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No Longer Worried About Upcoming Story Updates


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I wish that my smuggler could become independent or something. She hates both factions because they make her life harder. To be honest though, I find it hilarious that Valky could look my smuggler in the eyes, say that she's the most interesting person that he's met in the last 20k years, and not explode from laughter. Honestly, with the way that KotET ended (and KotFE began) there was no way for this all to end well, and no reasonable way for the next expansion to come out without either mocking our achievements, or flat out ignoring the previous expansions. My "Empress" of a smuggler would not take orders from any politician, spy, soldier or whoever. And the fact that imperial toons are gonna have to be submissive in front of a Droid of all things... RIP Sith self respect.
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Gone are the days when I get excited about a BioWare storyline.

My daughter wrote better stories with better characters and better pacing.....(better pretty much everything) when she was 9.


BW used to be the go-to for storytelling. Not any more.


Shame they let the devs write the stories and the writers code the game.

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Gone are the days when I get excited about a BioWare storyline.

My daughter wrote better stories with better characters and better pacing.....(better pretty much everything) when she was 9.


BW used to be the go-to for storytelling. Not any more.


Shame they let the devs write the stories and the writers code the game.


I admit that KotFE and KotET weren't great stories, but since the traitor story arc they have been redeeming themselves. If anything, we should really give them a chance because I really am confident the story of Jedi Under Siege will be really great and engaging :)

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The part I am excited to experience is my agent finally getting even with the empire since she will be a saboteur. She is Chiss and believed in the empire until the episode in her story line and since she has to return to her faction she will take every opportunity she can to undermine them. :D
I need to play through the agent storyline again because I don't remember a thing about it.
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I wish that my smuggler could become independent or something. She hates both factions because they make her life harder. To be honest though, I find it hilarious that Valky could look my smuggler in the eyes, say that she's the most interesting person that he's met in the last 20k years, and not explode from laughter. Honestly, with the way that KotET ended (and KotFE began) there was no way for this all to end well, and no reasonable way for the next expansion to come out without either mocking our achievements, or flat out ignoring the previous expansions. My "Empress" of a smuggler would not take orders from any politician, spy, soldier or whoever. And the fact that imperial toons are gonna have to be submissive in front of a Droid of all things... RIP Sith self respect.
Sorry for the double post, but this right here is one of the main reasons I'm having such a difficult time taking my non-Force users - particularly my smuggler - through KOTFE and KOTET. It just doesn't feel right.


My smuggler HATES Force users from both factions. They're just not her thing. She hated them back in vanilla, and she really started hating them during SOR. But it was during Ziost that she finally had enough of all of them.


Trying to play through a very Force-centric storyline is challenging on this character. If I was being true to who she was, the second Lana thawed her out from the carbonite, my smuggler would have pulled a Koth and taken the first ship she could get her hands on and peaced out.


Lana: "How could you?! I risked everything to rescue you! You're turning your back on the galaxy!"

My Smuggler: "Yeah, thanks for that! Good luck with your rebellion or whatever."


*Engages hyperdrive and disappears.

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I admit that KotFE and KotET weren't great stories, but since the traitor story arc they have been redeeming themselves. If anything, we should really give them a chance because I really am confident the story of Jedi Under Siege will be really great and engaging :)


Really? I thought the writing was just as bad if not worse than kotet.

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Really? I thought the writing was just as bad if not worse than kotet.


Iokath and Umbara were still meh to me as well, but Copero was really the point of redemption if you ask me. Then Nathema was even better, so I am hoping for Jedi Under Siege to top that one :)

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That's the thing, a lot of people are Weak minded and probably didn't have the intelligence to know how to be Emperor while some of us did. Some are so weak minded that they wanted this Empire vs. Republic thing because they are followers and they are not leaders either, and this stupid War gives them the excuse of not having to lead, and not needing to lead. Thing is, also, that we leaders have no need for for some idiot politicians to tell us what to do, or Force zealots for that matter.


So, half of the population likes being mindless, and serving other in a war without using their brains, and not having to think about it. Whereas in KOTET and KOTFE, we actually had to earn our Command, which lazy people don't like, they would rather take orders and fight without taking responsibility. Unfortunately most gaming companies makes those types of games where people never have to really use their brains unless it's for fighting.


I wouldn't want to be in any faction anymore, whether real life or not, in where i have a type of Command over my life. Whether in-game or out.


As being the Alliance Commander, I was not with any stupid Republic or Empire, but a Ne Independent Alliance of all kinds of faction, not a part of any.


I wish I could respond to this the way I would really like to and how it really deserves, but I figured it might be fun just for shiz and giggles to try and impress the hell out of Musco, whom has personally often shared his thoughts with me about how I might express myself in manner strategically more likely not to get be banned again before the end of the week. It should go without saying I would much prefer to be using a litany of 4 letters words.


But I will say this much, Generally speaking I find weakmindedness to be a much more admirable trait than sheer and utter dog-level stupidity that some people demonstraight while lacking any pretense of social graces., while being no Star Wars fan, not referring to any idiot in particular. Just generaly speaking.


I fear I might be one of those people who doesn't want to use my brain except for fighting and quite honestly, I don't even need it for that. People like you referred to tend to get triggered rather easily , for some as easily as by a gust of wind, let alone by unwise and unnecessary provocation borne almost soley by the internets protective nature that no one in particular would likely dare to say face to face.


Just hiering on the side of caution, my response is really just borne out of deep personal concern for you as I feel I would be remise in not cautioning you that sometimes calling people weak-minded and unitelligent as you did blatantly, were it face to face, especially to other men, were they within arms reach of you may result in a response not at all to your cerebral liking. But I have no doubt you would not shrink from doing so even with concerns of a more abrasive response on their part while running away from them.


And while on the subject of my great concern for you , I feel It would also be remise in not cautioning you that you provacitive words were very much against TOS guidelines, and I'd hate it if you were to find that if you tried to report someone in this thread who responded to you that you'd up sharing their same fate. - Given my experiences with TOS violations and with actual first hand knowledge of how they meet out punishments for violations, while I can do 3 month bans standing on my head at this point, you might find the experience as such far more intolerable than I, as I no longer do in any great measure.


You might consider the unprovoced moralityof insulting, Real Star Wars fans in the manner in which you do in a Star Wars role-playing game that likely has a good amount of Real Star Wars fans playing it too, along with those people who actually think Andy Worhol's Art isn't total garbage I mean.


Ya know it's really too bad hypothetically that we can't have a discussion on this topic in person, as I think we'd get along smashingly, as I find your words so very endearing, that in response I simply can't find the words. Nor would I try.


Sorry about that whole Alliance crashing and burning all around you thingy. Generally speaking, of course.


Long live the Empire, Long May She Reign.

Here we Come.:wea_03::wea_03::wea_03::wea_03:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Iokath and Umbara were still meh to me as well, but Copero was really the point of redemption if you ask me. Then Nathema was even better, so I am hoping for Jedi Under Siege to top that one :)


I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Visually the flashpoints were impressive but the story was a complete mess.



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Sadly, I don't think the Alliance is going away. Not just yet anyway. Like it or not, the Alliance was a significant investment of time and effort. A lot of people went through the trouble of recruiting maximum possible alert companions and raising specialist ranks to 20 while hitting all of the Star Fortress and Eternal Championship achievements. I believe we'll at most be allowed to commit our resources in earnest to our home factions but they won't set up a home for us in the pecking order. That might be in the cards for 6.0, but I'm afraid we'll all be Commander Outlander for a few more months yet.


Ohh yeah, the Alliance won't be fully gone, but the storyline in 5.10 will be the segway of Alliance ending in story while bringing the players back into more direct contact with their home factions. It will be in taters of course, it has no power or true authority, it can't enforce anything, it has no military to speak, most of those soldiers who joined the alliance did so to free their home faction from the EE, they are loyal to their home faction, if they weren't they wouldn't have risked their lives to save in the first place and have no reason at all to have any enmity with it. This is a great victory for them and a celebrated thing, they're heros to their home faction, they freed it.


I never stopped being an Imperial, I never stopped being a Dark Lord of the Sith, I never stopped wanting to see the Jedi gone and their Republic burnt to the ground and conqoured by the Empire. When wars end, soldiers go home. Zakuul can burn for all I care, in fact, that's my preference. heh Alliances are always a temporary measure with specific goals and once those goals have been met, the Alliance.


The "Allies" in WW2,didn't stay Allies as they had been after the War as they had been during. They wen't home.

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The "Allies" in WW2,didn't stay Allies as they had been after the War as they had been during. They wen't home.


To be fair the western allies remained allies, it was the 2 great then-emerging superpowers who had been "allies" during the war that turned on each other afterword, resulting in a prolonged cold war that went hot on several occasions (for the history impaired - the US and USSR).


This actually has had influence on swtor story before, as the entire premise of the Treaty of Coruscant was that it resulted in a prolonged cold war that no one thought would last.


On the rest, i agree. My jedi never stopped being a jedi, or being loyal to the republic (well except maybe sareesh or whatever the name is - the ends do not always justify the means). The imperials and republic aligned to deal with a greater threat affecting both of them; that does not make them friends.


As Captain America tells Viper in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episode prisoner of war:

We may be enemies back on earth, but right now we have to work together. I don't like it any better than you, but we have to trust each other. Its the only chance either of us has for getting home.


Later in the episode Viper says:

Understand this: once the skrull threat is over, we will be enemies again.


(Background for non-marvel nerds: this episode involved an alien invasion of earth where a bunch of the heroes and villains had been kidnapped/body snatched by shapeshifting aliens, who took their place in major earthbound organizations (i.e. cap in the avengers)).


Unfortunately, they never intended to get along for any longer than they had to, it was a temporary alliance of necessity afainst a greater threat.


Call it petty or whatever but as soon as their common ground was lost cap and viper were back to being enemies. Much like the imps and pubs have been after each "shared" obstacle (revan/zakuul).


Also, my favorite expansion was SoR so i can do shared storylines. Just not kotfe/et.

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I never stopped being an Imperial, I never stopped being a Dark Lord of the Sith, I never stopped wanting to see the Jedi gone and their Republic burnt to the ground and conqoured by the Empire.

And that’s fine. As long as I’m also allowed to dump the Sith Empire like the hot mess it is.


My inquisitor was never an Imperial at heart. They spent most of their life as a slave of Empire, then spent chapters 1-3 learning it was run by a bunch of psychopaths (while I acted in the least Sith-like way possible) and took the job as Dark Council member because it was the best possible position to protect people from those monsters the story allowed (though if the story had let me I’d have jumped ship right after Thanaton’s first murder attempt).


Then the ONE other member of the Dark Council who wasn’t a complete psychopath got murdered by the Sith Empire’s founder and one-time ruler and I learned from Lana that everything my Inquistor had tried to built was gone while I was locked away in carbonite and they were DONE with the Sith Empire.


I made the Sith Butcher go last when escaping the Eternal Fleet ship in FE Chapter 15 knowing whoever went last was most likely to die (and didn’t consider it a great loss when they did). Koth stuck around, I spared Senya and gave Arcann a life sentence of atonement. I formed the Eternal Alliance. I gladly sided with the Republic on Iokath. I forgave Theron (not that there was much to actually forgive; he was looking out for me the whole time) and reached out to Republic after Nathema.


I’ll tolerate the saboteur option if I have to, but I’d rather jump ship now and just outright save the Jedi. If 6.0 forces me to keep even pretending to support the Sith Empire, I’m done with that character... anything that keeps them in the Sith Empire would be wildly out of character for them. They’d rather just hop in a starship with those still loyal to them and head out into the unknown regions than face that prospect.


Which would be a shame, because especially once they hit the FE/ET content and got to basically behave like a snarky Jedi they became my absolute favorite character of all those I’ve rolled up.

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I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Visually the flashpoints were impressive but the story was a complete mess.




Yeah those stories left a lot of unanswered questions...just a few...


-Who is Valss and why was he helping Theron?

-Why would a Chiss force user even know about The Order, which was just a bunch of butthurt Zakuulans?

-Why would a Chiss force user have anything against the Alliance or the Commander? (Especially if the Commander is a force user?)

-Why was Nathema all Star Trek III with absolutely no explanation other than "Zildrog, lulz"?

-Why couldn't Theron tell us the whole plot again? (Ah, yes...Reasons™)

-What happened to the Fleet ships that weren't posted around Odessen...we know they patrol other points

-Alliance-controlled droid factories (Darvannis)???

-Iokath...we still control that...?


I can keep going... :p

Edited by Dracofish
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I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Visually the flashpoints were impressive but the story was a complete mess.




Which only shows we live in a world where no 2 people will have exactly the same thoughts and opinions will always vary :) but that's good! It stops being acceptable when one deems their opinion better than the other. Or even worse, if they consider themselves better than the other. Not that you're doing that, I am just speaking in general!

Edited by Ylliarus
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I'm happy that we're going back to a "traditional" Star Wars story again as well, and that we're getting two separate faction stories. The next update sounds like it may be interesting.


Oh I completely forget that bit as well which is one of the things that makes me excited the most! The fact we'll be getting 2 seperate storylines similar to Makeb, one Imp and one Rep. That really was something lomg needed back in SWTOR, multiple storylines :)

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Oh I completely forget that bit as well which is one of the things that makes me excited the most! The fact we'll be getting 2 seperate storylines similar to Makeb, one Imp and one Rep. That really was something lomg needed back in SWTOR, multiple storylines :)


I agree

A lot of people hate Makeb but I thought it was very well written.

It wasn't a epic story or anything but it was believable, it flowed well and it made sense.

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:) Two Separate story lines is very good. I think many expected for there to be just the one indicative of S.O.R., the "Zakuul series" and the "Theron Bits" (Small Budget) and now its 2 (RotHC), almost like a luxury :). One question still.." Class Pit Stops" along the way like the Reven expansion (Smug finds Beryl Thorne, Inquisitors the long life question, Knight's help the Rishi citizens, Others per class). This may be a good idea for 6.0 and beyond.


I've thought about that several times throughout the Zakuul stories instances where each class could've shown through giving a bit..of recognition to each player instead of the "ShoeHorn, One Size Fits All" approach. Small events not to upset the *Budget but enough to make the series less sterile and stereo typical.

Ex. Smug during the Vaylin /Vette /Torien scene Instead of just *Standing there listening to V. Ramble on, and on, and on a Quick Draw option (like the Alderaan Duel or Environment Pack button on Odessen). Vaylin starts her "I love me" monologue the new temp. button flashs.. dim, flashs.. dim. Cutting that scene short and catching her offguard (Like I certainly would've) and other events throughout the story wouldn't Alter the story (or maybe a lil) and help the player feel more like "Their Story" and not just a nameless extra standing in line going through the motions.

Edited by MikeCobalt
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I'm happy that we're going back to a "traditional" Star Wars story again as well, and that we're getting two separate faction stories. The next update sounds like it may be interesting.


I think more could be "happy" with going back to the traditional SW story but the problem is bioware. They haven't produced a solid story in years now. Given how they have so hap hazzardly thrown in multiple choose Emp. or Rep - Choose a side already in their extremely weak story that do nothing doesn't bode well either. There is no reason to think they can do any better than the mediocrity they have been doing.


Sadly, so far they have said nothing when it comes to story that I can find interesting. Some of the game changes/additions sure but not story.

Edited by Quraswren
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Lana: "How could you?! I risked everything to rescue you! You're turning your back on the galaxy!"

My Smuggler: "Yeah, thanks for that! Good luck with your rebellion or whatever."


*Engages hyperdrive and disappears.


I lol'd. This would have been awesome. Smugs and BHs should have gotten something like this.


I mean it wouldn't have been difficult for them to have written some kind of explanation why they couldn't do that. Once it's revealed that Valkorion is riding around inside the PC, Lana or someone should have spelled out exactly why it would be a very low percentage move to just take off [i think Valkorion would be pretty pissed], but at least it would give apathetic PCs a chance to say 'screw your alliance' before being railroaded into it anyway.

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Yeah those stories left a lot of unanswered questions...just a few...


-Who is Valss and why was he helping Theron?

-Why would a Chiss force user even know about The Order, which was just a bunch of butthurt Zakuulans?

-Why would a Chiss force user have anything against the Alliance or the Commander? (Especially if the Commander is a force user?)

-Why was Nathema all Star Trek III with absolutely no explanation other than "Zildrog, lulz"?

-Why couldn't Theron tell us the whole plot again? (Ah, yes...Reasons™)

-What happened to the Fleet ships that weren't posted around Odessen...we know they patrol other points

-Alliance-controlled droid factories (Darvannis)???

-Iokath...we still control that...?


I can keep going... :p


^^this. I really wonder if they at least have some theoretical answers. Those questions must have come up during story group meetings. I still don't understand why the Chiss were included in this at all as they offer nothing to the story per se (aside from them being used as a marketing tool and to please many fans; from a non-story perspective it thus makes sense).




No Longer Worried About Upcoming Story Updates


I think it would be prudent to wait until we see how it all really plays out. A mild positive mindset for 5.10 seems ok, but the hype it gets from some people worries me. After all those years and all the experiences with Swtor, players should know better than getting borderline reactions (heavenly joy or deadly sorrow). My advise is to stay cautious and lower your expectations.

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No Longer Worried About Upcoming Story Updates


I think it would be prudent to wait until we see how it all really plays out. A mild positive mindset for 5.10 seems ok, but the hype it gets from some people worries me. After all those years and all the experiences with Swtor, players should know better than getting borderline reactions (heavenly joy or deadly sorrow). My advise is to stay cautious and lower your expectations.


I know, I know, I probably really should climb down a few steps on the ladder of hype but I can't help it! The story they announced just appeals so much to me and everything they said in the livestream was so badly what I wanted to see, so I can't help it xD

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I know, I know, I probably really should climb down a few steps on the ladder of hype but I can't help it! The story they announced just appeals so much to me and everything they said in the livestream was so badly what I wanted to see, so I can't help it xD


I found the script...I wish I didn't now because I spoiled it for me. I think Empire players will be happy though. I won't say anything and hopefully it's been changed or didn't include everything that I read. It sounds good so far.

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I found the script...I wish I didn't now because I spoiled it for me. I think Empire players will be happy though. I won't say anything and hopefully it's been changed or didn't include everything that I read. It sounds good so far.


Oh dear, you're tempting me to go look for it as well. But I will not. I. Will. Not.

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I found the script...I wish I didn't now because I spoiled it for me. I think Empire players will be happy though. I won't say anything and hopefully it's been changed or didn't include everything that I read. It sounds good so far.


Any word on whether existing LIs (already reunited ones) get any new dialogue or is it just some scenes for starting new ones? If you don't know or don't want to say, it's ok. I kind of don't want to be too spoiled this time. Usually I love spoilers.

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