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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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No not really, I just given up with the companions as it doesn't matter anymore. People who have Lana will have her and I just will stop caring about what companions I have. I am tired of trying to explain why I don't like Lana but it doesn't matter anymore. They already pretty much killed all the ones I used to like but that's okay, you have Lana so good luck and that should make you happy.


Have fun and good luck.


Then, if companions don't matter to you anymore, you shouldn't be wishing them dead and ruining it for others. I mean, why do that if they now no longer matter to you?


I don't actually care why you don't like her. That was never the problem. Don't like her? Fine. The problem is in wishing she was dead, and taking her away from those majority who do like her. You know, basically wishing on others what you said happened to you and how it sucks that it happened to you.


Basically it'd be like you saying, "I got cancer, so I hope you all get cancer." Except you know, this is less bad, because it's a video game. However, the extreme example still applies :p


I still haven't gotten back Tharan and Nadia is only just now coming back.

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I hate Doc because he's a sleazy sexual harasser that ignores your protests to his sexual harassment throughout Balmorra and then when you finally get a chance to tell him to "turn his attention elsewhere" HE gets mad at YOU ***? Bringing up Doc and Arcann as in "what if it were these male characters sneaking into your room at night without your permission" wasn't meant as a jab or anything like that, it was to highlight a double standard. Lana's actions are accepted and even seen as endearing because she's a woman but if a man did and said the things she does he'd be a total creep and people would (rightly) flip their ****.


As for the rest, a few people here and there may have asked for certain character deaths like Jorgan or Kaliyo but with the exception of Quinn who had a justified reason for getting a kill option in vanilla and Koth who for some reason is really popular to hate those complaints and requests were few and far between. I stand by my statement that killing off all the companions and then making them silent bricks was first and foremost a cost cutting measure and them being able to point to some random guy that wanted said kill option is just an excuse. How many things have people been asking for for YEARS on the forums and BioWare ignores them? Fixing bugs, implementing features, adding storylines, continuing class stories, adding romance options, etc..? Those things all cost more money. Killing off everyone and having them be silent bricks? Hell that SAVES money. They're not cutting every character because someone asked them to, especially since it results in a crappier story. They're doing it to save a buck plain and simple. If they were in the business of just granting the wishes of anyone who asked for anything then we'd have a ton more awesome stuff in the game including the killable companions still being part of the story for those who didn't kill them and I'm willing to bet far more people have asked for that (and for other choices to have impact and be fleshed out as well) than have called for the deaths of any character.


The financial part makes sense but I don’t think they make their kill choices willy nilly. The reasons have either been valid on some level or the actual real majority of people called for their heads and were rewarded for it.

I was gonna dig in on that until I remembered their “auditioning for GoT’s writing staff” moment with Vette and Torian. Maybe their voice actors were caught spitting in Ben Irving’s coffee mug. No one was clamoring for their deaths or looking to relive Virmire all over again, or the Jaxo incident. Vette and Torian was even dumber because there was absolutely zero logical sense any number of thousands of alliance members couldn’t help one or both of them out. We’ve been surviving without Arcann/Senya and Lana/Theron fighting prowess our whole lives but suddenly they can’t break off to help the other one when we choose to go after the other? Something we could easily do alone against far worse odds?


All that is to say it’s horrible liking these companions when they can be killed for real reasons, stupid RL prejudicial reasons, and complete nonsense reasons because someone wanted to flex their GoT bonafides. It’s just piling on when people start advocating for more nonsense reasons instead of putting that same energy into convincing them to knock it off altogether going forward, and start doing right with some added scenes or letters with our LI bricks.


Finally, the “Lana being ok in the bedroom because she’s a woman” thing is presumptive. If Theron was studying a dangerous Sith artifact in my room I’d be mad at how little sense it made for a non force user to be messing with it, not because he’s a man. I’d probably have been ok with Arcann or hypothetically Scourge because they might have useful knowledge about the holocron, but they aren’t around at this time. The other males aren’t force sensitive so they’d have no business with it. It makes sense Lana would be the one studying it at that moment. Maybe she should have been studying it in another room but maybe she’s afraid it will do something she can’t control and she may need you immediately since she knows you can handle it like you did on Nathema. I realize I’m probably stretching but it still makes more sense than assuming she has some sinister or creepy actual motive for being in there.

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Finally, the “Lana being ok in the bedroom because she’s a woman” thing is presumptive. If Theron was studying a dangerous Sith artifact in my room I’d be mad at how little sense it made for a non force user to be messing with it, not because he’s a man. I’d probably have been ok with Arcann or hypothetically Scourge because they might have useful knowledge about the holocron, but they aren’t around at this time. The other males aren’t force sensitive so they’d have no business with it. It makes sense Lana would be the one studying it at that moment. Maybe she should have been studying it in another room but maybe she’s afraid it will do something she can’t control and she may need you immediately since she knows you can handle it like you did on Nathema. I realize I’m probably stretching but it still makes more sense than assuming she has some sinister or creepy actual motive for being in there.


I think the last is a stretch, because if she needed your help or was worried, why are you asleep? I would think something that worrisome would demand the PC be wide awake, bright-eyed and bushytailed to help with the holocron. That would've made sense at least, if the PC was awake, working with Lana on the holocron in the room to keep it private or safely away from others if it all goes to hell. That I could accept. It's the creepy thing about her being in there at night while the PC sleeps.


I for one wouldn't want a guy (or girl) I just met (even if I trusted or forgave Arcann which I don't) skulking around my room while I'm vulnerable and sleeping. Scourge I could see, maybe, because he's been with the JK for a long time (if the PC is a JK). But as you say, they're not around.


Anyway, what they could've done instead, is have Theron in the room, studying reports while you sleep if he's the LI companion.


Chalk it up to bad writing, cutting corners what have you.

Edited by Lunafox
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Finally, the “Lana being ok in the bedroom because she’s a woman” thing is presumptive. If Theron was studying a dangerous Sith artifact in my room I’d be mad at how little sense it made for a non force user to be messing with it, not because he’s a man. I’d probably have been ok with Arcann or hypothetically Scourge because they might have useful knowledge about the holocron, but they aren’t around at this time. The other males aren’t force sensitive so they’d have no business with it. It makes sense Lana would be the one studying it at that moment. Maybe she should have been studying it in another room but maybe she’s afraid it will do something she can’t control and she may need you immediately since she knows you can handle it like you did on Nathema. I realize I’m probably stretching but it still makes more sense than assuming she has some sinister or creepy actual motive for being in there.


All of this - and unlike Doc, Lana NEVER makes a single sexually suggestive or flirty remark toward the PC who has not romanced her. In fact even if you *have* romanced her she watches her step. She never sexually objectifies the PC or calls them "gorgeous" the way Doc does. You never hear her making sexually inappropriate remarks about others or bragging about what a catch she is, the way Doc does.


So yeah, I *would* have been creeped out to see Doc there not because he's a man, but because of all the suggestive remarks he makes toward the female JK, combined with his inability to understand the word 'no.' But I wouldn't have been creeped out to see Talos, Kira, Blizz or Xalek sitting there because they'd never behaved in an inappropriate or suggestive way.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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All of this - and unlike Doc, Lana NEVER makes a single sexually suggestive or flirty remark toward the PC who has not romanced her. In fact even if you *have* romanced her she watches her step. She never sexually objectifies the PC or calls them "gorgeous" the way Doc does. You never hear her making sexually inappropriate remarks about others or bragging about what a catch she is, the way Doc does.


So yeah, I *would* have been creeped out to see Doc there not because he's a man, but because of all the suggestive remarks he makes toward the female JK, combined with his inability to understand the word 'no.' But I wouldn't have been creeped out to see Talos, Kira, Blizz or Xalek sitting there because they'd never behaved in an inappropriate or suggestive way.

Yet Doc is never standing in your room while you're asleep, unless you invited him to do so, which would be totally creepy if he did. If he had done that, my JK would clearly have kept her word of feeding him to the Collicoids.


But i'd have been unconfortable too with any other character than Lana standing there, except my character's LI.


Those who want to kill Lana, are wanting it because they lost theirs and they're more than willing to allow others feel the suffering they've felt. Very Sith of them. Very much not for the people but for one's self.


They know what is likely to happen and they don't care about the others. I hope the devs/writers don't continue to build a wall between the players and keep the remain companions alive and maybe even able to spread them around.

I don't think the "i lost mine so you should loose yours" is the only reason.

Honnestly if i was feeling for Lana the level of dislike i feel for Ashara, i'd be really, really mad to be stuck with a character i can't stand just because i have no way to get rid of said character, and that would indeed be even worse if all the ones i liked had been taken away, and even more so when it's a character as prominent as Lana.

People who disliked Koth or Theron got a way to get rid of them, people who hated Quinn got a way to kill him, even when it made no sense when it was done (right after the fact was perfectly fine, a decade later is stupid), but people who dislike Lana (and we all know that liking or disliking someone is not always rational) are just forced to deal with her no matter what.

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Yet Doc is never standing in your room while you're asleep, unless you invited him to do so, which would be totally creepy if he did. If he had done that, my JK would clearly have kept her word of feeding him to the Collicoids.


But i'd have been unconfortable too with any other character than Lana standing there, except my character's LI.


Maybe it's a cultural thing. If you've ever been to camp or school or lived in any type of communal environment, you get used to people walking in and out of your room, because they do.


I think my point though was that Lana never behaves in a predatory manner like some other companions, so the constant assumptions that she's got some sort of creepy intention in the PC's room get really old.


And again, interesting that nobody ever gets creeped out by Theron and Koth being there in the med bay scenes. Is it because Lana's a queer woman, they automatically think she wants to do something to them, but Koth and Theron are guys so it's okay?


In thinking about this more, the PC is on a really tight schedule in that bedroom scene. They had to run back from Nathema to Odessen because of Vaylin's attack and then run from Odessen to Zakuul because the fleet is out of control. It's not as though they've had a chance to sit down with Lana and look over that holocron. Her looking at it in your room might have also been because a) you've been told it's the only thing that can hurt Valkorion and b)Valkorion just pulled the trick of absorbing Vaylin's spirit and Lana is suspicious of his motives. She's the only one who knows about it - not the PC's LI, if it's someone else. She may have wanted to stay near the PC with the holocron in the hopes she could do something if Valkorion attacked.

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Maybe it's a cultural thing. If you've ever been to camp or school or lived in any type of communal environment, you get used to people walking in and out of your room, because they do.


I think my point though was that Lana never behaves in a predatory manner like some other companions, so the constant assumptions that she's got some sort of creepy intention in the PC's room get really old.


And again, interesting that nobody ever gets creeped out by Theron and Koth being there in the med bay scenes. Is it because Lana's a queer woman, they automatically think she wants to do something to them, but Koth and Theron are guys so it's okay?

I think it's more of a personnal thing actually, i just don't really like other people getting too much in my intimacy, even those i actually like.

That's probably why i feel this way for this particular scene, and only because my character is sleeping in their room and Lana is the only other character here, her being potentially attracted to women have actually nothing to do with that.

Won't really speak about Theron because he is my main character's lover so him being alone in the room with her would not creep me out, Koth would though as there should not be that level of intimacy between him and my JK. But Theron doing that with my other characters who are not in a relationship with him would feel inapropriate too.


As for the med bay, Theron and Koth are not alone with the sleeping character at that time, Lana is there too, that's why even if i'd feel more logical on Iokath for Theron to be the first face my JK sees, i find Lana being the closest to my character in the med bay less disturbing than her being alone with them in their own bedroom.

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I think it's more of a personnal thing actually, i just don't really like other people getting too much in my intimacy, even those i actually like.

That's probably why i feel this way for this particular scene, and only because my character is sleeping in their room and Lana is the only other character here, her being potentially attracted to women have actually nothing to do with that.

Won't really speak about Theron because he is my main character's lover so him being alone in the room with her would not creep me out, Koth would though as there should not be that level of intimacy between him and my JK. But Theron doing that with my other characters who are not in a relationship with him would feel inapropriate too.


As for the med bay, Theron and Koth are not alone with the sleeping character at that time, Lana is there too, that's why even if i'd feel more logical on Iokath for Theron to be the first face my JK sees, i find Lana being the closest to my character in the med bay less disturbing than her being alone with them in their own bedroom.


For me it's more about context, what the character is doing and why they're there. Lana's looking at the holocron. She's not perched on the edge of the bed saying "you're gorgeous." If she'd acted in a salacious manner at other parts in the game it would have been different, too.


I edited my other message but in that particular scene, the PC has just run from Nathema to Odessen to Zakuul very quickly. Lana's just witnessed Valkorion absorbing Vaylin's spirit into the PC's body and expressed her suspicions about Valkorion's intentions. She's the only one who knows about the holocron and she also knows it's something that can hurt Valkorion. She might have wanted to stick close to the PC for that reason, too, so she could potentially intervene if Valkorion had decided to pull something.

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For me it's more about context, what the character is doing and why they're there. Lana's looking at the holocron. She's not perched on the edge of the bed saying "you're gorgeous." If she'd acted in a salacious manner at other parts in the game it would have been different, too.


I edited my other message but in that particular scene, the PC has just run from Nathema to Odessen to Zakuul very quickly. Lana's just witnessed Valkorion absorbing Vaylin's spirit into the PC's body and expressed her suspicions about Valkorion's intentions. She's the only one who knows about the holocron and she also knows it's something that can hurt Valkorion. She might have wanted to stick close to the PC for that reason, too, so she could potentially intervene if Valkorion had decided to pull something.

Well depending on the manner, my JK would at the very least have politely told Lana that she loved someone else if Lana had said that she was attracted to her, but if Lana came as strongly as Doc she'd have gotten the same kind of answers, like drinking her food or being fed to Collicoids. We're lucky they never thought that it would be a good idea for Lana to act like that.


As for the scene itself, it's clearly a writting problem because we can only guess things here. Problem is that at the end of Nathema our character asks Lana to keep the holocron hidden from Valkorion, but there they're all like "hey you have that holocron that can detroy the old man" while he'd clearly hear about that.

Thing is also that my playthrough is different than yours because Arcann was the one witnessing Valkorion absorbing Vaylin's spirit and comenting on that, not Lana. And both Arcann and Senya were on the Gravestone, so Lana could've been studying the holocron with them, especially since they were the ones accompanying my JK on Zakuul, not Lana.

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This thread has gone beyond ridiculous. People are well within their rights to dislike Lana and express why, just as others are welcome to enjoy her presence and romance, so why has this turned so hostile? It’s okay for another player to state they would prefer not having Lana present in their story, that’s their personal preference and having that opinion is not the same as requesting or demanding her removal. It’s okay for a player to state “I don’t enjoy Lana and I wish she weren’t part of my story/gameplay”. I’m seeing a poster in this thread be picked apart for having that opinion while said poster has never asked for a kill option, does not want Lana removed for all, and is well aware of the ghosting that happens to any companion who is killable/removable—they’re merely voicing their dislike for the character and that’s perfectly fine.


I get it, the defensiveness and concerns that come with seeing anyone state they don’t want Companion-X in their game—god forbid BW might take notice—but there is no need to treat each other with such hostility. I’ll concede there are a select few out there who have extremely questionable reasons for wanting Lana gone (because she’s female, because she’s not Theron, envy toward Lana fans because she appears untouchable, to spite other posters, purely for the sake of ‘t.it for tat’ etc.) and yeah, that aggravates me too. I’m not even a Lana fan but those stances are petty and extremely childish. Still, for the most part, there are also plenty of players posting in this thread who merely dislike Lana without wishing to take her away from others.


I don’t like Lana and I too wish she wasn’t a part of my personal gameplay. However, having been on the other side of the coin where companions I love disappeared from my game after receiving a kill/exile option, I would not ever request BW add such an option for Lana just to placate me. I simply ignore her presence and erase her from my headcanon. Is that so wrong? Are we now in the business of telling others how they can and cannot feel about a companion because god forbid, their negative feelings toward Lana might just influence a future decision made by BW? Which if it did would not be the player’s fault but Bioware’s, and that is what a lot of this is.


They were dead wrong to give in to the first kill requests when people took issue with Koth, and it was a mistake to begin experimenting with such choices. Unless the studio can provide content for both choices, they shouldn’t offer those choices period. Companions and love interests are too vital for a lot of players. There are so many players who’ve bonded with their companion and/or LI, who have entire saga’s in their head about the adventures and friendship/love they’ve shared with these companions and it is downright unacceptable they be robbed of that enjoyment just because someone else decided to kill that character. That should never, ever be the case but it is and I think rather than sitting here and attacking each other, arguing over which character is more homicidal and despicable, we could use that energy and time to stand together and demand better from the studio.


That’s my two credits and while I love debate and have enjoyed these companion threads, whether aimed at love or hatred for a character, I really wish BW would shut them all down as they’re a damn homing beacon for drama.

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This thread has gone beyond ridiculous. People are well within their rights to dislike Lana and express why, just as others are welcome to enjoy her presence and romance, so why has this turned so hostile? It’s okay for another player to state they would prefer not having Lana present in their story, that’s their personal preference and having that opinion is not the same as requesting or demanding her removal. It’s okay for a player to state “I don’t enjoy Lana and I wish she weren’t part of my story/gameplay”. I’m seeing a poster in this thread be picked apart for having that opinion while said poster has never asked for a kill option, does not want Lana removed for all, and is well aware of the ghosting that happens to any companion who is killable/removable—they’re merely voicing their dislike for the character and that’s perfectly fine.


I get it, the defensiveness and concerns that come with seeing anyone state they don’t want Companion-X in their game—god forbid BW might take notice—but there is no need to treat each other with such hostility. I’ll concede there are a select few out there who have extremely questionable reasons for wanting Lana gone (because she’s female, because she’s not Theron, envy toward Lana fans because she appears untouchable, to spite other posters, purely for the sake of ‘t.it for tat’ etc.) and yeah, that aggravates me too. I’m not even a Lana fan but those stances are petty and extremely childish. Still, for the most part, there are also plenty of players posting in this thread who merely dislike Lana without wishing to take her away from others.


I don’t like Lana and I too wish she wasn’t a part of my personal gameplay. However, having been on the other side of the coin where companions I love disappeared from my game after receiving a kill/exile option, I would not ever request BW add such an option for Lana just to placate me. I simply ignore her presence and erase her from my headcanon. Is that so wrong? Are we now in the business of telling others how they can and cannot feel about a companion because god forbid, their negative feelings toward Lana might just influence a future decision made by BW? Which if it did would not be the player’s fault but Bioware’s, and that is what a lot of this is.


They were dead wrong to give in to the first kill requests when people took issue with Koth, and it was a mistake to begin experimenting with such choices. Unless the studio can provide content for both choices, they shouldn’t offer those choices period. Companions and love interests are too vital for a lot of players. There are so many players who’ve bonded with their companion and/or LI, who have entire saga’s in their head about the adventures and friendship/love they’ve shared with these companions and it is downright unacceptable they be robbed of that enjoyment just because someone else decided to kill that character. That should never, ever be the case but it is and I think rather than sitting here and attacking each other, arguing over which character is more homicidal and despicable, we could use that energy and time to stand together and demand better from the studio.


That’s my two credits and while I love debate and have enjoyed these companion threads, whether aimed at love or hatred for a character, I really wish BW would shut them all down as they’re a damn homing beacon for drama.


I agree with much of what you said. Objecting to someone disliking a character is indeed silly. So is calling for the death of a character and people being picked apart for wanting to save their LIs. But unfortunately we can't stop debate, and this debate is partly about what's fair to the LGBT community. Best just not to take part of it if it bothers you. Nothing kills a debate in a hurry like a lack of debaters. But, yeah, better content for LIs. I'll join that fight any time!

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This thread has gone beyond ridiculous. People are well within their rights to dislike Lana and express why, just as others are welcome to enjoy her presence and romance, so why has this turned so hostile? It’s okay for another player to state they would prefer not having Lana present in their story, that’s their personal preference and having that opinion is not the same as requesting or demanding her removal. It’s okay for a player to state “I don’t enjoy Lana and I wish she weren’t part of my story/gameplay”. I’m seeing a poster in this thread be picked apart for having that opinion while said poster has never asked for a kill option, does not want Lana removed for all, and is well aware of the ghosting that happens to any companion who is killable/removable—they’re merely voicing their dislike for the character and that’s perfectly fine.


I get it, the defensiveness and concerns that come with seeing anyone state they don’t want Companion-X in their game—god forbid BW might take notice—but there is no need to treat each other with such hostility. I’ll concede there are a select few out there who have extremely questionable reasons for wanting Lana gone (because she’s female, because she’s not Theron, envy toward Lana fans because she appears untouchable, to spite other posters, purely for the sake of ‘t.it for tat’ etc.) and yeah, that aggravates me too. I’m not even a Lana fan but those stances are petty and extremely childish. Still, for the most part, there are also plenty of players posting in this thread who merely dislike Lana without wishing to take her away from others.


I don’t like Lana and I too wish she wasn’t a part of my personal gameplay. However, having been on the other side of the coin where companions I love disappeared from my game after receiving a kill/exile option, I would not ever request BW add such an option for Lana just to placate me. I simply ignore her presence and erase her from my headcanon. Is that so wrong? Are we now in the business of telling others how they can and cannot feel about a companion because god forbid, their negative feelings toward Lana might just influence a future decision made by BW? Which if it did would not be the player’s fault but Bioware’s, and that is what a lot of this is.


They were dead wrong to give in to the first kill requests when people took issue with Koth, and it was a mistake to begin experimenting with such choices. Unless the studio can provide content for both choices, they shouldn’t offer those choices period. Companions and love interests are too vital for a lot of players. There are so many players who’ve bonded with their companion and/or LI, who have entire saga’s in their head about the adventures and friendship/love they’ve shared with these companions and it is downright unacceptable they be robbed of that enjoyment just because someone else decided to kill that character. That should never, ever be the case but it is and I think rather than sitting here and attacking each other, arguing over which character is more homicidal and despicable, we could use that energy and time to stand together and demand better from the studio.

That’s my two credits and while I love debate and have enjoyed these companion threads, whether aimed at love or hatred for a character, I really wish BW would shut them all down as they’re a damn homing beacon for drama.


Basically all of this!


And honestly, I don't mind all the love and hatred threads closed and deleted either. The amount animosity it has created just isn't worth it. I miss the days where the forums felt like a fun and pretty reasonable enough* community. I know times change and so do people. SWTOR has been in a rough patch and we all suffered from it and so did the way we behave to one another.


But I guess if there's one positive thing that has come from love thread drama, IS MY LOVE FOR YOU JENNY!!


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I'm not exactly an Arcann supporter but I *am* nitpicky.


Millions = large city but most of the planetary population intact, planet still exists (ex: there are about 9 million people in New York City)


Billions = planetary population, planet still exists with probably some pockets of survivors (ex: there are about 8 billion people on Earth) - this btw, was a Taris type of event, however there were some survivors and if there hadn't been the rakghouls or toxic radiation that population might have grown; also plant and animal life still existed and thrived


World destroying = planet turned into bits and pieces, no survivors and no possibility of regrowth - this of course is an Alderaan type of event


What Malak did to Taris? Not world destroying. What Arcann ordered on those unnamed planets? Not world destroying.


Thank you for making my point.


Yes they can give Lana more content to those that love her and let her go for the rest of us. It's called she goes somewhere else if the play CHOOSES it. If you want her to stay DON'T choose to have her go!

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Basically all of this!


And honestly, I don't mind all the love and hatred threads closed and deleted either. The amount animosity it has created just isn't worth it. I miss the days where the forums felt like a fun and pretty reasonable enough* community. I know times change and so do people. SWTOR has been in a rough patch and we all suffered from it and so did the way we behave to one another.


But I guess if there's one positive thing that has come from love thread drama, IS MY LOVE FOR YOU JENNY!!


;) I love you too!! Good things can happen when two people, despite opposing opinions, have a mature conversation regarding those matters and are willing to hear the other side of things. ♥

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Then, if companions don't matter to you anymore, you shouldn't be wishing them dead and ruining it for others. I mean, why do that if they now no longer matter to you?


I don't actually care why you don't like her. That was never the problem. Don't like her? Fine. The problem is in wishing she was dead, and taking her away from those majority who do like her. You know, basically wishing on others what you said happened to you and how it sucks that it happened to you.


Basically it'd be like you saying, "I got cancer, so I hope you all get cancer." Except you know, this is less bad, because it's a video game. However, the extreme example still applies :p


I still haven't gotten back Tharan and Nadia is only just now coming back.


Have you not read a thing I said I DONT want Lana dead. Can you understand that. Yes I don't like her and yes I would like her removed from my story but that doesn't mean I want her dead. Can you understand that or is that too hard for you. I have never wanted her removed from everyone else, just from my story. Do I think it will happen? Probably not, because BW can't figure out how to let people remove a character from their story and let them stay in others but that doesn't change the fact I would like her removed from my story. You seem to have a problem understanding just because I want her gone from my story, that means I wish she was dead and gone from everyone's else. No. I just would like her gone from mine but for some reason you can't see that.


I am through responding to you because no matter what I say you will think I want her gone from everyone's story which is not the case. Good luck to you.

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Personally, i want Lana out of the picture because :


- my main, a Mandalorian BH, grew tired of taking suggestions and advices from a Sith

- my second in line, a JC , wants to return to the Republic without "additional luggage" aka Lana

- all my characters grew tired of Lana, they might want an advisory closer to their faction ( Admiral Aygo? Hylo Visz? Darth Krovos? )


No kill, just a pause, please! Lana could ( for example) locate an ancient artifact on *insert planet here* and decide to study it alone, in the wilderness? Meanwhile, someone else could take her place . All i'm asking is please don't force her on my characters's throats. Thank you.

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As for the scene itself, it's clearly a writting problem because we can only guess things here. Problem is that at the end of Nathema our character asks Lana to keep the holocron hidden from Valkorion, but there they're all like "hey you have that holocron that can detroy the old man" while he'd clearly hear about that.

Thing is also that my playthrough is different than yours because Arcann was the one witnessing Valkorion absorbing Vaylin's spirit and comenting on that, not Lana. And both Arcann and Senya were on the Gravestone, so Lana could've been studying the holocron with them, especially since they were the ones accompanying my JK on Zakuul, not Lana.


I don't think anyone would disagree that it was a writing problem, for the reasons you've mentioned and because it was strange. But when it's constantly invoked as the defining aspect of Lana's character and people act as though she was somehow behaving in a sexual harassing/inappropriate way to the PC, it gets really old. Every one of the main characters has had moments where they've fallen victim to bad or inconsistent writing or has been given actions that seem to clash with who they are, and Lana's the one who gets burned at the stake for it.

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And honestly, I don't mind all the love and hatred threads closed and deleted either. The amount animosity it has created just isn't worth it. I miss the days where the forums felt like a fun and pretty reasonable enough* community. I know times change and so do people. SWTOR has been in a rough patch and we all suffered from it and so did the way we behave to one another.


TBH given how much hostility seems to be bred from the love/hate threads, I too wish there would be a moratorium on them, and that any future "I want a kill option for (ANY character name)" threads would be deleted out of hand. Fans of various companions have places to gather that aren't here, and I'm sure the haters do as well.


I do think the rough patch has made things worse. When there are only scraps of content we're all fighting for them, and the complete lack of new things to do makes people antsy. Sadly I don't think 5.10 is going to improve on this because it's taking the story in a direction some players don't want to go.

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TBH given how much hostility seems to be bred from the love/hate threads, I too wish there would be a moratorium on them, and that any future "I want a kill option for (ANY character name)" threads would be deleted out of hand. Fans of various companions have places to gather that aren't here, and I'm sure the haters do as well.


I do think the rough patch has made things worse. When there are only scraps of content we're all fighting for them, and the complete lack of new things to do makes people antsy. Sadly I don't think 5.10 is going to improve on this because it's taking the story in a direction some players don't want to go.


So, unless i like a popular companion i have to go away?

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TBH given how much hostility seems to be bred from the love/hate threads, I too wish there would be a moratorium on them, and that any future "I want a kill option for (ANY character name)" threads would be deleted out of hand. Fans of various companions have places to gather that aren't here, and I'm sure the haters do as well.


I do think the rough patch has made things worse. When there are only scraps of content we're all fighting for them, and the complete lack of new things to do makes people antsy. Sadly I don't think 5.10 is going to improve on this because it's taking the story in a direction some players don't want to go.


You're right about the future content: if the Alliance survives, some people will be furious; and if it's blown up, others will be disappointed. Controversy and resentment will abound, no matter the road taken. Best to take a deep breath now. :)

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So, unless i like a popular companion i have to go away?


How do you even read that in there?

TBH given how much hostility seems to be bred from the love/hate threads, I too wish there would be a moratorium on them, and that any future "I want a kill option for (ANY character name)" threads would be deleted out of hand. Fans of various companions have places to gather that aren't here, and I'm sure the haters do as well.


I do think the rough patch has made things worse. When there are only scraps of content we're all fighting for them, and the complete lack of new things to do makes people antsy. Sadly I don't think 5.10 is going to improve on this because it's taking the story in a direction some players don't want to go.


Unfortunately... ;/

Edited by Eshvara
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