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6.0 Speculation


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On the story side, I think many of us would love to see a return to the class stories, but this seems very unlikely. 5.10 gives me hope that we will at least get a separate story for each faction moving forward.


In 6.0 they can still help to make it feel a little more unique for each class, perhaps by bringing back characters unique to the class stories that will have different interactions depending on your class. Even very subtle differences such as a unique opening crawl for each class. Using the Jedi Knight as an example I would love to see the new story start (something) like this.....


SWTOR Episode 6.0: Return of the Jedi Knight


Kira Carsen has returned to her home of Corellian Defender in an attempt to rescue her love Hero of Tython from the clutches of vile companions like Skadge the ****.


Little does Kira know that the SITH EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored Sith Lord even more massive then the first dreaded Darth Baras.


When finished eating this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small alliance faction struggling to restore vegans to the galaxy…


Okay I jest, but hopefully you get what I mean.

Edited by Simbr
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On the story side, I think many of us would love to see a return to the class stories, but this seems very unlikely. 5.10 gives me hope that we will at least get a separate story for each faction moving forward.


In 6.0 they can still help to make it feel a little more unique for each class, perhaps by bringing back characters unique to the class stories that will have different interactions depending on your class. Even very subtle differences such as a unique opening crawl for each class. Using the Jedi Knight as an example I would love to see the new story start (something) like this.....


SWTOR Episode 6.0: Return of the Jedi Knight


Kira Carsen has returned to her home of Corellian Defender in an attempt to rescue her love Hero of Tython from the clutches of vile companions like Skadge the ****.


Little does Kira know that the SITH EMPIRE has secretly begun construction on a new armored Sith Lord even more massive then the first dreaded Darth Baras.


When finished eating this ultimate weapon will spell certain doom for the small alliance faction struggling to restore vegans to the galaxy…


Okay I jest, but hopefully you get what I mean.



Using the JC as an example, I feel like my LS JC already lost : there's no way Zenith will re-join her crew after she lead an Alliance of Jedi, Sith, Pubs & Imperials. And saved the former Emperor of Zakuul. I bet he ( Zenith) will be yet another Tanno Vik -ish character, with no re-recruit option , just let live or kill. That, in my opinion, will be the last thing I wanted since he's like my favorite JC companion. Well, we will see.

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The best option would be to make 6.0 start with our character waking up from a dream (something like a force dream or something) so that all the companions you recruited do not magically appear from nowhere. They dreamt the same dream and somehow feel they have to meet our character. Make a cutscene with one or 2 comps joining our character explaining they had that dream and here you go. You can even keep the old comp who would not make sense recruiting since it was just a dream.
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The best option would be to make 6.0 start with our character waking up from a dream (something like a force dream or something) so that all the companions you recruited do not magically appear from nowhere. They dreamt the same dream and somehow feel they have to meet our character. Make a cutscene with one or 2 comps joining our character explaining they had that dream and here you go. You can even keep the old comp who would not make sense recruiting since it was just a dream.


Noooooooooooooooo, no dream copout!!

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The best option would be to make 6.0 start with our character waking up from a dream (something like a force dream or something) so that all the companions you recruited do not magically appear from nowhere. They dreamt the same dream and somehow feel they have to meet our character. Make a cutscene with one or 2 comps joining our character explaining they had that dream and here you go. You can even keep the old comp who would not make sense recruiting since it was just a dream.



This sounds like Metallica lyrics - "Sanitarium" . Keeping my old comps ?? Hell yes! Wake up from a bad dream and see my old team? YES. Yes and yes.

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1.) A Third Faction (yes this can be done w/o breaking the story, think about it)

2.) A new warzone with 3 teams.

3.) New warzones with free-for-all format, including last-man-standing type, and various creative goals types.

4.) For the love of all that is holy: GET RID OF ALL CURRENCIES, leave just credits. No more reputations, gearing currencies, etc.

5.) A different gearing system which keeps the only good thing with the current system: 1 set of gear works for both PvP and PvE.. But PvP full gearing should take significantly less time. And yes, this can be done. Just need some creativity like having gear be only for PvE which you can earn by PvPing too, but also have a slots for expertise items. Meaning gear base stats mean NOTHING in PvP, but you can increase your PvP power in that same set of PvE gear by simply filling expertise slots. This should take about 2 weeks per character to max out expertise. And those items can transfer as you change gear much like mods do now.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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[*]Dissolve the alliance and go back to unique companions for each class. I don't really care to have 50+ companions on every single character. Part of the uniqueness of each class was their crew.

So am I going to get a refund on all the companion gifts I spent getting non-class specific comps to level 50 (or 30 or even 10 for that matter)?


My Sith Inquisitor has Blizz at 50 (because he’s funny and, having returned in an Alliance Alert, would never be used in an actual story where he might get killed off or turn traitor on you. My next highest is Theron (was highest until the traitor arc), then HK-55, then ZO-0M. None of my class companions are above the single digits because I can’t stand them (and am pretty sure even Koth, whom I never lost as a companion, is higher ranked than all of them).


Heck, I don’t even HAVE Xalek anymore (always thought he was a psycho to begin with... but was forced to take him back then) so unless he’s coming back as a Sith spirit I’m down a class companion as it is.


In other words, I think culling the companions is a horrible idea that will cause no end of strife because everyone’s got their favorites and its often not their class comps anymore.


I think the easiest answer for the many KotXX/AA comps is to say that, unlike the general Alliance members, these companions have sworn themselves to you personally and so will follow wherever you lead. Occasionally, that will lead to ironic events like Jorgan possibly following in the footsteps of Tavus whom he once hated for defecting, but life is full of ironies.


Alternatively, have a “Pick X” option or something where, when you start the 6.0 story, you get to select X comps from your list (in addition to any locked in by the story) that you get to keep while the rest leave to pursue their own interests.


ETA: While you’d have to do it practically deliberately; if you take every kill option, did no Alliance Alerts (including not talking to either ship droid) and pick Imp on Iokath and kill Quinn, then you can finish the Traitor arc with just SIX active companions; Lana, T7-01, one of Jorgan or Kalyio, Gault, one of Torian or Vette, and Raina. If “Pick X” was the way they went I’d suspect the number would have to that or less (and probably everyone gets Lana as required for the story) just so no one got stuck with say “Pick 10+Lana” but only had five choices + Lana to fill those slots with.

Edited by SiegePro
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So am I going to get a refund on all the companion gifts I spent getting non-class specific comps to level 50 (or 30 or even 10 for that matter)?


You already loose some companions. For example I levelled Koth to 50 and then BAM he ran off. Or having to choose which of two companions you kill off in the story - both of whom might be maxed out.


And game play comes in phases. Things that are here now can go away. You level up and enjoy having them right here & now. There is no guarantee nor promise that your investment will stay around forever.


I would welcome this change with maybe an option to choose couple companions from current 50+ to stay with you while letting the rest go.


But from game design BW has painted itself very much into corner on this one. They can either take the risk and make a bold move, or try and appease everyone by giving everyone every possible companion. Which I hope they will have some balls and do the right thing for the gameplay.

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Speculation, huh?


Well, there will be things to do. Some of them will be buggy. This will make some people unhappy. Others will be preoccupied with the other things to do, to care unless their stuff is buggy.


Some will love it, some won't.


Some will want things that weren't in it. Some will want things that were in it to be gone. And there ends my speculation. :)

Edited by Lunafox
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Considering that it can take millions of credits to get a companion to influence level 50, and that they are important for crafting and crew missions, losing them can be devastating on more than an emotional level. Especially when it comes to the new MK-4 Universal prefabs and the craftable gear that is supposed to come in with 5.10.


Doing a lot of those Alliance Alerts took time and energy. After having to go to several planets for Lokin, and suffering through that awful "worthy trophies" rigmarole for Qyzen Fess, I don't want to hear, 'dems the breaks, he's going away now.'


If they do pull companions in the upcoming content I would hope that they would at least make them available through the Odessen terminal so we can at least get them back for crafting and questing.

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I'm going to speculate that Keith might no longer be with the SWTOR crew...his last visit to the forums was 9/13/18 and his last post was nearly 3 months ago.


I had speculated as much in another post about a job posting I saw, but was nearly burned at the stake for heresy.

Edited by Mournblood
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Considering that it can take millions of credits to get a companion to influence level 50, and that they are important for crafting and crew missions, losing them can be devastating on more than an emotional level. Especially when it comes to the new MK-4 Universal prefabs and the craftable gear that is supposed to come in with 5.10.


Doing a lot of those Alliance Alerts took time and energy. After having to go to several planets for Lokin, and suffering through that awful "worthy trophies" rigmarole for Qyzen Fess, I don't want to hear, 'dems the breaks, he's going away now.'


If they do pull companions in the upcoming content I would hope that they would at least make them available through the Odessen terminal so we can at least get them back for crafting and questing.


Surely they would have realized removing companions was a bad idea the first time they did it. Doing it a second time would be a whole new level of stupidity.

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I had speculated as much in another post about a job posting I saw, but was nearly burned at the stake for heresy.


Let me get this straight: a little over two weeks ago, in a thread that had nothing to do with what you posted, you had two posters politely disagree with your pov, giving reasons that certainly make sense to me [your job posting was for an assistant to Musco which you were claiming applied to Keith] and somehow from that you interpreted a severe forum backlash?

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Let me get this straight: a little over two weeks ago, in a thread that had nothing to do with what you posted, you had two posters politely disagree with your pov, giving reasons that certainly make sense to me [your job posting was for an assistant to Musco which you were claiming applied to Keith] and somehow from that you interpreted a severe forum backlash?


I was being facetious about the backlash. I know you can't see me rolling my eyes on the other side of the screen, but....

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I had speculated as much in another post about a job posting I saw, but was nearly burned at the stake for heresy.

It's interesting to say the least...I hope I'm wrong, but it's unlike him to be off the forums for 3-months...even if it's just a random worthless post, he usually posted, or at least logs into his account.

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I personally have never really been open to the idea that an expansion necessarily MUST have new playable things to do (story/missions/raids per say), but instead new functions added to the game as an entirety to change how the game can be played (swimming/new animations/new moves).

That said, I would LOVE to see some new races added into the game, possibly even a new class. I would love to see a fully bonified Droid race, no disrespect towards Cyborgs, but, they're more like androids or just enhanced humans with cybernetics. A choice of chassis like Gemini, HK, old school Assassin Droid designs would be amazing! I'd jump at the chance to play a droid race or Zakuul race tbh

So Droid race would be nice. I would LOVE a giant-like race, where the only viable option is body-type 3 or 4 (like trandosian or wookie), and maybe a small tiny race, with only body-type 1 or 2 (like rodian or nautolan). Just somebody funny to make me laugh and appreciate the attempt at creativity.

Despite what many people think or say, I've been a huge fan of the Fallen Empire & Eternal Throne story arc. I thought it was fantastic to finally bring a close to Valkorion/Vitiate's reign, although I feel some areas deserved larger spectrum of coverage, for example Valkorion's 'father', some backstory there with slightly more depth would've been a good opportunity to get into Ancient Sith race & culture, especially since Red Reaper the Pureblood sith has kinda felt like an afterthought... IN ANY CASE! An ode to FE/ET would be great, like a special operation "Memory of Valkorion", where you fight a raid boss version of Thexan, Arcan, Vaylin and Valkorion (maybe even Senya)... mmm that would be juicy! One of the bittersweet feelings I had after FE/ET was "what happened after Valk was gone, but you absorbed Vaylin and Arcann".

Surely that power could still be dormant inside of you #smug


I really would like a story line thats based on pureblood sith culture/history. I feel like Yavin grazed the surface of it and really touched the curiousity nerves, but without any real capitalization, it may be one reason many aren't so hyped about stories like before

Re-visiting some of the old leveling areas for new areas unlocked that are high level would be pretty cool. Like going back to hoth, or tatooine, (they are large planets afterall). Kinda like the bonus series and stuff


There's a lot i'd love to see in SWTOR, 6.0 has lot of potential, but I feel like BW constantly trying to add new things instead of realizing the potential they've created in certain aspects, and then neglected to pursue newer thoughts. There's nothing specifically wrong with this, however.

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Re-visiting some of the old leveling areas for new areas unlocked that are high level would be pretty cool. Like going back to hoth, or tatooine, (they are large planets afterall). Kinda like the bonus series and stuff.

I wonder how hard it would be to essentially "clone" (or rather, mostly clone) the existing leveling worlds and create essentially a "level 71+" version of them with different NPCs, mobs and missions that reflect the state of the galaxy 5-10 years after we first visited them. You could set them up like Belsavis where they've got both the normal and Section X landing zones so you could access past zones if desired.


Just do them one at a time with each expansion. For example... have "The Taris Offensive" where you mostly clone the Imp version of Taris (adjusting the time of day if that's a possibility... maybe to a twilight or dawn as a mid-point between the Pub's daylight version and the Imp's nighttime version). Then designate a place for the Pub-side to use as its base camp/landing zone and start populating it with a new Imp and Pub mission chain (and associated mobs and some side missions/dailies or heroics) about how Taris has once again become a front in the new Pub-Imp war with the Pubs trying to take it back from the Imps who took it from them in the vanilla story.


The big advantage I could see to something like this is that, because it IS actually a new area, you could code it like Iokath so that those who swapped factions could access the appropriate areas without having to go back and mess with the coding for the original areas.

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I personally have never really been open to the idea that an expansion necessarily MUST have new playable things to do (story/missions/raids per say), but instead new functions added to the game as an entirety to change how the game can be played (swimming/new animations/new moves).

Could be both, or separate or neither really. But I sure can see how Strongholds free expansion changed the game more than almost any other major one (sans level-sync in KOTFE perhaps)

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I personally have never really been open to the idea that an expansion necessarily MUST have new playable things to do (story/missions/raids per say)


Well, SWTOR is not a RTS. If you don't add new things to play people grow tired of the game. Just look at the whole 4.0 and most of 5.0 cycles. Nothing new to play so people left.

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