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Do you remember your first character?


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I played on Lord Calypho, which was a Euro-rp/pvp server first and my first toon was a female pureblood Sith Warrior. I still have her today same name on all servers, even after the various migrations from Lord Calypho to Darth Malgus today. I visit her from time to time, though I have her twin in name and appearance on Star Forge, which evolved from my original choice in pve server, Krayt Dragon, then Shadowlands.


Mostly I played her because my friend wanted to be a Sith Inquistor Sin and he thought it'd be easier if he had a tanky sort running with him, but after seeing Quinn, it's not like I needed a ton of persuasion :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Powertech. I didn't want to jump on the Jedi bandwagon right away. I don't really play it anymore because PT is pretty terrible in pvp - all the glass, not so much cannon. I just ran a WZ right now with it for giggles. I died over and over and over and over....ad infinitum. So much glass.
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A male Miraluka JC. Went through a period where I was obsessed with the song Que Sera so called him QueSeraa, the extra a because the name was already taken and no name gaps back then. Got him up to 50 then had to change servers and never looked back, he's sitting on the Darth Malgus server, never had the heart to delete him though. My second was a human female IA, after that I just went alt crazy. :D Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Yes, and I still play her often and am fond of her. She died more times than I can count on Korriban, and since I was brand new to the game I had to look up every little thing or email a friend who was a SWTOR player for advice to keep her moving. Particularly, I didn't know you had to repair the weapons so her practice blade finally broke and I had NO IDEA what to do. The struggles that poor Sith went through because of me, :rolleyes: Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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My first was a Jedi Knight, Guardian. Got to about level 20 before I realized just how much I hated Guardians. Killing was super slow and it just bored the stuffing out of me. My next was a Commando and I learned that I love love Love ranged characters. I’ve since leveled at least one of every base class all the way through KOTET, but I never went back to Guardian/Juggernaut
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Still my main. Lvl 60 Shadow. Just returned to the game after 4 years so working on getting him up to 70.


Well technically my first was the prior iteration of the same shadow which lasted until like the 3rd mission on Tython before I decided I didn't like his face. This was before the appearance modification thing existed so I deleted the character and started over.

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Hi. Do you remember your first character? Does it still exist? So you still play it?


A grey-haired, old smuggler. I considered him in his late 40s during start of the game. That makes him around 60 now. I updated his looks a couple of times to make him look even older. He has quite a beard now. :D He is command rank 300 and has an almost complete golden 248 armor set. So I'd say he's doing fine, even though he's not my main anymore.

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Yup..... A Sith Warrior pure blood. He spent the first several months of existence wearing random armor with even more random stats. Couldn't make it off DK, But boy did he look cool! :D


Now he's a lvl 70 (with 38 command rank) and is currently headed to the Chiss home world for "that" FP.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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haha awesome, did she get teased by the Kaliyo flirt when she returned?


Either I just can't remember that moment, or a female agent doesn't get that flirt, possibly due to game assuming she should already know Kaliyo doesn't respond to flirts from female agent. :/ well, either way she was probably more teased during the class story when she found out one of Kaliyo's exes was a female... :p

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I had a sith sorc DPS named Daffy'duck. I also had a jugg named Bugs'bunny. Daffy was my first cap leveled toon, I even did 8v8 ranked with him. It was so long ago I hardly remember those days now tbh.


Over the years I changed servers and names, that toon is now a healing sorc named Innervates, who is dead now sitting on a shelf of inactivity. Poor Daffy. Went from DPSing to healing, to nothing.

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