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10 Good
  1. Yeah, just gotta wonder if it's karma, maybe for the fairly good uptime lately, ya know it really has been pretty good for me anyway so nice job to the DEVs for that, even if... Hey what's going to happen in the future? Any Reasonable idea when it will be fixed? Give ya a sec to get out the crystal ball... and POOF. LOL later- Fiftynineminute
  2. Ok I'm being a big cry-baby. I wanna play my character(s) got some hot stuff I wanna sell. Can you blame me want to go try out my new monitor too. Hope ya all figure it out soon, try - I don't know, maybe just a baby update? What ever. ok so I'll suffer through this and then tomorrow there's the update, then it's back to work sleep work sleep till I can try again... hey my money pays some fraction of your paycheck right? and has for a couple of years too. I have been pretty undemanding of ya all over that time too. So we getting some kind of highest possible armor modification for being shut out or prorated subscription add a few days or something equally cool for this silliness? Just thought I would ask, it don't hurt to ask does it? Fiftynineminute. Have a laugh on me everyone else does anyhow...
  3. And if I'm lucky enough to get in... the server list is still not there at 7:28 PM 1/7/2019, (mountain time zone- as in Albuquerque/Denver/ Pueblo parts of Texas and such
  4. Yes, and when it did log in twice, the server list wouldn't populate thus I couldn't open a character...? So I came here to complain/look for a solution. Something in the gears down in the lower left side on the screen made it get my hopes up, well Act Like It was going to let me play, well I set the test server to on then to off and got the empty server list .... maybe I'll try that again. probably won't work. I may end up unsubscribing as it seems that often things change and makes stuff screw up for me. like when I spent a ridiculous amount of credits to make my companions look cool and they all came back in their underwear maybe I'm just crazy . Fiftynine/Ceilia
  5. D E V E L O P E R S: .... with respect and some angst. Your patch... Lots of it is GOOD, though that isn't why I'm typing this instead of playing.. Thinking you sorta ignored the people who PVP at Level 55 who used your PVP gear from venders Was working on getting the Tier 2 stuff. SO- I ' m unhappy w I t h the fact you- r e m o v e d -the ability to upgrade that Level 55 PVP gear I worked & got tier 1 PVP gear then only some tier 2 stuff .. only some then.. the patch ... disregarded the effort... for my Level 55 Jedi Councilor .. SO... Do you fix it? Hope so Your work in that patch did stuff I like as well .. (Thank YOU For Leveling the Playing Field) Looking at some cool new choices !! good on you there! I'm sure there was some gnashing of teeth there too... I'm not happy and happier by turns ....... LOL. Thanks for your time
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