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Saber throw and push/pull


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Hi all,


I started playing within the stress weekend, so i have no experience about these skills. Could some please explain why these iconic skills were taken out of our arsenal? Were they truly OP?


I am a bit curious: S

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Yes i would love to know why they are not part of the knight tree. Sort of feel let down about the lack of force abilities sentinels have. Having got to lvl 33 and now thinking of rolling a guard just so i can have some of these basic jedi skills. I feel like half a jedi :(
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OP is talking about the old long-range Saber Toss, in the pre-revamp days, which existed in all beta builds up until early November IIRC. It was a standard ability for all JKs/SWs. It had a 30m range and dealt decent damage, unlike the paltry 10m toss we currently have that basically gives the recipient a bruise and nothing more. It was a tremendous, and I mean tremendous gap closer.


Only Georg can honestly explain why he removed it. You can believe me though when I say that we asked him repeatedly in beta and he never said a word on the matter. Not a word. He's not going to start now.

Edited by photoheathen
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Per my findings on TORHEAD the Guradian class still gets the Saber Throw ability at level 36.


It has a 30 meter range and "Throws the main-hand lightsaber at a distant target, inflicting 1284 - 1557 damage and granting 3 focus."


The Sentinel class gets Crippling Throw ability at level 18.


It has a 10 meter range and "Delivers a crippling attack with the main-hand lightsaber, dealing 1510 - 1619 weapon damage and inflicting trauma for 15 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%"

Edited by spriing
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Per my findings on TORHEAD ...


The Sentinel class gets Crippling Throw ability at level 18.


It has a 10 meter range and "Delivers a crippling attack with the main-hand lightsaber, dealing 1510 - 1619 weapon damage and inflicting trauma for 15 seconds, reducing all healing the target receives by 20%"


Torhead is wrong about Crippling Throw (and I suspect those Saber Toss numbers are wrong too). I had to log in just now to verify, but on my lvl 41 Sent, her Rank 3 Crippling Throw does only 415-466 dmg, plus the trauma. By contrast and for context, our basic simple '1' attack, Strike, does 376-493 at that level. So Crippling Throw is in no way a heavy damage dealer. It's usefulness remains primarily in PvP with the healing debuff.

Edited by photoheathen
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I only really ever use Saber Throw when I am running towards the next mob and Force Jump is on CD. I am fine with the mediocre damage that it deals, but I do feel the range should be extended to increase its situational usefullness. I'd gladly sacrifice the healing debuff for extended range (and dare I say a snare *squeee*)
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push would be useless, as we have enough problems to stay onto a target already. Pull otherwise...


We have a saber throw. u got it around the 20s i guess. it's a heal reducer and, with combat tree, a snare.


push isnt useless in pvp u can use it to knock ppl off platforms or keep them away for a bit. the knockdown is sorta like stun

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OP is talking about the old long-range Saber Toss, in the pre-revamp days, which existed in all beta builds up until early November IIRC. It was a standard ability for all JKs/SWs. It had a 30m range and dealt decent damage, unlike the paltry 10m toss we currently have that basically gives the recipient a bruise and nothing more. It was a tremendous, and I mean tremendous gap closer.


Only Georg can honestly explain why he removed it. You can believe me though when I say that we asked him repeatedly in beta and he never said a word on the matter. Not a word. He's not going to start now.




Reading from the discriptions of these skills, they would great asset and be most welcome. Saber throw would great to generate additional focus while been kited and leap is on cd. I feel like focus starved and unable to do anything in these situations.


Pull for obvious reasons, push to give those darn classes back the hurting they have been giving us in huttball etc!


Granted, we could do without them pve wise but pvp is were they would truly shine, but thats me :)

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Ya one thing I am kind of ticked off about is the next to uselessness of the Saber throw we have. The range is retardedly small...only really useful to open up on a ranged mob that is part of the group you Force Leapt too. If the range were increased it would be tremendously useful and give us another way to pull, besides looking incredibly cool and giving us another way to create that awesome Jedi lightsaber battle feel.


It really doesn't do a hell of a lot of dmg anyway, so I can't figure why the range has to be so small..I mean by the time you are in range to use it, mobs will aggro...


I feel a Jedi, especially one focused on lightsaber combat, should be an agile combatant with several range closing tricks etc. Giving us a longer range saber throwing skill would really go a long way to fulfilling the ideal of the acrobatic lightsaber master.

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  • 5 months later...
So let me get this straight. Sentinel's have Crippling throw but NOT saber throw?!?! PLEASE REPLY Because I had a level 34 Jedi Guardian but I deleted him and re-rolled as a sentinel because of the extra sabers and higher damage... But now your telling me we dont get saber throw! :eek: I really should have kept my guardian... Edited by FrozenCascade
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So let me get this straight. Sentinel's have Crippling throw but NOT saber throw?!?! PLEASE REPLY Because I had a level 34 Jedi Guardian but I deleted him and re-rolled as a sentinel because of the extra sabers and higher damage... But now your telling me we dont get saber throw! :eek: I really should have kept my guardian...


Well, you do throw your lightsaber. It just has other utility.

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Yeah, But crippling throw is kinda... crap. Whereas saber throw is SOOOO much better!


A frakking healing debuff (the only one in-game), plus talented root is crap? I beg to differ.


Saber throw may be 30 meters, but it's a 30 sec cooldown, and can't be used at close range.

Edited by Helig
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Not entirely sure why you guys think Force Push would be useless for a sentinel. If the Focus cost was low (not sure what it is for guards) then it would be incredibly useful for Combat/Focus specced sents. Push a guy away and be able to Force Leap to him to build focus would be a huge benefit.
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Yes i would love to know why they are not part of the knight tree. Sort of feel let down about the lack of force abilities sentinels have. Having got to lvl 33 and now thinking of rolling a guard just so i can have some of these basic jedi skills. I feel like half a jedi :(


are you kidding me? sentinels have more clickable crap than any other AC

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  • 1 month later...
Not entirely sure why you guys think Force Push would be useless for a sentinel. If the Focus cost was low (not sure what it is for guards) then it would be incredibly useful for Combat/Focus specced sents. Push a guy away and be able to Force Leap to him to build focus would be a huge benefit.


Force push doesnt cost anything for a guardian.




And I still think crippling throw is crap...

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