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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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So my agent basically has to go back to being a double agent even though I want her to be openly republic? That sucks was hoping at least for an option!

Sadly yes :( it sucks for Agents who have been working for the Republic all along and I really hate it on my LS sith inquisitor who is my favorite character. Like the empire literally owned him as a slave, treated him like crap, forced him to become sith and still treated him like a slave and a tool/weapon, everyone in the Empire seems to be scheming against and trying to kill each other, etc...he cut ties with the Empire the first chance he got and is engaged to a known Republic agent but now is forced to go back to the Empire. The Empire shouldn't even trust him or take him back since he's been openly working against them and as far as they know he killed their Empress. The Twi'lek soldier is even like "you're not going to kill us like you killed Acina right? Just making sure you're not working for the Republic" but that's as far as any questioning goes. She takes whatever answer you give as gospel truth and nobody else suspects you at all.


I meant more in terms of potential companion loses...just going on the letters I've seen drop into my mailbox. Because nobody in the Alliance knows...you piss off one set of companions now...and then when it's revealed that your a saboteur, you piss off the other set.




They've said that there are certain choices that could potentially end a romance...so I'm thinking that's one of them, but who knows.

OMG I didn't think of that but you may be right D: BioWare: "hey, we heard you don't like the companions becoming lifeless bricks so we'll just make them all leave you in letters so you don't complain!" :D


This is all sadly disappointing. Although in the grand scheme of things that farm data is actually pretty important it really doesn't seem like it at the time.


What I find most disturbing though is that you actually have to kill troops. I wouldn't mind so much killing droids (ones that have no sentience/personality) but killing actual people is a bit much to maintain a cover.


I was also hoping for a reveal at the end of the Jedi Under Siege story, like an "Ah hah!" moment where it comes out that you're actually supporting the other side. Although tbh the story probably won't lock you into a faction until (if) the expansion comes out.

The data is important but it's not something you had to be undercover to protect. The much better method if this were a story that made sense would be to have you work openly for the Republic, not kill any troops or jedi who are on your side, go to the station holding the data and download it for the Republic then destroy it, killing any Imperial forces along the way. As it stands it's like "hey, the guy who is on our side was forced to kill like 50 jedi because they don't know he's on our side, all this for some data we should have been able to protect ourselves and definitely would have been able to if we had the commander do that instead of pretending to be loyal to the Empire." A mission that would make sense for a saboteur is getting into the heart of enemy territory through pretending to be loyal and sabotaging all operations, blowing up the enemy base, killing enemy leaders, etc...We don't even seem to be forwarding information to the Republic about imperial movements or strategy.


I really hope we do get that "ah-ha!" reveal moment in the future and that this little story part is the beginning of an actual expansion rather than something like the disjointed, few and far between "traitor" stuff from last year.


There were some nice moments but overall I'm not impressed. I really hope there's a LOT more substance and chapters to be added similar to KotFE and KotET but until I know we're not going to be waiting like 6 months between each short, barely connected flashpoint again then I have no reason to renew my sub which ends soon.

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So as it was Lana's idea to side with the Empire or Republic. Can I kill her if this whole thing goes wrong?


No because our characters can't be on the wrong side. Although now that we're back with Empire vs. Republic it'll be an endless unwinnable battle between them that will carry on throughout eternity with no side ever winning or losing.

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That's how this whole choices thing goes for those of the Empire who side with the Republic?


BW dropped the ball again? Only, even worse?


Yes and yes. When you "go undercover" you kill a ton of republic forces, cooperate in hindering the Republic and destroying their farms, help the Empire's objectives, and

capture or kill master Gnost-Dural

who is vital to the jedi rebuilding

and you're right there with Darth Malora and Darth Malgus and you don't kill either of them despite getting a chance alone with them, instead you help them

and all so you can sabotage 3 imperial shuttles (which is an optional bonus objective) and keep the empire from getting some agricultural data which could be done by working out in the open for the Republic. In what world is that an ideal or even acceptable trade off?

Edited by Nefla
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I wish. This whole spy nonsense is a bad idea from the jump. gosh darn Lana stop being so incompetent.


Lana asks who you want to support and gets you in touch. And she warns you to think about what being a saboteur might mean. It's the PC's choice to go through with it.


And it's not Lana's fault that a) everyone bloodthirsty for kill choices has meant there's nobody else alive for all that could be an advisor to the PC about this; b) the devs went with this half-baked idea.

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I was planning on completely ignoring Doc's AA and thus avoiding him, but for me, having Doc in the main story even for that small segment means I literally cannot play a Republic character through. I just can't handle him again. He's too triggery and too much of a reminder of bad past experiences for me.


So I am hoping that there will be a way to skip 5.10 and I am very disappointed that my Consular will never get her Nadia romance, but I just can't be upset that way playing the game.


And that's the problem with Doc right there. He's very triggering for people who have suffered real-life trauma. Those who keep defending him as "cute" or "funny" may want to have a think about that.

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And that's the problem with Doc right there. He's very triggering for people who have suffered real-life trauma. Those who keep defending him as "cute" or "funny" may want to have a think about that.


I'm not going to air my life history on this forum, but it is extremely patronizing and insulting for you to play pop psychologist on the forum.


Some of us have, in fact, experienced varying degrees of trauma and are still quite capable of separating real life from a video game. So, I do I find him cute and funny. Yet somehow, that means I haven't experienced certain things. :rolleyes:


You don't like Doc? Don't romance him. Pretty simple.



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And that's the problem with Doc right there. He's very triggering for people who have suffered real-life trauma. Those who keep defending him as "cute" or "funny" may want to have a think about that.


No. I have had that real life trauma and I think he's part hilarious, part cringe-worthy. He's not real. if a real life man or woman acted like that to me I'd have a serious issue with it, but he's not. He's just some character in a video game I find half cringey, half hilarious and there is nothing at all wrong with that. Just as it isn't wrong for someone to detest him immensely.

Edited by Asmodesu
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And that's the problem with Doc right there. He's very triggering for people who have suffered real-life trauma. Those who keep defending him as "cute" or "funny" may want to have a think about that.


You know what I find triggering? People who try to claim they know me or the life I've lived simply based on the fact I don't fall to pieces in real life when a character in a video game hits on my protagonist. Especially when they do so in a way that insinuates I don't care about people who have gone through any kind of trauma AND that I haven't gone through any type of real trauma myself. That's both personally insulting and a form of gaslighting. The fact I can keep real life and video games separate does not make me a horrible callous person; it makes me capable of functioning as a competent adult in the real world. Keep your unqualified psychoanalysis to yourself, please and thank you. You don't know what trauma I've gone through, so you can shove your assumptions down the nearest hole.


I'm not going to air my life history on this forum, but it is extremely patronizing and insulting for you to play pop psychologist on the forum.


Some of us have, in fact, experienced varying degrees of trauma and are still quite capable of separating real life from a video game. So, I do I find him cute and funny. Yet somehow, that means I haven't experienced certain things. :rolleyes:


You don't like Doc? Don't romance him. Pretty simple.




No. I have had that real life trauma and I think he's part hilarious, part cringe-worthy. He's not real. if a real life man or woman acted like that to me I'd have a serious issue with it, but he's not. He's just some character in a video game I find half cringey, half hilarious and there is nothing at all wrong with that. Just as it isn't wrong for someone to detest him immensely.


+1 again.

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It's not about "keeping real life and a video game separate." Please stop acting like those who have serious issues with Doc are out of touch with reality.


A trigger is a trigger is a trigger. It doesn't have to be logical. For some people it's fireworks; for others it's certain smells or people with certain mannerisms, and it doesn't matter if it's found in real life or fiction.


I didn't say that anyone should hate Doc and unlike others, I've never asked for him to be removed from content or killed off to accommodate me. I've simply said I can't play content with him in it, and I am thus disappointed that I'll have to miss that side of 5.10 and the Nadia romance.


I do have an issue with how the game acts like his flirting is supposed to be amusing regardless of how many times he ignores a no, but that's the fault of the writing and not fans.


And having said that, I'm not going to judge anyone's RL trauma by the way they react to Doc; I just wish there was respect that not everyone finds him harmless.

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It's not about "keeping real life and a video game separate." Please stop acting like those who have serious issues with Doc are out of touch with reality.


A trigger is a trigger is a trigger. It doesn't have to be logical. For some people it's fireworks; for others it's certain smells or people with certain mannerisms, and it doesn't matter if it's found in real life or fiction.


I didn't say that anyone should hate Doc and unlike others, I've never asked for him to be removed from content or killed off to accommodate me. I've simply said I can't play content with him in it, and I am thus disappointed that I'll have to miss that side of 5.10 and the Nadia romance.


I do have an issue with how the game acts like his flirting is supposed to be amusing regardless of how many times he ignores a no, but that's the fault of the writing and not fans.


And having said that, I'm not going to judge anyone's RL trauma by the way they react to Doc; I just wish there was respect that not everyone finds him harmless.


Doc doesn't hit on your character in 5.10. At all. He compliments his own work but that's it. There's nothing much in his demeanour in the new update that should be bothersome to anyone, unless you have issues with someone giving themselves a pat on the back for a job well done and spurting off a bunch of medical jargon. Your more likely to have an issue with Jonas then Doc.

Edited by Suzsi
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Doc doesn't hit on your character in 5.10. At all. He compliments his own work but that's it. There's nothing much in his demeanour in the new update that should be bothersome to anyone, unless you have issues with someone giving themselves a pat on the back for a job well done and spurting off a bunch of medical jargon


As I said, triggers aren't logical. I can't interact with that character again. I don't care what he's doing or saying.

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As I said, triggers aren't logical. I can't interact with that character again. I don't care what he's doing or saying.


They aren't but the best way to face them and the panic thst follows is head on, allowing it to happen then reminding yourself after that you are still here and that you got through it, the same as any other time of being triggered. Avoidance doesn't actually help, infact the opposite is true. Usually in small steps first up, one at a time until it no longer triggers at all.



(Anxiety and panic disorder with agorophobia, 2+yrs counseling and 1 relapse).

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I do have an issue with how the game acts like his flirting is supposed to be amusing regardless of how many times he ignores a no, but that's the fault of the writing and not fans.

Sadly the game assumes a lot of things who does not necessarily reflect how our own characters or ouselves would react to these NPCs.


They seem to assume every character would be fine with Doc, or should be perfectly fine with Ashara during her return, or that every character should love Lana.

Just look at the 2 very lovely romance scenes she gets in 5.10, now look at Theron who get 1 hug that absolutely looked like a farewell to me, like he'd not come back, and now look at what all the other LI get, which is absolutely nothing. It looks so much like every character should be romancing Lana at this point, it's clearly disapointing.

It's not Lana's or her fan's fault, but the way she's handled here, these 2 scenes are really great for characters romancing Lana and players who absolutely love her, but for all the others, it leaves a bit of a bitter taste. :(

Edited by Goreshaga
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I'm just overjoyed we got these companions returning in the story this time, not just one hated alliance alert. surprising, but Bioware actually listened to a lot of companion fans finally. I personally hope it continues as this was a huge improvement in general.

Now I just need more than 2 lines from Theron at some point.. or more than nothing for my others but I'm okay with letting the rest return in a far better fashion than Iresso or Andronikos did (examples).

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They aren't but the best way to face them and the panic thst follows is head on, allowing it to happen then reminding yourself after that you are still here and that you got through it, the same as any other time of being triggered. Avoidance doesn't actually help, infact the opposite is true. Usually in small steps first up, one at a time until it no longer triggers at all.



(Anxiety and panic disorder with agorophobia, 2+yrs counseling and 1 relapse).


Thanks, but I have my own care team and am not interested in unsolicited advice. My team knows what works best for me, personally. Wishing you the best with your own challenges, though.

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Sadly the game assumes a lot of things who does not necessarily reflect how our own characters or ouselves would react to these NPCs.


They seem to assume every character would be fine with Doc, or should be perfectly fine with Ashara during her return, or that every character should love Lana.

Just look at the 2 very lovely romance scenes she gets in 5.10, now look at Theron who get 1 hug that absolutely looked like a farewell to me, like he'd not come back, and now look at what all the other LI get, which is absolutely nothing. It looks so much like every character should be romancing Lana at this point, it's clearly disapointing.

It's not Lana's or her fan's fault, but the way she's handled here, these 2 scenes are really great for characters romancing Lana and players who absolutely love her, but for all the others, it leaves a bit of a bitter taste. :(


Theron got a kiss on Umbara and Lana didn't. Theron was the hero of that story arc and Lana was written to look foolish and vindictive. Theron's proposal was in a beautiful field; Lana's was in the ugly military hangar. We could find a lot of inequalities.


I don't think what they're doing with the LIs is right, and I think all of you should be getting more, but I wish people could be happy for once that Lana fans got something beautiful.


What makes Doc's case different IMHO is that the PC was given several opportunities to tell him to stop, several of the other JK companions commented on him being inappropriate, and yet the writers just thought it was amusing to let it continue.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Theron got a kiss on Umbara and Lana didn't. Theron was the hero of that story arc and Lana was written to look foolish and vindictive. Theron's proposal was in a beautiful field; Lana's was in the ugly military hangar. We could find a lot of inequalities.


I don't think what they're doing with the LIs is right, and I think all of you should be getting more, but I wish people could be happy for once that Lana fans got something beautiful.


That's like saying someone who's starving should just be happy for someone else who has always been well fed because a friend of the well fed person took them out to an expensive dinner and they were able to eat so much they could barely walk afterwards.


Lana has been shoved in the faces of both her lovers and her haters for the entirety of KotFE, KotET, and the traitor arc. I've liked Lana ever since Forged Alliances, but she's been forced on us so hard for so long that even I'm starting to get sick of her. Lana fans have had the lion's share of dev love and attention towards companions since October 2015. It's absolutely not fair of them to expect players who have received far less--or even completely nothing, in the case of the fans of class story love interests--to not speak up about how unhappy they are that one companion is a clear writer favorite. Especially when all the other companions (and their fans) are being treated like chopped liver in comparison to the designated Star Wars waifu.


What makes Doc's case different IMHO is that the PC was given several opportunities to tell him to stop, several of the other JK companions commented on him being inappropriate, and yet the writers just thought it was amusing to let it continue.


...you know you aren't required to do ANY of Doc's on-the-ship chats, right? I know some people think that you have to do those chats to continue the story between chapters, but they're actually completely optional; you can leave that gold blinking triangle above his head forever and never touch it. That's where most of Doc's flirtatious/smarmy/harassing lines come from, and you can entirely skip that content 100% after you recruit him on Balmorra. You don't even have to take him out questing anymore because any companion can heal! So after the couple times Doc hits on a toon on Balmorra (which both Teeseven and Kira point out in-game as unpleasant), you can basically shut him up for good after that.


Now, I get that triggers aren't rational, and I'm not saying you have to like Doc at all. Point of fact, I didn't like Doc myself that much on my first Knight runthrough. Your opinion is your opinion, full stop. I'd never try to convince you that you're wrong to find Doc distasteful. I totally get why you and other people don't like him. That said... I see you always going on and on about how Doc drives you to tears, yet you constantly tell people who find Lana creepy/annoying/even triggering that they're being unfair, that they're misinterpreting Lana's behavior, that they're exaggerating/making stuff up regarding Lana's actions and motivations, that Lana fans actually have it worse because X, and so on and so forth. It's hard to respect your preferences and your triggers when you seem so insistent on trying to tell everyone else they're misinterpreting their own opinions and reactions towards an NPC that happens to be your favorite. The double standard sword cuts both ways. Just some food for thought.


Also, not trying to judge, but if you choose to bring up your personal issues and their severity over and over on a public forum, people are going to offer you unsolicited advice. People hear someone else is suffering and they want to help, which often leads to them trying to give advice. Yes, it might be annoying, but that's how people work.

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That's like saying someone who's starving should just be happy for someone else who has always been well fed because a friend of the well fed person took them out to an expensive dinner and they were able to eat so much they could barely walk afterwards.


Yup, just like F/F fans had to watch everyone else getting those expensive dinners during all the years of the class stories and got to watch M/M fans get three choices during KOTFE/KOTET while they have had one. Maybe the nice things they're giving Lana are meant to make up for that.


Lana has been shoved in the faces of both her lovers and her haters for the entirety of KotFE, KotET, and the traitor arc. I've liked Lana ever since Forged Alliances, but she's been forced on us so hard for so long that even I'm starting to get sick of her. Lana fans have had the lion's share of dev love and attention towards companions since October 2015.


Theron had exactly equal time in Forged Alliances and his family was shoved at the players Republic-side for the entire class story. Theron had extra books, comics and media AND got a dressable model that didn't look like a plague-ridden vampire so I would say he's had more love and attention from the devs, personally.


At any rate, I've spoken up that all the LIs should be getting more, and that it's unfair not to have anything for them. I personally would not put it past the devs to just take away LI interacts altogether instead of giving people more after repeated complaints. We're already seeing that with the new content they're pulling away some of the companions even though that's the one thing people have repeatedly said they don't want.


...you know you aren't required to do ANY of Doc's on-the-ship chats, right? (snip)


I have no intention of ever playing a JK again so it's a moot point now.


That said... I see you always going on and on about how Doc drives you to tears, yet you constantly tell people who find Lana creepy/annoying/even triggering that they're being unfair, that they're misinterpreting Lana's behavior, that they're exaggerating/making stuff up regarding Lana's actions and motivations, that Lana fans actually have it worse because X, and so on and so forth.


A few really big differences:


1. I've never asked for Doc to be removed from the story, given less material or killed off. I've chosen not to play what makes me uncomfortable. In contrast people who go on about Lana couldn't care less that removing her = bricking her or that others might want her in the content.


It's fine to think Lana's creepy if that's their issue; the difference is they want Lana removed. So yes, I will call it out.


2. Doc's behavior is brought up by several other companions as inappropriate; Lana's is not.


3. Doc's behavior IS sexually motivated and his comments are suggestive in nature. Lana NEVER makes a single comment that could even be construed as a double entendre.


4. Other characters behave in the same way Lana does (for instance, being nice to the PC even when the PC has treated them horribly- most notably Quinn; or Theron and Koth also being present when the PC is sleeping) and yet that's not "fawning over them" or being "secretly in love." That does make one wonder what the context of the dislike is.


Also, not trying to judge, but if you choose to bring up your personal issues and their severity over and over on a public forum, people are going to offer you unsolicited advice. People hear someone else is suffering and they want to help, which often leads to them trying to give advice. Yes, it might be annoying, but that's how people work.


Yup, and then I get to say no thank you because unsolicited advice for medical conditions is generally unwelcome for most people. That's how that works.


At any rate this has spiraled way out of control. I made a simple comment about why I wouldn't be playing Pub side and why, and it's gone back to another round of...all of this.

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Yup, just like F/F fans had to watch everyone else getting those expensive dinners during all the years of the class stories and got to watch M/M fans get three choices during KOTFE/KOTET while they have had one. Maybe the nice things they're giving Lana are meant to make up for that.




Theron had exactly equal time in Forged Alliances and his family was shoved at the players Republic-side for the entire class story. Theron had extra books, comics and media AND got a dressable model that didn't look like a plague-ridden vampire so I would say he's had more love and attention from the devs, personally.


At any rate, I've spoken up that all the LIs should be getting more, and that it's unfair not to have anything for them. I personally would not put it past the devs to just take away LI interacts altogether instead of giving people more after repeated complaints. We're already seeing that with the new content they're pulling away some of the companions even though that's the one thing people have repeatedly said they don't want.




A few really big differences:


1. I've never asked for Doc to be removed from the story, given less material or killed off. I've chosen not to play what makes me uncomfortable. In contrast people who go on about Lana couldn't care less that removing her = bricking her or that others might want her in the content.


It's fine to think Lana's creepy if that's their issue; the difference is they want Lana removed. So yes, I will call it out.


2. Doc's behavior is brought up by several other companions as inappropriate; Lana's is not.


3. Doc's behavior IS sexually motivated and his comments are suggestive in nature. Lana NEVER makes a single comment that could even be construed as a double entendre.


4. Other characters behave in the same way Lana does (for instance, being nice to the PC even when the PC has treated them horribly- most notably Quinn; or Theron and Koth also being present when the PC is sleeping) and yet that's not "fawning over them" or being "secretly in love." That does make one wonder what the context of the dislike is.


You're doing it again. You keep bringing up your trauma and your triggers over and over, and you want everyone to respect your feelings. No, not just respect; you beat people over the head with those feelings, and you have done so in multiple threads, both about Doc and about other companions. Yet as soon as any criticism is leveled at Lana the character OR of the amount of focus the devs have put on her for over three years is brought up, you're right back to "Lana fans still have it worse because of X," "You are misinterpreting Lana's behavior," "You're being unfair to Lana," etc. You insist she's better than (insert any companion being compared here) rather than give everyone the same respect you are asking for and accepting other people disagree, sometimes quite strongly.


Some people are triggered by Lana, and they find it insulting that you keep trying to tell them they're wrong about the character. You don't seem to understand that. Yet you would no doubt not hesitate to cry foul at someone trying to convince you that Doc is funny, cute, charming, or misunderstood. The double standard sword cuts both ways.


So I give up. Okay, I get it, Lana is your Star Wars waifu, Lana can do no wrong, Lana getting the lion's share of dev attention and LI interactions for over three years is perfectly okay, etc. Your opinions are your own. But don't expect me to care about your feelings anymore if you don't care about mine or anyone else's--and you show you don't care by trying to convince us that our feelings are wrong, bigoted, or unfair.

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You're doing it again. You keep bringing up your trauma and your triggers over and over, and you want everyone to respect your feelings. Not just respect; you beat people over the head with those feelings, and you have done so in multiple threads, both about Doc and about other companions. Yet as soon as any criticism is leveled at Lana the character OR of the amount of focus the devs have put on her for over three years is brought up, you're right back to "Lana fans still have it worse because of X," "You are misinterpreting Lana's behavior," "You're being unfair to Lana," etc. You insist she's better than (insert any companion being compared here) rather than give everyone the same respect you are asking for and accepting other people disagree, sometimes quite strongly. Some people are triggered by Lana, and they find it insulting that you keep trying to tell them they're wrong about the character.


So I give up. Okay, I get it, Lana is your Star Wars waifu, Lana can do no wrong, Lana getting the lion's share of dev attention and LI interactions for over three years is perfectly okay, etc. Your opinions are your own. But don't expect me to care about your feelings anymore if you don't care about mine or anyone else's--and you show you don't care by trying to convince us that our feelings are wrong, bigoted, or unfair.


I didn't say a single thing about triggers or trauma in that - and you're completely ignoring just about everything I'm saying, all the while lecturing me on double standards.


I've said over and over again that I have empathy for other fans for their LIs being neglected and to speak out about NOT wanting companions bricked, but I get it, I'm not supposed to object to mine getting bricked. I'm not supposed to speak out about interpretations that cross the line from dislike to racism or homophobia. I've criticized Lana plenty of times in this thread and others, but oh noes, since I object to her being portrayed as a sex offender or being bricked I obviously think she can do no wrong. :rolleyes:


I don't care if people hate Lana as long as they don't want her removed from everyone's game (and we all know dead for one = dead for all). Maybe if I say that a thousand times instead of 999 it will penetrate for some people.

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Theron got a kiss on Umbara and Lana didn't. Theron was the hero of that story arc and Lana was written to look foolish and vindictive. Theron's proposal was in a beautiful field; Lana's was in the ugly military hangar. We could find a lot of inequalities.


I don't think what they're doing with the LIs is right, and I think all of you should be getting more, but I wish people could be happy for once that Lana fans got something beautiful.

Don't get me wrong, i am happy that you got something nice with Lana, trully, but i also can't really help but feel salty that the others did not get much if not anything, and on that we agree.

I've never said it was right that SSR were not already there from the start, i'd probably have tried some of them givent the chance, even though i'm straight, doesn't mean all my characters are, and i'm always up for more options, for everyone.


I also agree that the hangar was clearly not the best place for the proposal, i don't know why they didn't choose to go out like with Theron.


Theron got a kiss on Umbara right before being taken away for how many months without knowing what would happen to him later (and that's also considering he came back 6 chapters later than Lana) ? Only for him to get both a leave for dead and an exile option.

Now i'm there with a character who always sided with the Republic, never stoped trusting Theron, and i get a hug, with a very sad look on his face while he's leaving, which really looks like he'll never come back, so yeah, i'm worried, i'm bitter and salty and i'm sorry for that, but he's the only option for my JK who is my main character, i don't really like how it looks like the Alliance will go away, and i clearly don't like that he also looked like he'll go away, if i'm left with no Alliance and no Theron, it's clearly not Lana who will stop me from deleting that character and never go beyond Nathema ever again.

Then there's Jonas who was all flirty with her just like "hey, look another spy for you !" Well no thanks, i like him, but the spy boyfriend spot is already taken, i don't need another one on this character.

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Theron got a kiss on Umbara right before being taken away for how many months without knowing what would happen to him later (and that's also considering he came back 6 chapters later than Lana) ? Only for him to get both a leave for dead and an exile option.


Theron actually didn't come back until the end of KotFE Chapter 9. Until then it was The Lana Variety Hour (with special guests Senya and Koth). So that's half an expansion's worth of content he didn't even show up for, while Lana had the spotlight and called all the shots.


Now i'm there with a character who always sided with the Republic, never stoped trusting Theron, and i get a hug, with a very sad look on his face while he's leaving, which really looks like he'll never come back, so yeah, i'm worried, i'm bitter and salty and i'm sorry for that, but he's the only option for my JK who is my main character, i don't really like how it looks like the Alliance will go away, and i clearly don't like that he also looked like he'll go away, if i'm left with no Alliance and no Theron, it's clearly not Lana who will stop me from deleting that character and never go beyond Nathema ever again.


Hearing this makes me want to keep avoiding starting Ossus even after the (likely) next patch on Tuesday. I was happy with the ending scene I got on Nathema with Theron. I don't want to ruin it by having him sad or leaving. I'm extremely worried the devs will pull a fast one on us despite their assurances and end up taking Theron away for good so they can focus 100% on their Star Wars waifu as they clearly so want to do and have been doing so for years.


Then there's Jonas who was all flirty with her just like "hey, look another spy for you !" Well no thanks, i like him, but the spy boyfriend spot is already taken, i don't need another one on this character.


Oh EA, why do you do this to me? Why do you hurt me so? Why twist the kinfe? :cry: I love Jonas and always wanted him as a romance option on my Trooper (or at least for female!Troopers to be able to get their own fade-to-black with him like male!Troopers did with Jaxo). But It's not worth giving up Theron for, not after so many years worth of relationship development.

Edited by AscendingSky
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