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Everything posted by lordbard

  1. I'm a high school history teacher, and one of the reasons why I dig the Lana romance (and why I continue to tilt at the windmill of getting the bug fixed) is that, unlike the romance options for male Jedi, Lana isn't my character's student. I dislike that the game insisted on a teacher-student relationship for male knights and consulars until the expanded list of companions.
  2. I really don't think they should add a kill option for Lana until they fix the relationship bug for her for those wanting to keep her around.
  3. And there you have the problem. Maybe this week guilds will not spam rampages to win planets through exploitation.
  4. Not on your life, that little droid and I have been through a lot together.
  5. This is what I'm hoping for, as one of my characters has had the relationship disappear entirely, and one had it reverted from engagement to begun a relationship.
  6. That's the thing that bugs me so much about the Lana relationship bug, and why I keep tilting at that windmill on the forum - if our "choices are supposed to matter", why has that bug been allowed to persist for so many people? At that point, the devs should have kicked in an option of "hey, we know this happened, we're going to go in and tweak the code for chapter 9 to allow you to fix our screw-ups that have happened at every stage of the relationship for some people". Instead, it has continued to be ignored, with no fix and no retroactive solution.
  7. I'd just be happy if they fix the Lana relationship bug - my characters have had the relationship reverted back to pre-relationship and from engagement to begun a relationship.
  8. I know this patch is centered around the Rishi stronghold and PvP. I'm curious if anything has been done to fix various bugs, including the relationship bug that has reset companion relationships (Lana reverts to not in a relationship, or reverts from engaged to begun relationship) It was mentioned at the end of the dev livestream as something that would be looked at, but I'm curious if it actually happened.
  9. To be fair, they were trivialized anyway. These reps and titles are not an issue of gaming skill, it’s spending real money or credits on gambling. So...yay you? No one is losing titles or items (given the assumption that they fix the current issue with the One Rep To Rule Them All). These complaints are the same that people in WoW voiced when Cataclysm came in and wiped out a few old things.
  10. Nowhere on this list is the fix to the relationship bug that has plagued people with Lana, ie doing the relationship conversation only to have it reset to a previous state or ignored completely.
  11. As someone who has purchased the occasional crate, I really don't feel sorry for them. They chose to spend money above and beyond a subscription cost for what they got. Besides that, they aren't losing anything or having anything taken away, they still have the items and titles.
  12. I would just be tickled if the assassin/shadow could wield a single-blade lightsaber instead of the double-blade.
  13. T7 was my favorite original companion from the vanilla storyline companions, and I quickly enjoyed Lana during the Rishi/Yavin storylines. When I first saw that those two are the ones that defrosted me, I was quite selfishly pleased. T7 is still my running around companion of choice, and I am still tilting at the windmill due to being plagued by the Lana relationship bug which screwed my main out of his romance with her.
  14. Patch the relationship bug that has plagued us for two years.
  15. lol! So, is there a situation where I *don't* get a Lana bug, and I've just been unlucky so far, or do all characters get this?
  16. Maybe just maybe fix the Lana relationship bug that has caused it to either disappear or revert to previous state.
  17. My original character had the Lana relationship bug where it disappeared because I had completed chapter 9 well before the end of things, and it reverted to nothing. I played an alt through yesterday, got engaged to Lana at the end of Nathema. Today I logged in and it's back to "you've begun a romantic relationship". What the crap?!?!
  18. It might not matter anyway - with the Lana relationship bug, you might log out today engaged to Lana, and log in tomorrow with the relationship back to "started a romantic relationship".
  19. No stronghold can compete with the convenience of just appearing already inside Coruscant.
  20. Having solved all of the other shadow problems, this is what you focus on?
  21. Hi all - just returned to the game, tossed my companions out on slicing missions for lockboxes, and realized I'm not really making any money. What should I be doing, 400 slicing, for profitability? Only the rich lockboxes for cash?
  22. I'm going to be starting up a new Jedi Knight. Given that I'm never going to tank, should I automatically go sentinel? Or is guardian dps viable/fun?
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