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I thought Bioware would understand!


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MMO's are flawed these days because they have zones based on level.... 1-10 11-14 etc..... Then when you finally reach level 50, there are like 2 zones which are worth your time.


Same arguement with dungeons!



I thought a big name company like Bioware who has crafted RPG's would have understood the MMO genre and noticed what would make it better.



MMO's need to somehow get rid of the level based zones, dungeons, and stop the linear quest path because then making alt's is a hassle. Why do people wanna do 6000+ quests everytime they want a level 50?


It's obviously too late for any drastic change.... This is more of a "I wish" thread because I had higher hopes for a Bioware MMO.



Current rating from me: 7/10 C-


Same formula, different story... Thats all it is... Shame

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you know... i played something similar to that ina F2P mmo (i think maple story or one of those like it?) and it sucked... i hated it... there was no room to try and gain easy kills or loots. besides there would be no way to implement a "level scaling" system in a persistant MMO or even in an instanced persistant MMO that i can tell...
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Ultima Online knew better...


then came EverQuest and "they" all followed suit after.


kinda sucks.



in fact, ALL the Ultima games were open-world and NOT scaled. the way games should be. I blame EQ and ES:Oblivion for ruining gaming, in this respect. the irony is, they are two of the more loved games.


my solution: no character levels, only skill levels and you find where/what you can handle. again, worked GREAT in Ultima Online.

Edited by SapienChavez
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...I don't get your grading system.


If 7 = c

8 = b

I imagine 9 = A, 10 + A+

But what? 6 = f?

what does 1 =? Q?


in most schools system here in the US, Grading scales is as follows 7/10 equates to 70% so


0 to 59 = a F or E dpending on the system both means a failure

60-69 = D (barely passing)

70 to 79= C (average)

80 to 89 = B (Above average)

90 to 100 = A (Excellent)

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in most schools system here in the US, Grading scales is as follows 7/10 equates to 70% so


0 to 59 = a F or E dpending on the system both means a failure

60-69 = D (barely passing)

70 to 79= C (average)

80 to 89 = B (Above average)

90 to 100 = A (Excellent)

This is my understanding as well.

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MMO's are flawed these days because they have zones based on level.... 1-10 11-14 etc..... Then when you finally reach level 50, there are like 2 zones which are worth your time.


Same arguement with dungeons!


MMO's need to somehow get rid of the level based zones, dungeons, and stop the linear quest path because then making alt's is a hassle. Why do people wanna do 6000+ quests everytime they want a level 50?


You can go back at 50 and do every flashpoint (dungeon) on hard mode and earn really good lewtz.


Computers also need to somehow cook up a pizza for me so I don't have to get up from SWTOR. Why do I want to get up and have to call the shop everytime I want a pizza?


Here's a quick tip, I was able to skip every other planet while leveling my main (only doing class quests on the skipped planet), so that now playing my alt I am doing all those planets I missed while skipping the ones I did on my main. Completely different quests and places to go, entirely new game almost.

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in most schools system here in the US, Grading scales is as follows 7/10 equates to 70% so


0 to 59 = a F or E dpending on the system both means a failure

60-69 = D (barely passing)

70 to 79= C (average)

80 to 89 = B (Above average)

90 to 100 = A (Excellent)


Depends on schools really.


A few private schools around me go like this:


100-95 - A

94-90 - B

89-85 - C

84-80 - D

Below 80 - Failing

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Ultima Online knew better...


then came EverQuest and "they" all followed suit after.


kinda sucks.



in fact, ALL the Ultima games were open-world and NOT scaled. the way games should be. I blame EQ and ES:Oblivion for ruining gaming, in this respect. the irony is, they are two of the more loved games.


my solution: no character levels, only skill levels and you find where/what you can handle. again, worked GREAT in Ultima Online.


I have wondered this for years. Yes, EQ changed it - brought the Pen and Paper aspect to it; and with levels you almost need a progression zone type system.


The Leveless sytem, skills based on what and when you do it, open world where that mob may or may not be able to kick your *** - let's find out. . that was good stuff.


Yet, the genre has abandoned it. (Although the Secret World is talking as if they are trying something similar to it so that should be interesting).


Many games have come up with something that is very cool and different; yet abandoned quickly.


UO: Leveless, skill based, open world.

SWG: That crafting system was incredible and perfectly supported a player based economy.

Shadowbane/SWG: City, town building with puprose.


Yet MMO companies always fall back on the "ole reliable".


It will take an MMO company to get a pair and try integrating truly new things, bring back some old techs that worked great, and throw caution to the wind!!!


Someone will do it; just not sure who.

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Yet MMO companies always fall back on the "ole reliable".


that is because history shows that the majority of mmo's that have tried a leveless system or classless system has failed or struggled to survive. I can only think of one MMO that has been successful to this day in that aspect and is Eve Online, they tried something new with the whole time based thing at least. Unfortunately since most fail companies go to "ole reliable" because they want to make money so they are going to give them the best chance to relate to the majority of gamers out theres and be successfulnow.

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So true. Ultima Online was the only MMO that had any staying power because of its skill based system. These modern MMO's are kid's crap compared to the old days. I've been advacating a return to skill based systems for years.


In a skill based system, no zone is ever obsolete. Whereas with the level based system a zone is pointless after a couple of levels.

Edited by Thamelas
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GW2 is implementing just this. Mobs everywhere scale to your level. If this game isnt for you, then go there and stop complaining about a game that did not go out of its way to take your interests to heart. Edited by Amandeep
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MMO's are flawed these days because they have zones based on level.... 1-10 11-14 etc..... Then when you finally reach level 50, there are like 2 zones which are worth your time.


Same arguement with dungeons!



I thought a big name company like Bioware who has crafted RPG's would have understood the MMO genre and noticed what would make it better.



MMO's need to somehow get rid of the level based zones, dungeons, and stop the linear quest path because then making alt's is a hassle. Why do people wanna do 6000+ quests everytime they want a level 50?


It's obviously too late for any drastic change.... This is more of a "I wish" thread because I had higher hopes for a Bioware MMO.



Current rating from me: 7/10 C-


Same formula, different story... Thats all it is... Shame


So, once you hit level 50, you should just be able to press a button and have a level 50 of a different class then, huh?

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