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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I don't actually recall a JK option of telling him...


"This makes me uncomfortable." or even a flat out "Your attentions are unwanted."


Is this just a player thing, or has it just been so long since I completed JK and these were in fact chat options?


Things like "call me 'gorgeous' again and you're collicoid dinner" are immediately met with "ok then beautiful" he hits on you all through Balmorra no matter what you say or how you react to him, I don't think you get an option to actually and plainly tell him "leave me alone" until he joins your crew officially. I'm hoping that actually sticks, I haven't played my female JK since recruiting him.

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I think the issue with Doc is that he doesn't take no for an answer. I like flirty guys too, but no means no. I loved Vega, and would have loved for there to have been an actual romance there...but if I remember correctly, Shep is the one that gets a little iffy on that end, especially at the party. I also think I might remember them talking about the flirting, and him getting the okay in the beginning that the flirting was a go. But with Doc...he just will not take no for an answer...to the point where I would ask my JK to watch her drinks around him...flat-out.


Again, I get that that wasn't their intent. They just really sucked at writing him.

Yeah characters like Vega, Zevran, and so on if you tell them to knock it off they do.


Ick yeah, Shepard can pretty much date rape Vega. He's not interested but she orders him to drink until he finds her attractive or something and then has her way with him *shudder*

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Yeah characters like Vega, Zevran, and so on if you tell them to knock it off they do.


Ick yeah, Shepard can pretty much date rape Vega. He's not interested but she orders him to drink until he finds her attractive or something and then has her way with him *shudder*


I think with Vega it's more the "you're my boss and I idolize you" thing than not actually being attracted to her, because he kinda makes the latter clear in the beginning...but yeah, Shep is completely way inappropriate at that party...to the point where if the roles had been reversed (guy Shep and fem Vega), there would have been rioting in the streets. But I guess it's somehow okay because Shep was the girl. *sigh*


I do really wish there was an actual romance there tho...because he did have me at "Lola", lol. (Sorry Garrus!)(You're still my boo!)

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Things like "call me 'gorgeous' again and you're collicoid dinner" are immediately met with "ok then beautiful" he hits on you all through Balmorra no matter what you say or how you react to him, I don't think you get an option to actually and plainly tell him "leave me alone" until he joins your crew officially. I'm hoping that actually sticks, I haven't played my female JK since recruiting him.


I never felt Doc was date rapey. He does stop calling you gorgeous, just as you ask.


Guess it goes back to using common sense and realizing what the writers intended for him and not what players want it to be for some sort of ick factor.

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I never felt Doc was date rapey. He does stop calling you gorgeous, just as you ask.


Guess it goes back to using common sense and realizing what the writers intended for him and not what players want it to be for some sort of ick factor.


Two of the companions comment that they don't like what Doc says to the JK. At one point T7-O1 offers to attack Doc for you. So it's not just the players feeling it's inappropriate or uncomfortable.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Two of the companions comment that they don't like what Doc says to the JK. At one point T7-O1 offers to attack Doc for you. So it's not just the players feeling it's inappropriate or uncomfortable.


Or, they figure Jedi are supposed to be treated as above all else. Which is usually the case by many.

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I never felt Doc was date rapey. He does stop calling you gorgeous, just as you ask.


Guess it goes back to using common sense and realizing what the writers intended for him and not what players want it to be for some sort of ick factor.


It should be common sense to lay off the "when am I gonna get into your pants" speak after the...I dunno...third or fourth time of being told to go take a long walk off a short pier.


I don't think getting the creeper vibe off Doc has anything to do with a lack of common sense. Everything he says can easily be construed as such. The difference is if the subject finds such actions as endearing. Some do. A lot don't. My Raz would have loved to see Scourge stuff him out an airlock.

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I think it all boils down to how you roleplay it in your head. I have plans to write my own version of what happened in the five years the Outlander was in carbonite (since BioWare gave us like nothing to go on there), and the poly ship will develop there. Koth will actually be the fulcrum...that or it will be a full triad...I'm not sure yet. It all depends on how it develops as I write.

Well i was only going by what i've seen in game, they're both interested, Lana doesn't seem to mind that much that you're flirting with both of them, but Koth doesn't look that happy. I don't know how that dialogue went in english but at some point he called me "a weathercock" for that, that was actually kind of funny tbh.


Poly ships are not for everyone, I get that. I've had folks outright tell me that there's no way in h-e-double-hockey-sticks Theron would "share", and then go on to intimate that I'm an evil person for even thinking it, but it seems to work pretty well for him with my Sith Inquisitor Outlander (and Andronikos). The guys are best friends, and they actually appreciate that there's more than one person looking out for her when shiz goes sideways. (If one isn't with her, chances are the other is.) In that case, Theron entered into an already-established relationship, eyes wide open. It took them a long time to get there, and her being captured by Arcann was probably a good thing for them in the long run, because it forced them to work through a lot of their differences and actually work together...but yeah. It works for them.

Well, that's not really my thing i went pretty much there with my female smuggler who was with Corso and pretty much any man she could find, and a male SW who was with both Vette and Jaesa but that's pretty much it, and none of them are my main characters. That was more to try different things out.

My IA maybe, she had a fling with Saganu at some point, but i don't remember if she was already with Vector at that point of the story.

I really don't see Theron the same way you do, and don't see him ok with sharing, that being said i'd not call you an evil person for that, we just have very different views on him. ^^


Haha, my Raz is not your average Jedi. She gets along with Satele about as well as Theron...if not worse. She has a massive chip on her shoulder when it comes to The Order.

Naeya is pretty much you're average Jedi, but she's also sassy and snarky at times (quite like Obi-Wan in episode 1), that's probably why she works pretty well with Scourge and Kira. She gets along pretty well with Satele, but is still a bit more open minded than most Jedi and don't outright reject someone because they're Sith.

And while it was pretty easy rejecting Doc to stick to the Code, she struggled a lot more with Theron.


I never played a female Consular, and I don't think I ever will. It's one of my least favorite stories...just in front of Imperial Agent. That being said, I don't think Iresso would ever tickle my inner pickle...he's just...too nice. It's all very yawn-inducing for me when it comes to fantasy romances. Bad boys, bad boys...whatch gonna do.... :p

That's one of my least favourite as well. I kinda like my runt of a Zabrak that is Qeto, he's sweet and nice and all, but i still think most of my characters would not dislike him but probably find him pretty boring. He could get along pretty well with Talos though as they're both passionate about learning a lot of things.

Iresso, yes, i also struggle a bit, i'm not particularly interested, and i find him pretty bland, he's nice and can be a good friend but that's about it.


I think the issue with Doc is that he doesn't take no for an answer. I like flirty guys too, but no means no. I loved Vega, and would have loved for there to have been an actual romance there...but if I remember correctly, Shep is the one that gets a little iffy on that end, especially at the party. I also think I might remember them talking about the flirting, and him getting the okay in the beginning that the flirting was a go. But with Doc...he just will not take no for an answer...to the point where I would ask my JK to watch her drinks around him...flat-out.


Again, I get that that wasn't their intent. They just really sucked at writing him.

I don't particularly like flirty guys and i actually don't really like being flirted with, which is something that went onto my JK so Doc was clearly not the right one for her, as she despises everything that has to do with flattery or things she sees as hypocrisy (i guess that growing up on Alderaan can have that kind of impact on you).


Things like "call me 'gorgeous' again and you're collicoid dinner" are immediately met with "ok then beautiful" he hits on you all through Balmorra no matter what you say or how you react to him, I don't think you get an option to actually and plainly tell him "leave me alone" until he joins your crew officially. I'm hoping that actually sticks, I haven't played my female JK since recruiting him.

I think the only time you have that kind of option is when he ends up proposing you. When he did i was like "what ?" :eek: My JK has always rejected him, never even let him kiss her and he asked her to marry him, that was weird xD

That answer is really, really rude though, so i guess that after that he finally gets the message.

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I've never seen Doc as creepy but to be fair, I have accepted his flirts and pursued him from the get-go. I never took the rejection options so I've never seen how he responds to those. They didn't even register in my memory because I didn't care to reject him.


Initially it was just banter flirting really, I didn't take him too seriously nor was I serious but it did evolve to more when I decided to lock-in his romance. It didn't bother me. I have a friend in RL who's always calling me, and other friends, things like 'beautiful', 'gorgeous', 'hot stuff', etc. and offering to cuddle if you're cold, making other such remarks but always in a banterish fashion. He's not trying to pursue anyone, it's just his way of being. I get not everyone is comfortable with that kind of guy, not everyone appreciates that kind of behavior even among friends, but I personally don't have a problem with it so Doc's never bothered me in that fashion either.


Not to dismiss anyone else's feelings on Doc--I get where others are coming from and this is just my own take.

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Because most of it is sniping and idle chatter about unrelated companions despite efforts to keep it in context with Lana. Like most of these threads devolve into...


Well, there are only so many ways one can hash and re-hash the "I hate Lana because..." topic of conversation. Why not keep it civil with idle chatter about anything else?


No story-driven, romanceable characters should have a kill option. Period. There. Back on topic. :rolleyes:

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I've never seen Doc as creepy but to be fair, I have accepted his flirts and pursued him from the get-go. I never took the rejection options so I've never seen how he responds to those. They didn't even register in my memory because I didn't care to reject him.


Initially it was just banter flirting really, I didn't take him too seriously nor was I serious but it did evolve to more when I decided to lock-in his romance. It didn't bother me. I have a friend in RL who's always calling me, and other friends, things like 'beautiful', 'gorgeous', 'hot stuff', etc. and offering to cuddle if you're cold, making other such remarks but always in a banterish fashion. He's not trying to pursue anyone, it's just his way of being. I get not everyone is comfortable with that kind of guy, not everyone appreciates that kind of behavior even among friends, but I personally don't have a problem with it so Doc's never bothered me in that fashion either.


Not to dismiss anyone else's feelings on Doc--I get where others are coming from and this is just my own take.


But would your friend stop if you asked him to? I think that's where most of us are coming from with our aversion to the way Doc was written.


My car audio guy calls me "hon" and I have no problems with it, because I know it's innocent banter and that's the way he is. Nowhere do I take that as flirtation. But I also have no doubt that if I asked him to stop, all it would take is once.

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But would your friend stop if you asked him to? I think that's where most of us are coming from with our aversion to the way Doc was written.


My car audio guy calls me "hon" and I have no problems with it, because I know it's innocent banter and that's the way he is. Nowhere do I take that as flirtation. But I also have no doubt that if I asked him to stop, all it would take is once.

Oh he would, immediately. If you were to tell him "Hey dude, I'd rather you didn't" then he'd never do so again. Now for *me*, as someone who has never told Doc to knock it off, Doc is the same way. *I* know no better because I've never asked him to stop. I'll take the word of others on it though and if that is the case, it's a serious flaw on the writers' part. It's fine if they wanted him to be that flirty, easy-going guy but they should have written him as the respectable kind too that knocks it off when you tell him to.


Then again, back to my original point, many romances are questionable. Even more so depending on the player and their tastes. Corso annoys me to the point I wish my Smuggler could punch him and shove him out of an airlock. Why does he get to me so much? I've had that friend who wanted to be more than friends, who I had to reject, and who then went on to constantly pout about it. Who'd guilt trip me daily and make me feel bad for showing an interest in others. Who'd ask me to stop mentioning how much I liked a fictional character/actor because it made him feel insecure and inadequate. Who made me feel bad for not being interested in him yet flirting with someone else. Who'd always try to make it seem and sound like we were more than friends and I had to cut ties with that person because it became too draining. Corso reminds me of that, so he bothers me to no end but that's my personal experience coming in to play and for a dozen other players that may not be the case.


And similarly, other players may feel negative associations with certain romances depending on their own experiences, even if unintentional, even while reminding themselves it's just fiction or a fictional character which is why I don't feel it's right to bash others for their likes or dislikes.

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Doc is one of those characters that people will either like, loath, or roll their eyes at... I belong in the Loath with a Fem JK, but a roll my eyes with a male JK I roll my eyes in a "boy are you a looser way" I honestly don't think he's dangerous. He is against harming people in general. Is he duh, a cad, and skeevie? Yes. But to the point where he'd harm a woman, no.


Lana on the other hand needs to learn not to lean over a married man's bed! :mad: Oh my Trooper wanted to slap her face.

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And similarly, other players may feel negative associations with certain romances depending on their own experiences, even if unintentional, even while reminding themselves it's just fiction or a fictional character which is why I don't feel it's right to bash others for their likes or dislikes.


I don't think anybody is bashing anybody else for liking or disliking Doc (or any other character)...at least not in the last few pages that I've actively participated in. It's okay to dislike a character. Disliking a character doesn't in any way mean that you have to dislike a person for their like of that same character. I dislike Quinn. But I acknowledge that he's a good character...and anybody else is free to fawn over him to their heart's content. I love Pierce. I know lots of people don't. But I don't take it personally that they don't.


I don't like Corso's "American Dream" take on romance. (But that's just me.) I do, however, get a kick out of taking him everywhere and watching his head explode when my Smuggler flirts with anything that moves. :p

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I don't think anybody is bashing anybody else for liking or disliking Doc (or any other character)...at least not in the last few pages that I've actively participated in. It's okay to dislike a character. Disliking a character doesn't in any way mean that I dislike a person for their like of that same character. I dislike Quinn. But I acknowledge that he's a good character...and anybody else is free to fawn over him to their heart's content. I love Pierce. I know lots of people don't. But I don't take it personally that they don't.


I don't like Corso's "American Dream" take on romance. (But that's just me.) I do, however, get a kick out of taking him everywhere and watching his head explode when my Smuggler flirts with anything that moves. :p

Ah I didn't mean currently or over the last few pages, that part was more toward the general feel of this thread. There have been some who've really laid into players for not liking Lana.


In the end it's each to their own. There are players I like while their romantic choices leave me baffled, and people who are into things that make me sit back and frown. All of that is fine. I mean, noting your other discussion in here, I can't picture Theron in a poly relationship. I'd actually love to because damn that would have made my fictional story writing a lot easier, but I just don't see it. That's me though, and you're free to do you. I don't judge you for it and I've actually read parts of your fiction, it's good and you make it work for you.


I've done the same with Corso, hoping that way I could stomach him more and be "neener" but it didn't help much. Or rather, it didn't change how I feel about him, only made it worse, but the laugh in the moment is good I s'pose. :p

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Ah I didn't mean currently or over the last few pages, that part was more toward the general feel of this thread. There have been some who've really laid into players for not liking Lana.


In the end it's each to their own. There are players I like while their romantic choices leave me baffled, and people who are into things that make me sit back and frown. All of that is fine. I mean, noting your other discussion in here, I can't picture Theron in a poly relationship. I'd actually love to because damn that would have made my fictional story writing a lot easier, but I just don't see it. That's me though, and you're free to do you. I don't judge you for it and I've actually read parts of your fiction, it's good and you make it work for you.


I've done the same with Corso, hoping that way I could stomach him more and be "neener" but it didn't help much. Or rather, it didn't change how I feel about him, only made it worse, but the laugh in the moment is good I s'pose. :p


I wouldn't fault someone for disliking Lana, unless it's for obvious homophobic reasons (just like someone disliking Koth for racist reasons...and we know there are plenty of people out there who do...sadly). I've read the comments regarding the bedroom scene and I'm in total agreement. For me and my Outlander, it's inappropriate and unwelcome behavior. My Inquisitor would never say something along the lines of "I'm going to catch some zzz's...feel free to stay and work." She lives with two men...her bedroom is crowded enough, lol. But, even if she were only with one (Theron as an example), it still would be unwelcome. I get that we can't know what the writers intended...and I'm sure they didn't intend for it to be anything other than innocent, but it can easily be taken the way many have taken it. And it's not because it's Lana. It would be inappropriate for anybody other than the character's partner.


I don't dislike Lana. I like her just fine as a character. I do think it's unfair that we are forced to engage with her much more frequently than anybody else, and that Theron has a kill button over his head so is likely gone from any meaningful story-based content (I'll believe it differently when I see it, but I'm not holding my breath)...but it is what it is. I'm also salty af that one of my favorite romances (Andronikos) got relegated to a half-assed two minute cutscene while those who romanced Torian/Vette/Jorgan/Kaliyo got actual story-based romance content. But, as I said...it is what it is. I don't wish those people who were lucky enough to get rained on by the BioWare gods to get stuffed. Good for them. But I -will- be bitter towards BioWare for treating some characters as less important than others when all romances should have been treated equally (original romances...and then Theron/Lana/Koth). That's not your fault. Or my fault. Or Lana's fault. It's BioWare's fault.

Edited by Dracofish
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Doc is one of those characters that people will either like, loath, or roll their eyes at... I belong in the Loath with a Fem JK, but a roll my eyes with a male JK I roll my eyes in a "boy are you a looser way" I honestly don't think he's dangerous. He is against harming people in general. Is he duh, a cad, and skeevie? Yes. But to the point where he'd harm a woman, no.


Lana on the other hand needs to learn not to lean over a married man's bed! :mad: Oh my Trooper wanted to slap her face.


Thought it was all agreed that was just lazy on the devs and not something Lana would do. :p

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I don't dislike Lana. I like her just fine as a character. I do think it's unfair that we are forced to engage with her much more frequently than anybody else, and that Theron has a kill button over his head so is likely gone from any meaningful story-based content (I'll believe it differently when I see it, but I'm not holding my breath)...but it is what it is. I'm also salty af that one of my favorite romances (Andronikos) got relegated to a half-assed two minute cutscene while those who romanced Torian/Vette/Jorgan/Kaliyo got actual story-based romance content. But, as I said...it is what it is. I don't wish those people who were lucky enough to get rained on by the BioWare gods to get stuffed. Good for them. But I -will- be bitter towards BioWare for treating some characters as less important than others when all romances should have been treated equally (original romances...and then Theron/Lana/Koth). That's not your fault. Or my fault. Or Lana's fault. It's BioWare's fault.

I'm in complete agreement with you there. While I am beyond thrilled with the reunion I got for Aric, most others were extremely short and lackluster. As a Quinn fan, I wasn't happy with what they did for Iokath and the fact they couldn't even spell his name completely, so I get what you mean. I blame Bioware just the same and don't begrudge the fans. Yes, it bothers me sometimes that Lana's there when I'd prefer my partner in the scene, but I don't hate Lana or Lana fans for that and I don't begrudge them their enjoyment. Just wish Bioware could balance things out more but that's an entirely different discussion regarding the poor planning when it comes to first taking our comps away, then returning like an afterthought of "Oh yeah, hey, let's squeeze these guys in here right quick".


As far as Lana goes... she isn't my type of person romantically. Some of my characters treat her as no more than a co-worker, others are friendly with her. I've even taken the odd flirt when I felt they worked well as friendly banter, especially on my brattier chars, but she isn't for me where romance is concerned. I don't hate her either. There are some questionable scenes, she does feel overbearing/pushy/controlling at times, but not enough to hate her guts or want her dead. Think the only time I've ever truly been peeved with her character was with her reactions during the Traitor arc. Woulda punched her but then Theron gave her a verbal smackdown when we reunited so that works.

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As far as Lana goes... she isn't my type of person romantically. Some of my characters treat her as no more than a co-worker, others are friendly with her. I've even taken the odd flirt when I felt they worked well as friendly banter, especially on my brattier chars, but she isn't for me where romance is concerned. I don't hate her either. There are some questionable scenes, she does feel overbearing/pushy/controlling at times, but not enough to hate her guts or want her dead. Think the only time I've ever truly been peeved with her character was with her reactions during the Traitor arc. Woulda punched her but then Theron gave her a verbal smackdown when we reunited so that works.


Well, Theron probably deserved a bit of a smack across the lips for what he pulled anyways, lol. I don't hate the traitor arc completely, because I know what they were going for...but they could have done a much better job of it. That being said, I was more upset with Lana for what she pulled on Rishi. Then again, my Inquisitor probably would have went along with it if it were anybody else, lol. She's a bit...unbalanced...when it comes to Theron, and knows he's her weakness.


I've never actually seen Lana's romance. She doesn't appeal to me in that sense, but I do want to see it at some point and will be forcing my SW through it despite me not feeling an ounce of chemistry between them (they're just finishing Rishi now). She keeps pointing at Theron and I'm like OMG NO, KIRA! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GO FOR LANA! (In reality, she's with Pierce, lol).

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Oh he would, immediately. If you were to tell him "Hey dude, I'd rather you didn't" then he'd never do so again. Now for *me*, as someone who has never told Doc to knock it off, Doc is the same way. *I* know no better because I've never asked him to stop. I'll take the word of others on it though and if that is the case, it's a serious flaw on the writers' part. It's fine if they wanted him to be that flirty, easy-going guy but they should have written him as the respectable kind too that knocks it off when you tell him to.


Then again, back to my original point, many romances are questionable. Even more so depending on the player and their tastes. Corso annoys me to the point I wish my Smuggler could punch him and shove him out of an airlock. Why does he get to me so much? I've had that friend who wanted to be more than friends, who I had to reject, and who then went on to constantly pout about it. Who'd guilt trip me daily and make me feel bad for showing an interest in others. Who'd ask me to stop mentioning how much I liked a fictional character/actor because it made him feel insecure and inadequate. Who made me feel bad for not being interested in him yet flirting with someone else. Who'd always try to make it seem and sound like we were more than friends and I had to cut ties with that person because it became too draining. Corso reminds me of that, so he bothers me to no end but that's my personal experience coming in to play and for a dozen other players that may not be the case.


And similarly, other players may feel negative associations with certain romances depending on their own experiences, even if unintentional, even while reminding themselves it's just fiction or a fictional character which is why I don't feel it's right to bash others for their likes or dislikes.


A few years ago I had a male coworker that acted a lot like Doc towards me. He was constantly "flirting" despite me telling him I didn't like it (not to mention he was my dad's age and married). He would call me gorgeous or beautiful, he would hold up a piece of string and say "hey Alicia look it's your new uniform heh heh" or ask me when I was going to run away with him, etc...he would also try to get me to compete with his wife which was extremely weird. Like occasionally we would have potlucks at work and everyone would bring in something. Once I brought in twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese and he loved them and told his wife so, apparently to make her jealous and get her to make him better twice baked potatoes then he told me that his wife had exceeded mine and wanted me to like outdo her next time. I told him no thanks and good for his wife but *** kind of behavior is that? Whenever I told him to stop he would throw a tantrum and act like I was the most rude and unreasonable person on Earth, he'd throw pots and pans around and generally cause a stink. I never felt that this man would physically attack me or touch me but I hated working with him and after 2 years, he was one of the main reasons I finally quit that job. Like Doc, he didn't respect me or my boundaries in the slightest. I think a lot of women have had encounters with men like this whether long term or one brief encounter. Some, like yourself may like it or think it's funny but a lot of us don't. People have called me a prude or weird or old fashioned for this but I'm not going to change my mind. For me "no means no" isn't just for physical contact but for unwanted advances and comments as well.

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A few years ago I had a male coworker that acted a lot like Doc towards me. He was constantly "flirting" despite me telling him I didn't like it (not to mention he was my dad's age and married). He would call me gorgeous or beautiful, he would hold up a piece of string and say "hey Alicia look it's your new uniform heh heh" or ask me when I was going to run away with him, etc...he would also try to get me to compete with his wife which was extremely weird. Like occasionally we would have potlucks at work and everyone would bring in something. Once I brought in twice baked potatoes with bacon and cheese and he loved them and told his wife so, apparently to make her jealous and get her to make him better twice baked potatoes then he told me that his wife had exceeded mine and wanted me to like outdo her next time. I told him no thanks and good for his wife but *** kind of behavior is that? Whenever I told him to stop he would throw a tantrum and act like I was the most rude and unreasonable person on Earth, he'd throw pots and pans around and generally cause a stink. I never felt that this man would physically attack me or touch me but I hated working with him and after 2 years, he was one of the main reasons I finally quit that job. Like Doc, he didn't respect me or my boundaries in the slightest. I think a lot of women have had encounters with men like this whether long term or one brief encounter. Some, like yourself may like it or think it's funny but a lot of us don't. People have called me a prude or weird or old fashioned for this but I'm not going to change my mind. For me "no means no" isn't just for physical contact but for unwanted advances and comments as well.


..... ;/ Wow

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