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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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I've played through SoR on multiple Imp and Rep toons, and Theron is not any ruder to you for disagreeing with him on anything than Lana is on similar matters. They both argue with you if you don't do what they want you to do with the cyborgs on Rakata Prime, for example; it's not only him. Both Lana and Theron get angry and fight back if you tell them they're incompetent after Ziost, for another example. If you don't tell them they're incompetent, BOTH of them express remorse/wish they had done things differently or better. AND, as a counter-example, if you don't agree to let the Empire dissect Master Surro's brain after Ziost, Lana gets really nasty and claims you're dooming them all.

I have to agree with this part of the post.

Theron has never been rude to my pub sided characters as none of them were rude to him to begin with. And he was actually blaming himself for what happened on Ziost.

Both Lana and Theron react differently depending on how you interact with them.

And about Master Suro, if you actually kill her they're both mad and yell at you for this

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That is something i actually don't understand, and i say it as a Theron fan :confused:

Sure i'm not really happy whenever i'm put in a too intimate situation with Lana and i was not all that happy that she said she wanted to kill Theron after Umbara while she also admitted she knew perfectly well my JK was in a relationship with him, but that not Lana's fault that Theron did what he did, or rather that the story put him in that situation.


Yeah, that letter after Coperk disturbed me. She was talking about torturing him. It made me worry that it was going to be the two of them fighting each other in the Nathema flashpoint. But it was lip service/venting, too. If you romance her she also says she will destroy the stars for you, so.


And I think what counts are her actions. On Nathema Lana is the first one to run to Theron when he is hurt and if the player tries to leave him to die, shd tries to talk them out of it. And she is the one who carries him out. So at the end of the day she was not his enemy and stood with him where it counted.

Though even if he srewed up a bit, which ended up in the destruction of the Gravestone and the EE, he nonethess save at least the people of the Alliance.


To be fair, his motives for that are quite logical, they're dangerous and you don't have much time to fight them before Arkous and Darok leave Rakata Prime and you're trying to stop them, and that's a technology that as a Pub character you don't necessarily want the Empire to be able to lay their hands on.

And his reaction to that is not that different than Lana's reaction when you refuse to let the reactor explode while trying to escape Zakuul.

They're both missed because from their POV, you're taking unecessary risks.


True, but he is still patronizing about it. Whereas if you don't agree with Lana in that flashpoint she shrugs it off. Plus Theron is asking the PC to kill all the cyborgs who are defenseless in stasis and for a light sided Jedi that could be win issue. IIRC that is what the PC even says, that they will not kill out of fear. There is also the way Satele and Theron force the PC to follow Marr and Lana to the guard training ground even if they do not want to. I didn't like that.

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Yeah, that letter after Coperk disturbed me. She was talking about torturing him. It made me worry that it was going to be the two of them fighting each other in the Nathema flashpoint. But it was lip service/venting, too. If you romance her she also says she will destroy the stars for you, so.

Yeah, that's something i feared too, that i'd have to choose between the two and be forced to kill her to save him :(


And I think what counts are her actions. On Nathema Lana is the first one to run to Theron when he is hurt and if the player tries to leave him to die, shd tries to talk them out of it. And she is the one who carries him out. So at the end of the day she was not his enemy and stood with him where it counted.

Though even if he srewed up a bit, which ended up in the destruction of the Gravestone and the EE, he nonethess save at least the people of the Alliance.

Do i sound mean to any of them if i say that i actually laughed when Vinn force pushed Theron on Lana after stabing him (even though it was not that funny) ?

But i was happy that she was not willing to kill him anymore at that point.

Didn't really understand why my JK was not helping Lana carry Theron though. But well, Koth didn't help my JK walk when she was stabbed by Arcann either... (and now my JK and Theron have matching scars) :p

Yep, If he didn't do what he did, the Gravestone and the EE would still be destroyed, but on top of that everyone on Odessen, including our PC would be dead too.


True, but he is still patronizing about it. Whereas if you don't agree with Lana in that flashpoint she shrugs it off. Plus Theron is asking the PC to kill all the cyborgs who are defenseless in stasis and for a light sided Jedi that could be win issue. IIRC that is what the PC even says, that they will not kill out of fear. There is also the way Satele and Theron force the PC to follow Marr and Lana to the guard training ground even if they do not want to. I didn't like that.

Haven't played SoR imp side for a long time, so i don't really remember how she reacts.

Funny thing is that killing them while they're asleep is the LS choice imp side, while it's the DS choice pub side.

I actually don't really undesrtand why it's like that though.

Is it really worse to kill them while they're asleep than slaughter them once they're awake (and Lana tells you they'll wake up as soon as you'll enter that room, and that you'll have to fight) ? I replayed that with a clone of my JK recently and i ended up taking the DS choice this time (well i'll say i had a very bad connexion that day and didn't want to bother with an optional fight, but in the end, when you know they'll wake up and you'll have to kill them anyways, is it really LS to fight and kill them ?)


Yeah i didn't like it either, and i told them that, but in the end you have no choice but do it anyways. And when Marr is upset you can't even tell that you didn't agree with them in the first place.

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Yeah, that's something i feared too, that i'd have to choose between the two and be forced to kill her to save him :(


Same. We know who i would have chosen but that would have been an awful decision to have to make if a player liked them both. :(


Haven't played SoR imp side for a long time, so i don't really remember how she reacts.

Funny thing is that killing them while they're asleep is the LS choice imp side, while it's the DS choice pub side.

I actually don't really undesrtand why it's like that though.

Is it really worse to kill them while they're asleep than slaughter them once they're awake (and Lana tells you they'll wake up as soon as you'll enter that room, and that you'll have to fight) ? I replayed that with a clone of my JK recently and i ended up taking the DS choice this time (well i'll say i had a very bad connexion that day and didn't want to bother with an optional fight, but in the end, when you know they'll wake up and you'll have to kill them anyways, is it really LS to fight and kill them ?)


She is annoyed but doesn't lecture the PC. The DS and LS. choices there make no sense, true. Either way they die. I think the difference is that if you blow up the tanks the data about them is destroyed and Lana wants to save it. Weird because don't they already have that from Manaan? From a mercy standpoint killingt them in their sleep is far kinder perhaps but it isn't always always the LS choice as you say.


Yeah i didn't like it either, and i told them that, but in the end you have no choice but do it anyways. And when Marr is upset you can't even tell that you didn't agree with them in the first place.


I feel like there was a place afterward to tell Marr or Lana you didn't agree because i remember getting a letter from Marr complimenting me for standing up to Satele. But it is after the fact. I felt like Republic characters got ordered around a lot more in SoR. Even the Rishi quest for the JK is their old master telling them what to do again.

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Same. We know who i would have chosen but that would have been an awful decision to have to make if a player liked them both. :(

Yep i hoped i'd not be forced to chose between them.

And i really hope i'll not be forced to any point.



She is annoyed but doesn't lecture the PC. The DS and LS. choices there make no sense, true. Either way they die. I think the difference is that if you blow up the tanks the data about them is destroyed and Lana wants to save it. Weird because don't they already have that from Manaan? From a mercy standpoint killingt them in their sleep is far kinder perhaps but it isn't always always the LS choice as you say.

Maybe it's slightly different in french and in english or it's a different interpretation, but he doesn't comes off as lecturing to me, but rather as a "We're in a hurry, you know they'll wake up as soon as you'll enter that room and you'll have to kill them anyway, but you want to take the longer option, just not to kill them while they're asleep ?"

Honestly, in context, to me the DS choice makes more sense, even to a LS character. It somawhat lacks honnor, but it's more pragmatic actually.



I feel like there was a place afterward to tell Marr or Lana you didn't agree because i remember getting a letter from Marr complimenting me for standing up to Satele. But it is after the fact. I felt like Republic characters got ordered around a lot more in SoR. Even the Rishi quest for the JK is their old master telling them what to do again.

Well Pub side you have Marr who refuses to take someone from the Republic, and then the Republic who sends someone behind his back (kinda shows that both side are not that ready to work together actually, which feels more natural than the Pub characters being like "k see you later" like on imp side when Marr goes with our Imperial toon)

Maybe that mail has to do with the interrogation methods used on Iven ? (i got one from someone in the Empire who was impressed with my JK standing up to Marr, so i'd guess it has to do with that part, though i took the "you don't trust us either" kind of option when Marr got angry at me for following Satele's order, so idk)


I liked Orgus' quest actually, it was nice seeing him again after all this time, and it was to help my JK so i did not really took it as him ordering her around

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Yep i hoped i'd not be forced to chose between them.

And i really hope i'll not be forced to any point.


I hope they never put something like that in the game either. I didn't like the Vette/Torian choice at all and I'm not fond of Virmire - style situations where you have to lose some companion who has been important to you as a player, with no choice to save them.


Maybe it's slightly different in french and in english or it's a different interpretation, but he doesn't comes off as lecturing to me, but rather as a "We're in a hurry, you know they'll wake up as soon as you'll enter that room and you'll have to kill them anyway, but you want to take the longer option, just not to kill them while they're asleep ?"

Honestly, in context, to me the DS choice makes more sense, even to a LS character. It somawhat lacks honnor, but it's more pragmatic actually.


Maybe the dialogue is a little different in English. In English he has a really exasperated tone of voice and he's saying something like "Why, there's a Sith lurking around, and this and that, and you won't do the right thing, arrgh." It's kind of the same on Yavin if you refuse to spy on the other side with the sensors. Lana sort of sighs and lets it go, but Theron makes a snarky comment like, "Well, I can't make you do the smart thing." But it could be a different interpretation, for sure.


Well Pub side you have Marr who refuses to take someone from the Republic, and then the Republic who sends someone behind his back (kinda shows that both side are not that ready to work together actually, which feels more natural than the Pub characters being like "k see you later" like on imp side when Marr goes with our Imperial toon) Maybe that mail has to do with the interrogation methods used on Iven ? (i got one from someone in the Empire who was impressed with my JK standing up to Marr, so i'd guess it has to do with that part, though i took the "you don't trust us either" kind of option when Marr got angry at me for following Satele's order, so idk)


That could be it. It's interesting in hindsight that on the Imperial playthrough, the Republic doesn't seem to have the same insistence about sending along a representative, even though it's an identical situation. Side thing about Iven, he seems to have the same voiceover artist as Minister Lorman (at least in the English version). Every time I play through now, I expect him to scream at me that I need to call him that.


I liked Orgus' quest actually, it was nice seeing him again after all this time, and it was to help my JK so i did not really took it as him ordering her around


I didn't care for Orgus, so when he showed up my immediate reaction was "not you again." I liked the part about healing the sick, though.

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I hope they never put something like that in the game either. I didn't like the Vette/Torian choice at all and I'm not fond of Virmire - style situations where you have to lose some companion who has been important to you as a player, with no choice to save them.

I really hated that choice, especially since i've nothing against any of them (had it been Ashara and Kaliyo for instance, i would've been more than happy to let Vaylin kill both).

The worst part there, is that with all the people working in the Alliance, we can't even ask if there's someone close to any of them who could at least try to save the one you don't rescure yourself. They coul've failed in the end, but at the very least we would've been allowed to try something and not be like "well too bad for you, but i'm going to save the other one and you're on your own"


Maybe the dialogue is a little different in English. In English he has a really exasperated tone of voice and he's saying something like "Why, there's a Sith lurking around, and this and that, and you won't do the right thing, arrgh." It's kind of the same on Yavin if you refuse to spy on the other side with the sensors. Lana sort of sighs and lets it go, but Theron makes a snarky comment like, "Well, I can't make you do the smart thing." But it could be a different interpretation, for sure.

Yeah seems like the dialogues are slightly different in french and Theron comes off as nicer than in english. With the sensors, he says "Sérieusement ? J'imagine que je ne peux pas vous forcer la main..." (which would give something like "Seriously ? I guess i can't force your hand..."), sounds more neutral, than the snarky line about doing the smart thing.


That could be it. It's interesting in hindsight that on the Imperial playthrough, the Republic doesn't seem to have the same insistence about sending along a representative, even though it's an identical situation. Side thing about Iven, he seems to have the same voiceover artist as Minister Lorman (at least in the English version). Every time I play through now, I expect him to scream at me that I need to call him that.

I actually don't really understand why, i guess that's because if you play Imp, they don't have someone who can actually go there and stand up to both Marr and our PC, so the wise decision is the wait and see approach.

Ah no they don't have the same voice in French, though Jensin, Bickell and Oric Traless all have Theron's voice, which is quite distracting while playing Forged Alliance.

There's one guy working for Tavus on Nar Shaddaa who has Aric's voice, which is quite weird when you're talking to him while Aric's with you.

Some Knight of Zakuul or Horizon Guard on Iokath who has Torian's voice too.

The officer who welcomes you on Marr's ship at the begining of KOTFE has Kira's voice.

Beryl has the female IA's voice too.


I'm having some fun with the VA they use in game, some of them voice characters from the MCU like Theron who is Black Panther, Vector is Jarvis / Vision, Koth is Heimdall, the male Smuggler is Hawkeye and the Punisher in the netflix serie, Vette is Maria Hill, Revan is Nick Fury, Corso is Ant-Man, the male IA is Kilgrave, Arcann is a lawyer in the various netflix series, and Torian is a FBI agent in Daredevil season 3 (don't remember others right now)


I didn't care for Orgus, so when he showed up my immediate reaction was "not you again." I liked the part about healing the sick, though.

Well i liked my old master well enough i guess. I actually wish my JK could've stayed his Padawan longer than just Tython, and become a Knight either at the end of Coruscant or after his death above Alderaan.

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I really hated that choice, especially since i've nothing against any of them (had it been Ashara and Kaliyo for instance, i would've been more than happy to let Vaylin kill both).

The worst part there, is that with all the people working in the Alliance, we can't even ask if there's someone close to any of them who could at least try to save the one you don't rescure yourself. They coul've failed in the end, but at the very least we would've been allowed to try something and not be like "well too bad for you, but i'm going to save the other one and you're on your own"


Out of all the things in the game, I really feel that choice was only there for gratuitous shock value. You're right, with an Alliance as large as the one we're supposed to have, to think that nobody could even try to get to them was ridiculous. Even if they tried to save the other person and failed, at least there still would have been an attempt.


I wish they'd have done what a number of us have discussed in other threads: if you'd done say five Alliance Alerts, you would have had the extra personnel to save the second character. If also could have worked if you had influence higher than 10 or 15 with the Specialists. Getting higher influence with those four specialists was supposed to make things run more smoothly and efficiently and make the Alliance personnel happier and more cohesive. So maybe if your influence with Bey'wan Aygo was 15, his troops would have been able to maneuver better and get to Torian/Vette. Or if your influence with Sana-Rae was high, her Force users were strong enough to rescue the other companion. Something. Anything other than what they did.


Yeah seems like the dialogues are slightly different in french and Theron comes off as nicer than in english. With the sensors, he says "Sérieusement ? J'imagine que je ne peux pas vous forcer la main..." (which would give something like "Seriously ? I guess i can't force your hand..."), sounds more neutral, than the snarky line about doing the smart thing.


Yeah that does sound nicer in French. And Theron's using 'vous' so he's being polite. That's something we don't get in English with our one 'you' that maybe helps clarify intent and inflection in other languages. Out of curiosity do they ever have the characters finally switch over to 'tu' in the romances? Je parle francais but I've never gone through the French version of the game.


I went through my files. I actually recorded my first play through of SoR Republic side so here are the Rakata Prime and the sensor lines I was talking about.



I actually don't really understand why, i guess that's because if you play Imp, they don't have someone who can actually go there and stand up to both Marr and our PC, so the wise decision is the wait and see approach..


I don't really get that either. IMHO they still could have played it as having Satele or some random Republic member follow the PC and get caught, and then have the argument back at camp where the Imperial PC could decide whether to be angry or let it go.


It's always amusing when one recognizes the voiceover artists in different roles or different productions of things. The v/o artists for Theron and Lana did voices for a number of the vendors and trainers in the English version of the game, and that's always a little weird, but fun, to hear. Both of them and the female IA seem to have done a lot of other voices for minor characters, and Jennifer Hale is both the female trooper and Satele Shan.

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Out of all the things in the game, I really feel that choice was only there for gratuitous shock value. You're right, with an Alliance as large as the one we're supposed to have, to think that nobody could even try to get to them was ridiculous. Even if they tried to save the other person and failed, at least there still would have been an attempt.


I wish they'd have done what a number of us have discussed in other threads: if you'd done say five Alliance Alerts, you would have had the extra personnel to save the second character. If also could have worked if you had influence higher than 10 or 15 with the Specialists. Getting higher influence with those four specialists was supposed to make things run more smoothly and efficiently and make the Alliance personnel happier and more cohesive. So maybe if your influence with Bey'wan Aygo was 15, his troops would have been able to maneuver better and get to Torian/Vette. Or if your influence with Sana-Rae was high, her Force users were strong enough to rescue the other companion. Something. Anything other than what they did.

That's what i think too, and it's sad, because there was no reason to be willing to let any of them die, but if one of them really had to die to make us hate Vaylin, then the possibility to try to save them both would've made the thing much better.

The idea with the specialists would've been quite nice though



Yeah that does sound nicer in French. And Theron's using 'vous' so he's being polite. That's something we don't get in English with our one 'you' that maybe helps clarify intent and inflection in other languages. Out of curiosity do they ever have the characters finally switch over to 'tu' in the romances? Je parle francais but I've never gone through the French version of the game.

Sadly they don't switch, probably because they'd need to record 2 version of the scene depending on the level of intimacy between the 2 characters, some of them use "tu" from the start like the IA and Kaliyo or the BH and Mako, whether they're in a relationship or not, some other use "vous" no matter if they're in a relationship or not, and the worst is my BH and Torian, they're together, she uses "tu", and he uses "vous", that makes no sense, as the BH's crew is somewhat like a family, i'd like it better if Torian was using "tu" as well no matter if he's with the BH or not, that would make sense on a male BH too as they're like brothers (he even calls him that on Darvanis) ><

I really wish Theron and my JK would use "tu" at least when they're alone as it would mainly be for romance scenes, that could make sense and would not necessarily imply that they'd have to record 2 version of the scene.


I went through my files. I actually recorded my first play through of SoR Republic side so here are the Rakata Prime and the sensor lines I was talking about.


The one with the cyborgs is pretty close in french as he says "On a un Sith sur le dos, des illuminés dans tous les recoins, et vous voulez qu'on prenne ce risque", but the one with the sensors looks pretty different in tone


I don't really get that either. IMHO they still could have played it as having Satele or some random Republic member follow the PC and get caught, and then have the argument back at camp where the Imperial PC could decide whether to be angry or let it go.

A random Republic member or Theron could've done it, and then yeah the argument and a choice for our Imp toon to be angry as well or not.


It's always amusing when one recognizes the voiceover artists in different roles or different productions of things. The v/o artists for Theron and Lana did voices for a number of the vendors and trainers in the English version of the game, and that's always a little weird, but fun, to hear. Both of them and the female IA seem to have done a lot of other voices for minor characters, and Jennifer Hale is both the female trooper and Satele Shan.

Yep that's something i always find amusing.

I heard Theron voice on various NPC during FA, but not Lana's though


Male trooper was Spike in Buffy, while female trooper was Pam in True Blood, they both used to be vampires :D

Doc was both Anakin in the prequel trilogy, and Richard Rahl, while Dorne was Kahlan Amnell and Garza was Cara all in Legend of the Seeker (rewatching the serie recently i also heard the female JK, the female SI and the male SW at some points)

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Out of all the things in the game, I really feel that choice was only there for gratuitous shock value. You're right, with an Alliance as large as the one we're supposed to have, to think that nobody could even try to get to them was ridiculous. Even if they tried to save the other person and failed, at least there still would have been an attempt.


I agree that the Vette vs. Torian is a painful and dramatic choice but I insist it was a necessary and brilliant move. A story needs conflict and flow to remain affective. Unfortunately, in the Vanilla stories they abandoned the option to remove comps either by killing them yourself, or allowing the story to involve Fatalities. The point is you were fighting in a War the idea that none of your beloved companions would never can never die, go missing, or get hurt is bad storytelling. Yes, it hurts, but that makes it work! That's hardly mere gratuitous shock value, its good Story Development.


I truly believe that their will be comps leaving one way or another, and gaining new ones. I don't want to lose my LI's of course. But being stagnate is never ever a good thing.

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That's what i think too, and it's sad, because there was no reason to be willing to let any of them die, but if one of them really had to die to make us hate Vaylin, then the possibility to try to save them both would've made the thing much better.

The idea with the specialists would've been quite nice though


Yeah, I feel that at least letting the commander make an attempt would have been reasonable. And there could have also been the evil DS option to say "meh, whatever, both of you," which could have had repercussions later.


I really wish Theron and my JK would use "tu" at least when they're alone as it would mainly be for romance scenes, that could make sense and would not necessarily imply that they'd have to record 2 version of the scene.


That's a shame they don't switch over. Yeah, that's what I was getting at, I would have thought that they would switch to 'tu' for the romance scenes because those would only need to be recorded once. And it would show how close the PC and their LI were. They could do the same with the love interest's personal emails to the PC. It seems so weird to think of a marriage proposal using 'vous' or a LI writing 'je vous aime' to the PC. I'd imagine they have the same issue with the German version when I think of it, since they have the two versions of 'you' there too.


The one with the cyborgs is pretty close in french as he says "On a un Sith sur le dos, des illuminés dans tous les recoins, et vous voulez qu'on prenne ce risque", but the one with the sensors looks pretty different in tone


Yeah, that does sound much the same for the cyborgs, but the sensors one is all snarky. Calling the Revanites illuminés also is a heck of a lot nicer than the word 'crazies' that they use in the English version (they use 'crazy' as a pejorative a lot in the English scripts and I don't care for it). There's another one that I think in hindsight might have been Darok and not Theron, but when you express doubt as to why the Sith are attacking Tython and not trying to take back Korriban (back during Forged Alliances), one of then snaps at you and says "go meditate on it later" or something like that. But it might be Darok.


Male trooper was Spike in Buffy, while female trooper was Pam in True Blood, they both used to be vampires :D Doc was both Anakin in the prequel trilogy, and Richard Rahl, while Dorne was Kahlan Amnell and Garza was Cara all in Legend of the Seeker (rewatching the serie recently i also heard the female JK, the female SI and the male SW at some points)


I forget that so many of the shows get dubbed when they're in other markets. The first time I came across that it threw me, the actors I knew speaking with different voices. :D

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Yeah, I feel that at least letting the commander make an attempt would have been reasonable. And there could have also been the evil DS option to say "meh, whatever, both of you," which could have had repercussions later.

I feel it would've been much better to be able to really try to save them both, even if failling to save one of them, or to just give up on both and let them both die


That's a shame they don't switch over. Yeah, that's what I was getting at, I would have thought that they would switch to 'tu' for the romance scenes because those would only need to be recorded once. And it would show how close the PC and their LI were. They could do the same with the love interest's personal emails to the PC. It seems so weird to think of a marriage proposal using 'vous' or a LI writing 'je vous aime' to the PC. I'd imagine they have the same issue with the German version when I think of it, since they have the two versions of 'you' there too.

Yep, it's pretty sad.

Used only for the romance mails, that could work. If i can someday kick my own bottom to motivate myself to actually start writting, that's something i'll change

I guess so, but i've actually never watched any vids of this game in german


Yeah, that does sound much the same for the cyborgs, but the sensors one is all snarky. Calling the Revanites illuminés also is a heck of a lot nicer than the word 'crazies' that they use in the English version (they use 'crazy' as a pejorative a lot in the English scripts and I don't care for it). There's another one that I think in hindsight might have been Darok and not Theron, but when you express doubt as to why the Sith are attacking Tython and not trying to take back Korriban (back during Forged Alliances), one of then snaps at you and says "go meditate on it later" or something like that. But it might be Darok.

Yeah i think it's Darok, when you tell him that the timing of both attacks seems odd to you, before going back to Tython


I forget that so many of the shows get dubbed when they're in other markets. The first time I came across that it threw me, the actors I knew speaking with different voices. :D

Had a bit the same once while watching Mentalist, i was so used to his french voice as i watched it on tv that when i first watched it in english on dvds, i though that his french voice suited him much better than his actual voice :eek:

The same happens when i watch vids of swtor, i'm so used to the french voices, that i struggle a bit with the english voices

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I agree that the Vette vs. Torian is a painful and dramatic choice but I insist it was a necessary and brilliant move. A story needs conflict and flow to remain affective. Unfortunately, in the Vanilla stories they abandoned the option to remove comps either by killing them yourself, or allowing the story to involve Fatalities. The point is you were fighting in a War the idea that none of your beloved companions would never can never die, go missing, or get hurt is bad storytelling. Yes, it hurts, but that makes it work! That's hardly mere gratuitous shock value, its good Story Development.


I truly believe that their will be comps leaving one way or another, and gaining new ones. I don't want to lose my LI's of course. But being stagnate is never ever a good thing.



A story needs believable conflict and flow to remain effective.


Losing a beloved companion is absolutely fine and can make for very good story telling. Losing a companion to death in a war isn't what most people have complained about regarding this section of the story. The complaint is its presentation.


The writer's presented a false dilemma.


It was presented as an either/or when a third option was available: send a companion. Having our character fail to save the One Not Chosen would have been fine... and good storytelling, actually. But we didn't fail. We didn't do anything proactive here and weren't allowed to and that's the issue. The main character should always be proactive, moving forward, problem solving. It's absolutely fine to have N fail to solve the problem. It's not OK for N to become inert. Our character no longer had basic problem solving skills. They writer's presented no believable reason we couldn't send someone (and fail) to rescue the One Not Chosen.


Here's a quick and dirty fix:

You send whomever you have with you to try and rescue the One Not Chosen, for me it was Arcann and Senya.


PC: Senya, get to Torian as fast as you can.

Senya runs and fights her way to Torian and upon arriving, she finds a horrific scene and holos my PC.

PC: How's Torian?

Senya: By the time I got here Torian was already dead and Vaylin is gone. I'm sorry, Commander.


Here you have the PC in a war try to save a friend and fail. It's heartbreaking, gut wrenching, and believable to fail to save someone you care about.


False dilemmas: Don't do it, kids. It's bad for your health and your story.

Edited by Xenipher
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First, thank you about the recent posts regarding how characters look in different languages of the game, it has been really interesting to read! I wish my french was better so i could try swtor on other language.


About the original subject of the thread, i was browsing some tweets about the story and noticed that it has actually been said it might be possible to lose Lana in future.



"Current plan is that it might create some awkwardness, and specific choices you make (ie doing war crime type stuff that's pointlessly cruel to Imperials under the guise of serving the Republic) could drive her away, but faction alignment on its own won't lose you anyone."


Here is also tweets about Theron continuing in story (for those who have him)

and about Koth not forgotten + Theron's and Lana's presence on this update being smaller.


So hopefully (i am optimist!) there will be lines for both, some content for Koth and for those who want to nice ways to depart from certain characters it will be possible.:)

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First, thank you about the recent posts regarding how characters look in different languages of the game, it has been really interesting to read! I wish my french was better so i could try swtor on other language.


About the original subject of the thread, i was browsing some tweets about the story and noticed that it has actually been said it might be possible to lose Lana in future.



"Current plan is that it might create some awkwardness, and specific choices you make (ie doing war crime type stuff that's pointlessly cruel to Imperials under the guise of serving the Republic) could drive her away, but faction alignment on its own won't lose you anyone."


Here is also tweets about Theron continuing in story (for those who have him)

and about Koth not forgotten + Theron's and Lana's presence on this update being smaller.


So hopefully (i am optimist!) there will be lines for both, some content for Koth and for those who want to nice ways to depart from certain characters it will be possible.:)


Well, it would be nice if someone could ask him if Lana will be bricked after she is "driven away." I notice he only said there are no plans to remove Theron from the game and it would be nice if she continued to get content too for those of us who want her around.

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Well, it would be nice if someone could ask him if Lana will be bricked after she is "driven away." I notice he only said there are no plans to remove Theron from the game and it would be nice if she continued to get content too for those of us who want her around.


I think he talked just about Theron because he was the subject of the question. I don't think they would brick Lana any more than Theron even after she would not be in everyones story. She has always been favoured by them, has a huge fanbase and it would be just suicide to cut her totally off.


To be honest i sort of like that choices start to matter again in things that are important to us. I miss the times when i was bit scared what to do in some situations so i wouldn't mess my story! Alltough it can get problematic if "committing warcrimes" is how you get Lana to walk away, cause on my characters its mostly light side republic characters who wish not to hang with a sith rest of their life. So in future if you see light V jedi mindlessly murdering imp civilians you know why...:p

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In what way has SW's Ever been believable. And Unfortunately, things like the Torian/Vette choice do happen in RL wars. It's awful, but it does reflect reality.

The main problem is not the Vette / Torian choice itself, but rather the lack of possibility to even ask if someone in the Alliance could try to help the one you don't rescue yourself.

The ones you sent save the other one could've failed and the end result would've been the same, but at least you could've tried and it would've been better.

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I agree that the Vette vs. Torian is a painful and dramatic choice but I insist it was a necessary and brilliant move. A story needs conflict and flow to remain affective. Unfortunately, in the Vanilla stories they abandoned the option to remove comps either by killing them yourself, or allowing the story to involve Fatalities. The point is you were fighting in a War the idea that none of your beloved companions would never can never die, go missing, or get hurt is bad storytelling. Yes, it hurts, but that makes it work! That's hardly mere gratuitous shock value, its good Story Development.


I truly believe that their will be comps leaving one way or another, and gaining new ones. I don't want to lose my LI's of course. But being stagnate is never ever a good thing.


Yes, but they could've done it with non LIs, so the LIs wouldn't be bricked. It's not like just the LIs were beloved companions.

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The main problem is not the Vette / Torian choice itself, but rather the lack of possibility to even ask if someone in the Alliance could try to help the one you don't rescue yourself.

The ones you sent save the other one could've failed and the end result would've been the same, but at least you could've tried and it would've been better.


That's just it. There's the point that Sith Koriandr made below that the choice resulted in two popular LIs being bricked. But also, there's the fact that the Alliance Commander, who supposedly has this huge network of people working with them on Odessen, doesn't even try to save the other person. There's not one person in that entire Alliance who is able to make an attempt? That's ridiculous.


People have certainly died before in the game. There's no way to save Darth Marr. In Makeb, Katha Niar dies regardless of what you try to do to save her. You can't save all three groups of prisoners during the GEMINI chapter and one of the companions will be upset with you regardless of the choice you make there. But to just have the Alliance Commander shrug and say "guess I can't get to both of them, so sad," and not even try to help one of their allies was not cool.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Yes, but they could've done it with non LIs, so the LIs wouldn't be bricked. It's not like just the LIs were beloved companions.

Yeah that is a problem too.


Though i think the only non LI we have at that point are Gault and T7.

They could've made Yuun's AA mandatory and used him and Gault though

Edited by Goreshaga
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Yeah that is a problem too.


Though i think the only non LI we have at that point are Gault and T7.

They could've made Yuun's AA mandatory and used him and Gault though


Or they could have done it with some known NPCs who join the Alliance, like they did with Tai Corden and Admiral Ranken in the choice in the GEMINI chapter. Maybe Indo Zal or someone like that.

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