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PTS Final Build and Notes


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Hey folks,


Quick update, we are almost a wrap on PTS! Again, we cannot thank you all enough for the time you have spent testing 5.9.2. Your feedback has been invaluable in getting us to this point. The plan right now is that we will have our final PTS patch either later today or tomorrow. We are going to focus the last stage of testing on:

  • Rishi Stronghold
  • Mandalorian Battle Ring

I am going to close and make new feedback threads for both of those topics to ensure we get feedback from the most recent version of PTS. Note that feedback you give from this round of changes may not be fully captured in the 5.9.2 release, but your feedback can help us plan for beyond that as well!


Here are the notes for the next build:


  • Level 10 relics will no longer Bolster incorrectly.
  • All items that require a Cartel Market Reputation should now properly check that requirement against the players Underworld Exchange Reputation.



  • The announcement text in Voidstar will now properly say it is a training session.
  • Scoreboard colors should now only show one color per team.
  • The text in chat when acquiring a medal now states the correct values.
  • There will no longer be a stationary ship in the intro cinematic for the Voidstar.
  • Giradda the Hutt has decided to take mercy on all those who would partake in Huttball. A “mercy rule” has been added, if a team is in the lead by 6 points the game will end.
  • Voidstar defender spawn shields now have an uptime of 24 seconds and a downtime of 6 seconds (Changed from 30 up and 5 down).
  • Voidstar defending players who are not put on the speeder at the start of the match now have a speeder they can click on instead.
  • Using interactable objects in Ancient Hypergates and Voidstar will now break stealth automatically.




  • Players will no longer randomly die when using traversal abilities in the Mandalorian Battle Ring Arena.
  • There are now 2 jump pads in the Mandalorian Battle Ring Arena that jump the player from the ground level to the top of the platform in the center.



  • Exiting the camera bot will no longer remove sprint from your character.
  • The camera bot has had its movement speed increased.
  • The camera bot now has a toggle to turn the blue overlay on and off.
  • The camera bot has been upgraded with new functionality, jumping.
  • The camera bot can no longer be pulled into combat with players.
  • Players are untargeted when they take control of a camera bot.
  • A Bolster terminal has been added to the training room.
  • More hooks can be found throughout the Rishi Hideout.
  • A new walkway has been added to connect the beach to the landing platform in the Rishi hideout.
  • Players can now access the awning on the Skydeck.
  • There is some new sand on the beach in the Rishi Cove.
  • Bind points have been added to the Rishi Hideout. Changing your bind point changes where you enter the Stronghold.
  • The resolve bar will now show on the character portrait in the Rishi Hideout.
  • Using the Skydeck elevator will now play a transition cinematic.


Galactic Starfighter

  • The scorecard at the top of the UI will now display as intended.

Thanks everyone.



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Sounds great! Those changes cover most of our feedback, I'm pretty happy to see that.


Any word on what happened to this list? Are those changes still coming in time for 5.9.2?

Hey folks,


As I mentioned in the changes thread, there are some changes that didn't make their way into the build today that we are still looking at. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of everything! These are just some of the bigger things we would still like to change before 5.9.2 ships.

  • The ability to sort your Stronghold list.
  • Get resolve bars to show on portraits in the Rishi SH.
  • The ability for players to completely turn off PvP in their Rishi SH.
  • Make it so that SH keys determine players ability to use terminals in another players SH.
  • Address the remaining LoS issues for decorations, especially related to channeled and AoE abilities.

Again, that is not everything but are some of the issues we are still actively working on. Thanks everyone, keep the feedback coming.



Edited by Jerba
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Hey folks,


Quick update, we are almost a wrap on PTS! Again, we cannot thank you all enough for the time you have spent testing 5.9.2. Your feedback has been invaluable in getting us to this point. The plan right now is that we will have our final PTS patch either later today or tomorrow. We are going to focus the last stage of testing on:

  • Rishi Stronghold
  • Mandalorian Battle Ring

I am going to close and make new feedback threads for both of those topics to ensure we get feedback from the most recent version of PTS. Note that feedback you give from this round of changes may not be fully captured in the 5.9.2 release, but your feedback can help us plan for beyond that as well!


Here are the notes for the next build:


  • Level 10 relics will no longer Bolster incorrectly.
  • All items that require a Cartel Market Reputation should now properly check that requirement against the players Underworld Exchange Reputation.



  • The announcement text in Voidstar will now properly say it is a training session.
  • Scoreboard colors should now only show one color per team.
  • The text in chat when acquiring a medal now states the correct values.
  • There will no longer be a stationary ship in the intro cinematic for the Voidstar.
  • Giradda the Hutt has decided to take mercy on all those who would partake in Huttball. A “mercy rule” has been added, if a team is in the lead by 6 points the game will end.
  • Voidstar defender spawn shields now have an uptime of 24 seconds and a downtime of 6 seconds (Changed from 30 up and 5 down).
  • Voidstar defending players who are not put on the speeder at the start of the match now have a speeder they can click on instead.
  • Using interactable objects in Ancient Hypergates and Voidstar will now break stealth automatically.




  • Players will no longer randomly die when using traversal abilities in the Mandalorian Battle Ring Arena.
  • There are now 2 jump pads in the Mandalorian Battle Ring Arena that jump the player from the ground level to the top of the platform in the center.



  • Exiting the camera bot will no longer remove sprint from your character.
  • The camera bot has had its movement speed increased.
  • The camera bot now has a toggle to turn the blue overlay on and off.
  • The camera bot has been upgraded with new functionality, jumping.
  • The camera bot can no longer be pulled into combat with players.
  • Players are untargeted when they take control of a camera bot.
  • A Bolster terminal has been added to the training room.
  • More hooks can be found throughout the Rishi Hideout.
  • A new walkway has been added to connect the beach to the landing platform in the Rishi hideout.
  • Players can now access the awning on the Skydeck.
  • There is some new sand on the beach in the Rishi Cove.
  • Bind points have been added to the Rishi Hideout. Changing your bind point changes where you enter the Stronghold.
  • The resolve bar will now show on the character portrait in the Rishi Hideout.
  • Using the Skydeck elevator will now play a transition cinematic.


Galactic Starfighter

  • The scorecard at the top of the UI will now display as intended.

Thanks everyone.




Eric! What about the Wall decorations becoming available for smaller hooks as well, meaning even the large Kaas City walls also being able to be placed on medium hooks and medium narrow? Please don't leave them restricted to only their current hook types, please :(

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There is a crying need for a proper house for us to decorate. Pleast add it. The silos without ceilings or windows aren't adequate for decorating.


I've been begging for this stronghold for years, because I wanted a home on the beach in the tropics and there isn't a home here at all. I'm not the only decorator, so please, add it in. Thanks.

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Sounds great! Those changes cover most of our feedback, I'm pretty happy to see that.


Any word on what happened to this list? Are those changes still coming in time for 5.9.2?

Hey folks,


As I mentioned in the changes thread, there are some changes that didn't make their way into the build today that we are still looking at. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of everything! These are just some of the bigger things we would still like to change before 5.9.2 ships.

  • The ability to sort your Stronghold list.
  • Get resolve bars to show on portraits in the Rishi SH.
  • The ability for players to completely turn off PvP in their Rishi SH.
  • Make it so that SH keys determine players ability to use terminals in another players SH.
  • Address the remaining LoS issues for decorations, especially related to channeled and AoE abilities.

Again, that is not everything but are some of the issues we are still actively working on. Thanks everyone, keep the feedback coming.





Very concerned about this, as none of the changes in this list are in the "Final Build Notes." One of the listed items (The ability for players to completely turn off PvP in their Rishi SH.) is my biggest concern for the Rishi stronghold. I'm hoping these were just left of the build notes and not left off the build.

Edited by Lowarro
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Hey folks,


As I mentioned in the changes thread, there are some changes that didn't make their way into the build today that we are still looking at. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of everything! These are just some of the bigger things we would still like to change before 5.9.2 ships.

  • Address the remaining LoS issues for decorations, especially related to channeled and AoE abilities.

Again, that is not everything but are some of the issues we are still actively working on. Thanks everyone, keep the feedback coming.




Very concerning that fixing LoS is not addressed in the Final Build Notes.


LoS still not working on any decorations is the main problem with PvP in strongholds. If it is not fixed, faulty LoS severely handicaps any ambitions of organized tournaments of stronghold PvP. Take it from someone who organizes a lot of tournaments.... this is a big problem.

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There is a crying need for a proper house for us to decorate. Pleast add it. The silos without ceilings or windows aren't adequate for decorating.


I've been begging for this stronghold for years, because I wanted a home on the beach in the tropics and there isn't a home here at all. I'm not the only decorator, so please, add it in. Thanks.


/Endorse :)


My concern is once they spray paint the words "final" on something....they are pretty much done.

Edited by Andryah
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/Endorse :)


My concern is once they spray paint the words "final" on something....they are pretty much done.


I share your fear. There has been no engagement on this topic and there should be. Decorators who make homes are not a minority among stronghold fans. This needs to be addressed and taken seriously.

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I am concerned that the ability to turn off the PvP and the issue mentioned with keys (ie, keys controlling who can use the PvP terminals) do not seem to be included in the final build.


The lack of a way to turn off PvP and control who uses it in my stronghold are deal breakers for me with this stronghold. We were told the PvP would be optional and it isn't optional if you're getting PvP warnings, getting dismounted and losing your companion, and anyone passing through your stronghold can click that button and slaughter you.

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  • Giradda the Hutt has decided to take mercy on all those who would partake in Huttball. A “mercy rule” has been added, if a team is in the lead by 6 points the game will end.


You know, while at least you did this change, so thanks I guess. But...


The overwhelming feed back that I saw was just "leave it at 6". Period. Simple.


I'm reminded of an architect I hired for a while to try to design a simple house for me. He put in a 1st floor bathroom with a stall, like in a public toilet. He said it was so that two people could use the bathroom at once. I said, "I don't want that, take it out". I said that FOUR TIMES, through 4 different iterations of the plans. The 4th time he'd reduced it to a half-wall. I think I'm pretty patient, but at that point I fired him.

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Nowhere on this list is the fix to the relationship bug that has plagued people with Lana, ie doing the relationship conversation only to have it reset to a previous state or ignored completely.


This list was what they were adding to the game, not previous bug issues. Those are separate matters and normally don't have anything to do with the PTS.

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These changes once again look great. We've come a long way since the opening of 5.9.2 on the PTS, and the devs have definitely been listening to our feedback. A few notes to point out on this latest build:


  • More hooks can be found throughout the Rishi Hideout.


More hooks are always good! Thanks!


  • A new walkway has been added to connect the beach to the landing platform in the Rishi hideout.


The best change would be to turn off PvP entirely in the Stronghold, and I'm sure the Devs are still working on that. But for now, this is a good temporary alternative for players that want to avoid the PvP areas in the SH.


  • Bind points have been added to the Rishi Hideout. Changing your bind point changes where you enter the Stronghold.


As mentioned above, this is another great way to allow players to avoid the PvP areas of the Rishi stronghold. But it's more than that. Bind Points are a long-awaited QoL feature for Strongholds, and with that said, I hope to see them implemented for the other strongholds.




In any case, the final PTS build is all-around great and much improved from the first PTS build we experienced. So Devs have definitely been listening to feedback. Of course, fingers are still crossed that the future will hold other mentioned features, like Stronghold sorting and a Toggle for the PvP Functions in the Stronghold. But even if they are forgone for this patch, what has been changed on the PTS thus far shows that BioWare has been listening. Thanks all, and looking forward to getting into the patch.

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Think it might be possible to add bind points to the other (big) SH?


For Yavin would say;


  • in the room with the waterfall (main temple, right of entrance)
  • near the rear landing platform
  • In the cave?


For Tat;


  • landing platform
  • in the hangar
  • one of the rooms in the far dugout (nearest to that survey tower in the exhaustion zone), probably the back left since it'd be farthest from the landing platform option
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