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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7:15 pm PST and there is only 1 instance of 75 people on Satele Shan pub side fleet


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I hope you realize what little sense that makes. Yes, people who don't go to the Fleet don't impact the Fleets numbers - duh.

In fact, if there's no one on Fleet, I (and people who don't go to Fleet) are still playing anyway, even though you would declare the game dead.

You're the one trying to make excuses for the declining fleet numbers by pretending that your absence means something when it doesn't.

If nobody were on fleet at all, you are correct - I would declare the game dead and move on.

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Tython on Star Forge had 107. No idea what it was on fleet and that was at 1 a.m. EST. Just saying. Fleet ain't all that.


Ive noticed this too, very high pops on starter worlds or home worlds for little to no apparent reason. I think its possible that people have tired of fleet chats nonsense and have spent time relaxing elsewhere. Strongholds is where i go to get away from the nonsense when im not having a little fun at their expense.

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Why does it matter? If you don't like the game then quit. If you like the game just play it till either EA kills it or something new comes along.


Don't get me wrong they need new content, but constantly having posts about how "fleet is dead = game is dead" does not help the game at all. Nor does it help any new players who might be inclined to spend money on game.


I for one was actually in game last night, pub side, but NO I was not on fleet. I was actually on Hoth. When I'm in game I rarely ever am on fleet. I stand on guild ship & pay attention to fleet chat there.

Guild ships do NOT count as fleet instances.

There is also a good many reasons as to why the game wasn't as "packed" as you wanted it last night.

It's summer; people go on vacation. It was Mon night; night before reset (no conquest, no weeklies if you've done them, etc...).

How many were doing like I was actually doing, random quests just because?


There isn't any denying the game has less players than the past. But to say it's dying when new players or old players are still returning isn't accurate.


^^ Exactly this.


yeesh.. we just had one of these threads (though in a bit more positive and inquisitive perspective rather than a drive by rant) about DM last week. And the conclusion was..... 80 on Pub Fleet on DM at 7:00PM =/= dead game or server.

Edited by Andryah
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Lol all the people that say fleet numbers are the accurate way and denying that it is in fact not accurate, Just last week during the gree event. On satele shan there were 4 instances of ilum and just 1 on the fleet and that was just the imperial side.


With strongholds and conquest people are always out. Especially the bigger guilds that are trying to top the boards and win.



Why does it matter? If you don't like the game then quit. If you like the game just play it till either EA kills it or something new comes along.


Don't get me wrong they need new content, but constantly having posts about how "fleet is dead = game is dead" does not help the game at all. Nor does it help any new players who might be inclined to spend money on game.


I for one was actually in game last night, pub side, but NO I was not on fleet. I was actually on Hoth. When I'm in game I rarely ever am on fleet. I stand on guild ship & pay attention to fleet chat there.

Guild ships do NOT count as fleet instances.

There is also a good many reasons as to why the game wasn't as "packed" as you wanted it last night.

It's summer; people go on vacation. It was Mon night; night before reset (no conquest, no weeklies if you've done them, etc...).

How many were doing like I was actually doing, random quests just because?


There isn't any denying the game has less players than the past. But to say it's dying when new players or old players are still returning isn't accurate.


And I agree with this.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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Ive noticed this too, very high pops on starter worlds or home worlds for little to no apparent reason. I think its possible that people have tired of fleet chats nonsense and have spent time relaxing elsewhere. Strongholds is where i go to get away from the nonsense when im not having a little fun at their expense.


Starter world populations seem to go in waves of sorts..... like when there is no new patch for a few weeks.. people seem to spike the starter worlds with new characters. I'm sure other locations in game see similar wave spikes. The one area that does not.... appears to be Fleet. Used to be people who were bored or just wanted to grouse in chat... would aggregate on Fleet... but that really is no longer the case for many players... clearly the OP being an exception.


Overall though..... while overall player populations are down... for all the obvious reasons.... there remain plenty of players on the servers actively playing the game. They are just spread out across the game now days... rather than feeling the need to aggregate on Fleet. If anything.. years of spam on Fleet has driven players away from Fleet in conjunction with having other places to hangout and play.


Fleet population as a barometer of server health is a tired, old, and largely irrelevant meme in these forums.

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I think its possible that people have tired of fleet chats nonsense and have spent time relaxing elsewhere.


^ Yup, nailed it. Every time I hop into fleet, people are trolling/arguing about politics. I play this game to get away from all that.

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^ Yup, nailed it. Every time I hop into fleet, people are trolling/arguing about politics. I play this game to get away from all that.


And thankfully.... players have plenty of options now days other than Fleet. There really is little reason these days to actually go to Fleet.


That said... when an event.. like Life Day pops..... it does spike Fleet populations during the event... because you do actually have to go to Fleet for event items.... and while there...people will just settle in to snowball spamming. In fact... most events actually do spike populations somewhere in game... and Fleet is often not the spike zone anymore.

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the number of people on fleet doesn't show how many people are actually playing on the server at the time. This number is meaningless. People are in SH's, or out actually on planets playing the game. Not to mention your only looking at the republic. How many people play imperial?

Agreed. I only go to the fleet when I need a specific vendor, regardless of whether I'm on an Empire or Republic character otherwise I'm in one of my strongholds, doing missions etc. I fail to see why players keep posting "fleet stats" on the forums claiming them to be evidence of a failing game when they're not :rolleyes:

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In the early days of the game there were:

1. Fewer other places to be. (Fewer planets, no Strongholds, no guild ships, etc)

2. No Group Finder

3, The Fleet was one of the main places to access the GTN, Storage, mail, etc, etc,



1. There are many more planets, plus your Odessen base, plus Strongholds (private and Guild), etc, etc.

3. Group Finder means less need to hang around the Fleet looking for a group

4. No need to go to Fleet for GTN, Storage, Legacy Hold, etc, etc.


So, no, there's is not much need to hang around the Fleet these days and the number of people on the Fleet is NOT an indication of the number of people in the game. Many people on here, like myself, can attest to the fact that they spend very little, if any, time on the Fleet.

It's inevitable that someone says "fleet numbers are meaningless" because it's true, in spite of your "feelings" :)

(Btw, the world is not flat either.)

I agree with you. Then comes the summer. This is normal when the numbers of players fall. :rolleyes:

When it gets cold, come more. Always these "doomsday theories". Of course, they can do more to get more new players. You do not have to argue about that. (Starting with the 10,000 bug repair) :rolleyes:

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Been hearing this exact same excuse since game launch.


Not valid anymore.


The lack of updates and the trickle content has put the nail in the coffin for this game. Just enjoy whats left and have fun. Stop making excuses.


Trickle of content??? Woah there tiger. Dulfy shows updates to the Cartel Market every single week with new gambling packs and pixels for sale.

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You'll find most of the "fleet is dead = game is dead" posts are by PvPers. That's not an indictment on PvPers, it's just that fleet is where the only PvP daily/weekly terminal is at so that's where the majority of them hang out. We can't have that terminal in our stronghold (though it's been requested) or guild flagships (though it's been requested) or our ships (though it's been requested) and it's not on any planet (though it's been requested). You don't need fleet to play the story, vanilla or otherwise, and you don't need it for PvE groupfinder. The occasional vendor visit is about it.


Perhaps fleet numbers are more of an indication of the health of PvP and since no one runs lowbies and midbies anymore due to no more incentive (though it's been requested)...

Edited by kodrac
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Great job EA...you continue to kill off the game


Will deniers still deny? This is even after mergers


Is this is a new trend? Now you haters keep creating fake accounts with cheap sub cards or using fake cookies to use forums to spread this garbage? There is like 15 posts like yours everyday almost here, if you dont like this game, then leave, simple. No one is forcing you to do anything.


First, fake news links or "youtubers" about game is dying

and now this


Go outside and take a fresh air.

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...if you dont like this game, then leave, simple. No one is forcing you to do anything...
Nobody said anything about being forced to play did they?? Lucky for you, you seem to be in agreement with the OP since many players are doing exactly what you're suggesting these days and leaving. Good job! 👍
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Nobody said anything about being forced to play did they?? Lucky for you, you seem to be in agreement with the OP since many players are doing exactly what you're suggesting these days and leaving. Good job! 👍


This game needs a fresh breath, a new community, to get rid of this elitist people. I don't think SWTOR dies anytime soon, besides, most people will agree with me that we got sick of these endless spam of "game is dying" posts everyday.


Plus, I love this game. :)

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Plus, I love this game. :)
I love it too, otherwise I wouldn't be here...that doesn't mean I'm blind to what's happening...we can love the game AND be honest about it...it saddens me to see it in the shape it's in.
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I love it too, otherwise I wouldn't be here...that doesn't mean I'm blind to what's happening...we can love the game AND be honest about it...it saddens me to see it in the shape it's in.


You've been the most consistently negative poster for the last two years. Every time I take a break and come back, there you are, posting negativity left and right about how the game is dying.

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You've been the most consistently negative poster for the last two years. Every time I take a break and come back, there you are, posting negativity left and right about how the game is dying.

Yet you're the quitter...ironic huh? lol.


And no...I don't claim the game is dying...nor am I negative...I'm a realist.

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Yet you're the quitter...ironic huh? lol.


And no...I don't claim the game is dying...nor am I negative...I'm a realist.


I do take breaks, yes. And you've been on the "game is dying" bandwagon for two years.

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I do take breaks, yes. And you've been on the "game is dying" bandwagon for two years.


If you hadn’t consistently left every 5 mins you would know that statement isn’t true, Tux is often the voice of reason and certainly hasn’t been saying the game is dying.

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You'll find most of the "fleet is dead = game is dead" posts are by PvPers. That's not an indictment on PvPers, it's just that fleet is where the only PvP daily/weekly terminal is at so that's where the majority of them hang out. We can't have that terminal in our stronghold (though it's been requested) or guild flagships (though it's been requested) or our ships (though it's been requested) and it's not on any planet (though it's been requested). You don't need fleet to play the story, vanilla or otherwise, and you don't need it for PvE groupfinder. The occasional vendor visit is about it.


Perhaps fleet numbers are more of an indication of the health of PvP and since no one runs lowbies and midbies anymore due to no more incentive (though it's been requested)...


Your point is made but just wanted to mention the PvP terminals are on fleet, DK/Coruscant, and Odessen (and obviously also within the PvP wzs/arenas themselves), not just fleet. The Odessen one is going to be mostly story-players, so not much going on there, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the two (and slightly less on Coruscant) most toxic areas in the game have the PvP terminals*, to your first point.


*This is not an ALL PvPers are Toxic statement, it's just strong correlation. If you can see the more toxic players in the chat and you're queuing for GSF/PVP you are most likely going to see the same names in the matches.


I agree with a lot of the posters who are saying fleet has pushed out a lot of people sick of the BS in fleet chat (and lesser extent on the starter worlds, but those are necessary evils, unlike fleet). Especially when there are multiple options to avoid it now. I know I used to park up there on the guild ship all the time but now I just hang out on Nar Shaddaa and only pop into fleet to pick up Op weeklies.


Anyone else feel like we're falling for the "only 6 people on fleet" garbage by responding to these threads?

Edited by aerockyul
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If you hadn’t consistently left every 5 mins you would know that statement isn’t true, Tux is often the voice of reason and certainly hasn’t been saying the game is dying.


You know everyone's post history is easily viewable, right? Dude's been part of the negativity circle jerk for ages. He and I have had this discussion before, as well.


This just a year ago, but same tune - August 11 of last year, and this is from my post history replying to him:


Yup. I've never seen the game this dead and the developers so content. They have proven they are unwilling to listen to their customers.


He's been posting the same crap for awhile.

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Now you're just lying.


Just gonna leave this here...


So...that's it? We won? We can all go home now?


LIVE servers and people who PLAY this game know what is REALLY going on...and it's not pretty. Profitable or not, the game is dying.


Dudes you are allowed to be negative about the game and its future, I totally get it and agree with it to a certain extent, but you shouldn't pretend that it's a recent thing or that you haven't had concerns about the games direction for a really long time.

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