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The login service is currently unavailable


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No doubt they considered doing the back-end maintenance now while it is down rather than have two outages. May be why its taking longer, if that's the case then it's cool.


Problem is that there a still a lot of people actively playing. The ones that were online before the issue started and haven't logged out yet are still able to play so the servers aren't down.

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I am flagging this for investigation


It will help to know what region you are in and ISP are you all using ?


Also be aware of the following:


1) first it started with an Empty Server list.




2) login server unavailable.


EA is stating they have ID the issue and are working on it...


I am giving my 2 cents here, but I am guessing someone did some pre-work on the "Tomorrow Maintenance" and pooched the hooch...


Any ETA when this will be fixed?

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Hey folks,


The team is looking into what is going on with logins, I will pass on information as I have it!




Check this out... It started with "Empty Server lists"... I did dig out a lot of old forum posts and REEDIT stuff and all the troubleshooting, happens then when I was done I tried one last thing and then was when I saw the latest and greatest message... the login server is down, at which point I knew it was not me alone with millions I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." (Obi-Wan Kennobi - New Hope)

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Yes, and when it did log in twice, the server list wouldn't populate thus I couldn't open a character...? So I came here to complain/look for a solution.

Something in the gears down in the lower left side on the screen made it get my hopes up, well

Act Like It was going to let me play, well I set the test server to on then to off and got the empty server list .... maybe I'll try that again. probably won't work.

I may end up unsubscribing as it seems that often things change and makes stuff screw up for me.


like when I spent a ridiculous amount of credits to make my companions look cool and they all came back in their underwear maybe I'm just crazy



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Did someone see a brand new rack in the server room, and go, "Ooh, what does this button DO?"


Did the Empire claim they'd erect a high security firewall under the promise that the Trekkies were going to pay for it?

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