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5.9.2 -- How bad is it?


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They need to shorten the duration of matches and/or increase Conquest yield. Right now, they take WAY too long. 30 minutes, just for ONE game? And all I got out of it was 250 Conquest points ...out of like 15,000.


Seer Sages need a speed buff. We move like pregnant women. That + insta-kill, I can no longer acquire the Huttball. We die before we can even pass it.


They need to buff defensives in Voidstar. As of the moment, the attacking team has the advantage.


Since capping is easier in general, there is literally no point in calling for help. By the time your allies get to you, the enemy already belonged your base to them.


Essentially what they did to PvP was cater to steam rolling premades. At an early point in a match, it's easy to determine whether or not you will win, so everybody just bales out to save themselves TIME, which brings me back to my first point.


The changes they made to PvP and to GSF absolutely suck.


Did you say 30mins?? For a Void Star?? How is that even possible??

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so they fixed the tatooine canyon roll out of spawn right? well with that i got stuck behind the mission terminal BECAUSE I WAS JUMPING AROUND MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS /stucked and then spawned back in STILL stuck literally got kicked because of their dumb add in FIX THIS NOW


Here’s an idea, don’t jump around the terminal and you won’t get stuck ;)

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They need to shorten the duration of matches and/or increase Conquest yield. Right now, they take WAY too long. 30 minutes, just for ONE game? And all I got out of it was 250 Conquest points ...out of like 15,000.


Seer Sages need a speed buff. We move like pregnant women. That + insta-kill, I can no longer acquire the Huttball. We die before we can even pass it.


They need to buff defensives in Voidstar. As of the moment, the attacking team has the advantage.


Since capping is easier in general, there is literally no point in calling for help. By the time your allies get to you, the enemy already belonged your base to them.


Essentially what they did to PvP was cater to steam rolling premades. At an early point in a match, it's easy to determine whether or not you will win, so everybody just bales out to save themselves TIME, which brings me back to my first point.


The changes they made to PvP and to GSF absolutely suck.


comic gold. how long have you been away? voidstar has two 5 minute rounds and about 2 minute downtime at round start. hypergate can only go 10 rounds, admitting tedious but rarly happens, Iv only done a HG once to ten rounds, it ended us losing 524-578

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How'd you manage that? I just logged onto my level 52, and my only choice now it to "Queue Solo Ranked". Which of course it won't actually let me pick because... let's see... oh right... I'M LEVEL 52! Erg.


[Edit: Ah, I found it. I had to open up the full "PvP" panel, and then switch it over to 'unranked'. Was defaulting to ranked behind the scenes somehow. I still can't choose it by right-clicking though.]


You need to open the PVP box and hit Warzone as opposed to Ranked. Right clicking on the warzone symbol is bugged and queues you into solo ranked, which obviously won't work sub 70.

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5.9.2 is horrible... buggy, laggy, the only positive i can say is the new stronghold is massive. Some toons i have to wait to deposit items into legacy/guild/cargo hold. Queshball is glitchier than ever.


And thats not getting into any of the new mechanics.

Edited by KendraP
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I get massive lag in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. I can literally click 7 gear icon to equip them, wait 2-3 seconds, and only then see them being equipped. No lag elsewhere thus far. Interestingly my server lag meter is still saying 110-120 ms and I don't get any red x.
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love the cross faction way.


on my server it's doing month that i wasn't able to tag a ranked one.


game seems to be a bit longer because of tank/heal balancing. but it's fine.


just upset about the delaying on possibility to choose the map like we can do with RDG flashpoints/uprising.


good job Bioware.

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Well, bad experience still happen. I had what felt like pretty even matches yesterday, but this morning I played a few and got easy win after easy win. Couple ACW, couple AHG. Every time both teams had healers and tanks, I think pretty evenly divided up. So that wasn't it.


It was pretty much the same names showing up game after game, so I guess matching didn't have much to work with. I had one final AHG that I think got it right. Felt pretty close, even though we lost. They were better at kills, but we were keeping up with orbs until the very end.


And people still quit, both before and during matches. And when backfill happens, I think (not sure) that all "match making" bets are off. If each team is given a healer and a tank, and your healer/tank combo quits right before the match starts (happened in one game to me yesterday)... that's not really the fault of match making or the new PvP patch.


But overall, I've still had a much better PvP experience since the patch, than before. I have yet to see a team just give up and go camp.

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Well, bad experience still happen. I had what felt like pretty even matches yesterday, but this morning I played a few and got easy win after easy win. Couple ACW, couple AHG. Every time both teams had healers and tanks, I think pretty evenly divided up. So that wasn't it.


It was pretty much the same names showing up game after game, so I guess matching didn't have much to work with. I had one final AHG that I think got it right. Felt pretty close, even though we lost. They were better at kills, but we were keeping up with orbs until the very end.


And people still quit, both before and during matches. And when backfill happens, I think (not sure) that all "match making" bets are off. If each team is given a healer and a tank, and your healer/tank combo quits right before the match starts (happened in one game to me yesterday)... that's not really the fault of match making or the new PvP patch.


But overall, I've still had a much better PvP experience since the patch, than before. I have yet to see a team just give up and go camp.


What server do you play on, I never see you now. :(

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What server do you play on, I never see you now. :(


I swap back and forth between SS and SF. I've been on SS mostly since the patch. Will probably try out SF "tonight" (I'm EST). But yeah, even on SF I haven't run into you lately. And I always look for names I know to try to kill. :p

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My gripes with 5.9.2:


Cross-Faction: It's actually pretty sweet. Been getting some pretty fast regular warzone pops, as well as solo pops on my pub on SS, thanks to cross faction.


New Rishi Arena: @Bioware please just delete this map. It's by far the worst map ever, even worse than queshball. The map is extremely melee unfriendly and favors Sorcs/Sages due to them being able to Phase Walk up top if they get knocked down. Speaking of getting knocked down, if you're knocked down as a melee dps, it's essentially a 10-15 second CC since it takes so long to get back up while in combat.


It's also god awful for group ranked. Up top, it's heavily favored for teams with multiple knockdowns/knockbacks. Down bottom in the center, it's extremely good for double Awe comps due to the enclosed space. On the sides, it's terrible to fight at due to the vents that will launch a team mate WAY out of guard range, or launch a tank/healer away from their team. Terrible design decision, please take it out of the ranked warzone rotation.


Rishi Stronghold PvP: This feature is pretty nice, have only been able to have some 1v1s and free for alls, but it's pretty fun. Huttball is currently broken, the ball just doesn't spawn, even though the stand does.

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