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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The login service is currently unavailable


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You've never worked in IT or customer service, have you?


Crap happens. When it does, the fixes take a while. Especially for an always-on service like this one.



Crap like this only happens when you have incompent people running the QC team. Or when you allow your equipment to fail, also due to incompentence.

I have played this game since beta and endured every other screw up they have had. SImple ones like this take the cake when they never should have happened in the first place.

You do not "accidentally" lose the abilitiy to connect your log in server to your game servers while the same game servers are still active. That's either diliberate or incompentence, nether of which is ever acceptable. Especially for this game which has been steadly going down hill in realibility and quality since post launch.

You do better or you lose customers, and all I have since in the past 8 years is loss of customers. It's getting old and tiresome and if there was any other Star Wars styled mmo I would have been long gone myself.

Edited by Skylancer
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How did you land a sweet gig reading and responding to the angry mob of SWTOR gamers? I'm between careers at the moment, and being the Interweb punching bag for a large gaming company seems interesting.





I'm not angry... No reason to be angry over something that cannot be helped. Sh*t happens, been through three tours that taught me this. I say... though no one has to take my advice on this... that we adopt the USArmy's favorite saying in situations like this.


"Hurry up and wait."

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My father always taught me that when something doesn't work properly to follow these steps


a) Curse silently under your breath

b) jiggle the power switch a few times

b) Curse not so silently

c) Hammer the top of the device with the palm of your hand while yelling "Come on you piece of junk"

d) Go to the fridge and grab a beer, drink it slowly while staring at the box

e) Suddenly yell "I get it, its so easy"

f) Repeat steps a through d

g) Slap the top of the device again while cursing whatever god you worship

h) Yell at your significant other that you're going to the bar

I) Do a preemptive sick call to work

j) Go to the bar

h) Come home repeat steps a through c

I) Go to bed secure in the knowledge that you probably somehow saved the world from the ravages of communism..

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My father always taught me that when something doesn't work properly to follow these steps


a) Curse silently under your breath

b) jiggle the power switch a few times

b) Curse not so silently

c) Hammer the top of the device with the palm of your hand while yelling "Come on you piece of junk"

d) Go to the fridge and grab a beer, drink it slowly while staring at the box

e) Suddenly yell "I get it, its so easy"

f) Repeat steps a through d

g) Slap the top of the device again while cursing whatever god you worship

h) Yell at your significant other that you're going to the bar

I) Do a preemptive sick call to work

j) Go to the bar

h) Come home repeat steps a through c

I) Go to bed secure in the knowledge that you probably somehow saved the world from the ravages of communism..


Your father is Gibbs, has to be.

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My father always taught me that when something doesn't work properly to follow these steps


a) Curse silently under your breath

b) jiggle the power switch a few times

b) Curse not so silently

c) Hammer the top of the device with the palm of your hand while yelling "Come on you piece of junk"

d) Go to the fridge and grab a beer, drink it slowly while staring at the box

e) Suddenly yell "I get it, its so easy"

f) Repeat steps a through d

g) Slap the top of the device again while cursing whatever god you worship

h) Yell at your significant other that you're going to the bar

I) Do a preemptive sick call to work

j) Go to the bar

h) Come home repeat steps a through c

I) Go to bed secure in the knowledge that you probably somehow saved the world from the ravages of communism..


Sounds about right.

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I'm torn. I've been awake 22 hours now. Do I nap for a few and hope that the servers aren't just back up, but there will be enough people awake to get some more conquest done? Or do I stay up and keep waiting? Decisions decisions...


-left eyeball spasms repeatedly-

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My father always taught me that when something doesn't work properly to follow these steps


a) Curse silently under your breath

b) jiggle the power switch a few times

b) Curse not so silently

c) Hammer the top of the device with the palm of your hand while yelling "Come on you piece of junk"

d) Go to the fridge and grab a beer, drink it slowly while staring at the box

e) Suddenly yell "I get it, its so easy"

f) Repeat steps a through d

g) Slap the top of the device again while cursing whatever god you worship

h) Yell at your significant other that you're going to the bar

I) Do a preemptive sick call to work

j) Go to the bar

h) Come home repeat steps a through c

I) Go to bed secure in the knowledge that you probably somehow saved the world from the ravages of communism..


LMAO... you win... best post yet

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Hi I'm wondering if the login service is still unavailable. I tried logging in earlier only to find that the screen is still blank. Are the Devs still working on this issue?


It is. They say they're working on it. Hope it's up soon...

Edited by kittiesrule
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Apologies for any confusion, that is a fair point. Those pages are automated to reflect the status of the servers. Technically, all of our servers are available and there are people online and playing. The issue is only for new logins.


I will see if there is a way we can reflect that information better on those pages to avoid issues like this in the future. Thanks for the heads up.






Answers HQ has a Known Information and Current Alerts thread

stickied at https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en this can and is updated by Swtor CS that are there

Edited by OwenBrooks
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  • Dev Post
So... excuse me for not being very intelligent when it comes to techy stuff... what exactly is the problem? Like I know I can't log on, and yet there are people playing. I'm guessing it isn't something a server restart would correct?


You are correct! Right now there is an issue which is causing the server select screen to not populate the server list. Anyone new logging in is seeing no servers to select, so they can't get into the game. For anyone who is already in the game, as long as they don't log out, they are covered and can keep playing.



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