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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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But how did they "overuse" Lana in JUS? She had one short scene to set up the quest, she and Theron have a short scene to send you on her way, and then you never see or hear from her again for the remainder of the chapter. - any more than they should take Theron out of that role, too.


It's simple IF you choose the Republic, she should NOT be setting you up with the SIS! She should NOT be telling you how to act if you're Sabotaging the Imperials, and she should NOT be the only NPC who knows you're a saboteur! They HAVE taken Theron out of his role. And they put Lana in a role she does NOT belong in.


Now, if you Left Theron, or Banished Him, and chose the Empire then SHE should do it.


However, there is NO justification for her keeping the SIS's offers to you, a secret! NONE, ZERO, ZIP NAADAA! That's not loyalty!

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It's simple IF you choose the Republic, she should NOT be setting you up with the SIS! She should NOT be telling you how to act if you're Sabotaging the Imperials, and she should NOT be the only NPC who knows you're a saboteur! They HAVE taken Theron out of his role. And they put Lana in a role she does NOT belong in.


Now, if you Left Theron, or Banished Him, and chose the Empire then SHE should do it.


However, there is NO justification for her keeping the SIS's offers to you, a secret! NONE, ZERO, ZIP NAADAA! That's not loyalty!

Exactly this. She's even shoehorned into your reunion with Nadia.

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It's simple IF you choose the Republic, she should NOT be setting you up with the SIS! She should NOT be telling you how to act if you're Sabotaging the Imperials, and she should NOT be the only NPC who knows you're a saboteur! They HAVE taken Theron out of his role. And they put Lana in a role she does NOT belong in.


Now, if you Left Theron, or Banished Him, and chose the Empire then SHE should do it.


However, there is NO justification for her keeping the SIS's offers to you, a secret! NONE, ZERO, ZIP NAADAA! That's not loyalty!


Not to mention if you still have Theron alive, it makes ZERO sense for anyone other than him to be the one saying they'll put you in contact with their SIS contacts. He and Jonas are canonically friends in the story! The devs published a story featuring the two on their dev blog! Jonas is the one that passed along Theron's info to Havoc Squad and got them to join the Alliance! So why now are they deciding Lana is the one who has Jonas as a contact?


And seriously, why can't we tell anyone other than Lana when we're being a saboteur of either faction? Why is it assumed our characters only trust Lana enough out of ALL our companions and potential LIs to tell her the truth and leave everyone else in the dark? Such blatant shoving of the Star Wars waifu in our face is what's making me sick of Lana and losing sympathy for the people who defend her special favorite status in the game. It's not the character itself--which I like--but the fact everyone else is being thrown out because the writers love Lana the most and only want to write about her.


I have no desire to kill Lana on my toons. I like Lana. However, maybe if Lana DID have a kill/dismiss/leave behind option, then the writers would be forced to come up with actual alternative scenarios. They'd have to actually write, animate, and voice quest-giver lines for multiple companions so that they can account for who you still have left around when plot points happen, so they always have someone who can give you story information and send you on the next quest. Right now they can just give it all to Space Waifu Lana and continue to cheap out of creating additional character options. That's what's frustrating me.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Not to mention if you still have Theron alive, it makes ZERO sense for anyone other than him to be the one saying they'll put you in contact with their SIS contacts. He and Jonas are canonically friends in the story! The devs published a story featuring the two on their dev blog! Jonas is the one that passed along Theron's info to Havoc Squad and got them to join the Alliance! So why now are they deciding Lana is the one who has Jonas as a contact?


And seriously, why can't we tell anyone other than Lana when we're being a saboteur of either faction? Why is it assumed our characters only trust Lana enough out of ALL our companions and potential LIs to tell her the truth and leave everyone else in the dark. Such blatant shoving of the Star Wars waifu in our face is what's making me sick of Lana and losing sympathy for the people who defend her special favorite status in the game. It's not the character itself--which I like--but the fact everyone else is being thrown out because the writers love Lana the most and only want to write about her.


I have no desire to kill Lana on my toons. I like Lana. However, maybe if Lana DID have a kill/dismiss/leave behind option, then the writers would be forced to come up with actual alternative scenarios. They'd have to actually write, animate, and voice quest-giver lines for multiple companions so that they can account for who you still have left around when plot points happen, so they always have someone who can give you story information and send you on the next quest. Right now they can just give it all to Space Waifu Lana and continue to cheap out of creating additional character options. That's what's frustrating me.


Can we stop using the word 'waifu' seeing as this isn't a Japanese anime?


As I understand it (haven't played through a saboteur yet), Lana actually sends an email asking if you want to tell anyone else. The entire saboteur idea is half-baked and puts the PC in the position of lying to their Alliance, and in a lot of cases it isn't even plausible that the old faction would ever trust the PC again.


It's not Lana's fault the devs are putting out unbelievably stupid ideas. I don't think anyone likes this saboteur deal or that Theron is not a part of Republic characters'/Imperial characters plans, regardless of how they feel about Lana.


But in the context of the story, the character is in two scenes. We're to the point where Lana cannot even be in the role that she's been scripted in, as quest giver, without bleating and lowing about it. I honestly think that if they had Lana doing as much as walking in the background in a scene people would have something to say about it.


And also in the context of the scene, Theron shouldn't even be there as far as I'm concerned. He himself says in Nathema that he has to work himself back up to a position of trust, so as far as my characters are concerned, if they let him remain in the Alliance, he'd be cleaning toilets somewhere and certainly would not be in the war room making decisions with me. And I wouldn't be confiding in him with so much as my grocery list.


Whatever, though. We get it, Lana breathes in a scene and OH NOES WHHYYYYY IT'S NOT THERON NOOOOO.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Can we stop using the word 'waifu' seeing as this isn't a Japanese anime?


As I understand it (haven't played through a saboteur yet), Lana actually sends an email asking if you want to tell anyone else. The entire saboteur idea is half-baked and puts the PC in the position of lying to their Alliance, and in a lot of cases it isn't even plausible that the old faction would ever trust the PC again.


It's not Lana's fault the devs are putting out unbelievably stupid ideas. I don't think anyone likes this saboteur deal or that Theron is not a part of Republic characters'/Imperial characters plans, regardless of how they feel about Lana.


But in the context of the story, the character is in two scenes. We're to the point where Lana cannot even be in the role that she's been scripted in, as quest giver, without bleating and lowing about it. I honestly think that if they had Lana doing as much as walking in the background in a scene people would have something to say about it.


And also in the context of the scene, Theron shouldn't even be there as far as I'm concerned. He himself says in Nathema that he has to work himself back up to a position of trust, so as far as my characters are concerned, if they let him remain in the Alliance, he'd be cleaning toilets somewhere and certainly would not be in the war room making decisions with me.


Whatever, though. We get it, Lana breathes in a scene and OH NOES WHHYYYYY IT'S NOT THERON NOOOOO.


Once again you ignore my points in favor of defending Space Waifu Lana from anything that isn't 100% praise. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that I like Lana and I'm only getting sick of the character because of how she's always shoved in our faces regardless of our choices even when it makes no sense--like putting us in touch with Jonas when Theron is still alive AND is canonically his friend in our story--before you'll actually listen. Nowhere in my post did I say I hated Lana just for existing and being in the scenes at all, as you like to paint everyone who is critical of Space Waifu Lana in any way. I get it, she can do no wrong in your eyes, but the rest of us would like our choices to actually matter as the devs originally promised. We'd like our story to actually make sense from a continuity and lore standpoint too.


P.S. You think Theron shouldn't be doing anything but scrubbing toilets for the Alliance, and therefore you declare it doesn't make sense for anyone else to want to trust him again so he shouldn't be an option for the forest scene? Talk about trying to force your choices and opinions on everyone else.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Yet Vette and Torian never did anything that deserved to be killed off...

Yet Ashara would've deserved one on really DS SI, rather than said Si just letting her walk away...


Koth got one for disagreeing with a DS character killing civilians...

Theron got one for trying to help the Alliance (and it could've been much worse if he did not do anything as Odessen and the Alliance would've been turned to dust)...

Kaliyo and Jorgan got one for eventually disobeying 1 order...


So, what you're saying is you think all those were mistakes, yet you want them to keep repeating mistakes?


That sounds...odd.

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Once again you ignore my points in favor of defending Space Waifu Lana from anything that isn't 100% praise. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that I like Lana and I'm only getting sick of the character because of how she's always shoved in our faces regardless of our choices even when it makes no sense--like putting us in touch with Jonas when Theron is still alive AND is canonically his friend in our story--before you'll actually listen. Nowhere in my post did I say I hated Lana just for existing and being in the scenes at all, as you like to paint everyone who is critical of Space Waifu Lana in any way. I get it, she can do no wrong in your eyes, but the rest of us would like our choices to actually matter as the devs originally promised. We'd like our story to actually make sense from a continuity and lore standpoint too.


You clearly didn't read a word I said. I said that the saboteur idea and not having Theron there is half-baked, but feel free to ignore that. And feel free to continue using pejorative and inappropriate terms like 'waifu' and ignore anything that doesn't suit the narrative you've constructed.


P.S. You think Theron shouldn't be doing anything but scrubbing toilets for the Alliance, and therefore you declare it doesn't make sense for anyone else to want to trust him again so he shouldn't be an option for the forest scene? Talk about trying to force your choices and opinions on everyone else.


I said for MY characters it wouldn't make sense, and they would tell him nothing regardless of who they sided with. MY. And I mentioned the war room, not the forest. It would help to read.

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Once again you ignore my points in favor of defending Space Waifu Lana from anything that isn't 100% praise. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that I like Lana and I'm only getting sick of the character because of how she's always shoved in our faces regardless of our choices even when it makes no sense--like putting us in touch with Jonas when Theron is still alive AND is canonically his friend in our story--before you'll actually listen. Nowhere in my post did I say I hated Lana just for existing and being in the scenes at all, as you like to paint ...We'd like our story to actually make sense from a continuity and lore standpoint too.


P.S. You think Theron shouldn't be doing anything but scrubbing toilets for the Alliance, and therefore you declare it doesn't make sense for anyone else to want to trust him again so he shouldn't be an option for the forest scene? Talk about trying to force your choices and opinions on everyone else.


Yeah but we're evil if we actually choose different things. Because we're insensitive bigots who just want to KILL everyone.😠

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You clearly didn't read a word I said. I said that the saboteur idea and not having Theron there is half-baked, but feel free to ignore that. And feel free to continue using pejorative and inappropriate terms like 'waifu' and ignore anything that doesn't suit the narrative you've constructed.


The narrative I've constructed? Every time anyone posts any critique of Space Waifu Lana at all, you either paint them as murderous edgelords who want to kill all toons, or accuse them of being mad at Space Waifu Lana for just existing and that everyone's being unfair and mean to Space Waifu Lana for no good reason.


All I literally said in the post you responded to was that it made no sense 1) that she'd put you in touch with Jonas if Theron is still alive because Jonas and Theron are friends, and 2) that she's the only one we're allowed within the game to tell about being a saboteur of either faction. I even repeated TWICE that I liked Space Waifu Lana, and also said I had no desire to kill off Space Waifu Lana on any of my toons.


And yet you immediately went off about how "OMG you guys are just mad at Lana for existing!" in response to that post. Let me remind you of exactly what you said:


But in the context of the story, the character is in two scenes. We're to the point where Lana cannot even be in the role that she's been scripted in, as quest giver, without bleating and lowing about it. I honestly think that if they had Lana doing as much as walking in the background in a scene people would have something to say about it.




Whatever, though. We get it, Lana breathes in a scene and OH NOES WHHYYYYY IT'S NOT THERON NOOOOO.



You really shouldn't be accusing anyone else of pushing a biased agenda when your own is so blatantly clear. You also shouldn't paint all people who disagree with you as unreasonable and unable to make happy when you immediately fly off the handle when anyone criticizes a fictional character you like or praises a fictional character you don't like.

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On Kaliyo it would depend on the character doing it. The only character I killed her on was my agent but my agent had enough dealings with Kaliyo that this was her last chance.


Though, if you had reversed the order you sent them in on the mission, the Agent wouldn't have had to kill her, so wouldn't that mistake be on the Agent?

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My only complaint with the start of Jedi Under Siege is that Theron and Lana were -both- your counterparts from the start. They -both- should have been in the initial scene...and they -both- should have had a conversation with the Commander about their next steps. Ya know, an actual discord between all three of them. Because it was a team effort. But nope. Theron is poof. "Be good...kbye..." Yeah, that's all you get from him. Not like...actual conversation about the future state of the Alliance he helped build.


So while I agree that Lana did have a place there in that scene...it was absolute crap-to-the-max that Theron didn't. Because of a kill option that should have never been there.

Edited by Dracofish
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My only complaint with the start of Jedi Under Siege is that Theron and Lana were -both- your counterparts from the start. They -both- should have been in the initial scene...and they -both- should have had a conversation with the Commander about their next steps. Ya know, an actual discord between all three of them. Because it was a team effort. But nope. Theron is poof. "Be good...kbye..." Yeah, that's all you get from him. Not like...actual conversation about the future state of the Alliance he helped build.


So while I agree that Lana did have a place there in that scene...it was absolute crap-to-the-max that Theron didn't. Because of a kill option that should have never been there.


While I still believe, no to a kill or get rid of Lana option and think those who want such an option just because it was given to one of their favorites is them being hypocritical blah-blahs, because they even go on to say, "This happens to characters with such an option!"


Why deliver that suck on to someone else? What sort of thinking is that?


Besides that though, agreed, where is Theron for those who kept him around?

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Not for the first time, this has become rather heated. I understand people being frustrated. However, if I may say so, I think most of the frustration comes from not being able to express these feelings to the people actually responsible for these writing choices (whether that's ultimately the writers or various people above them).


We fans may not see eye to eye on everything, especially in terms of characters we like or dislike, but I don't think it's really fair to blame each other for the actual situation we're in character-wise. We simply don't know the exact extent to which story choices are influenced by the wishes fans express. I'd honestly actually be surprised if input here and in various other communities was that significant. A place like this simply has too much self-selection bias to be broadly representative of the playerbase as a whole. Bioware probably draw their impressions about what fans want from a large variety of sources, including data only they can gather based on usage patterns. And even then I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the time even fan "input" of that kind wasn't their primary guide.


So, while I realise this may be seen as presumptuous and simply annoy some people even more, I would ask that people try to be understanding of each other. None of us has asked to be in this situation, where either our favorite characters receive little-to-zero content or we're afraid of them being moved into that category. Ultimately we're really all in this together.

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While I still believe, no to a kill or get rid of Lana option and think those who want such an option just because it was given to one of their favorites is them being hypocritical blah-blahs, because they even go on to say, "This happens to characters with such an option!"


Why deliver that suck on to someone else? What sort of thinking is that?


Besides that though, agreed, where is Theron for those who kept him around?


I have never stated anywhere, nor do I feel that Lana should have a kill option. I'm strictly in the camp that -no- romanceable character should have a kill/exile option. Don't make them romanceable if they need to have one.


Am I sick of her being at the forefront of everything? Yes. Would my characters like to get more facetime with their own significant others? Yes. Do I think what they've done with pushing Lana to the forefront because she's the only one without a kill-button is fair? No. Does that mean she should be killed? No.

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I have never stated anywhere, nor do I feel that Lana should have a kill option. I'm strictly in the camp that -no- romanceable character should have a kill/exile option. Don't make them romanceable if they need to have one.


Am I sick of her being at the forefront of everything? Yes. Would my characters like to get more facetime with their own significant others? Yes. Do I think what they've done with pushing Lana to the forefront because she's the only one without a kill-button is fair? No. Does that mean she should be killed? No.


😉 here's how much I hate killing options I hate Kaliyo, Vic, and Skadge so much more than Lana but I will never kill them. Broomark forces you, and I always choose Vette. So B and Torian are my only dead comps!I

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But how did they "overuse" Lana in JUS? She had one short scene to set up the quest, she and Theron have a short scene to send you on her way, and then you never see or hear from her again for the remainder of the chapter. There isn't even a debrief at the end.


I feel like we're getting to the point where Lana's not allowed to say or do anything, even set up the mission as the Alliance quest giver.


And yes, I do feel like if they used someone else people would whine just as much eventually.




And this is why I hope they will not stop using Lana to set up the scenes, even if she's not in the main action anymore. She's a main character in the game, like it or not, and it's become her role to function as the primary Alliance quest giver, and they shouldn't pull her out of that role because some people don't like talking to her - any more than they should take Theron out of that role, too.


By giving Lana scenes that by all logic should go to other characters they are overusing her. It's as simple as that. She should not have been the one to contact the SIS and she should not have been the only one to have the romantic walk.


Lana is not a main character. The story was never about her. She is a supporting character. There is no reason she needs to be THE Alliance quest giver. There should be a variety of people giving us quests, not just one.

For a massive alliance, it sure just feels like it's the PC and Doloris Claiborne.

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Love your repeated use of a racist, pejorative term. Go you!


I edited the post because i'd cooled down a little, and then edited it back because it had already been quoted. There isn't too much of a difference.


Here's the major difference between this and Doc: I"m not asking for Doc to be removed or have a lesser role for me. I'm just not playing the content. If you can't stand the main characters in a game that much that you need to constantly complain that they show up, DON'T PLAY IT. It's simple. Don't ask them to cut someone out of the game because YOU don't want them there.


And considering that Doc's behavior IS noted as inappropriate WITHIN THE GAME and Lana's is not, yeah, there's a difference.


I been quiet while some people like you classify Doc's behavior as inappropriate but you failed to pay attention that quite a few of us don't find it inappropriate, for us he is just flirting but you haven't even did the story on the republic side to see that he doesn't even flirt (unless you have a romance with him). Just him sharing the scene is a big deal to you but he doesn't even flirt with you at all. Oh yea he makes a comment that he is the best doctor and a handsome one, where there is 3 choices you can say but yet it is a big deal for you but yet you can't understand why people don't want Lana to share the scene anymore. So as far as your comment about him being inappropriate has to be due to the way you see it and not everyone sees it that way.


You want people to not say anything about your favorite companion (and most of us don't want her dead) but yet you are allowed to make comments about other companions. That is not the way it works. I don't care if you like the same companion I do, which I can almost guarantee you won't but I do expect the same respect you seem to want for yours which you haven't shown.

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By giving Lana scenes that by all logic should go to other characters they are overusing her. It's as simple as that. She should not have been the one to contact the SIS and she should not have been the only one to have the romantic walk.


Lana is not a main character. The story was never about her. She is a supporting character. There is no reason she needs to be THE Alliance quest giver. There should be a variety of people giving us quests, not just one.

For a massive alliance, it sure just feels like it's the PC and Doloris Claiborne.


But all of that is the by-product of the kill options people have pushed so hard for, as well as the stupidity of the traitor arc and the saboteur angle. Theron might have made more sense for the SIS stuff and some PC's stories, but there are also characters like mine who would not be putting him in a position of trust again because of what he did with the Order of Zildrog.


I wish they'd put Theron in the walk for those who had romanced him simply because it would stop some of the complaining, and also given Koth a scene there because he's not been seen in a thousand years, but the devs have already demonstrated that they aren't thinking of these things.


And yes, we should have different quest givers, but again, we're reaping what has been sown with all the kill options and we're down to a skeleton crew. If they hadn't killed off Jorgan he could have been a contact for troopers; Torian could have been the contact for the BHs, we'd have some Zakuulan liasons in Senya and Koth, etc. But no, they had to kill everyone, and then with this year's reunions, narrow the focus more by making those characters class-specific.


Other than Lana and Theron, all we've got left in the Alliance for everyone are Gault and T7 (who aren't going to be in the know). The specialists? Well, we've got a Voss mystic who isn't going to know about either faction, Oggurobb who just wants to create things, an underworld expert and Bey'wan, who might be great for Republic characters but probably isn't about to help Imperials attack his faction and isn't going to be impressed by Republic saboteurs either. And if Bey'wan were the contact instead of Theron I think that would make people angry too.


But all of that is the problem of the writing, and if Lana's in more scenes at this point it's because they literally don't have anyone else left or anyone they're thinking outside the box to script into the scenes.

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I been quiet while some people like you classify Doc's behavior as inappropriate but you failed to pay attention that quite a few of us don't find it inappropriate, for us he is just flirting but you haven't even did the story on the republic side to see that he doesn't even flirt (unless you have a romance with him). Just him sharing the scene is a big deal to you but he doesn't even flirt with you at all. Oh yea he makes a comment that he is the best doctor and a handsome one, where there is 3 choices you can say but yet it is a big deal for you but yet you can't understand why people don't want Lana to share the scene anymore. So as far as your comment about him being inappropriate has to be due to the way you see it and not everyone sees it that way.


You want people to not say anything about your favorite companion (and most of us don't want her dead) but yet you are allowed to make comments about other companions. That is not the way it works. I don't care if you like the same companion I do, which I can almost guarantee you won't but I do expect the same respect you seem to want for yours which you haven't shown.


Which is fine. Again, I've never asked for Doc to be removed, I just stay away from his content.


I don't care if people hate Lana as long as they're not asking for her to be removed or minimized because they don't like her.

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But all of that is the by-product of the kill options people have pushed so hard for, as well as the stupidity of the traitor arc and the saboteur angle. Theron might have made more sense for the SIS stuff and some PC's stories, but there are also characters like mine who would not be putting him in a position of trust again because of what he did with the Order of Zildrog.


I wish they'd put Theron in the walk for those who had romanced him simply because it would stop some of the complaining, and also given Koth a scene there because he's not been seen in a thousand years, but the devs have already demonstrated that they aren't thinking of these things.


And yes, we should have different quest givers, but again, we're reaping what has been sown with all the kill options and we're down to a skeleton crew. If they hadn't killed off Jorgan he could have been a contact for troopers; Torian could have been the contact for the BHs, we'd have some Zakuulan liasons in Senya and Koth, etc. But no, they had to kill everyone, and then with this year's reunions, narrow the focus more by making those characters class-specific.


Other than Lana and Theron, all we've got left in the Alliance for everyone are Gault and T7 (who aren't going to be in the know). The specialists? Well, we've got a Voss mystic who isn't going to know about either faction, Oggurobb who just wants to create things, an underworld expert and Bey'wan, who might be great for Republic characters but probably isn't about to help Imperials attack his faction and isn't going to be impressed by Republic saboteurs either. And if Bey'wan were the contact instead of Theron I think that would make people angry too.


But all of that is the problem of the writing, and if Lana's in more scenes at this point it's because they literally don't have anyone else left or anyone they're thinking outside the box to script into the scenes.


It does't matter why they are overusing her, they are overusing her.


And please, stop blaming other players for the bad writing. It was ultimately the writers choice who to kill or not to kill. They are in control of the story. If a scene doesn't make sense with the characters they have to work with, then they can write the scene differently. This isn't a history book they are writing after all! Nothing is set in stone and has to happen a certain way.

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It does't matter why they are overusing her, they are overusing her.


And please, stop blaming other players for the bad writing. It was ultimately the writers choice who to kill or not to kill. They are in control of the story. If a scene doesn't make sense with the characters they have to work with, then they can write the scene differently. This isn't a history book they are writing after all! Nothing is set in stone and has to happen a certain way.


It's not the players' fault that the devs make bad decisions, and I know there are plenty of players who have not wanted kill options - but IMHO the ones who pushed for character after character to be killed off did have a hand in us getting where we are now. Koth and Quinn's kill options both seemed to be fan service, for instance.

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Nobody should get a "Kill Option" especially the L.I.'s. Any LI that annoys one person is Special to somebody else.

Adding the Kill Option to any comp. (LI's included) is story death for *Everybody *Else; they may still be there but they're as silent and as ineffectual as Napoleon is today. Theron Might have a part to play later on, Arcann aswell but the others it seems are simply gone whether their figure remains or not.


This is all a Giant mess of Conflicting drives, priorities, customer desires, money and studio restrictions and marketing considerations, all from a story left turn that didn't think beyond the stories own conclusion (even if it played out entirely). BW cant possibly Fund every companion (Including the L.I.'s) as it already was and even now they're adding even more New characters instead or working with what/ who they already had (Shoestring budget just got even thinner).


With the new characters the Companions just got pushed back on the burner even farther then before when all of this "Where's my Companions" started years ago. Theron and Arcann *May get a part and as BW keeps adding more New Characters Lana also will be pushed back at worst, dead, at best recurring but limited roles.

*Big Mess that keeps getting bigger.

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The issue with the attempt at comparing Doc and Lana is that it is not comparable in this current situation, for those who don't want to interact with Lana their only option is to not play the game -at all- they can't just not play a faction or just not play a class (as you can't choose your class companions either so this is an issue since the game's release) since she's there for everyone for everything since SoR.


edit: and giving more companions, more characters to get to know etc is making it worse for the class companions who will get less then their almost nothing as it is. Back when kotfe was first released I was adamant they would never give an LI character a kill option, or even a leave option (because exact same result for future content) but they disappointed me 350% with that very first one. The game hasn't been the same since, nor has what used to be a friendly atmosphere over companions. Since then, it has only been worry, frustration and people attacking each other.

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I have no real issue with Lana the character as such, just the way she's being used.


For one thing, why is she keeping the fact the SIS was interested in working with us a secret? That's not her decision to make, she should have passed that information onto us and let us decide. Then there's the fact we're pretty much forced to tell her we're defecting and only her. She may mention in the mail about us telling other people but we don't get the choice. Why can't we tell Theron? Because us keeping secrets from each other has never ended badly before. :rolleyes:


I also have characters who would never trust Lana with the news they were defecting. Like nope, nadda, not gonna happen and yet it's forced on us to do so.


Combine that with the fact she gets the romantic scenic scene, the looking concerned for a love interest where we're told we have to go to Ossus alone (I can't remember Theron looking this worried) and THEN she gets yet another kiss on top of it I can see why some people are pretty annoyed, especially when Theron got a wonky hug and other romances got nothing at all.


Some of these issues boil down to the devs painting Lana into this scene and only Lana but it still annoys me in ways and I'm still annoyed some of my characters, especially my few Imp's who want to burn the Empire to the ground are being forced to tell Lana they're defecting. Like the Jonas set up could have been done a different way entirely and either Theron could have put us in contact instead, or someone else could so Lana is also in the dark about our deception along with everyone else in the Alliance. :confused:

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But all of that is the by-product of the kill options people have pushed so hard for, as well as the stupidity of the traitor arc and the saboteur angle. Theron might have made more sense for the SIS stuff and some PC's stories, but there are also characters like mine who would not be putting him in a position of trust again because of what he did with the Order of Zildrog.


I wish they'd put Theron in the walk for those who had romanced him simply because it would stop some of the complaining, and also given Koth a scene there because he's not been seen in a thousand years, but the devs have already demonstrated that they aren't thinking of these things.


And yes, we should have different quest givers, but again, we're reaping what has been sown with all the kill options and we're down to a skeleton crew. If they hadn't killed off Jorgan he could have been a contact for troopers; Torian could have been the contact for the BHs, we'd have some Zakuulan liasons in Senya and Koth, etc. But no, they had to kill everyone, and then with this year's reunions, narrow the focus more by making those characters class-specific.


Other than Lana and Theron, all we've got left in the Alliance for everyone are Gault and T7 (who aren't going to be in the know). The specialists? Well, we've got a Voss mystic who isn't going to know about either faction, Oggurobb who just wants to create things, an underworld expert and Bey'wan, who might be great for Republic characters but probably isn't about to help Imperials attack his faction and isn't going to be impressed by Republic saboteurs either. And if Bey'wan were the contact instead of Theron I think that would make people angry too.


But all of that is the problem of the writing, and if Lana's in more scenes at this point it's because they literally don't have anyone else left or anyone they're thinking outside the box to script into the scenes.


Exactly right.

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