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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7:15 pm PST and there is only 1 instance of 75 people on Satele Shan pub side fleet


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You know everyone's post history is easily viewable, right? Dude's been part of the negativity circle jerk for ages. He and I have had this discussion before, as well.


This just a year ago, but same tune - August 11 of last year, and this is from my post history replying to him:


He's been posting the same crap for awhile.


But he wasn’t wrong. He just stated the truth. He’s not being negative when even blind Freddy can see the game’s population is declining at a faster rate than it should and the Devs seem to not act fast enough to stop it.

No, he’s telling it like it is. Anyone who’s stuck around here permanently can tell what’s happening. Even the whitest of the white knights have been saying the game’s population is declining because of lack of regular content and continuous mistakes.

It’s not a negativity circle jerk if it’s true. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You'll find most of the "fleet is dead = game is dead" posts are by PvPers. That's not an indictment on PvPers, it's just that fleet is where the only PvP daily/weekly terminal is at so that's where the majority of them hang out. We can't have that terminal in our stronghold (though it's been requested) or guild flagships (though it's been requested) or our ships (though it's been requested) and it's not on any planet (though it's been requested). You don't need fleet to play the story, vanilla or otherwise, and you don't need it for PvE groupfinder. The occasional vendor visit is about it.


Perhaps fleet numbers are more of an indication of the health of PvP and since no one runs lowbies and midbies anymore due to no more incentive (though it's been requested)...


^^ Excellent observation, in my view.


And I think we know that PvP population has and continues to dwindle... which honestly in an MMO that is not PvP centered... is not surprising. What is surprising is that PvP is still a thing with players in this MMO... but I certainly support them wanting to PvP.... I just do not support their narrative that PvP is the only thing that counts.

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I wouldn't call posting in this one thread "constant", but ok. I honestly can't see how you're fine with him posting the same "game is dead" crap every day for years but you're mad at me for a couple posts calling him out on it. And it's not like I'm making it up...:confused:

Because I don't believe I've EVER said "the game is dead"...you're completely fabricating that. I'm honest about the game...nothing more. I post what I observe...that's all.

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I can't say anything about the EU servers or Satele as I'm strictly a Star Forge player but the population on that one is always strong. Starter planets, Capital Worlds, and Fleet always has at least 2 instances for a minimum of 6 hours before and after prime time with the Fleet being the only one that has 2 all the time.


My suggestion? Leave the dying servers and join the thriving ones if it's too much of an issue instead of declaring the game is dead or dying. If it's not worth the price to transfer or starting over then perhaps it's time you left the game altogether. It sucks, I know, but doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is literally the definition of insanity. If the first 1000 posts about the population didn't do anything I doubt the next 1000 will either.

Edited by BarbarikDave
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6:30 pm (start) to 6:43 pm (end) MDT, Star Forge

Rep side:

177 people on fleet. Four instances and over 100 people on Nar Shaddaa. Three instances and over 100 people on Coruscant. Four instances and over 100 people on Tatooine. Two instances and over 100 people (141 in the instance I'm in) on Tython. Many of those people planet side were in their stronghold.


Imp side:

175 people on fleet. Four instances and over 100 people on Nar Shaddaa. Two instances and over 100 people on Dromand Kass. Four instances and over 100 people on Tatooine. Two instances and over 100 people (122 in the instance I'm in) on Korriban. Again, many of the planet side people were in their stronghold.


That was just hopping between three strongholds, the fleets, and two of the starter planets and doing a Who search. Maybe the servers aren't as populated as they once were, can't really expect that from a game at this stage in its life cycle, but dead servers...I'm not seeing.




I only have one character (Rep side) on Satele Shan. At 6:53 pm MDT there are two instances and 91 people on Nar Shaddaa, one instance and 92 people on fleet, one instance and 159 people on Corscant, and one instance and 78 people on Tython. Maybe the problem isn't server population in general and just Satele Shan. Or maybe 6 pm PDT isn't prime time for SS while 8:30 pm EDT is prime time for SF.

Edited by ceryxp
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Is this is a new trend? Now you haters keep creating fake accounts with cheap sub cards or using fake cookies to use forums to spread this garbage? There is like 15 posts like yours everyday almost here, if you dont like this game, then leave, simple. No one is forcing you to do anything.


First, fake news links or "youtubers" about game is dying

and now this


Go outside and take a fresh air.


I'm member: 2809163


You're member: 8409809


Careful who you're calling a fake account cupcake...I've been around a lot longer than you.

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I can't say anything about the EU servers or Satele as I'm strictly a Star Forge player but the population on that one is always strong. Starter planets, Capital Worlds, and Fleet always has at least 2 instances for a minimum of 6 hours before and after prime time with the Fleet being the only one that has 2 all the time.


My suggestion? Leave the dying servers and join the thriving ones if it's too much of an issue instead of declaring the game is dead or dying. If it's not worth the price to transfer or starting over then perhaps it's time you left the game altogether. It sucks, I know, but doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is literally the definition of insanity. If the first 1000 posts about the population didn't do anything I doubt the next 1000 will either.


That requires Bioware to offer discounted transfers as most people are reluctant to throw a large amount of CCs at transferring. Especially “it they” perceive the game is dying.


Personally I would like discounted transfers because I’m now a server nomad who has to follow the sun around the planet to play at the times I can get on. I just rolled onto DM and I’ve no legacy, credits and so forth.




I’d love a sale. I’ve recently had to start playing on DM because pvp pops have now stopped for me at some of the times I play on SF/SS.


Being in Australia and watching the times I can play, keep continuously shrinking, is very disheartening. I’m now like a server nomad.


Up until 6pm Aussie time I can play in the US, after 6:30pm (AEST) my pvp pops basically stop (during the week). So now I’ve started to play on DM after my 6:30pm. Pops are still slow at that time, but it’s only 9:30am. As my evening progresses, it improves.


My point is because of population decline, I’m unable to play pvp on the US servers at what should be Aussie primetime. I’m basically following the sun around the earth, just to play this game. A discounted transfer cost would be extremely help at this point :o


It’s very painful having to lvl 4 advanced classes through story to get the buffs I need for pvp. Plus there is the legacy issue, collecting datacrons and also lack of credits and SHs.


I would love it if Bioware could throw a bone to us people not living in the USA or the EU. It would show they still sort of cared.

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That requires Bioware to offer discounted transfers as most people are reluctant to throw a large amount of CCs at transferring. Especially “it they” perceive the game is dying.


Personally I would like discounted transfers because I’m now a server nomad who has to follow the sun around the planet to play at the times I can get on. I just rolled onto DM and I’ve no legacy, credits and so forth.


If you finaly answer my PMs I can donate u some credits on DM :)


How hard is it to save the cc for transfers? Its a question of 2 months and you have the cc needed. Besides all you need to do is add your referral link into your signature and be a bit more contributing to the forums and you get all the cc you need.

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It's f.. summer time and people have a life, at least some.

Our guild (and also the fleet) is also more quiet than just a few weeks before, without losing significant numbers of subs. That's about it. Get out, get a tan or a hot girl, or both. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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If you finaly answer my PMs I can donate u some credits on DM :)


How hard is it to save the cc for transfers? Its a question of 2 months and you have the cc needed. Besides all you need to do is add your referral link into your signature and be a bit more contributing to the forums and you get all the cc you need.


That’s two months worth of waiting :o and I’d like 2 lvl 70s moved (one for each faction) to pvp with.


My referral is in my sig already ;).... but I’m not sure I can get away with “contributing more to the forums”. I already have haters telling me I post much.


I was waiting to reply to any other PMs you sent. I delete all that come through once I’ve read them. Wether I reply at the time or not.

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My referral is in my sig already ;).... but I’m not sure I can get away with “contributing more to the forums”. I already have haters telling me I post much.


I got around 14k cc now, around 80% of that is from refferals and no, I am not encouraging people to click, I actually have nothing to spend CC on!

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I got around 14k cc now, around 80% of that is from refferals and no, I am not encouraging people to click, I actually have nothing to spend CC on!


I did only put my referral in there in Jan/Feb this year. I’m guessing yours has been there for many years. I might be waiting a long time till I can get that sort of amount from referrals.


But that still doesn’t help me now to transfer. I’d still be looking at months and it’s now that I need to transfer. It’s a shame you can’t buy transfer passes to sell on the GTN.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I did only put my referral in there in Jan/Feb this year. I’m guessing yours has been there for many years. I might be waiting a long time till I can get that sort of amount from referrals.


But that still doesn’t help me now to transfer. I’d still be looking at months and it’s now that I need to transfer. It’s a shame you can’t buy transfer passes to sell on the GTN.


I hate to say it but those cc are from this year only :D

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Not sure where my post went, so I'll post it again. Come to Star Forge. Always multiple Fleet instances for both sides, pretty much 24/7. Even some of the previously dead planets have a whole lot of people on them through out the day, regardless of time zone.



Can't speak for SS, but I echo your response. SF is very good and I am very happy with it. I was worried for a while that would worsen as people were orginally excited by the server mergers, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I really couldn't ask for much more.


Sometimes I'll log in at 4 am if my schedule changes and I can still get WZ pops. It does slow somewhat between 330 am -7 am EST, but it's still not all that bad even than. Long quece times, yes, but not LONG quece times.


Come 9 AM the pops become faster and you barely have enough time to take whiz in between matches sometimes. A long wait than would be like 5 minutes. Pops are awesome on SF Impside.


Anyone who is unhappy with their server, I would urge them to give Star Forge a try. I'm very happy with Star Forge.


Far as 'game is dying' crap, they been saying that since 1.0 dropped heh, and here we still are. Game won't last forever, but I'm not worried about it ending any time soon. We still got a few years at least. Who knows what can happen in that time. If EA ever takes their head out of their *** and realize they are sitting on a friggen goldmine if only they would allocate more resources to it, instead of pushing new games like Anthem which nobody gives a rat's *** about, the game could revitalize and bring it to new heights.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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And he’s not making it up either if he says the game’s population is continuing to drop faster than normal and the Devs are not reacting fast enough to stop it. We can all see it happening.

You may disagree with him, but personally attacking him and going back to quote posts he made 12 months ago are very close to trolling. It’s like you took a break from the game and came back and saw a Tux posted and wanted to continue a troll argument from last year.

I dont have to be fine with what he’s saying to see what you are doing is wrong. Two wrongs dont make a right. My problem isn’t with you posting negative things, my problem is attacking someone personally. Don’t make it personal and there isn’t a problem.


I don't know if you noticed lady, but someone else posted a quote of his from 2012 with the same "game is dying" message, in this very thread. So yea, I suppose if you say it over and over for six years, you'll eventually be right.


He's a troll, plain and simple, that's been preaching doom and gloom for years on this forum.

Edited by Vember
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It's f.. summer time and people have a life, at least some.

Our guild (and also the fleet) is also more quiet than just a few weeks before, without losing significant numbers of subs. That's about it. Get out, get a tan or a hot girl, or both. :-)


Let's see. I'm a redhead so I burn easy and I prefer men, which my boyfriend qualifies for. :p

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I don't know if you noticed lady, but someone else posted a quote of his from 2012 with the same "game is dying" message, in this very thread. So yea, I suppose if you say it over and over for six years, you'll eventually be right.


He's a troll, plain and simple, that's been preaching doom and gloom for years on this forum.

Yet I've never said the "game is dying" (since 2012 apparently - before any server closures or transfers were even a thing).


If the reality of things is all "doom and gloom" to you, that's your issue, not mine. I speak the truth only and I comment on things I see happening.

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Because I don't believe I've EVER said "the game is dead"


Yes, you have, I posted a quote of it a few pages back.


Yet I've never said the "game is dying" (since 2012 apparently - before any server closures or transfers were even a thing).


If the reality of things is all "doom and gloom" to you, that's your issue, not mine. I speak the truth only and I comment on things I see happening.


Yes, you have, on multiple occasions. As I said before, you've been the most consistently negative poster on these boards for a long while. The president of your fan club there may not want to admit it, but hey, I speak the truth only and I comment on things I see happening. :rolleyes:

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