getting an ingame mail from the AA questgiver that they recruited someone) so the companions are part of the Alliance and available as alternative quest givers and insert repeatable ingame cinematics of the PC and their respective LI (just like the ME2 scene in Shepards quarter post ending), combined with way more ingame mails. It'd save the money for story relevant voice acting and give other LIs some content and immersion.

Would it be perfect? Hell no. I'd love to have a questline with Risha for example. But it'd be way better than nothing or having a new set of interchangable companions for every new story arc who don't mean anything to me while my longtime companions stay bricked.

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I'd be perfectly happy if they just went with the three main companions they introduced with Fallen Empire...Lana, Theron, and Koth. Meaning...not use Lana all the time. But for people who have Theron and/or Koth...USE THEM TOO. They're there. They didn't poof for me. My SI is married to Theron. We know they're perfectly capable of going with standins, such as for those who killed Arcann. Hell, one of Theron's best romance lines is behind a Dead Arcann world state.


I totally get that they can't use everybody. But, in acknowledgment of past companions, they could damn well spend five minutes writing a letter.

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Since you acknowledged the limited ressources, would you please be so kind to tell me who is supposed to do that? Gault? T7? Raina? There is noone else left who could cover every story branch thx to the damn getridofXYZ - demands and none of the mentioned characters have a leading position in the alliance, empire or republic. Them as story driving questgivers doesn't make sense.

Just put in a NCP for each faction and you're done...

I'm not (yet) to the point where i want her gone, but i'm seriously going to get there if she's the only person all my characters end up interacting with...

Right now, i'm only asking to see her a bit less.


Hell, one of Theron's best romance lines is behind a Dead Arcann world state.

Oh, i'd like to know too, as my Theronmancer would not kill Arcann

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Just put in a NCP for each faction and you're done...


So you want new NPCs? In that case i have the feeling that you are getting what you want, at least that's what 5.10 implies IMO. A wonderfull farewellshot with Lana and new, faction specific NPCs on Odessen.


I however don't like this, i don't like it at all. I don't care about the new (for now temporary) companions at all. Instead of giving us new NPCs to which none of our characters has a connection Bioware should get the companions without a kill/dismiss option and use them. Most of them are Alliance Alerts, but i think most players would be ok if they suddenly just appear, even if they weren't recruited by us but by one of our Alliance contacts. At least they know the companions and some of their characters already have a backstory with them.


At the sparse rate of story updates i doubt i'll ever care for any of the new NPCs, hell i don't even care about the KOTFE companions. Why should i care for example if Koth is dead or alive? I barely know him. Same goes for Senya and Arcann. I only spare Arcanns life because i don't want to loose any future drop of content the still alive companions might add to my experience.

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I however don't like this, i don't like it at all. I don't care about the new (for now temporary) companions at all. Instead of giving us new NPCs to which none of our characters has a connection Bioware should get the companions without a kill/dismiss option and use them. Most of them are Alliance Alerts, but i think most players would be ok if they suddenly just appear, even if they weren't recruited by us but by one of our Alliance contacts. At least they know the companions and some of their characters already have a backstory with them.

I don't really care either anyways... All the ones i actually cared about are already killable, so right now, nearly anything would feel better than being stuck with only 1 person left to interact with.

Who's even left who has no kill or dismiss option, except T7 (who's not going to stay with someone who is openly siding with the Empire and harming the Republic), Gault, Raina and Lana ?

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Psst, what line is that? I've never killed Arcann and likely won't on the toons who've yet to finish KOTFEET so there's one I'm missing for sure.



Oh, i'd like to know too, as my Theronmancer would not kill Arcann


Actually it's two of his best lines -


The first takes place after defending the Gravestone during the attack on Odessen. Normally you would have Senya and Arcann as companions, but Lana and Theron are stand-in's -


Theron - "Thanks for joining the party. Guess I sent out more invitations than I could handle."

Outlander - "If you're planning something for our anniversary, let someone else organize it."

Theron - "Don't worry. That party will be -much- more intimate."


The second takes place after you defeat Valkorion and wake up in front of the throne. Again, Theron and Lana are stand-in's -


Outlander - "No more nightmares. No more interruptions from a crusty, old ghost. I can used to this."

Theron - "We can finally enjoy some alone time without Valkorion whispering in your ear."


In addition, Valkorion also has specific things to say about them during the elevator ride up...when he would normally talk about Arcann and Senya's loyalty.


That being said, I only did this on one character, lol. I normally keep Arcann alive.

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Actually it's two of his best lines -


The first takes place after defending the Gravestone during the attack on Odessen. Normally you would have Senya and Arcann as companions, but Lana and Theron are stand-in's -


Theron - "Thanks for joining the party. Guess I sent out more invitations than I could handle."

Outlander - "If you're planning something for our anniversary, let someone else organize it."

Theron - "Don't worry. That party will be -much- more intimate."


The second takes place after you defeat Valkorion and wake up in front of the throne. Again, Theron and Lana are stand-in's -


Outlander - "No more nightmares. No more interruptions from a crusty, old ghost. I can used to this."

Theron - "We can finally enjoy some alone time without Valkorion whispering in your ear."


In addition, Valkorion also has specific things to say about them during the elevator ride up...when he would normally talk about Arcann and Senya's loyalty.


That being said, I only did this on one character, lol. I normally keep Arcann alive.

yeah that's nice.

I guess i'd have to do it at least once to record them so that i'd be able to use them in another context, which is sad, because i don't want to kill either Senya or Arcann :/

Edited by Goreshaga
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Actually it's two of his best lines -


The first takes place after defending the Gravestone during the attack on Odessen. Normally you would have Senya and Arcann as companions, but Lana and Theron are stand-in's -


Theron - "Thanks for joining the party. Guess I sent out more invitations than I could handle."

Outlander - "If you're planning something for our anniversary, let someone else organize it."

Theron - "Don't worry. That party will be -much- more intimate."


The second takes place after you defeat Valkorion and wake up in front of the throne. Again, Theron and Lana are stand-in's -


Outlander - "No more nightmares. No more interruptions from a crusty, old ghost. I can used to this."

Theron - "We can finally enjoy some alone time without Valkorion whispering in your ear."


In addition, Valkorion also has specific things to say about them during the elevator ride up...when he would normally talk about Arcann and Senya's loyalty.


That being said, I only did this on one character, lol. I normally keep Arcann alive.

Awww I love that. Such a shame you gotta kill Arcann and Senya in order to get those lines because, despite my initial dislike for him, I have never killed Arcann and don't intend to. Ah well, I'm sure someone has it on YouTube to look at some time because that sounds really nice. ^^

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Awww I love that. Such a shame you gotta kill Arcann and Senya in order to get those lines because, despite my initial dislike for him, I have never killed Arcann and don't intend to. Ah well, I'm sure someone has it on YouTube to look at some time because that sounds really nice. ^^


I have them recorded, but never uploaded them. YouTube takes forever to upload anything larger than 1080p. :(

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I actually like Lana and have multiple characters romancing her. And if I play one of those characters who has her as a LI it is great to have so much interaction with her. But if I play any other character that romances someone else or even no one I get annoyed too to see her being put in the spotlight so much. Because then I really start to notice how much she is around.


It doesn't matter that she is written to be the most loyal loveable companion ever - we have different characters that we play with different mind sets and for some Lana is not the best friend or LI and maybe even constantly doing things she does not approve of. To have Lana in those cases still acting as best friend is strange and not appropriate. I mean they added more options even with Koth where you can be like a friend to him or doing things that upset him with him acting quite differently if you do so compared to if he sees you as friend.


But with Lana you don't have this kind of development. This is bad writing in my opinion - again the writers fault. They don't seem to understand that people and/or the characters they play might still not like Lana or at least prefer to have some other companion/NPC getting some deserved attention too - which in my opinion makes it feel like they force Lana on me/us (for those who feel the same). This forced feeling is what is becoming an issue for me.


Back then people complained that Kotfe/Kotet was the Theron and Lana show and wanted kill options or at least to have their screentime reduced - which was kind of understandable seeing that we had to wait for all other companions/LIs such a long time (and are still waiting for some). The writers decided to give Theron a kill option but not Lana. They decided other things too even where no one was asking for. I don't recall anyone asking for a Khem Val romance or to get kill options for Torian or Vette. So I don't see this as the fault of people asking for kill options. It was the writers choice - they are responsible for the story.


But I get the impression they don't mind adding kill options for companions they don't plan to use anymore. And I doubt we will see more of our returned companions in the future. We can be happy if we get a letter from them or are allowed to at least use them in flashpoints and are not forced to take certain companions with us. I was really annoyed when I could not use Theron on some characters when I did the star fortress flashpoints.


To say they have to use Lana because no one else is left is not a reason - they just introduced a new story line with new characters. The reused existing NPCs - so yes, they have other options.


Although I have Lana as LI on several characters I agree that she is overused and like to have her screentime reduced too - she and Theron (which is the LI for a lot of my characters too) had much screentime the past years and while I do like to see more of both in the future I want more content for the other LIs as well (and preferably non LIs too). I know that this is only possible in a limited way - I mean they did add the romance options for LS Jaesa and Nadja and Khem Val but I don't expect much development there after the alert - same with Arcann.


At least they should give us letters - I doubt we will get whole scenes for our LIs though. So to be fair I would rather have a clean slate and the same treatment for all LIs meaning if I don't get new content for Theron or Aric or Vector or who else I don't want it for Lana either. I don't mind if they add some flirts with new companions in tlhe future but I think it might be good to have no new LIs (except maybe adding some romance option to still returning companions such as Kira and Scourge and Zenith) and just focus on developing the story. It is in my opinion better than neglecting all other LIs.


To have them only focus on Lana and no one else is even me getting more and more annoyed with this character and resenting the story development - because it is forced. And having her as a quest giver and in so many chapters not playing the content to avoid her is like not playing the game at all. Might not mean much for people that only play Swtor for PVP or OPS or whatever, but for the story. Of course we have to use our head canon quite often but with Lana it comes a point where there is only so much that you can ignore.


So yes, I think she is overused and we need some fresh new development here with reduced screentime for Lana and Theron and equally content for all LIs. None of what happened is the fault of the people - only of the writers who should know what they are doing and stop forcing characters on all of us that we can't ignore if we want to progress the story.


I understand that other Lana fans don't agree with this and want the most content with her that is possible - but it really is unfair to have Lana so much in the focus of this game without being able to ignore her if you want to proceed with the story and compared to other LIs that don't get so much screentime.


It doesn't matter if companions can be killed - they already said it is not a reason to have no more content for them. So this is not a reason for having her being present so much - for me it just shows that the writers love her so much that they want to use only her all the time - but this is not fair to other companions and players who don't love her equally much. Not that the writers might care about that - maybe if people would really unsub about it but who knows. I just know that it leads at least for me to cases where I am not happy with the story and don't want to proceed with it although it is the only reason for me to play this game. So I have to decide if it is worth for me to continue playing this game depending on what is going to happen.

Edited by Cawyden
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I think if you give it time, now that Knights of the Blah Blah (KotBB) is over, you'll see less of Lana.


Also, some of the Lana being "shoved" in your faces is due to the fact that Theron is killable. So he's not going to be the one giving out missions anymore, because it would increase the workload for the devs by needing two sets of voices for the same content. (This isn't supposed to be a defense or anything, it's just the way I see it.)


I have a feeling that Jedi Under Siege is the beginning of the end for the Alliance. We'll end up all going our separate ways, and I suppose Lana and Theron will get folded back into their respective factions. Neither of them are in the available companions section of our Crew screens anymore iirc. Without the Alliance, neither of them will be all that important in the grand scheme of things anyway even if they don't go back to their factions.


This saddens me because I really love Lana. She's the only LI most of my characters have had (and that is quite possibly WHY I love her so much, and turn a blind eye to her more obvious dark side leanings). But I suppose many lost their LIs when KotBB came along, and haven't really got them back in any real meaningful sense since. (I just played through my SW getting her LS Jaesa back, and while the scenes were cute - it was a little awkward in the sense that these two characters hadn't seen each other in a very long time - you'd expect some time spent getting to know each other again, and such*. Which meant it was underwhelming in terms of quantity. My SW is the first of my characters to have an LI other than Lana, ftr.)


* During SoR and the prelude to KotBB, my SW was flirting with Lana every chance she got. However, a bug meant that the game didn't acknowledge this (it's that bug at Chapter XI? I logged out in the middle of it, and the game patched, and when I logged back in all the romance flags had been set back to null). So she ended up sitting on the shelf gathering dust, until I learned that LS Jaesa would be available to female SWs on her return.


Anyway, good luck with getting your request fulfilled. But I don't think it's really necessary when every romance ends the same way - bricked companions when the content is done with them regardless of whether you part ways amicably or kill them or love them and keep them.


TL;DR: Don't like Lana now? Just wait, she'll be gone anyway.

I hope you're right but I just don't see the devs getting rid of Lana like the rest or even drastically scaling back from her on their own. They painted themselves into this corner, if they couldn't write two scenarios for characters then those characters shouldn't have been given a kill/dismiss choice to begin with. This whole "we'll just pretend everyone who got a kill option is dead for all and have one single companion with plot armor who is there all the time regardless of what the player thinks or wants and call it good" is not a solution, it's another problem.



Have to say, it sounds like you want to have a reason to kill Lana.


You can't kill every companion, the biggest crime is you can't kill Quinn in the original story, and you are obligated to take him back.


That said, it seems they should have Theron doing everything Lana does if you are a Republic character. Having your "right hand" be a former Sith Lord should seem pretty sketchy to, well, everyone you meet if you're playing a Jedi.

I don't care if we kill her or we hug her goodbye and braid flowers into her hair as she prances off into the sunset as the new queen of Dantooine, I just want her gone from my story. My reason is that I hate her, I'm sick to death of her, and she annoys me.


I understand your argument and would love to have the same content for every LI (my smuggler feels so lonely without his beloved Risha).

But with the limited amount of ressources SWTOR has right now it doesn't make sense to invest into content many players won't get to see. I am against kill/ban options under any circumstances, they are causing nothing but trouble. But Bioware gave in to the loud demand to kill Koth, Quinn etc. Then most likely the same people called for Theron's head and once more Bioware gave them what they wanted. Class specific AA are the same BS, but enough fans demanded class specific reunions and now they are bricked. Until Bioware decides to autocomplete all AA for everyone, essentially forcing the companions onto the player, so they become available again as story tools, Lana is the only remaining NPC for everyone. We won't get more LI / companion content in case the demand to get ridd of Lana is appeased, the history of this game proves this very clearly. Instead we'd get new companions to who we have no connection at all and be stuck with them, making a bad situation even worse.


The tendency to highly questionable fanservice is what got us here. I believe that the devs would like to give every LI and every companion more screentime. But until EA is reallocating money and personal towards SWTOR again it'll be just that: A wish. Everyone should blame the bloodthirsty lynchmob for that and remember it when calling for a kill option of Lana.

I'm 100% certain that aside from Koth and Quinn, the writers didn't "give in" to anyone against their will. (not to mention, who was crying for Vette or Torian to get a kill option? Nobody.) They WANTED to greatly reduce the roster of characters so they'd have less work to do (especially with romance variations) and they took it to the ultimate extreme, leaving us with only one character and assuming that all players looooooved Lana the same way the writers do. She's their designated waifu for this game but she sure as hell isn't mine.




Since you acknowledged the limited ressources, would you please be so kind to tell me who is supposed to do that? Gault? T7? Raina? There is noone else left who could cover every story branch thx to the damn getridofXYZ - demands and none of the mentioned characters have a leading position in the alliance, empire or republic. Them as story driving questgivers doesn't make sense.

So in the end it comes down to Lana because Bioware didn't give in to the Lana kill thread (yet). Of course we could also have Bioware invest the money in class - story patches. It'd mean that IF we get a story update once in 6 months it'd be content only relevant to people with a certain class or playthrough. Doesn't sound that great to me.


The only thing Bioware can do IMO is stick with Lana as main contact, ban all further kill / dismiss options for the sake of a consolidated story, autoforce every AA companion towards the player (either they played it or the player is getting an ingame mail from the AA questgiver that they recruited someone) so the companions are part of the Alliance and available as alternative quest givers and insert repeatable ingame cinematics of the PC and their respective LI (just like the ME2 scene in Shepards quarter post ending), combined with way more ingame mails. It'd save the money for story relevant voice acting and give other LIs some content and immersion.

Would it be perfect? Hell no. I'd love to have a questline with Risha for example. But it'd be way better than nothing or having a new set of interchangable companions for every new story arc who don't mean anything to me while my longtime companions stay bricked.

The problem aside from the writers erasing all of our other companions from existence is having one questgiver for everything. As you said, there is no questgiver that makes sense for every quest which is why it should rotate between multiple characters and not be the Lana Variety Hour. Even if we gave up all the bricked companions as dead like BioWare wants, we could still have Lana be our imperial contact, Bey'wan be our Republic contact, Hylo, Gault, Sana Rae, and Ogurobb involved in other aspects, Raina and T7 providing input and mission support but noooooo it has to be Lana only, Lana always. If the game continues on like this with Lana shoved in our face at every turn and no other companions to at least balance out her screen time then I have no reason to keep playing. It's absolutely ridiculous and we've come to hold BioWare to such a low standard that it's laughable.

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Ah well, I'm sure someone has it on YouTube to look at some time because that sounds really nice. ^^


Try Retale's Youtube channel. He/she has some amazing cinematic playthroughs, my favorite being the DS Sith sorceress (Andronikos, Lana, Andronikos romance). The delivered lines in case Arcann and Senya are dead are the same from Theron and Lana if i remember correctly.

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I am 100% done with Lana exposition. She's been a clinger-on for far too long. I liked her initially, but there's just too much of her.

You mean you didn't like all the...

"I'm going with you Commander"

"Not without me you're not"

"And you're taking me with you"

...comments? :p


Scary ex!!!! :eek:

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My Sith is married to Lana and is now also with Jaesa. I expect a great jealousy. And Jaesa kills Lana. Did you hear BW? :D:p


I rather think it would never be as inventive as all that. I think once you commit to Jaesa, it automatically dissolves whatever relationship you may already be in.

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I rather think it would never be as inventive as all that. I think once you commit to Jaesa, it automatically dissolves whatever relationship you may already be in.

I don't know on a SW i ended up with both Quinn and Arcann, without any of them seemingly being written out of the relationship.

The character was originally with Quinn, then got with Lana during KOTFE, then broke up with her when Quinn came back, and then started the relationship with Arcann. But i got a mail from both guys after Umbara, and on the companion's note, none of them were said to have stoped the relationship, while it should technically have ended the one with Quinn.


Now i don't know how it'd have ended though as i deleted the character some times ago

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I don't know on a SW i ended up with both Quinn and Arcann, without any of them seemingly being written out of the relationship.

The character was originally with Quinn, then got with Lana during KOTFE, then broke up with her when Quinn came back, and then started the relationship with Arcann. But i got a mail from both guys after Umbara, and on the companion's note, none of them were said to have stoped the relationship, while it should technically have ended the one with Quinn.


Now i don't know how it'd have ended though as i deleted the character some times ago


That's weird. Any time I've gotten the commitment pop-up, it's automatically ended whatever relationship was prior. I would love to be able to do poly in-game. My only way to fanagle it with my SI was to completely ignore Andronikos' AA, skipping his scene entirely...and returning him via the vending machine. That one character never saw his return scene, but she also never had to break up with him in staying with Theron. Because I'm sure Nik will never have another ounce of content, I should be in the clear, lol. If that changes, which I rather doubt it will, then I'll have to choose. Just in case I do have three versions of the same character...one for Nik, one for Theron, and one as a backup who has yet to reach the expansion content.

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Doc = Apparently he can't be avoided when doing the Republic story but only Knights can actually recruit him? I haven't played it yet.


Doc is only recruitable for the knights but there is also an option for them to ask him to leave so once again a romance companion has been bricked while it may only be the knight it is still the same thing.

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So the writers have decided that killing every other companion was fine and justified but the idea of giving Lana the same treatment is "crazy for no reason" and not allowed. Fine. Disregarding the fact that the writers are the ones who control the scenarios and could easily write a scenario where killing her or letting her die would be perfectly justified, killing her is not the only solution for those of us who hate her. As we all know, our other companions all have a greatly reduced presence at best and have been completely absent, non-interactive, and silent stumps at worst with only Lana remaining. This may be fine for those who love her, but many of us absolutely HATE her. I could list the reasons here but they are irrelevant. Lana has taken the place of every other companion and advisor and feels like she's constantly being shoved down the throats of those who can't stand her and the game decides that you are her BFF regardless of how you treat her or what the player actually thinks. This generates extra resentment of her since characters we actually like have been erased from the story while Lana gets all the care and attention. The writers don't want to give us the option to be evil and kill her, fine there is another way: let us part ways with her amicably. Any of these scenarios would make sense and not require writing a "justification" for killing her.


-If you return to or join the Republic, she leaves and joins the Empire (unless romanced)

-The goal of the alliance was defeating the Eternal Empire and that is now accomplished, you can go your separate ways.

-Simply tell her things aren't working out and you want to part ways.


Please stop constantly forcing this character on people who hate her BioWare.


I personally love her, but i can respect anyone elses' opinion on her, but from experience the majority tends to win in these situations and when i comes to story driven content where choices come into play, it can get difficult to do an mmo with choices because they will have to make content for choices that we make, hence why they force certain companions to die.


Its like, i would have preferred to have been leader of a powerful alliance that could choose sides, instead of going from a leader of a powerful alliance that could beat both republic and empire easily to being a follower........and the way they did it was lame and cheap, but i am guessing the majority of the playerbase prefer being a follower instead of a leader.

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Doc is only recruitable for the knights but there is also an option for them to ask him to leave so once again a romance companion has been bricked while it may only be the knight it is still the same thing.

Ah, thank you. Yeah, I figured he was bricked either way if only for the fact his recruitment is locked to the Knight, but I wasn't sure about the "So long bubs" option.

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That's weird. Any time I've gotten the commitment pop-up, it's automatically ended whatever relationship was prior. I would love to be able to do poly in-game. My only way to fanagle it with my SI was to completely ignore Andronikos' AA, skipping his scene entirely...and returning him via the vending machine. That one character never saw his return scene, but she also never had to break up with him in staying with Theron. Because I'm sure Nik will never have another ounce of content, I should be in the clear, lol. If that changes, which I rather doubt it will, then I'll have to choose. Just in case I do have three versions of the same character...one for Nik, one for Theron, and one as a backup who has yet to reach the expansion content.

I got that pop-up when i took Quinn back, which effectively ended the relationship she had with Lana at that time.

I think i also got the pop -up when going for Arcann, but it did not seem to actually end the relationship with Quinn as it should have as i still received the "romance" letter from Quinn afterwards.

So it may have been tied to Arcann, but i really don't know, and i have now way to find out now.


Well i have 3 Naeya, one who is on Ossus and is with Theron and who is somehow the testing one, one who is on the Manaan FP so she has just met Theron and not started the relationship yet that i use to record all cutscenes and the last one is going to Tattoine and still has her master alive, so this one is very far away that i use to record the whole playthrough :D

Edited by Goreshaga
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