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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Richard has a similar dynamic with Cara and some of the other Mord-Sith. It's interesting you bring SoT up because I had just finished the last of the core novels (12th?) before starting SWTOR at launch and now that I think about it my main has a lot of Richard's qualities. I think the sense of scale is probably what is going to keep me from buddying up to Arcann, however. Appreciate having something to think about, though, going forward.

The Mord-Sith are an interesting example too. When first introduced to them, they appear as freaking crazy women who like torturing people left and right and would do it to anyone if they've been ordered to by their Lord Rahl.

Then you learn that they all started off as your regular nice little girl who were taken away from their family and abused and broken in every way possible, driving them near insanity, and you start feeling empathy for them, just like Richard did while finding out.

I really liked that evolution, and yep just like with Nicci, when Richard is the first person to show them compassion and to treat them like normal persons and not just tools/weapons, they become extremely loyal to him and are actually really proud to be Mord-Sith serving him.


And like you my main actually has a lot of Richard's qualities too, that's probably why she has the same kind of relationship to Arcann than Richard has to Nicci and the Mord-Sith.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I did not mean to call anyone stupid that dislikes things I like myself. What I do find "stupid" is calling him Hitler, he's not. If I had family lost to an actual real life situations such as that. I'd actually be offended if people think a fictional character actually compares.


I really don't care if you dislike Arcann or whoever, that isn't my problem.

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I agree with this. I won't use the "space Hitler" name for Arcann anymore. but my aversion to the way Arcann has been handled in the story actually is based on my own relationship to real-life victims of genocide. I have family members with names in the Dutch Holocaust Memorial. I've met people who were experimented on by Mengele and survivors who are in their 80s who still are afraid of dogs and wake up screaming because of PTSD.


So it rubs me the wrong way to see a fictional perpetrator of mass murder glorified and treated in a sympathetic manner by a story. Still, fiction has to be able to include controversial issues and not every character is going to be an angel. Some are going to do terrible things. Some are going to be anti-heroes. Not every protagonist is a good person. Most really aren't.


But when they originally referred to Arcann as "everyone' favorite ex-villain" it made me angry, because I felt like they were looking at him as some sort of lovable scamp instead of acknowledging what he actually did in the context of the story. If the story had included a chapter where Arcann was put on trial, or was forced in some way to fully address what he did, I'd feel differently, but from where I sat, it seemed like they were trivializing genocide and mass murder ("they" being the game's developers and writers).


I realize that the fans of Arcann are NOT trivializing genocide and mass murder (except for those who insist he really didn't kill THAT many people...), and that liking a fictional character who has done terrible things is in no way comparable to liking a real-life mass murderer; it's simply someone who has a fondness for a fictional character. I might not get that - because I really DON'T, personally, see the appeal of romancing characters who have beaten the PC up or tried to hurt them in other ways - but it's a fantasy game, and people like who they like, and that is what it is.




This puts it very well. Perhaps better terms for pre-redeemed Arcann is "genocidal" or "war criminal." Both get the message across pretty effectively, I think, and won't allow anyone to derail the argument to a historical topic. Calling people stupid is probably also not a great idea. The message, however good its intentions, gets lost in the insult.


That said, I think some people here can lecture us about not pointing out what appears to be bigotry all day and all night and I won't agree. If you see it you must call it out--that is the only way to make it unacceptable in society. Of course, such accusations cannot be used as weapons, and must not be thrown about willy nilly. Nor will they always be right. But given that this thread has been going on for ages and a few people (note I say "a few") seem fixated on Lana's predatory behavior, it's natural to wonder if there's more at work there. We will never know what anyone is thinking; it's impossible. But if we never speak a word because of that nothing will change. So, yes, we have to tread carefully, but we also have to be willing to say the uncomfortable thing once in a while.


Anyway, that's just my opinion. Obviously not everyone agrees. But we each have to act in a way that feels morally correct to us.


Finally, we all enjoy anti-heroes in fiction, otherwise Darth Vader wouldn't be so popular. I enjoyed a brief "thing" for Kylo Ren. That isn't the issue here. The issue is one of perceived hypocrisy (i.e., tearing one character apart in a particularly brutal, offensive way while happily supporting one just as bad, if not worse). Whether or not we're discussing fiction, it brings real-life feelings and attitudes to the fore. It's disingenuous to argue otherwise. Consider that fringe group who campaigned against Rey and Finn because they felt their inclusion was a politically correct stunt, and defiled their beloved white male Star Wars fantasy. They were rightly brought down by the Star Wars directors & cast, despite us not knowing exactly what they were thinking, and despite the fact that Rey and Finn aren't real. Fiction can expose very real attitudes in a hurry. It's inevitable.


But now I'm personally going to focus on 5.10. Have fun, y'all.

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This puts it very well. Perhaps better terms for pre-redeemed Arcann is "genocidal" or "war criminal." Both get the message across pretty effectively, I think, and won't allow anyone to derail the argument to a historical topic. Calling people stupid is probably also not a great idea. The message, however good its intentions, gets lost in the insult.


That said, I think some people here can lecture us about not pointing out what appears to be bigotry all day and all night and I won't agree. If you see it you must call it out--that is the only way to make it unacceptable in society. Of course, such accusations cannot be used as weapons, and must not be thrown about willy nilly. Nor will they always be right. But given that this thread has been going on for ages and a few people (note I say "a few") seem fixated on Lana's predatory behavior, it's natural to wonder if there's more at work there. We will never know what anyone is thinking; it's impossible. But if we never speak a word because of that nothing will change. So, yes, we have to tread carefully, but we also have to be willing to say the uncomfortable thing once in a while.


Anyway, that's just my opinion. Obviously not everyone agrees. But we each have to act in a way that feels morally correct to us.


Finally, we all enjoy anti-heroes in fiction, otherwise Darth Vader wouldn't be so popular. I enjoyed a brief "thing" for Kylo Ren. That isn't the issue here. The issue is one of perceived hypocrisy (i.e., tearing one character apart in a particularly brutal, offensive way while happily supporting one just as bad, if not worse). Whether or not we're discussing fiction, it brings real-life feelings and attitudes to the fore. It's disingenuous to argue otherwise. Consider that fringe group who campaigned against Rey and Finn because they felt their inclusion was a politically correct stunt, and defiled their beloved white male Star Wars fantasy. They were rightly brought down by the Star Wars directors & cast, despite us not knowing exactly what they were thinking, and despite the fact that Rey and Finn aren't real. Fiction can expose very real attitudes in a hurry. It's inevitable.


But now I'm personally going to focus on 5.10. Have fun, y'all.


I agree with all that you've said here. Well put.


I'm not going to be focused on 5.10, but Life Day!! :D I already have way too many holo-trees but I always want more. They look so striking on the Umbara train and in the Dromund Kaas gloom. :)

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Gah! This thread keeps exploding lol


I think that's all reasonable. I'm okay with the fact that people personally don't want to wake up to find someone in their bedroom. What I object to is coming up with bizarre reasons for it that aren't supported by the story, if you know what I mean. It would have been great if the writers had realized it would push some people's buttons, but I guess they considered Lana's presence in the commander's room so innocent it never crossed their minds. So, yeah, I agree it's fine not to like it. I just don't want to turn Lana into something she was never meant to be, i.e., a sexual predator. I personally like Lana well enough as a friend but I know other people dislike her cold pragmatism, and that's fair enough.


Out of curiosity, do you think people would have minded so much if it was Vette working in their room? The answer may be yes. I'm just wondering.

People aren't "coming up with bizarre reasons for it that aren't supported by the story" we're commenting that someone appearing in your room in the middle of the night without your permission while you're sleeping is creepy AF unless you have an extremely intimate relationship with her. Those of you romancing her or who consider her your super close friend DO have that kind of relationship and so it's not weird to you. It wouldn't be weird if my character's LI or maybe an extremely close same gender friend appeared in their room either. Lana is not my love interest or BFF, she's an uninvited intruder. Nobody actually thinks Lana is a sexual predator in the story, we think BioWare couldn't conceive of anyone not being totes over the moon for their precious Lana and so only wrote the scene with that in mind.


As for Vette being in your room instead, some of my characters ARE super close to her, calling her a sister and all and others are married to her so obviously it wouldn't be weird to them. It would be weird for those who aren't close to her though with the context of previous interactions, I would be more likely to assume Vette was trying to rob my character than lovingly gaze at them while they sleep. To assume ANY character is universally liked enough that nobody would think it's weird or creepy for them to be hanging out uninvited in your room while you sleep is a mistake. The only exception would be your character's spouse or child.


They could have easily avoided this awkward situation by either 1) Making your character fall asleep at a work desk in a common area or 2) Have your character pass out on the floor and have their vision like in the imperial agent or sith inquisitor stories.


Not stoned TYVM. The glaringly obvious answer to your point is that given resource constraints they are not going to be able flesh out 40 plus companion story arcs to the satisfaction of everyone, frankly, anyone. There is a reason Charles recently pointed out that he is completely happy with people head canoning / RP-ing characters in ways that don't fit the story.


So given the choice of writing a so-called conclusion or continuing ad infinitum the arc of each companion, which is nigh impossible, I prefer they give us the opportunity to make a choice in our own heads about how we choose (or not) to interact with said companions. They can shape very broad contours for choices, but that's about it.


Fortunately, since I do not have a perspective on Lana (my characters do), it creates a much richer environment and allows for variation.


I'm not going to touch your Frodo example, which is absurd on its face.



And the glaringly obvious solution to not having the resources to write 40 character arcs is to...not start writing 40 character arcs. Don't start what you can't finish because randomly abandoning something halfway through without explanation is ridiculous. Putting aside the fact that they didn't actually start 40 character arcs, they reintroduced a handful of old companions into the story and didn't pay off any of them. Play pretend and write fanfictions in your head all you want, that doesn't excuse bad writing. If they want to for example treat both Jorgan and Kaliyo as dead or gone after giving them a death/banish option then DON'T give an option to keep them, make them both die in the spire mission. You can still headcanon whatever you want but the actual story now makes sense (though it's lazy and cheap). Again, if you're not going to finish something then don't start it. Nobody is asking to see these characters entire life stories, just that they not be randomly dropped without explanation in the same story they're reintroduced. They could easily have a scene where everyone goes their separate ways after the mission is complete but they didn't even care to do that.


The example was absurd because BioWare's current writing and treatment of characters is absurd.



It's hard to continue rationalizing because we're seeing two different characters but the writers are not deviating to accommodate one of us. You are 100% right on that. I'm thinking so much of this resentment would go away if she wasn't our primary quest-giver for so long (especially if on the imp-side, where you see her more during the Revan prelude). That might help, too. That way she'd stop getting character-assassinated for being something she's not.


The problem for Bioware is what else could they have done? Who else should have had that role? If it wasn't Lana, then whoever it was would get hated for the same reasons, if most of the "haters/dislikers" that have posted really don't have social hates on her (hard to give the benefit of the doubt after the Koth bs and the way a lot of people have gotten mad at the new SW movies because of bogus social issues) and it's really just been a problem with character-fatigue. Maybe, ultimately, a text console would have actually been a better idea ;) (but damn, how boring that would end up being :( Those text-based alliance alerts are jarring to be stuck in the same game that has cutscenes as arguably its best content)


I know what you mean with the "hard" friendship. My favorite BW friendship was with Morrigan on my sorceress, who ended up being one of my favorite RP characters ever. It was very rewarding when she finally stops acting so frosty and starts to let you in. I hated how things ended ultimately, though. When she left through that ******* portal I stopped playing for a long time, almost like the feeling I had with the horrible Ashara return with my main, who was her BFF.

OMG yes Morrigan! Loved her friendship and she was also one I really hated at first.


Anyway yes, reducing Lana's screen time would reduce resentment of her from me at least. I would be totally fine with questgivers being our non-companion advisors or even our own characters holding strategy meetings with their crewmembers (to give the illusion that we're actually the leader of something rather than the errand girl). And greatly reducing the number of missions we're forced to take her on would help as well. If there was a rotating crew of like 10 characters that alternated missions with you or something like that and Lana was just one of 10 it would be a huge relief. She could still continue to be part of group scenes but if she wasn't such a huge focus I wouldn't resent her so much. Ideally for me they'd go back to the "take whoever you want and they have a few lines of dialogue commenting on the situation" model with personal conversations in safe zones like vanilla and only have a few forced missions focused on any one character.


I really don't think the majority of people dislike characters for whatever bigoted reason, for Lana I really do think it's mostly overexposure and resentment that all of the other characters people like have been killed of or bricked but she's the only one to go on, seemingly favored. As for Koth, I believe the majority of the hate is because he's a male character that isn't a yes-man, that he stands up to our characters, is assertive, and even goes against them if they're murderous. People tend to be more forgiving and lenient of female characters.


But there has been conformation from the devs that they are looking at opportunities to un-brick characters. So this whole "You want to ruin my game because if you tell Lana to go, I'll never have anything with her again," is not necessarily true. I have great hopes for 5.10 and the next expansion.

I hope that's true but I'll believe it when I see it.


That's quite a long and...interesting thread for something started by the vent post from frustrated Theron fan. :confused: Anyway, people clamoring for meaningful content regarding bricked characters probably should not keep their hopes high. I've read various bits on how branching storylines is a b†tch to implement even in a proper RPG, I'm not sure it's even possible in a MMOG. So the "content" devs mentioned prolly is a cutscene at most, additional few dialogue lines at regular. Technically, that is content, so they're not even lying.

Better than the nothing we have now! I would also love to start getting letters again since that seems like the easiest thing to implement.



I think there's a lot of homophobia behind it. How anyone can think Lana is creepy or some sort of predator, while justifying Doc's constant and blatant sexual harassment, leads me to think that homophobia is the main reason for such inconsistency.

Seriously? -_- Do you actually think that or are you trying to just paint anyone who doesn't like your precious princess as a bigot? I have seen far more people here who love Lana and hate doc than vice versa (I actually haven't seen anyone that likes Doc but thinks Lana is a predator). Personally I hate both.

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Seriously? -_- Do you actually think that or are you trying to just paint anyone who doesn't like your precious princess as a bigot? I have seen far more people here who love Lana and hate doc than vice versa (I actually haven't seen anyone that likes Doc but thinks Lana is a predator). Personally I hate both.


Agreed! The people screaming "bigotry" are the ones with a victim complex. I also loath Doc (which is why I prefer male JK.) but he doesn't seek to control PC either. Lana does. I still cannot believe that people can demand respect for pixels but accuse real people of bigotry if they don't!:mad:

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Seriously? -_- Do you actually think that or are you trying to just paint anyone who doesn't like your precious princess as a bigot? I have seen far more people here who love Lana and hate doc than vice versa (I actually haven't seen anyone that likes Doc but thinks Lana is a predator). Personally I hate both.


That's funny, well written though she is, Lana is a long way from even being my favourite companion, and I couldn't give a crap if anyone dislikes her. It's the hypocrisy of excusing Doc while vilifying Lana that makes me think homophobia is the root cause for some disliking her, and those people certainly do exist, whether you choose to believe it or prefer to stick your head in the sand.

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And the glaringly obvious solution to not having the resources to write 40 character arcs is to...not start writing 40 character arcs. Don't start what you can't finish because randomly abandoning something halfway through without explanation is ridiculous. Putting aside the fact that they didn't actually start 40 character arcs, they reintroduced a handful of old companions into the story and didn't pay off any of them. Play pretend and write fanfictions in your head all you want, that doesn't excuse bad writing.


The example was absurd because BioWare's current writing and treatment of characters is absurd.



As a matter of fact, and demonstrably provable, they did start 40 plus character arcs. Your use of the term "reintroduced" means -- by definition -- that they selected which ones they chose to continue, but that does not mean those not re-introduced ceased to exist. Outside of Zenith, who have they not re-introduced or committed to re-introduce? Had they written a pat conclusion to select companions there would have been an outcry, just from different corners.


You think their writing is bad. Fine. I think you are holding them to an impossible standard given resource constraints.


/shrug your NOT "stoned bro" TYVM



Edited by Jdast
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That's funny, well written though she is, Lana is a long way from even being my favourite companion, and I couldn't give a crap if anyone dislikes her. It's the hypocrisy of excusing Doc while vilifying Lana that makes me think homophobia is the root cause for some disliking her, and those people certainly do exist, whether you choose to believe it or prefer to stick your head in the sand.


Who says that? Quote one person who excused Doc's sexual harassment while accusing Lana of being a sexual predator. If you want to argue against what those of us who hate Lana are actually saying then go ahead, but don't go around putting words in peoples mouths so you can attempt to shut down an argument by crying bigotry.

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I'll just point it out that while people here are tearing each other new ones over who's moar predatory sexual predator, Doc or Lana, there is one love interest -- Malavai Quinn -- who's entire romance is textbook sexual harassment, and his love thread seldom leaves page 1 of general. Guess it's not harassment when it's our own character who's doing the harassin', innit. :D
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I'll just point it out that while people here are tearing each other new ones over who's moar predatory sexual predator, Doc or Lana, there is one love interest -- Malavai Quinn -- who's entire romance is textbook sexual harassment, and his love thread seldom leaves page 1 of general. Guess it's not harassment when it's our own character who's doing the harassin', innit. :D


It's only that way if you play it that way. You can basically order him to be interested or you can back off and say it's up to him. If he asks for a transfer you can say ok I'll sign the orders and then he changes his mind.


But yes, there is definitely a path on that romance arc that is very predatory.

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As a matter of fact, and demonstrably provable, they did start 40 plus character arcs. Your use of the term "reintroduced" means -- by definition -- that they selected which ones they chose to continue, but that does not mean those not re-introduced ceased to exist. Outside of Zenith, who have they not re-introduced or committed to re-introduce? Had they written a pat conclusion to select companions there would have been an outcry, just from different corners.


You think their writing is bad. Fine. I think you are holding them to an impossible standard given resource constraints.


/shrug your NOT "stoned bro" TYVM



The class stories were finished, the character arcs within were wrapped up. KotFE starts a new story and was written in a logical way to separate you from your companions and shows you being separated both by the explosion of Darth Marr's ship and by time. They made a choice to bring certain characters back into this new story and involve them in the plot, (Kaliyo, Jorgan, SCORPIO, Vette, Gault, Torian, and T7) then they abandoned all but one of those characters halfway through the story with no explanation. Out of those only SCORPIO gets a logical sendoff that's actually written into the story. It's not an "impossible standard" to expect characters that were introduced into a story and set up as your inner circle to continue to be present in that story until they are written out either through forced death, forced parting of ways, or making it to the end of the story. Having them disappear without a trace or explanation midway through a story is objectively horrible writing.


I don't know if your reading comprehension is that low or if you're simply not reading what I write and trying to argue anyway but you make no sense and trying to talk to you is like beating my head against a wall so goodbye.

Edited by Nefla
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It's only that way if you play it that way. You can basically order him to be interested or you can back off and say it's up to him. If he asks for a transfer you can say ok I'll sign the orders and then he changes his mind.


But yes, there is definitely a path on that romance arc that is very predatory.


Well, if you played SW story, you must know the real reason he would not leave, signed papers or not. :cool: And even if you're one of them reasonably rational Sith lords, he is your subordinate, and you know how subordination works in Empire -- your Sith Overlord has right to slice your noggin off because they don't like the way you breathe. So he's the type who's trained to obey people above him in rank, he has all reasons not to trust you to be rational, because the majority of Sith aren't, and he has a very grave reason not to leave you. It's much easier and safer for him to just go along with unwanted advances, close his eyes and think of Empire. :D

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Well, if you played SW story, you must know the real reason he would not leave, signed papers or not. :cool: And even if you're one of them reasonably rational Sith lords, he is your subordinate, and you know how subordination works in Empire -- your Sith Overlord has right to slice your noggin off because they don't like the way you breathe. So he's the type who's trained to obey people above him in rank, he has all reasons not to trust you to be rational, because the majority of Sith aren't, and he has a very grave reason not to leave you. It's much easier and safer for him to just go along with unwanted advances, close his eyes and think of Empire. :D


I have played the SW story, more than once. We don't know when exactly Baras decided to kill you and if you recall Quinn will say that he was hoping he wouldn't have to choose between you or Baras which indicates that he wasn't just planted there to betray you. And depending on how you play your SW, you could be very rational and he would know that given how long he was on your crew.


My point was that yes, you could certainly play your SW in a way that is very sexually harassing but you don't have to - and I have never done that particular romance arc that way because it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

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Well, if you played SW story, you must know the real reason he would not leave, signed papers or not. :cool: And even if you're one of them reasonably rational Sith lords, he is your subordinate, and you know how subordination works in Empire -- your Sith Overlord has right to slice your noggin off because they don't like the way you breathe. So he's the type who's trained to obey people above him in rank, he has all reasons not to trust you to be rational, because the majority of Sith aren't, and he has a very grave reason not to leave you. It's much easier and safer for him to just go along with unwanted advances, close his eyes and think of Empire. :D

If you really want to go down that road then there are a lot of romances that are seriously questionable. Nadia, who's rather young not to mention fragile at the time, with her Jedi Master. Kira and a Jedi Master being not much different than a student dating their teacher. I'm not a fan of Corso and always reject him at the earliest opportunity yet he'll continue to try and has the audacity of throwing a tantrum if I dare flirt with someone else. For a male SW, Vette came to you collared and as a slave. Jaesa was messed up and manipulated depending on your play. Ashara, not much different. You can add major question marks to all of these and there are only a few that feel like they're on even foot, a relationship of equals.


At the end of the day though, it remains a game and a work of fiction and people are free to make their own choices. To like or dislike whatever they do and it's really not up to any other player to berate, mock, ridicule or call them out on those choices. And if you don't understand those choices, can't see it from your own perspective and are curious as to what motivates others... there are polite ways of having that debate without insulting someone for their choices. (speaking in general, not aimed at you specifically Krak). One of my bestest friends LOVES Corso. I don't see it, I never will, but it changes nothing about our friendship or how I see her, and we've discussed him plenty.

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The class stories were finished, the character arcs within were wrapped up. KotFE starts a new story and was written in a logical way to separate you from your companions and shows you being separated both by the explosion of Darth Marr's ship and by time. They made a choice to bring certain characters back into this new story and involve them in the plot, (Kaliyo, Jorgan, SCORPIO, Vette, Gault, Torian, and T7) then they abandoned all but one of those characters halfway through the story with no explanation. Out of those only SCORPIO gets a logical sendoff that's actually written into the story. It's not an "impossible standard" to expect characters that were introduced into a story and set up as your inner circle to continue to be present in that story until they are written out either through forced death, forced parting of ways, or making it to the end of the story. Having them disappear without a trace or explanation midway through a story is objectively horrible writing.


I don't know if your reading comprehension is that low or if you're simply not reading what I write and trying to argue anyway but you make no sense and trying to talk to you is like beating my head against a wall so goodbye.


I'm assuming Nefla has put me on ignore since I'm a "stoned bro" and my "reading comprehension is that low" -- Nefla's words -- not mine. But for other readers...


The fact that KotFE began a new story arc is meaningless in the broader context of the re-introduction of new or old companions. They are logically distinct and separate issues. This is patently obvious since they re-introduced characters; e.g., Mako, Akaavi, Vector, Iresso, Ashara, etc. AFTER they segued into the Iokath Traitor Arc, which (despite having the 5.number in front) is a completely different story arc from KotFE.


Ergo, Nefla's argument-- "they chose to bring certain characters back" is completely irrelevant and immaterial to the debate at hand. Why? Because Charles committed to bring back the other companions prior to 6.0. I know he excluded Zenith in a vague fashion (to Elessara -- not sure about Tharan Cedrax). In other words, Nefla is making a statement that is demonstrably true -- KotFE and KotET did, indeed, bring only bring back certain companions. It also has nothing to do with the the debate.


There are, in fact, 40 some-odd companions (or some combination therein) that I think we would all love to see back in some form or combination. Choosing a hierarchy of which companions are more or less important is a fool's errand. I think it is appropriate, out of tribute to the voice actor who portrayed Tanno Vik and passed away in real life, to have his arc done. With the others, they simply do not have the resources to fully commit to them, except in the most cursory way -- which is what they have done.


Keep in mind, we aren't talking about wrapping up arcs in a neat little bow -- we are talking about EXTENDING those arcs, since some people are opposed to bricking.


<<takes sip of martini and ponders own brilliance, yet saddened knowing Nefla will never bask in it>>:rak_03:



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I'll just point it out that while people here are tearing each other new ones over who's moar predatory sexual predator, Doc or Lana, there is one love interest -- Malavai Quinn -- who's entire romance is textbook sexual harassment, and his love thread seldom leaves page 1 of general. Guess it's not harassment when it's our own character who's doing the harassin', innit. :D

I found the male trooper / Elara Dorne to be pretty much harassment from my character, i ended up hating him so much that i deleted him without a second thought before seeing the full romance.

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I found the male trooper / Elara Dorne to be pretty much harassment from my character, i ended up hating him so much that i deleted him without a second thought before seeing the full romance.


Ya know, from reading this thread I'm kinda glad I've never done any of the OC romances.

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Ya know, from reading this thread I'm kinda glad I've never done any of the OC romances.

The only ones of the OC romances i liked so far are female trooper / Aric, female IA / Vector and female BH / Torian.

But i like all the ones from SoR onwards, i just regret that Koth's was pretty much cut short after he got the kill option.


The other OC romances i tried so far, most of them really felt unbalanced to me, with our characters having too much power over their LI.(well i haven't tried Kira as i only played a female JK though)


I'll try the male smuggler / Akaavi next to see how it goes, never tried Risha, but for some reason i really like her as friend but i don't really feel like romancing her, maybe because she just works so well in that partners in crime type of friendship

Edited by Goreshaga
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If you really want to go down that road then there are a lot of romances that are seriously questionable. Nadia, who's rather young not to mention fragile at the time, with her Jedi Master. Kira and a Jedi Master being not much different than a student dating their teacher. I'm not a fan of Corso and always reject him at the earliest opportunity yet he'll continue to try and has the audacity of throwing a tantrum if I dare flirt with someone else. For a male SW, Vette came to you collared and as a slave. Jaesa was messed up and manipulated depending on your play. Ashara, not much different. You can add major question marks to all of these and there are only a few that feel like they're on even foot, a relationship of equals.


Nadia's "romance" is very creepy, double so because it's really easy to get roped into it even if you're being just nice to her. Funny thing, you can even call her out for wanting the substitute father, but then somehow can proceed with that romance. :confused: I see JK and Kira as equals, because the Knight is just a rookie as she is, only elevated into knighthood by his Mary Sue powers; Corso, are you kidding? Bringing him out for every flirt option you take is the best part of his romance! :D I don't have problems with Sith romances because they are supposed to be creepy and abusive, only for some reason some people excuse Quinn's from this lot pretending it's all shiny happy flowers and rainbow unicorn farts? The least disturbing romance is IMO with Andronikos, and that's largely because he is not a nice person himself and seems reckless enough to risk a hook-up with miss Colicoidina Lightningfingers.


Never did Elara's romance, because she's pretty much a nice female Quinn and unlike my SW, my trooper was a decent person and would not inflict himself onto reluctant subordinate.

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Corso, are you kidding? Bringing him out for every flirt option you take is the best part of his romance! :D

That's what i did, the poor guy is soooo in love with his captain, that he'll take everything she inflicts on him. I actually felt really sad for him for doing that in the end.

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Ya know, from reading this thread I'm kinda glad I've never done any of the OC romances.


A lot of it is just a matter of interpretation. I personally didn't see anything wrong with the parts of the male trooper/Elara romance that I actually saw. I never had a problem with Corso continuing to flirt with my character if my character didn't flirt with him first. Others had very different reactions.


Many of the problems with the romance arcs lie in the the way the conversations were set up. We are limited to only 3 conversation options after all and only a few lines of dialogue - which is all understandable given that it would be impossibly expensive to have long drawn out conversations with all of our companions.

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Who says that? Quote one person who excused Doc's sexual harassment while accusing Lana of being a sexual predator. If you want to argue against what those of us who hate Lana are actually saying then go ahead, but don't go around putting words in peoples mouths so you can attempt to shut down an argument by crying bigotry.




As for Quinn, he does absolutely nothing for me (even though his image is my type) also, it really depends on the Dialogue you pick. Nadia is 22 but I agree emotionally and experience = 16, that said, she pursues Male JC. Kira and Knight are equals when they meet, and by the first attack on Tython they are equals again when things heat up.


Lana is a lot like Nadis in her possessiveness of any PC. After you return from the woods, you can say "you wouldn't believe me if I told you." When she demands an explanation. Her response "That doesn't mean you don't have to tell."


Ummmm are you my mother? No. So, she's a cross between a 10yr old with a crush and a nasty mummy.

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