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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I guess I prefer looking forward to positive future things (hopefully without Lana in my PCs' faces) then griping and being bitter about the past. Mr. Musco said that they want to get more content for Optional Characters and I don't see how that is lying. They also said no MM for God's of the Machines and MM OPS groups got it. However, if Lana lovers are determined to be spiteful and twitchy because they think they'll never get more of her, then they can do it happily. Personally, I see no reason to believe them.


I've said countless times this is about all companions, not just Lana. It's not "twitchy and spiteful" to protest other people's agenda to ruin their games by deleting whatever characters they dislike. And given how many times players have had their companions ignored and bricked, there's no reason for optimism.


But if ignoring the set precedents helps you when 5.10 drops and bricked characters continue to be bricked, by all means, enjoy.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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But you haven't played 5.10. So you can't say for certain I am wrong. The currently "bricked" comps do not have to stay bricked at all. And IF they're not, than your argument about Lana being ruined for you is flawed, because people like me don't want your game ruined but you don't care if our games are.
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But you haven't played 5.10. So you can't say for certain I am wrong. The currently "bricked" comps do not have to stay bricked at all. And IF they're not, than your argument about Lana being ruined for you is flawed, because people like me don't want your game ruined but you don't care if our games are.


You do want my game ruined. You've been told time and time again that dead for 1 = dead for all, but you don't care, and you refuse to listen to anyone telling you how it affects others' games.


I'd literally bet my next paycheck, every cent of it, that everyone who has been killable except possibly Theron will be bricked or have nothing more than a letter in 5.10.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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If those of us who want to kill or get rid of Lana had a choice in how to do it, what would you choose?


For simply getting rid of her, the easiest choice for me would be sending her back to the Empire or having her go back of her own volition. Then again, with the new story chapter they are forcing us to stay with our original faction so I guess that means any imperial defectors I have would still be stuck with her. Can we just move out of Odessen and not give her our new address? :p I would legitimately abandon all of my imperial characters regardless of how much I love them if it meant never seeing BioWare designated Waifu #3 again.


As for killing her, I have mostly LS characters so killing her out of the blue for no reason would be OOC for them but I'd welcome her betraying us or something (even if it's only if we take certain actions previously). Maybe she can get eaten by some giant creature right after creepily staring at us while we sleep again. Like our people are camping or something and instead of the character's love interest in the tent with them is Lana being a creepy stalker as usual so you open your eyes once more to her face looming inches above yours only to see the top of the tent torn off and Lana with it as some massive beast just eats her :D

Edited by Nefla
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I'm not a "Lana Lover" either but at the same time I don't want to see her "Dead" either. My characters are predominantly LS and neither of my characters that have/are going through the Zakuul story get along very well with Lana but that doesn't mean dead. We disagree ok, so what?, the *galaxy does not revolve "Around Me" I just listen to the different choices think and determine which is best given the situation and Desired outcome. I do Appreciate everything Lana has done during that story but anything more...hahaha, No.


My 1st the Gunslinger did flirt with Lana once but not again as he never doubted going back to his *Original L.I. (Plus Lana is **Boring** compared to Risha). The J.K. he cares more about doing the Right thing (With all his Arrogant, Righteous Compulsions) and any L.I. seems to come second (plus Lana is..creepy).


The best way "I" would like to see Lana *Move on is returning to the Empire as it gears up to its old ways as a High level member And.. A recurring character possibly Liason when dealing with the Empire/Sith (Obviously more for the Emp/Sith then Rep/Jedi). Dead, No, don't "Get along, Didn't lick my boots enough, Dislike her whatever, Dislike odd numbers hahahahahaha :) None of those reasons are enough to Kill a character liked by so many

*(Killing Comps especially L.I.'s is Wrong and should Never happen again, Ever).

Edited by MikeCobalt
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Um Theron has comics and novels under him his story is intimately connected to The Old Republic universe. Lana does not. Theron, is a fully fleshed-out independent character outside of the Player Story like Satele, Malcolm, Nico and Shea Vizla, Lana is NOT. Lana's role in the story is nearly entirely dependent on the Player.


We do have the option to be rid of Theron, and he's got more right to tag with Pubs or Pure LS players than Lana. Give me a Lana Novel and I may change my mind, (I would actually read it gladly) but for now, I still say I am not evil for wanting to send her back to the Sith where she belongs.


So it sounds like, we need more Lana in the game so she can get fleshed out to the point of Theron.

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I'd literally bet my next paycheck, every cent of it, that everyone who has been killable except possibly Theron will be bricked or have nothing more than a letter in 5.10.


We'll see, won't we but don't waste your money you worked hard for it, and guess what? no game is worth that.

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Next time I'll remember italics, you still have no proof saying that Optional characters will always be bricked, where at least I have some proof that it might not always be like that. And if Theron is in 5.10 you really have no legs to stand on.
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Next time I'll remember italics, you still have no proof saying that Optional characters will always be bricked, where at least I have some proof that it might not always be like that. And if Theron is in 5.10 you really have no legs to stand on.


Back to that, are we? You don't have "proof," you have one comment from people that have said a lot of things that haven't happened. But my all means, go down with that ship if you feel so strongly about it. We already know you are going to grasp any straw that will let you pretend that killing off characters doesn't harm other players.


And Theron's one character who happens to be a dev favorite. Including one character means nothing when we consider there are currently more than 30 who are bricked and have had no part in the content, including 17 LIs.


If ALL 17 of those LI have on-screen content in 5.10, the devs can be taken at their word. If not, it's another case of the devs just throwing in a favorite, the same way your favorite genocidal dictator has gotten time because one of the writers had a crush on him.


I do hope you realize that when the players keep pushing the devs to remove characters, it will eventually come back to one you like. Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow with Doc, Scourge, Jonas or some other character you'd like to see stick around. But by all means, keep whining that they should remove one character you can't stand.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Next time I'll remember italics, you still have no proof saying that Optional characters will always be bricked, where at least I have some proof that it might not always be like that. And if Theron is in 5.10 you really have no legs to stand on.


I think the keyword in your statement there is 'optional'. What makes them optional? The reason they're 'optional' is because they've been killed off for some i.e. bricked. You don't want one in particular so you want her to be 'optional'. We don't want ANY to be optional.


Or maybe a better way of saying it is we want them all to be optional like in vanilla. As in choose the companion you want to take with you. I think we can all agree on that. But the way optional has been defined because of kill options and alerts makes it restrictive, not inclusive. That's what you don't seem to understand.

Edited by kodrac
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So it sounds like, we need more Lana in the game so she can get fleshed out to the point of Theron.

Uh she's already in it more than any other companion from SoR on. If they had added two random chapters where the person in them happened to be Lana's parent or sibling or whatever that would have been fine by me (ex: if Shae Vizla had been her mother or something) but I do not need even more of this annoying, clingy author's pet shoved down my throat than we already got. If y'all want a book or something I don't care either way. Since I'm not forced to read it have all the books you want. Maybe a book would make her slightly interesting. The writers had every opportunity to flesh her out in-game but instead they chose to make her some generic waifu who follows you around fawning over you no matter how badly you treat her.


PC: "Lana ... can you go and check out the maintenance hatch? I'm picking up some strange readings."

HK55: "Now? "

LMAO awesome XD

Edited by Nefla
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So it sounds like, we need more Lana in the game so she can get fleshed out to the point of Theron.


I'm just imagining the whining from the antis that would accompany that. But yeah, I wish they'd give her just as much outside media and have her family drama in the game just as much as Theron.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Only if they do it for all the other companions, not just Theron and Lana.

Well Scourge somehow got it too, considering he's one of the main characters in the Revan novel.


But yeah why not. I'd clearly not buy something about every one of them, but for some i would find it interesting

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If we're having companion content I personally would love to read about Risha and Vette's pirate adventures way back when.


:) Me too. Towards the end of the Zakuul story I was thinking the situations were right for those two to meet, share a few "Remember when.." moments. Get a bit more of the backstory on those two characters.

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Uh she's already in it more than any other companion from SoR on. If they had added two random chapters where the person in them happened to be Lana's parent or sibling or whatever that would have been fine by me (ex: if Shae Vizla had been her mother or something) but I do not need even more of this annoying, clingy author's pet shoved down my throat than we already got. If y'all want a book or something I don't care either way. Since I'm not forced to read it have all the books you want. Maybe a book would make her slightly interesting. The writers had every opportunity to flesh her out in-game but instead they chose to make her some generic waifu who follows you around fawning over you no matter how badly you treat her.



LMAO awesome XD


Well, the comment was about how much Theron was fleshed out compared to Lana. So, how they even it out can vary, but I would imagine in game would be the easiest way to do it :p

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I think the keyword in your statement there is 'optional'. What makes them optional? The reason they're 'optional' is because they've been killed off for some i.e. bricked. You don't want one in particular so you want her to be 'optional'. We don't want ANY to be optional.


Or maybe a better way of saying it is we want them all to be optional like in vanilla. As in choose the companion you want to take with you. I think we can all agree on that. But the way optional has been defined because of kill options and alerts makes it restrictive, not inclusive. That's what you don't seem to understand.


No I do understand! I'm saying that the devs can give us all content that we want, and they've said it could include new stuff for bricked characters. So me losing Lana in the future might not necessarily screw up other people's game.

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Well, the comment was about how much Theron was fleshed out compared to Lana. So, how they even it out can vary, but I would imagine in game would be the easiest way to do it :p


They already had plenty of time in-game to develop her. They THOUGHT everyone would just loooove a generic spineless follower who follows us around like a lost puppy as long as she's female, a romance option, and didn't go against anything we said or did. Obviously some do like this but many of us would rather throw her out the airlock rather than having to deal with her creepy, clingy, bland, assigned official BioWare waifu status self for one more minute. They blew their chance to make her interesting or likable in the game IMO. She had potential with SoR but they totally squandered that with KotFE, KotET, and the traitor stuff. A book or comic would be a great and almost certainly much cheaper than doing it in game way to flesh out her backstory for those that are already her fans without forcing more of her on people who hate her.

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They already had plenty of time in-game to develop her. They THOUGHT everyone would just loooove a generic spineless follower who follows us around like a lost puppy as long as she's female, a romance option, and didn't go against anything we said or did. Obviously some do like this but many of us would rather throw her out the airlock rather than having to deal with her creepy, clingy, bland, assigned official BioWare waifu status self for one more minute. They blew their chance to make her interesting or likable in the game IMO. She had potential with SoR but they totally squandered that with KotFE, KotET, and the traitor stuff. A book or comic would be a great and almost certainly much cheaper than doing it in game way to flesh out her backstory for those that are already her fans without forcing more of her on people who hate her.


I'd say it's more likely, that those of us who like her, have an imagination (no not like that geeze mind out of the gutter) to go a little more with what they give.


That said, who cares if it forces her on those who hate her? I haven't seen a consensus yet on a companion that is liked by all.


Theron? Not liked by all.


Quinn? Not liked by many.


Arcann? Not liked by many.


Koth? Hated by so many they didn't even see fit to let him finish the story he was in.


No matter what companion they force on you, someone will hate them, and I get the feeling Lana's hate is less than 50% of the player base.

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