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PvP getting worse?


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I understand your sentiment, but the journey is only enjoyable when it's a good one.


For myself and others, millenials and non-millenials who have done all the stories and who hate the PVE on this game, well... we need alternative ways to get our new alts to top level asap.


It's not fun grinding 6 year old content, and seeing they have removed all incentive to PVP in lowbies and mids that's no longer an option.


We are left with using instant lvl 70 tokens, which ironically BW provides us with.


Instead of fixing the leveling process to make it more fun, they have conceded it sucks and provided us with a way to level instantly to 70.


I just wish it also boosted our tradeskills to 600 too. I'd buy a 300 CXP token btw. Hint hint, BW.


I also understand your sentiment... I was around when 5.0 hit, and leveled my chars to 200 and 300, to 242 and then to 248 when gearing was 10 times worse than it is now and never complained about it. I also play only one character mostly.. because I don't have time to play 10 alts. Gearing nowdays is much faster than it was 2 years ago. But people come back to this game, roll a 70 chars and then see they have to gear 3 tiers of gear and are angry because they can't get in a few days...


You just have to be realistic while doing it. It will take time, no game will make it easier for you. Also, after you play this game for many years, I doubt that your goal is to waste time in lowbies where basically 90% of the people are newbies. I mean last week I played a lowbie PVP match and my god it was horrible..... Seems like no one knows what the heck to do there. Never again. :D

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Probably one of the mentalities that is killing this game... 1-70 in 10 hours ? 230 to 248 gear in 1 day maybe ? Command ranked 1 to 300 in 2 days ?


Dude, some things take time to get/achieve. People roll a char and get angry cause they can't be uber in one day.


My god, these millenials... :rolleyes:


Always fun to be curious about something and then get insulted. Yes I'm sure that me challenging myself to try and do something as fast as possible because I was kinda bored of others things in this game is what is killing it. I've been playing this game since launch (with breaks and varying levels of commitment), I rolled many alts and played more hours than I dare count. I've played PVE and PVP from very casual to kinda hardcore. I have already done every mission there is, explored every planet. I've lead new people through group content because someone was nice enough to do it with me when I started and made me fall in love with it. I very well know some things take time to achieve (killing bormus on Belsavis for example) . Yes, I am sure I'm one of the people that is killing this game.


As a side note, pretty sure I geared some toons from under 230 to 248 in a few hours (tokens and components) and leveled CXP from 1 to 300 in a day (or close to it, probably more like 60 to 300 after saving packs for months and popping then on an alt during double cxp). You also guessed the wrong generation (not that it really matters, generation blaming is stupid and should stop, but that's a whole other subject).

Edited by Eloi_BG
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the matches do feel like they are losing quality as time goes on. I used to log on and play every day, now i have days where i just don't have no interest.

I played for an hour the other day, in that hour i had 5 WZs and i didnt finish any of them. The teams were frustrating so i would just quit after 5 matches i just logged off and didnt bother to log back on for 2 days. Normally i would log on to 1 of my midbies and level in PVP, i can tolerate those matches but they never pop anymore.

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I too had a horrible experience last night, but I don't think PvP is "worse". Like others have said, I feel like people are better than they were when I played from launch to 2014.


Last night was mostly awful because of premades, and for whatever reason the enemy team comps kept being 5-6 warriors + healers, which is just completely miserable to deal with. Get someone low, they pop a godmode DCD and get healed up, rinse repeat. Plus the maras were traveling in 2-3 man packs and chain bursting down 1 target at a time.


I just switched to arenas, they felt much more balanced and fun.

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Tbh though the lv70 tokens are the only reason I have alts. No way I’m leveling toons from 1-70. No one has time for that.

This is totally off-topic but I'm legit curious at how long it takes to speed run 1 to 70 nowadays. Probably doable under 10h, has anyone done it? I member doing something like 7h for 1 to 60 back when they started to make leveling very quick.


During the next double xp event, go to Balmorra and ask for an invite to the colicoid leveling group. Get to 70 in 1.5 hours.




I don't think anyone cares about objectives these days. What are the benefits of winning? Faster dailies?

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I’m going to throw this idea out there, maybe idk start to play lv70 only? Lowbies and mids are for people leveling and learning the game. To expect to get good games in that bracket is absurd.


I’m only playing lvl 70 because that’s all that pops. If I was playing lowbies and Mids and this was happening, I would be trying to help them. But this is lvl 70 and it’s beyond stupid now.

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Lets all thank EA for the great idea of free 70s by acknowledging that 70s regs are for people learning to to play (as well.)


They could easily close the loop hole that allows F2P to queue lvl 70 with a sub in the group.


I would even go as far as saying they should open up lowbies and Mids to allow F2P people to queue them when they want.

At least then, they might pop and that would allow other people to learn as they lvl.


I think the best solution is people aren’t able to play lvl 70 pvp until they have Valor 50-60 So until they get Valor 50-60, they get stuck in Mids.

While still in Mids, their gear is capped and they can’t get that last utility/passive.

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I tried to level 2-3 toons awhile back and couldn't do it. Eventually I just picked up old toons of the same class that I was trying to lvl, and started playing them again. I also finally used a token and got a sage to 70 to dps on.


I miss the days of old when we could level via lowbies and mids PVP. Those days left and will never return it seems.


I don't know why but I can't do PVE on this game for long periods of time, and if you leveling a new toon you got to do a ton of PVE nowadays.


Yep, that was the only way I lvld my toons for 4 years. I detest most of the end game pve and I’ve done the vanilla stuff so many times that it’s boring as hell.


I’ve now got my wife lvling up my toons to 70 in pve. But I would much rather lvl them myself in pvp.

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the matches do feel like they are losing quality as time goes on. I used to log on and play every day, now i have days where i just don't have no interest.

I played for an hour the other day, in that hour i had 5 WZs and i didnt finish any of them. The teams were frustrating so i would just quit after 5 matches i just logged off and didnt bother to log back on for 2 days. Normally i would log on to 1 of my midbies and level in PVP, i can tolerate those matches but they never pop anymore.


That is exactly how I feel and basically what I’ve been doing. Everytime I login now and get this experience, it makes me not want to play. So then I don’t login for a few more days. Im sure there are many people like us doing the same and it’s killing the game and pvp.

Bioware are the only ones that can try and fix it. But they won’t and it will continue to get worse,

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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How does that actually work?


There is a room full of those colicoids in the heroic area, they have fast respawn and if you have a big group you get massive XP cause the bigger the group the more bonus XP you get. So people make an ops group and kill mobs over and over.

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There is a room full of those colicoids in the heroic area, they have fast respawn and if you have a big group you get massive XP cause the bigger the group the more bonus XP you get. So people make an ops group and kill mobs over and over.


Does it only take an hour and half or did he exaggerate a little ?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Does it only take an hour and half or did he exaggerate a little ?


Its really fast, yes, depending on the bonuses you have like Guild xp bonus, DvL xp bonus gear, etc. However, I would suggest to buy the Masters Datacron, its faster.

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Is it possible that the quality is getting worse and noobism has nearly completely taken over?


I’ve not had 1 good match all week. Most matches are people chasing others in one massive group even when they have a big opportunity to cap.

I know that’s nothing new, but its not normally this bad or in every match.


Last night was the worst example of this I’ve ever seen in this game.

We end up with all 3 nodes in Yavin and the score was down to 500 - 230 in our favour. I check the map and no body but me is guarding a node, not one.

So I was pissed because I was the one who took the first 2 nodes and then stayed to defend one. The person who had capped the other just ran off.


Ok, I hear you, we are winning, chill out.


The problem is the other 7 players on my team are chasing two healers and a tank around the map, so the other 5 enemy dps all rush me and I try to hold, I call inc and nobody comes so I lose it.


I hear you, we still have 2 and it’s past the half way mark so we really only need one. (You’d think)


As I’m respawning and flying back, the other 2 nodes get captured. So now we have none and they have all 3. I eventually take one back by myself and my team hasn’t even tried to take another. But by now we are nearly even in score and if we don’t take one we will behind.


I screaming for them to help after being polite for most of the match and I get told to L2P and go do unspeakable things to my mother. Others are telling me to chill and they all rush a node and get it because here is one defender. Wow, how hard was that and we still have some hope until I look at the map and see theyve all run off again to chase 3 people all over the map.


Of course the other team took it back with one guy and the other 4 rushed me again and took the one I was guarding. Once again the other team have all 3 and keep them till the end.


In the end I died 4 times in the match with 500k dps and 1.2 mil heals on my Sorc because I spent the whole match solo guarding.


The 2 healers on my team did over 3 mil heals each and none of the other 7 on my team died. But I end up with 4 solo kills I got on my Sorc, which was from when I took out defenders to get the nodes. The rest of my team had one combined.

At the end I was abused and told it was my fault we lost cause I did low dps :rolleyes:


Honeslty, it’s like a kindergarten of special Ed children. How the heck do you lose a match after you’ve had all 3 nodes past the half way point. I’ve never seen just blatant idiocy before.


Now that was the worst over the last week, but many other matches weren’t far off being that bad. I just can’t seem to catch a break. Either all the bads are online when I can play or the quality has finished past the point of no return.

Before you ask, this has been happening on SF and SS.

It’s pretty sad when in other matches my dps sorc, and believe it or not, my Jugg, is out healing some of the healers out there.


At this point, if this is the quality now, the upcoming pvp patch is pointless and will fail badly. Bioware NEED to make people learn to play in lowbies and Mids. I’m past caring how they do it, they just need to stop newbies from learning at lvl 70.


For once Trixxie I will agree with you, I think the vast majority of obj orientated premades have quit playing and it's now dominated by mediocre dps chasers. This is especially true imp side. It leads to a serious lack of competitive matches. The one exception we had recently was a lot of 4v8 matches Stop Resisting played against ShuRa. Premades on both sides actively trying to cap and win was a great change of pace. Unfortunately I haven't seen them run their normal super que lately.

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Either there are only s******s when I can play or pvp is even worse than when I started this thread. It really seems like it’s a race to bottom to see how bad they can get.


I really hope this patch brings back some pvpers or I feel pvp is a lost cause.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I will tell you what disappoints me more than anything. People. I see players drop matches in solo ranked non-stop. It's ridiculous. I am keeping track of my matches, and the first four 2 days ago went like this:


Match 1. Mara gets globaled/blown up instantly, one guy drops match immediately. 3v4, we lose the match.


Match 2. Match begins 3v4, my team had 3. We lose this match pretty handily.


Match 3. Right before match starts, dude drops out. I assume to help his pals on other side. 3v4 now, we lose.


Match 4. Match begins 3v4. We almost win the first round amazingly enough with one of our marauders being awesome and all. End up losing the match though seeing we started with 3 against other teams 4.



Every match I was in beginning that day never provided me with a team equipped to compete. Not one, and the reason was mostly due to people dropping matches or not joining up. (I wonder if they on voice with pals on other team, so know not to join, or am I being paranoid here?)


In match 3 when the guy dropped as soon as match began, I ended up with him in match 4 ironically, and he ended up staying once it began with 3v4... Interesting. He stayed in the match that started 3v4, yet in the prior one with 4v4 he dropped.


Now, to complete my rant about people, conquest.


I won't go into details, but it's appearing very clear that some guilds are running "bots" to do mass crafting and other conquest tasks. So even in CONQUEST, people cheat to win.


To your point Trixxie, hoping the new changes make the game better/PVP better, well much of the issues as I noted above has nothing to do with the game in reality. It's behavior and exploitation/cheating on behalf of the players.


Basically you people make me sick. I don't blame the devs or games for this, it's 100% you people choosing to win by all means possible even if that means cheating or exploiting.



Now, to a lighter more upbeat topic!


My First Group Ranked experience!


I joined a group ranked team of random guys, and it actually was fairly decent. We lost more than won, but the games were fairly competitive. Only when our team began to bicker about strategy and our better dps subtly insulted the other two guys by saying they were inexperienced and didn't understand team ranked did we have some problems.


The issue is, if you have one substantially weak link other teams will exploit that and strategy/communication becomes extremely important to win especially when the other team is coordinated. I noticed one team were rotating stuns/mezzes on me (the healer) in a really coordinated fashion once my breaker was down, and our weakest dps was then targeted and died quite quickly then.


I felt bad, but that's how it goes. Made me think maybe on my sage/sorc healers I would have been more effective instead of playing merc heals. Then again, maybe i just told myself that to feel better about myself. :D

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I will tell you what disappoints me more than anything. People....


To your point Trixxie, hoping the new changes make the game better/PVP better, well much of the issues as I noted above has nothing to do with the game in reality. It's behavior and exploitation/cheating on behalf of the players.


Basically you people make me sick. I don't blame the devs or games for this, it's 100% you people choosing to win by all means possible even if that means cheating or exploiting.


Agree with all that. But also, it's been going on since day 1. As I understand it, just about as close to release as possible, ilum was filled with "pvp'rs" trading off "wins" to maximize gain. I remember descriptions of the two factions just standing by each other, and trading who picked up the widget (or whatever it was they were supposed to be fighting over). Because trading back and forth got them more rewards I guess.


This is all hearsay on my part, because I didn't level to 50 that quickly, and didn't do PvP at that time anyway. Ilum was basically shut down by the time I got there. :( But that's my understanding... even from the get go, it was common for people to abuse the system to get their "points" quicker, instead of just playing the game.


Although, now that I think about it, the other 1/2 of this thread is about the exact opposite I guess. People playing their own mini-games that they find fun, instead of going for the win that would give them more "points". Bugger. Can't win for trying. :)


Now, to a lighter more upbeat topic!


My First Group Ranked experience!



I haven't done much ranked at all, but my limited grouped rank experience was similar to yours. I think it comes from having much more control over your team, and setting expectations up front. I joined a team that advertised "lf granked mats" after PMing and checking that they were actually at least going to try to win, and not just set there. That settled, we went in and had fun. Didn't matter if we lost or won, but at least we all knew we were all trying. Much less drama than any other PvP I've been in. At least for those few games we played. It's a shame that grouped ranked is arenas, which I don't really care for that much. But it is what it is.

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I was just in a HB and right before the match starts a Mara on our team asks if he should use Pred out of the gate.

He was told YES! His reply was " It seems unfair if the other team doesn't have a Mara"

Are you kidding me? people really think this way?

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I was just in a HB and right before the match starts a Mara on our team asks if he should use Pred out of the gate.

He was told YES! His reply was " It seems unfair if the other team doesn't have a Mara"

Are you kidding me? people really think this way?


Admittedly that seems just a "bit" extreme. I mean, if you follow that logic, you can't use ANY advantageous ability that the other team might not have. No heals for you!


But also, IMHO, this game could use a healthy dose of "a sense of fair play"... so don't discourage it! Maybe temper it a bit. Tell them you'll roll a mara and join the other team next time? :D

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.... I won't go into details, but it's appearing very clear that some guilds are running "bots" to do mass crafting and other conquest tasks. So even in CONQUEST, people cheat to win.....


I wouldn't go so far as to call crafting cheating considering the costs in both time and credits involved to actually make a difference with crafting. Before they changed it so you need 6 different components to make 1 war supply, it could be exploited pretty effectively for a good return on investment. Since the change to six assembled components per war supply it has gotten quite costly. Each war supply requires both grade 9 and grade 8 components (including ones that can only be gained by running crew missions or purchasing them on the GTN) which are not in huge supply like the grade 2 and grade 3 were. Crafting just 1 war supply now with Cybertech (and 50 influence companions) costs around 8000 credits to "buy" the non-gatherable components (if you take into account the crits, its about 6000 since 1 out of four crafting attempts yields 2 supplies). To get to the small planet target, you need about 667 of those (assuming a full stronghold bonus). That is over 5 million credits you have to spend (and assumes you can gather all of the gatherable resources instead of buying them). For a big guild, that might not be a huge deal but for small guilds you are getting into unattainable credit costs. Crafting is one of the few ways smaller guilds can actually get to their conquest goals. Even as it is now, they have no chance of competing even with a "lazy" medium sized guild to win a planet so for small guilds it is all about the encryptions and not the titles.


Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a Conquest point cap for crafting activities (or for any single activity, whether that be PVP, Raiding, Rampage, Heroics, whatever) set around the conquest goal for small guilds. That way, the small guilds could still get their encryptions and the large guilds would be forced to do something besides bringing armies of crafting alts into their guild. You could also do something like limit the number of alts that can contribute to the guild conquest points. That would mean a guild would be better of with more actual players and less alts as far as conquest is concerned. With something like that, you could loosen up a bit on the repeatability of conquest objectives.

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